I completely agree with Jessica. These bastards cannot get away with simply doing some proper cleaning-up and QC on the end product. As she states correctly: "The problems associated with the modified mRNA COVID-19 injectable products is not only a problem of DNA contamination. This is yet an additional problem associated with the modified mRNA products". Of course, there is the toxicity of the LNPs too, but there is another huge, immunological concern. All the immunological and molecular epidemiology data collected from populations that are vaccinated with mRNA-based C-19 vaccines clearly indicate that these vaccines lead to immune refocusing. This is because mRNA-based C-19 vaccines generate ow-affinity antibodies against spike (S) protein that is expressed on the surface of the transfected host cell (this is something which clearly does not occur during natural infection of host cells with SARS-CoV-2 as I extensively explain in my book: "The inescapable immune escape pandemic"). Induction of low-affinity Abs towards a foreign Ag that is expressed on the surface of the body's own cells (outside of antigen-presenting molecules!) inevitably triggers immune pathology (e.g., Ab-dependent cell cytotoxicity; ADCC). Because these low affinity Abs mask the immunodominant domains on S protein, they force the immune system to concentrate on other - more conserved - antigenic domains. However, as the latter are immune subdominant (i.e., have lower intrinsic immunogenicity), the elicited (cross-neutralizing) Abs rapidly reach suboptimal concentrations. Large-scale presence of suboptimal concentrations of neutralizing Abs generates population-level immune selection pressure, which drives immune escape. In other words, even the 'cleanest' mRNA-based C-19 vaccines will always promote immune pathology and drive disastrous viral immune escape. As a seasoned vaccinologist, I am therefore of the opinion that no mRNA-based injectable product should ever be used for immunization purposes. After all, the purpose of vaccines is to generate immune protection, not immune pathology nor enhancement of viral infectiousness or virulence!

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Thank You, Geert. When I was fired for vaccination-refusal 2 years ago, it was on the principle of "standing naked with the Jews", the "unvaccinated untermenschen". I had been treating with ivermectin-based antiviral (Dr. Borody's) protocols since 8/2021, and knew they worked well.

I Did Not Know how directly harmful the "bioweapon countermeasures" would prove to be.

This fork in the road has put me on a long and winding path, and I do not yet see where we are "going to end up".

This is a struggle of humanity. I seek Divine Guidance daily.

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Follow Nature, be patient , shut down TV and radio and you'll be fine!

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Thanks Brother. I have been "there" for a long time, and am doing much more, as are you, though my "much more" is probably less than your "much more".

At least I am a smaller target than you are.


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These bastards will be held to account.

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Held to account…by whom? I’m afraid that’s nothing more than wishful thinking, based on…nothing.

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By the Almighty!

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We need to reject unelected governance and ungovernable bureaucracies go back to democracy and strong institutions

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Whom? By us--it's up to us!

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Ok. But, how exactly? Please be specific.

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Not gonna happen. Too many key power centers are in on it.

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"we need to test injected people’s stem cells and germ line cells for integration of any of this DNA."

Excellent point, Jessica. Is anyone working on this study? I'm sure many injectees would like to know—at least the ones who aren't clinging to their denial.

Jessica, I included a shoutout for your presentation and the WCH hearing on this topic in the updates section of my last post (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/what-caused-david-mirandas-death):


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I want to know this as well. How do we test my daughter’s stem cells and germ line cells? She has stage 4 MBC. Age 30.

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I am so sorry, Suzanne 💔

Has she looked into alternative treatment protocols? This is one of the simplest so should be easy to add to her routine:

https://www.2ndsmartestguyintheworld.com/p/petdazole-pharmaceutical-grade-pure (look for the section titled "I. Protocol")

See also:


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Msm and fenbendazole

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The call has been put out for human testing - McKernan will provide the necessary reagents for any lab approved for human testing.


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County sheriffs should simply sieze the vials. The rest of government is utterly useless anymore.

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You have more faith in the county sheriffs than I do.

I suspect that when the FBI comes a-knocking most county sheriffs are going to say “Yes, Sir” and “No, Sir“ and do exactly what they are told.

I would like to be wrong.....

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We have 11 freedom counties here in Florida, where the Sheriff has stepped up & said they will do “oaths to the constitution” ...

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County Sheriffs report only to the people and are empowered to arrest and jail ANYONE attempting to violate the people's constitutional rights...up to and including POTUS....or FAUXTUS, as the case may be.

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I’m aware of all that.

But look at it this way. A former President of the United States of America has been hounded by every conceivable government agency under the Democrats control, federal, state and local.

He has finally been indicted and arrested on “trumped up” charges which must have been approved by the sitting President, which means that Joe Biden has had his political opponent arrested in the middle of an election campaign.....in order to sabotage his opponents campaign......AND NO ONE HAS DONE ANYTHING TO STOP THIS OBVIOUSLY CORRUPT ACTIVITY.

If they can do this to a former President, then I doubt that the opposition of a few county sheriffs will matter later on, when they are going after the little people.

Again, I hope I’m wrong.....

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The Sheriffs can't fix the whole system, but I expect some can be persuaded to seize some vials.

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Republicans need to stop focusing on things that can't be done and focus on things that CAN be done.

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5 G is not for faster internet.

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Every adult in the United States needs to confront their local Sheriff. I suggest printing a copy of the Florida Ban The Jabs resolution and take it to your Sheriff’s office!!! I plan on doing it this weekend. WE MUST PUT PRESSURE ON THEM and let them know WE ARE ON TO THESE HORRIFIC DEMONS!!! CONFRONT THE SHERIFF IN YOUR COUNTY- take this FACTUAL resolution and KEEP UP THE PRESSURE! Dr Sansone has a Substack where you can get the print out! Also National American Renaissance Movement!

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Thank you for your voice Jessica. It is very much appreciated.

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The studies that you propose should be simple to do and the age stratified population already exists. Age stratification is an important element. Having said that, from a public health policy perspective we have more than enough information to pull this stuff off the market -- permanently and to never allow a mRNA preparation to be used again.

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Like the moratorium on gain of function research?

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How do I go about testing myself, I'll pay for it?

I understand professionals see live blood analysis as not relevant but Jess things are showing up that the people doing the process had bever seen in over 25 years of doing it.



On shedding


"Inhalation or skin contact" was the exact wording in Pfizer's clinical trial protocol document (linked below). Pfizer *anticipated* that people coming into contact with the study participants (the ones receiving the Pfizer "vaccines") either via “inhalation or skin contact” might exhibit SAEs (serious adverse events) or AEs (adverse events). read section 10.4.1, (pages 132 to 133), where it states, and I quote: "Male participants are eligible to participate [in the study, where they would receive the Pfizer Covid "vaccines"] if they agree to the following requirements during the intervention period for at least 28 days after the last dose of study intervention [the "vaccines"], which corresponds to the time needed to eliminate reproductive safety risk of the study intervention(s)." Read that part and what follows, as men receiving the jabs are then told to REFRAIN from having sex with a "female of childbearing potential." How many men taking the Covid jab have been warned not to have sex "for at least 28 days" after their 2nd Covid jab? According to this Pfizer document, anyone not knowing about that warning has potential to cause "reproductive safety risk”.

Also be sure to read sections to (pages 67 to 69) -- Pfizer anticipated what is now being referred to as "shedding" of the vaccine contents from the vaxxed to the unvaxxed. 

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After the initial vaccine rollout, to which I declined participation, my monthly cycle was 2 months late. I’m healthy, not on hormonal birth control, and have not been late since I was pregnant with my youngest son 8 years ago. Prior to the vaccine rollout, you could set your calendar by my cycle. When it did start, to say the clotting that I experienced was anomalous, would be an understatement.

Any woman who experienced regular cycles, declined the vaccine, and was highly exposed to vaccinated people will very likely tell a similar story.

There is no question in my mind about the shedding issue. It’ll be nice when it’s “proven” so people can stop rolling their eyes shoving their heads in the sand.

I could go on. I own a structural integration studio and am aware of our clients’ health information, including menstrual cycles and birth control. Many of the ones with IUDs began bleeding. We had an 80yo woman who began menstruating--of course it presented a cancer scare, which was thankfully not the case. One client, a massage therapist, bled for an entire year following her injection.

At some point during the last 3 years, I noticed that Tampax now offers a new absorbency...Super Ultra; a level up from Super+, and TWO levels up from Super-which has been the highest absorbency for my entire life.


Every aspect of what I have just described is concerning. Obviously, what’s more concerning is the lack of attention and active suppression about this entire issue.

Thank you Jessica, and to the 2.5 other people, that are helping you do the heavy lifting for humanity.

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That most distinguished scientist, Kariko of Moderna, openly admitted shedding occurs in a tweet ('21 or '22) in order to counter the rumours then circulating: she assured us that it certainly occurs, but would not produce 'significant malaise'.

Ironically, Twitter decided that her tweet violated their rules and was 'misinformation', which made her rather indignant! I have seen few references to this how on earth did the so-called 'resistance' over-look so damaging an admission?

The only question therefore, is what exactly is being shed, and for how long. Close and intimate association with any vaccinated person seems potentially rather perilous until the matter is cleared up.

Similarly, not enough attention has been paid to Lt Col Theresa Long's latest investigation into the DMed records of SAE's among military pilots - another smoking gun: jumping from an average of about 200 per annum to over 4,000!

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I started bleeding (post meno) right after the rollout after being in close proximity of the recently-as in that day- of people that got the shots. It continued and worsened through 2021 and have developed tumors since then. I'm convinced these were in fact self disseminating on purpose just like the ones used to slow the rat population years ago. They know what they are doing. Women all over the world are reporting similar problems. Yet crickets from the MSM and idiot or cowardly medical professionals just scratch their heads.

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In the interview posted today, Kevin McKernan said contact him via Twitter or on substack, and he will direct you to where you can get tested.

Here's his substack: https://anandamide.substack.com/p/intent-to-deceive

And here's the interview: https://kirschsubstack.com/p/exclusive-video-interview-with-3

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I'm working nights and cant sleep anyway. I'll do so now.

Appreciate it mate

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I am not a doctor nor scientist. I assume you are male? The easiest, I think would be a sperm sample (be nice to yourself for a few minutes capture the results... and maybe send yourself some flowers afterwards). Problem is you need first to find a laboratory, that would accept a sperm sample and be able to analyze it.

Also wondering why Buckhaults has not done this on himself yet (or has not published his findings).

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Neither am I but if we left it to the experts the planet would be in rack and ruin while they insist on double blinded placebo'd trials, approved by captured organisations and interpreted by shills on the payroll of some f head.

More after a practical how to or the particular tests I need and Jess's team appear to be well ahead of the curve. Personally I believe he has and would also explain his insistence that he's not getting another. Afterall how could he not have done so, I would have if the position was reversed.

For me I'm curious and do my best to understand but more than anything I apply the simple two questions "what do they gain and what do they lose" from their position. Jess, McCullough, Cole, etc etc all lose in every way by the position they have taken. Clusters of behaviours rarely lie and their behaviours show that they believe in what they're saying enough to cost themselves almost everything they value especially the doctors.

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Sorry I could not help with particular test. I am waiting for someone to offer some as well. My entire family got lied to and I would at least want my brother and niece to have something they could do to check if they are carrying DNA contamination now.

And yes, all of the people you have mentioned are extremely courageous and I am more than thankful for what they do.

As you, I try to understand as much as possible. I do have a bit of a biology background, but most of all what tipped me off, was the behavior of the official side. All they ever did was say "Trust us!". Never any real explanation and when there was someone who tried to elucidate the populace that person would immediately be attacked. That is not the behavior of someone who wants informed and educated society. And I for one would rather life among people who are striving for understanding.

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Absobloodylutely!! 👊🏻🙏🏻

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Thank you. Great post. And thank you for the time you are giving break the whole thing down. So we know what’s what. What damage all this caused. How to treat it if possible. The more we all understand and know. Won’t be as easy for another virus to come creeping in and rampaging through the world While we are all sitting around dumb as stumps. Because there is no way possible to access any information that could help.

I so appreciate your article and work

Thank you!

Also please

Excuse all spelling and typos. I’m not editing . too tired.

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"Won't be as easy for another virus to come creeping in and rampaging through..." You've already lost the battle if this is the narrative you're going with.

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I’m confused. What narrative? I’m looking for information. So. it is some DNA changing thing. Ok. So what is the solution. I just took my first step into the whole Covid fiasco. Ok. LOL And I almost got caught up into all the nonsense.

And thank god I did.

And went looking for some relief for my husband. Luckily. Turns out. I calmed down. And went through the steps that they have set up to deal with these challenges. Tele health appointment for paxlovid. Huh?Which he was denied. Ok. Now what. Was just a symptom reliever anyways. But still. Why can’t he have the symptom reliever. DENIED!!! What? You get lost in the madness.

Here’s what.


What do we do next. .eat our chin ease food he just brought home. And then Go back to dealing with things the way we always do . Thank you Substack for being part of the learning experience.

Love you all.



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He was dehydrated. No sleep from crazy dog we adopted. I mean. No sleep. Working physical labor year round. And me. I’m sure he worries about me.. and he’s 55 not 20.

His body shut the fuck down.

Was scary. And Now we aware. Once again.

It’s us that has to do the work.

I forgot to tell you what was actually wrong. Lol

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Did you get the injection?

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What narrative? Take your pick, there's plenty to go around, but I was referring to the story about the next creeping virus that will ravage the whole world. You might want to start poking holes in that story. Did your parents tell you the Santa Claus story? The Easter bunny? The tooth fairy? Why did they tell you those stories? My great grandmother told her children stories about swamp angels coming for those who dared to get out of bed in the middle of the night. My babysitter told us stories about the witches under the bridge that we had to cross on the way to the candy store. Can you imagine why she might try to scare us like that?

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I’d rather find out that the dna had got into peoples stem and germ line cells. How else are we going to get the pharma bio security state off our backs?

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oof. well, you might get your wish.

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I see your point but that’s tough! One of my daughters took this stuff - she doesn’t appear to want children so that won’t be an issue and luckily my daughter who has had a baby recently didn’t indulge! There are millions of our young people who may have their DNA contaminated though! It’s hard to get my head around the horror of it all sometimes.

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I am so proud of our Canadian scientists shedding light on this massive problem. I am hopeful that you, Bridle, Speicher will be supported within the community. Kevin has been amazing. Alex Berenson on his Substack quoted from the FDA findings that young children had a significantly elevated risk of seizures and convulsions after receiving mRNA jabs. The FDA researchers quietly released the finding. I don’t understand why governments are not even putting a pause on these until further investigation. I worry so much about the children. As a vaccine injured victim, I am shocked that causality or coincidence is a thing. There hasn’t been any diagnostic tests invented. Nobody seems to know anything so how can this be weighed?

Early on in my injury, I wondered if this had anything to do with changing gene expression. The summer of 21 was a terrifying nightmare. I kept notes as awful things were happening to me. I have notes and dates. I have alerted some of my doctors to this impressive work. I hope this opens the door. doctors don’t have a clue how to help and have received no guidance. I have looked to see if there was a way of getting my stem cells tested but the doctor at Sunnybrook said he wasn’t aware of any although he works with stem cells. I wish there was something I could do to help other than alerting doctors. Thank you so much for this vitally important work.

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I am sorry to hear you have been injured by the shots. But yes, the general practitioners/doctors are a huge factor. And sadly a huge problem, because I do not know of a single doctor where I live, that has any clue about what is wrong with the shots.

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Printed. Saved. Shared. Thanks.

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As ever, a true, intelligent voice of reason, common sense and strong scientific thinking , thank you

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Amen Jessica! Blows my mind how all the dangers are simply ignored by the mainstream and buffoons like Medscape etc. And the vast majority of regular doctors.

Thanks for your persistence in shining the light to the many dangers of these experimental jabs.

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This is it, this is the Hill that the flag gets planted on.

The QAQC, out of spec argument is the best fight to get these viles stopped.

After this, the truth will no longer be hard to obfuscate.

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yes, those vile vials need to be vilified with veracity!

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I REALLY hope your right, but I know your not.😐😐 The stop/go signals were obliterated off the chart in early 2021. Even then, they had surpassed all known historical grievous "oopsie daisy's" by any pharmaceutical manufacturer or regulatory bodies, anywhere, anytime.🤔😐😐

They knew. They know. They don't care.

So that means that the last 2.5yrs has been about everyone being too scared to say the quiet part out loud....They knew. They know. They don't care.😐

Means every death and disability from 2021 from the shots, until now, could have been prevented if those signals had not been ignored when they were first told of them and they used the technocracy to censor the information from the public globally.😐🤐

#wearemany #wearememory #wewillnotforgive #getlocalised

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They knew. They know. They don't care.😐

They were in love with their mRNA shiny new machines. Ah utopia is around the corner.

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What about the deaths in 2020 from the financially incentivized protocols which killed people?

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Of course, that's not what's happening: https://www.fda.gov/regulatory-information/search-fda-guidance-documents/development-and-licensure-vaccines-prevent-covid-19

The guidance says, Hey, if you've used this "platform" before, you don't need to demonstrate how awesome it is, show it's safe, whatever. I never heard anyone call a way of making vaccines (be it in eggs, in moth stem cells, in monkey kidneys) a "platform" prior to mRNA. I guess PFE wrote this bit of guidance and gave it to FDA.

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Ah yes, see what PFE means now :-(

Pfizer stock is now down to $30.65 from its high of $59.29 early 2022.

A lot of the shareholders are dumping their shares with good reason.

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Leftover habit from a place I used to work ;-) I hate to say it, but IMO PFE still owns the federal government, so I wouldn't dump the stock (if I were a shareholder, which I'm not). Having done wrong is a long way from being punished, and even further away from being punished at the appropriate scale. Fines in the hundreds of thousands or even the millions would not come close to denting PFE's massive profit-making over the past three years.

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