exactly. I won't walk in the damn door. Last time I got escorted out of the hospital for refusing to wear a mask in order to get blood drawn. I am done. Finding a naturopath or integrated med doc in case of REAL trouble.
I fear, seriously, that we must come to terms with the most salient fact that has been so successfully hidden from public view for every generation since WW II:
The Nazis never went away. In fact they have thrived under the protection of the West following cessation of overt hostilities in May of 1945. Nazism, as in any other social movement of consequence, always had serious and substantial international adherents---especially among the über-wealthy.
It does not take much research at all to discover how the many of the backbone/brains of the German bureaucracy of the era were "ratlined" into the U.S., Canada, and for the most well-known butchers, Latin American countries, especially the southern portion. A great lie has been perpetrated upon the people of the world. Today we witness (if willing and able) its grotesque, horrid, and ongoing results.
I don't know David. I hear what you are saying and believe there is some level of truth to it but, as an organization, continuing on in the world, Nah. Likely, there are neo-Nazis in Germany and other Euro countries, but functioning as the overwhelming and main actor, I don't believe that. WEF may have taken its crown . . .
It makes MORE sense to me this is simply evil and evil people will always be with us, just as SATAN has been.
"People of the Lie", M. Scott Peck. . . something you may consider reading.
I'll leave you to your own sensibilities. I've done my research. Plenty of it. Just because there are no swastikas dancing in the streets means nothing. Whereas Canada's Deputy Prime Minister? Well, there is a singular case study all of its own. And she's a director at WEF. The Rockefellers, the House of Windsor, Henry Ford, the heads of Shell, Texaco, Chevron, (they gave the Nazis the coal to fuel process,) most of the House of Windsor, Allen Dulles, etc, etc, etc. I said I'd leave you to your sensibilities, as another old guy I should at least honor that. That Satan feller, yeah, I'm coming to conclude that one is mos def in the mix and leading the parade. And that's after 60 + years of previous agnosticism.
I will leave you with "Curiosity is a horizon-expanding instrument of the brain, a survival mechanism even, but it must be accompanied with a necessary governor once one really starts getting into the actual details of our presumed society and civilization and its history versus the facade that powerful people throw up in our daily lives and lifetimes in order for them to continue cavorting as they will (and do) throughout their own lives." ~ Me
(And I do have that governor to go along with my curiosity.)
Cheers, and good day to you.
Dang! How could I have left out the Bush family and their family extensions such as the Walkers. Senator Prescott Bush was sitting in D.C. at the time. Their bank, Brown and Harriman, was finally forced to stop doing business with the Nazis in 1943. That said, old relationships and old money die hard, but in this case as in so many others, it never did.
The pharma companies may stop telling people; the doctors may not even know what's in it. Stick with older tried and true meds and don't take the new ones.
I agree with your regimen too although I add Ivermectin. I lived through Delta and am in the same cohort as you with certain substantial pre-existing conditions. My hat's off to you.
Thanks David, I was the bane of every teacher's existence. If you could not tell me why, leave me alone. It's followed me through life. Why do I need a covid shot? Because they said so? Nah.
Did my own research, and said no way, Jose. Of course it helps that I have a background in health care, my Father taught me research at an early age by using the 'why' game. He made it fun, not a chore.
Funny Teri. Some of us must have the "Why" gene in our DNA!
I have irritated so many people with "why?" all my life.
Same as you in class-- the other students did not much appreciate it either. Specially the smart ones likely because they all thought they "knew" the answers: "Quit asking dumb questions!"
Good catch. I was given a first name from hell. Too many letters for the majority of computers, unpronouncable. I looked it up once, and found only one other. Turns out she stole my ID. So I don't use it except for legal purposes.
Yes, but I think the post I was responding to was not just about vaccines - considering Pfizer and Moderna have apparently tried to poison us, would you like to take an mRNA cancer med they produce? Or something for your arthritis? You can use mRNA in things other vaccines, and you can in fact poison people with products that are not vaccines. I was speaking generally and not even about vaccines. There are some companies that have a history of demonstrating actual ethics and producing good products in the past, and there are older meds I would take if needed. Pfizer has a long history of producing some harmful products and having to pay large fines and penalties for what they have done. Moderna is newer, but has willy-nilly very quickly produced shots with a high rate of harmful adverse effects. I don't think I would take ANY product from Pfizer or Moderna going forward, of any sort because I am not persuaded that they are trustworthy, ethical companies. I also would not use any mRNA products for the rest of my life, and for the most part, I think I am likely to stick with older, generic meds that I am familiar with, preferably by companies that have some history of behaving ethically. I remember, for example, that Merck brought us the pain medication Vioxx while covering up the evidence of cardiac complications which they knew very well - they later had to pay out in a class action lawsuit after many people including formerly healthy athletes sued for serious cardiac damage. So, I don't use Merck products - they do make vaccines, and many other things, but if Merck came out with a new wonder drug, I would say, no thank you. If Pfizer ame out with something new, no thank you. The same for Moderna. I have read that DeSantis has asked for a grand jury to be empaneled to investigate the Covid-19 vaccines, apparently to see if there is evidence of criminal fraud. I would certainly await the outcome of the investigation, but - would I really ever buy a Moderna product or a Pfizer product? Nah. I want to see the results of the investigation, but I am pretty sure of some of the evidence that will be found, and am I goign to put anything they make into my body? Nah.
Thanks, have forgotten about some of that "stuff". I only take herbals from companies I've researched. Now, I've read on a Mercola site that they're going after supplements. If they get what they want, all ingredients must be listed and available to pharmaceutical companies. Ah yes, our great nation is protecting us.
It's global and ubiquitous at present. The corporate globalist traitors masquerading as 'government' in Australia and New Zealand are in the process of handing over the nutritional and supplemental governance and regulation to BigPharma.
NO ONE in politics or bureaucracy or the corporate banksters are troubling to listening to the great unwashed any longer. The pretense has finally evaporated.
This should include all medical products and not only Vaccines. THEY CAN PUT THE SAME TECHNOLOGY IN OTHER MEDICAMENTS TOO. This includes Vitamin tablets, Processed food too
Well my daughter's naturopath told her the shot was "probably safe" so she got it while nursing her daughter. I later told him he had no right telling her that since zero testing was done on pregnant or nursing women. He had no reply.
Once upon a time Herbalists could advise an individual to use Cannabis but the federal government and the british government ended that. They don't like it when we make our own decisions. . . . we should make more if them.
Even there, they can change the formulation. I don't trust any of them. If you can, keep old bottles and compare the labels when you shop. Really sad, we've devolved into an abyss we may not be able to get out of.
I remember when we had real doctors that actually looked at, and listened to, us. Now what we have are pre-programmed pill pushers. They're indoctrinated from day one in a med school that accepts millions in donations by big phama.
I would go further and say mRNA or not: be suspicious. Make sure you know everything about anything a doctor wants to give you. Unless it's the proven trustworthy ones like Pierre, or Paul or Ryan et al. Those that have earned out trust.
Don't forget, they may not know some are so stupid and willfully ignorant now AND they may just not tell you, since nobody is suing them and holding them responsible any more.
I do not think people appreciate how massive and well calculated the deception was. I never took the shot and I never recommended for anyone to take the shot, but initially I looked hard and could not find infomration on which to base a decision. I am an MD, and I have had research training, and initially I had an open mind about the vaccines, but I could see that everything I received from our medical board was propaganda and no data. There was also a very concerted effort to do fraudulent research to make the alternatives look bad - some studies intentionally overdosed people with hydroxychloroquine after waiting until too late to treat - with the results you would expect, making HCQ look harmful and not effective, which is not the case when you look at properly designed studies with proper doses. Pfizer in particular has still not released information as to what all the ingredients are in the vaccine, and as you probably remember, Pfizer and the FDA wanted a judge to allow them 75 years to gradually release all their data. If everything was on the up and up, why would they try to stall and not release their data under freedom of information when requested by 200 scientists? Why go to court to fight release? But there are whistleblowers now who have alleged fraud, and some of it is becoming obvious - one whistle blower who worked at a research site has said that data was changed, and procedures were not followed, and then others have found statistical errors etc. etc. Now that Desantis has called for a grand jury investigation of the vaccines and considration of criminal fraud charnges, it will be interesting what we will see. But I am not stupid - I have had 15 years of education beyond high school, and I treated people and kept them out of the hospital and did NOT cause harm in this - but it was extremely hard to get good inforation initially, and for a good while. I could not tell at first whether the vaccines were safe or not. It could not be determined from the information I was able to see. As time went on, one could see that the side effects were mounting serious ones. I also did NOT know what to think about Ivermectin because when I went to the CDC website, initially there was a warning that this was very dangerous to use - so I wondered, why dangerous? What does it do? I started reading all the avaialble research and also saw it was being used successfully in India - so I started trying it cautiously with good results. But most physicians are accustomed to being able to believe the government agencies - we had no reason to anticipate that the FDA and CDC would like to blatantly, and lie about absolutely everything. The book The Real Anthony Fauci by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. explains a lot - too many people in government are making money when Pfizer makes money, and Pfizer is making so much money - they are buying the news. The sponsor every news program. Now, we're finding out that twitter was censoring scientists and physicians who wanted to share alternative information and alternative perspectives to what Pfizer and Moderna and the BIden administration wanted to put out there. So there was only one message allowed. During the first summer of the pandemic, I know there was a video produced by Dr. Peter McCullough who is probably the most-published cardiologist in history, a true international expert - by the time I got an email about this video, the same day, I went to view it, since it was about Covid (which affects the heart) and the video had already been taking down by Facebook and even after an appeal by a physician organization, Facebook would not put it back up and insisted it violated community standards. So - it is true that a lot of doctors misled people, but they were themselves led down a garden path with false information, and a lot truth was suppressed. Numerous physicians who treated patients with Ivermectin were investigated; some are still fighting to get their licenses back. Right now, DeSantis is working on legislation to protect physicians freedom of speech, but some doctors in some states lost their licenses for speaking against the vaccines. In my opinion, if the FDA and CDC both got fully de-funded, American health would probably be better off - the industry IS regulating itself, pharma IS NOT being regulated by the government agencies, and we'd all be better off if there was no pretense of regulation. As it is, the government agencies just rubber stamp whatever Pfizer and Moderna say. If there were no CDC or FDA to do the rubber-stamping, at least people would know, this is a for-profit company telling you what's what, and "Buyer beware." Pfizer made 36 billion dollars the very first year of the vaccine, enough to sponsor every news show on the air and have plenty of money left over for their executives to be very well paid. With this much money, most of it from the US taxpayers, they can control the narrative, and the info they want out there is the only voice that gets heard. If you want to hold someone responisble, it is Pfizer, Moderna, J & J, Fauci who bought and paid for the virus to be produced in China and colluded with others to cover up the origins of the virus, and the guys in the FDA and CDC who are making money on the vaccines and who are the biggest spreaders of "misinformation." Conflict of interest in the FDA and CDC, some of them are making money every time vaccines are sold, since some own patents for parts of the processes in making the vaccines - but thanks to Congress back in the 1980's, the guys in the FDA and CDC do not have to report or disclose what they are making on their patents etc. Nice bonuses, non-taxable. And then Pfizer, by getting their vaccine on the children's "vaccine schedule" - they have permanent immunity from any lawsuits. While their shots were out on Emergency Use Authorization, it was not permitted to sue Pfizer, and now, with them having it on the children's vaccine schedule, that is long-term immunity as long as they stay on that schedule. Doesn't matter even if it is proven that the vaccines are killing people - no matter what - other than IF fraud is actually proven - mere death, mere adverse effects are no worry for Pfizer, they can't be touched UNLESS fraud is proven. Which might be their motivation to want to keep their data and documents under wraps and to stall on releasing them. Many physicians never figured out the true situation with the vaccines, and with the safe alternative ways of treating or preventing Covid - but so were a huge number of the American people in general, and many were taken in by this collusion of the government agencies along with the pharma companies involved, and collusion of twitter and media to censor any alternative information. If you want to hold your family doctor responsible for this mess - it was not him or her. Look at who all was making money on this, and look who knew the most and lied the most massively. This was huge. Bobby Kennedy's first book on this was the tip of the iceberg. He has another book coming out in January or Feb. that is on pre-order at Amazon now. The Wuhan Cover-Up: How US Health Officials Conspired with the Chinese Military to Hide the Origins of COVID-19 (Children’s Health Defense) Robert F. Kennedy Jr. There is something similar out by Andrew Huff, that is available now but I have not had time to read it. Bobby Kennedy's "The Real Anthony Fauci" has some of the scoop on what Pfizer has done, but there is a lot more, with apparently the CIA and Department of Defense involved in the origins of Covid and the vax. That really starts to sound like "conspiracy theory" but - it seems to be true, and your family doctor is not the one responsible for this mess - even if some are idiots.
Wow. That was quite the testimony, Doc. Thank you. Hearing all this coming from a practicing doctor means a lot to people searching for what to believe. Testimony like yours gives more credence to every doc and substack author raising cane.
HOWEVER. I still hold my doctor accountable, sorry. The idiot STILL has not learned, STILL has not woken up. How long of a wake up delay should one allow their doc who missed only the biggest damn fraud in history-- right under HIS nose. AND, then refused to acknowledge it when I point to it.
The other day my wife's doc(I was present) came in with a surgical mask, wrap around safety glasses, latex gloves, surgical scrubs. The ONLY thing missing were friggin' booties and scalp cap. He spluttered through his mask to talk while we(UNmasked!) talked normally. It was as if he was dealing with a pair of "hot" Ebola patients bleeding from every orifice.
His prognosis for my wife's recent blood pressure upward excursion-- the std. BP med, which DID reduce it by interrupting the RAAS cascade. However, not ONE damn word about the main things that naturally reduce blood pressure:
Vit B's, and other supplements(P McC's got one out), L arginine, low carb diet, reduce stress. Basically anything that increases nitric oxide and flexibility to endothelial cells and protects the glycocalyx. Of course, it was not even worth mentioning that this may be related to the mRNA jab. He could not even comprehend the thought of looking for Rolleaux formation in a blood smear, D dimer, and Troponin! Got pretty pissy when I mentioned those last two. But, at least he did them-- both OK, luckily. Regardless, it will be left like most other people with high BP, unknown cause.
I did say, some docs are idiots, but it is frustrating to me that ALL docs are considered idiots by some. I am thinking again of Dr. Peter McCullough who was among the VERY first to publish on Covid, to give really good advice about how to prevent and how to treat - using vitamins, natural products, and re-purposed generics including Ivermectin and/or hydroxychloroquine - and he was permanently banned from Twitter until just the last day or two, Elon let him back on to twitter. But he is an honest Covid expert, who had Covid himself, who treated Covid patients, and who did everythng he possibly could to help people to prevent without vaccines, and to help physicians to know how to treat Covid - but, he was banned from twitter, kicked off his position at the hospital where he was Chair of Medicine, kicked off a journal where he had been editor, kicked off medical school faculty so he could not teach med students, and now - he is taking legal action to try to prevent losing his board certification - he is board certified in internal medicine and in the speciality of cardiology. The most-published cardiologist in history, formerly editor of two medical journals - everything is being taken from him for teling the truth, and how many doctors were not able to learn from him because he was permanently off twitter, till Elon, and removed from all social media. Even me, everything I ever put on Facebook about covid was censored. But McCullough was the first one I ever heard to say that the vax is a bioweapon. There have been physicians who have tried to educate the public and their colleagues, but they keep being silnced. I have been careful about what I say publicly because it's like, okay, do I want to quietly treat my patients and help them to be well OR say a lot publicly and lose my license and be unable to treat patients who need my help? So, I found a middle way - and there were many reasons it had to be that way. I am not one of the top doctors in the world, so if I got up and tried to do a press conference or something, I would not be believed anyway, and I might lose my license and then be unable to treat patients - but I have educated my patients and have taken care of their families and friends. I would always drop everything and take care of Covid patients right away to keep them out of the hospital. But I think we have to remember who the real criminals are in this. The initial advice from the NIH to all the medical doctors was, do NOT treat because there is not enough research and you might do more harm than good, just do nothing unless you can get people into clinical trials where they can be guinea pigs or lab rats for pharma, but otherwise, do nothing unless they get to where they are turning blue from no oxygen, then admit to hospital and put them on a ventilator. That is unethical according to past statements from the World Medical Association, and it is untrue that we totally knew nothing - the SARS epidemic was a similar corona virus, and back then, Fauci endorsed hydroxychloroquine as helpful - they knew very well it was helpful but cooked up fraudulent studies that were designed to "prove" it was dangerous and did not work, by overdosing people while not starting treatment until cases were too advanced. I think people need to keep in mind who the real criminals were. The people who took down McCullough's educational videos so that no physicians could watch. The people who took McCullough off twitter. The people who censored and took down my Covid posts from Facebook. The people at Pfizer who have withheld so much data from the public, who shaped the messaging for the news media, and who perhaps will be proven to have committed fraud in their clinical trials, who continued to push their products in the face of horrific adverse reactions.
If the Doctor did not get it within 3 months of Fraudci yapping on TV they are Liberal or just plain stupid.
They are obligated to look at the Study data ( some released from tithe Japanese early on and the package insert! Standard procedure! They did not and most of the Willfully ignorant doctors still have not because down deep they are terrified. The assholes have to dig their feet in deeper and murder more people.
It is powerful to hear in detail how your wife's doc handled your questions concerns and even then did the tests. It's a travesty when doctors won't doctor (teach).
1) US Patent office info shows injections ( not vaccines ) were patented and made before the Plandemic
That is all you really need to know - Public information
2) I knew as soon as Fraudci said in March 2020 “ we are going to get a “vaccine “ to treat this. Most people and all Drs DO NOT treat viruses with vaccines after the infection. Therapeutics or convalescent serum treat viruses after they have been "caught". Therefore " vaccines " totally bogus at that point.
I suspect fraud long before vaccines were ever released which is why I never took one and never recomended it because I was waiting to see actual documentation of safety and efficacy - and I'm still waiting, and there is no safety and no efficacy. But as a physician, all I was given was propaganda from our state medical board saying to get everyone to get a shot - so, no data, only propaganda. So, yes, I did suspect fraud, and there were many reasons, including that I was aware of something that was done in the Philipines about 30 years ago perhaps, in which women thought they were being tetanus vaccines and there was an anti-pregnancy vaccine they were receiving, so that a pregnancy would terminate before a woman even knew she was pregnant - a vaccine against HCG, an important hormone of pregnancy. So I knew about that - most people don't - and it happened in more than one country. Then, Dr. Mike Yeadon, a retired scientist who used to be a VP at Pfizer, had been saying Pfizer had not done the reproductive studies that should have been done, and that it looked to him like if the vaccine made our bodies attack spike protein, that looks a lot like an S protein on the placenta, and would our immune systems be attacking our pregnancies? So I was suspicious and waiting to see how that panned out, and then along came the study the Japanese had requested to show where the vaccine travels in the body - it concentrates in the ovaries - and then several people looked at data on pregnant women, it's causing miscarriages and stillbirths, so ... yes, it looks like this was for depopulation even before I knew about the cardiomyopathy. But - sorry - it did not occur to me to go look in the patent office to look up the vaccine patents. As a physciain, I was working days, and evenings, and weekends to take care of my regular patients plus all the Covid patients who came to me - so, if there had been 8 days in a week instead of only 7, I could have taken that extra day and gone to the patent office and looked it up, if I would thought of it - but no, when I had extra time, I was trying to spend every minute to read research about treatment and find out what actually workede and what was fraud, looking at studies where they overdosed people on HCQ to show it was dangerous, or studies where they underdosed Ivermectin to prove it was not effective. There has been massive fraud up one side and down the other. I would be interested to know - the pandemic started her apparently the first week of March, or the very end of Feb. I was in Washington DC the first week of March when they had their first case there - so, March 2020. On what date did you think of going to the patent office to get the info on that? Whatever date you thought of it, physicians and patients not unreasonably expected intially that these government agencies would not lie to them, that they would give them truthful, carefully vetted information. Some of us have found out otherwise, and it was difficult to discover the truth. And each day we find out more pieces. Did you know the lipid nanoparticles were designed and patented by Moderna to get into the brain? Apparently for the purpose of getting the vaccine into the brain? Did you know the lipid nanoparticles were feto- toxic in every species in which they have been tested? Did you know that CRSPR gene editing technology is part of the vaccine, that is getting into our brain via the lipid nano-particles? And what is it going to do in oru brains? No one knows except maybe Bill Gates, Albert Bourla and Fauci, and they're not talking. So - tons of info has been withheld, but there was a time when there people with some integrity in the government agencies, and a lot of what they did was helpful to the public. Health professionals are taught in school and training programs to believe the stuff that comes out of the government agencies - and I can understand that it was difficult for everyone to recognize that this time, it is way way different. But I don't think the patent on the patent info for the vaccine, of itself is absolute proof of fraud - since there was research going on concerning coronaviruses, maybe it made sense to start work on a vaccine "in case" something happened... I don't know. But in any case, researching patents was not anything I learned in medical school, residency, grad school, or research training. Not part of my skill set, and I also do not think the mere fact of a vaccine being made is an absolute proof it was going to be a fraud. Polio is a virus, and the polio shot, in my opinion - the shot, not the sugar cube vaccine - I think is safe and effective, and I've taken it. I think a vaccine is unnecessary with Covid since there are effective antiviral meds and vitamins that work, and that was another thing that made me suspect fraud as things evolved, because why would you need a vaccine if there are effective meds - that were being suppressed, and why were the meds being suppressed. So, I do think, yes, there were layers and layers of massive fraud, and I saw it, and others have recognized parts of it, but there has been massive censorship also. Elon Musk has twitter files on the censorship of the Covid doctors that he pans to release, though I don't think he has yet. I don't think the fraud was obvious from the beginning, and it was normal for health professionals to originally believe what the government agencies said. It is a shame that many were not very curious, did not seek out additional info, but the censorship hindered us from talking to each other. I really think that if there is any group of people most responsible for this mess, it is the government scientists, and people in the pharma companies and research trusts who colluded to do this. Francis Collins head of NIH, Tony Fauci, Peter Daszak at Eco Health which got money from Fauci to pay for lab work at Wuhan, Bill Gates, Albert Bourla, some of the key people in Twitter who worked on censoring, Sir Jeremy Farrar at the Wellcome Trust which did studies that were intentionally designed to disprove hydroxychloroquine. I don't blame all the health professionals who got conned, and I don't blame patients who bought into all the nonsense. I just read the other day about the microchips in the vaccine. I thought that was a little over the top the first time I saw something about it, but someone has done imaging of vaxxed blood that apparently shows the microchips - everyday there is something new that reads like science fiction horror, some of it really is true, a lot of it true, but it's hard to know since there is fake stuff also. The avergage physician might be working 50 hours a week taking care of patients and doesn't have time to read every article because a lot of it sounds too crazy to believe, though then if you spend more time and read carefully, and read more, you can see there are many things are true that I wish were not. But good that you could figure this immediately, and you are smarter than your doctors apparently. So, you don't need a doctor, you can take care of yourself with herbals and vitamins. Some people do need a doctor, and some doctors try hard to a good job, and no matter what happens, it's always automatcially our fault, whatever happens it's our fault. These are tough times to be a physician, and a lot of people are retiring early just to be out of it.
I've been refusing pharmaceuticals for years. Docs & nurses don't believe me if I tell them that I'm not on any meds.
Besides, I hardly ever see them and won't barring some odd circumstance. The hospital in our area was a death house to begin with, my family's under instructions that if anything serious were to happen to me, to simply put me in my bed and let me finish my life in peace.
I'll be damned if I'm going to pass away in a shithole like a hospital!!
How right you are. Especially in view of the stories coming out about the arrogance of medical staff. Such as in the baby Alex case. The cruelty is unreal! That poor little soul. It was the hospital that caused his suffering. I think the medical profession feels very much on the back foot, very defensive at the moment. It seems that once the egos override compassion you as the patient have had it. It's scary and antithetical to healing. On the other hand, if one feels the doctors and nurses are on side , one is already halfway to healing. Otherwise yes, stay at home.
I wouldn't count on them knowing whether a given med is mRNA-based. Certainly your pharmacist at Walgreens administering flu shots won't. I'd fully expect them to say no, when in fact they'd have no idea.
Graphene may well be dangerous, especially as nano-particle size, but it is by definition 100% carbon with a particular characteristic crystal structure (platey). The same composition as graphite and diamonds, but different structure. The only heavy metals would be contaminants or deliberate 'alloying'.
Some of the top experts on Covid lost their jobs and got banned from socal media for speaking the truth, were silenced and unable to educate others. With all the censorship that went on, that Elon Musk will soon be letting us learn about, many doctors did not have the opportunity to learn that Pfizer's narrative was untrue. I posted two posts on this now, above, so I will not re-say - but some doctors knew and tried to help others, as I did, and some tried to teach other doctors but were silenced. I paid for a subscription to Dr. Mobeen Syed's continuing education service for physicians, because he had many good videos on Covid, but then the organization that accredited his continuing education videos challenged him on his Covid videos and said they would need to re-evaluate - he had to take down his videos and they never came back up. Even so, he said some rather daring things in a few videos after that. He kept up one video on Ivermectin, and also did a new video on an herbal item that works to treat Covid which he did after a good study was published on it, he did what he could do - but there were a lot of his videos I wanted to see, about Covid, and never could, because of the censorship. I have treated many patients for Covid, helped to prevent as well as treat - but with massive censorship, and at high levels, apparently including those within the federal government colluding with Prizer - I would be thinking about holding these people accountable for being part of the reason that physicians didn't know more - the censorship and misinformation from official sources was relentless.
If past performance predicts future performance, you are on target, and I agree. Since they are fully indemnified, what is there to deter them from doing the same thing over and over again. The answer is nothing. The indemnification of Big Pharma needs to be repelled. No other profession is indemnified against harm. Why should they be?
Nothing. Because ALL these injections are controlled by Dod and BARDA and NOT classed as pharmaceutical products at all so don't require rigorous clinical trials, good manufacturing, etc. Pharma, under total control, have been producing "prototype"countermeasures and no doubt all of these will be classed the same. Alexander Latypova has several videos out on this.
the precedent has already been set that now NOTHING really is being required to have clinical trial data to get 'authorized'. they did it with ZERO data on the booster... for babies!! highly illegal in the U.S. but nobody is bitching (except those of us with unacceptable views in the echo chamber)
The PCR tests were a clever way to collect DNA. Everybody was doing them and doing them frequently. I didn’t have a work reason to take one and I would just not go somewhere that required it. No way is some rando health care person pushing a stick up my nose.
Comm'on, Fauci is not such a bad guy after all. He cured me of diabetes and high blood pressure. After I listened to his lies exposed by heroes like Jessica, I opened my eyes, quitted my "regular doctor appointments", and followed alternative medicine advice (e.g., Dr Marik's intermittent fasting strategy to rid of diabetes) while keeping an eye on my blood glucose level and measuring my blood pressure. If not for Fauci lies, I would still be on daily medformin and velacro-sthing - can no longer even remember what it was. So thank you Fauci. Should you be more subtle in your lies, you might have tricked me with BIG Pharma stuff for the rest of my life.
And due to Jessica et al, I am not vaxxed. Neither is my family. My youngest son, a high school senior last year, was the only one not vaxxed in his class. I am proud he withstood the pressure. Due to my providing him with the data from Jessica, Dr Kory and Others. Thank you so much Jessica.!!! You are saving lives all over the world. We live in Poland.
“Because the foolishness of God is wiser than men, and the weakness of God is stronger than men”. At the risk of being called a ‘Bible thumper’, when mankind does not have the backstop of an all knowing, all powerful, and all loving God to fall back on, he is likely to make foolish decisions that when he reflects back on, can only exclaim, WHAT WERE WE THINKING🫢🙃😲☹️? Truth IS a stubborn adversary indeed!
yes, I am not a bible thumper, but HIGHLY respect those who are, who are sticking their necks out to proclaim what many of us do not have the balls to.
From reading these few comments, I would stick with holistic healing methods and do your own research. Thanks Jessica, this is eye opening to say the least.
15 yrs and counting for me, in the holistic world. never been healthier. mainstream people think holistic is some kind of voodoo but its really about restoring TRUE health by following the science of the human body. as opposed to Rockefeller medicine, which is slapping uber-expensive band-aids on symptoms.
Reading “Turtles All the Way Down” (author anonymous) now, recommended by the great Steve Kirsch. It is eye-opening and deeply disturbing the faulty and dishonest science that underlined all vaccine development. If you don’t want to read or purchase the book, simply read a free first chapter on Amazon kindle.
The invasion of pharma, including OTC, into our homes is insane. Our understanding of what constitutes health has become grossly perverted. Health care, drugs are equated w actual health.
No more OTC from big pharma in my house. I used up some acetaminophen which has nasty side effects and went to the natural product, Curaphen, which contains curacumin and boswellia.Works better than the pharma crap and I’m pretty confident about the ingredients unlike the others.
Excellent -same for us, tho we still have a straight aspirin lingering on the shelf. When I was a kid, we had to be near death to get an aspirin out of our nurse mother. She also railed against psych drugs -super ahead of her times!
Well, pharma, and also "insurance." People mistakenly believe also that if you have no health insurance, you have no health - forgetting that insurance will pay for some treatments but not others, and insurance does not = actual health care or health. Insurance will not pay for any natural treatments whether massage therapy, accupuncture, etc. or herbal meds - insurance never covers anything that helps me, so it seems a waste to buy it. But when they count up how many people are "uninsured" that becomes a huge thing - and maybe some people don' twant insurance. I'd rather spend my own health care dollar my way than give it the middle men who dey care and waste my time and money.
me too. I have used my state-subsidized medical insurance exactly ONCE in the past 5 yrs. my 18 yr old with autism is on Medicaid. he sees an out of network integrative doctor and is on a advanced supplement program. literally the ONLY thing Medicaid will pay for is basic blood labs, once a year. ALL else is out of pocket.
I started on Medicare last year. If you want their customary garbage it’s all pretty much free - tests, probings, medications, vaccines. You get no credit for not using and burdening the system but they won’t pay for things that work. What really made me mad is my provider harassed me with phone calls, emails and snail mail about setting up a home wellness check. They said they would check my meds, take my vitals and do a “safety review”. I never answer the phone so I missed their calls. Once I determined I would tell them to F*** Off they never called again so I was deprived of the pleasure. I have no meds, my vitals are fine and I am 65 not 105 and don’t need some busybody snooping through my home looking for “violations”.
absolutely true! I know young parents who, sadly, run their kids to the ped and stuff them full of Tylenol if they so much as sneeze. one mom in particular, got the jab while pregnant, baby got RSV when 2 months old. now at 14 months old, little girl catches everything that's going around, mom runs her to ped every time. poor thing has a gallon ziplock bag full of meds on their kitchen counter
Pharma’s fear messaging runs deep in the American subconscious. People are so afraid of having the slightest of symptoms, much less a full fledged virus for a week.
Poor little thing! When I was a kid, back in the dark ages, if we had a sniffle or a cough or something minor my mom would say “it will go away”. And it always did - without medication or doctor visits.
right?! its insane. when I had measles in the early 60's, my mom didn't even take me (or my sister) to the doctor. she said 'it was going around' and we just stayed home for 10 - 12 days. no muss, no fuss, no 'omg, we're all gonna DIE' b.s.
Dr appts are basically telemedicine these days and as far as The Elf is concerned, he needs to guarantee his income stream post retirement. Disgusting.
How much money could he want?! The Elf is certainly a billionaire by now and because he's no longer a "public servant", he won't have to give any explanations or tax records.
I'm sure I read he only declared being worth about 10 million. But he's been Billy Boy Gates' business partner for 20 years and Gates has made billions. Fraudci won't have done it for less, so where is his stash? Someone must know? It should be confiscated and given to the vax injured! A despicable excuse of a human being!
Schoolgirl error in the title of the company I have spotted Jessica........it's actually MurdeRNA, thus giving full credit to their ONLY achievements.....i trust this is a simple oversight on your part 😉....otherwise another brilliant post...Many thanks from the UK
I am a licensed naturopath (ND) and I have to say my profession has been quite divided (like the rest of the world). My first oath is to do no harm and so I was very skeptical from the outset about safety of these new technologies; my skepticism (cynicism) has (unfortunately) been shown to be accurate. There are naturopaths who fall into what is called the Vitalism movement that are more "old-fashioned" and not so entranced by tech.
The Covid panic made some people crazy. My chiropractor used to be all about natural remedies. Didn’t recommend flu shots. Once Covid shots arrived, he couldn’t wait to be jabbed. Last time I talked to him he was up to two boosters. It makes me sad.
wow, that is really sad. my chiro had to 'document' getting the jab or she would no longer be able to bill Medicare for her elderly patients. yup, she would have lost over half of her patients (thus half of her business). that's how draconian our puppet government has been.
Here in Canada, we are funding studies that provide evidence that unvaccinated people get into more car accidents because they are unvaccinated and therefore getting a vaccine saves lives! So, no hope of anyone ever noticing anything the media or government doesn't say is real.
oh i know i saw. the stupidest article ever published. well, maybe not as stupid as 'unvaccinated' people being responsible for 'vaccinated' people's adverse events.
you must be referring to the ABSURD bit of drivel on the HHS website (yes, the umbrella public health agency of the US!!) that says AE's are caused by jab recipients being stressed out about all the fearmongering misinformation coming from the 'anti vax' crowd. it goes on to say that people who trust the jab completely, have no fear or stress therefore they never have AE's. you can't make this shit up!!
Maybe insurance sponsored so they can raise the rates on unvaxxed drivers, while they're paying out on the policies of dead young men! Gotta make up for those losses somewhere!
Igor Chudov wrote a post on this - apparently more of the vaxxed were also working from home, and if working from home no chance of having a car accident. But more of the vaxxed were "essential workers' and were driving to work in greater numbers with fewer staying home, that was the reason.
After you read RFK jr's Fauci book you will realize that they really have no idea what HIV or AIDS really is...hard to have a jab for something that is probably a combination of multiple latent virus and manmade disaster viruses...
Every fucking time that a doctor will give me a medicine, my first question will be: "is this mRNA?"
who's going to the doctor anymore!! lol
exactly. I won't walk in the damn door. Last time I got escorted out of the hospital for refusing to wear a mask in order to get blood drawn. I am done. Finding a naturopath or integrated med doc in case of REAL trouble.
Good point. Anyone have naturopath they would recommend? Jessica any thoughts?
Osas Garden I’m Florence AL is really good. Used to have an ND named Larry I think there. Just found https://sedonawellnessretreat.com/gerson/?gclid=CjwKCAiAheacBhB8EiwAItVO20KjnYbXLb_y9fIuUkI3ZCn6b2NGL4Z9m6IG_yNruKijzQPTC9C31hoCIsIQAvD_BwE in AZ today that looked good.
Knew about Ann Fonfa from years ago. https://www.annieappleseedproject.org/info-by-cancer-types.html. She even has a pubmed article - https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/17761643/
Yes! most of them should be ASHAMED!!
They don't have the human capability to be ashamed, they have no soul.
I fear, seriously, that we must come to terms with the most salient fact that has been so successfully hidden from public view for every generation since WW II:
The Nazis never went away. In fact they have thrived under the protection of the West following cessation of overt hostilities in May of 1945. Nazism, as in any other social movement of consequence, always had serious and substantial international adherents---especially among the über-wealthy.
It does not take much research at all to discover how the many of the backbone/brains of the German bureaucracy of the era were "ratlined" into the U.S., Canada, and for the most well-known butchers, Latin American countries, especially the southern portion. A great lie has been perpetrated upon the people of the world. Today we witness (if willing and able) its grotesque, horrid, and ongoing results.
I kid you not.
You're preaching to the choir. Our government agencies opened their arms to them. Jewishvirtuallibrary.org/operation-paperclip
Yup, huge lie. We are nothing but useless feeders. Sad, isn't it.
I don't know David. I hear what you are saying and believe there is some level of truth to it but, as an organization, continuing on in the world, Nah. Likely, there are neo-Nazis in Germany and other Euro countries, but functioning as the overwhelming and main actor, I don't believe that. WEF may have taken its crown . . .
It makes MORE sense to me this is simply evil and evil people will always be with us, just as SATAN has been.
"People of the Lie", M. Scott Peck. . . something you may consider reading.
I'll leave you to your own sensibilities. I've done my research. Plenty of it. Just because there are no swastikas dancing in the streets means nothing. Whereas Canada's Deputy Prime Minister? Well, there is a singular case study all of its own. And she's a director at WEF. The Rockefellers, the House of Windsor, Henry Ford, the heads of Shell, Texaco, Chevron, (they gave the Nazis the coal to fuel process,) most of the House of Windsor, Allen Dulles, etc, etc, etc. I said I'd leave you to your sensibilities, as another old guy I should at least honor that. That Satan feller, yeah, I'm coming to conclude that one is mos def in the mix and leading the parade. And that's after 60 + years of previous agnosticism.
I will leave you with "Curiosity is a horizon-expanding instrument of the brain, a survival mechanism even, but it must be accompanied with a necessary governor once one really starts getting into the actual details of our presumed society and civilization and its history versus the facade that powerful people throw up in our daily lives and lifetimes in order for them to continue cavorting as they will (and do) throughout their own lives." ~ Me
(And I do have that governor to go along with my curiosity.)
Cheers, and good day to you.
Dang! How could I have left out the Bush family and their family extensions such as the Walkers. Senator Prescott Bush was sitting in D.C. at the time. Their bank, Brown and Harriman, was finally forced to stop doing business with the Nazis in 1943. That said, old relationships and old money die hard, but in this case as in so many others, it never did.
Many Nazi's were helped by the Vatican to hide their money and move them. I watched documentary on that atrocity.
Disgusting. As a non-catholic kid in a catholic school, doesn't surprise me.
name and source of the documentary?
I think mostly, no brain or a "washed" brain free of rational neurons. . .
free of ability to be curious.
They could get me by surprise!
Aspiring died of suddenly's
The pharma companies may stop telling people; the doctors may not even know what's in it. Stick with older tried and true meds and don't take the new ones.
Watch VAXXED vs UNVAXXED on Rumble. All the vaccines are bad.
Yup, they better not come after me with that shit. Avoid MDs like the plague
I'm supposed to be dead by now, 80, no vax. Only wore a mask when forced to.
Got caught away from home, hotels/hostels closed. A group of us slept on the street.
Good old Vitamin D, C, Zn, turmeric, etc. All available and not too expensive. Eat organically as much as possible, walk, and dance for exercise.
Wow, Teri! you are a real trouper!
I agree with your regimen too although I add Ivermectin. I lived through Delta and am in the same cohort as you with certain substantial pre-existing conditions. My hat's off to you.
Thanks David, I was the bane of every teacher's existence. If you could not tell me why, leave me alone. It's followed me through life. Why do I need a covid shot? Because they said so? Nah.
Did my own research, and said no way, Jose. Of course it helps that I have a background in health care, my Father taught me research at an early age by using the 'why' game. He made it fun, not a chore.
Funny Teri. Some of us must have the "Why" gene in our DNA!
I have irritated so many people with "why?" all my life.
Same as you in class-- the other students did not much appreciate it either. Specially the smart ones likely because they all thought they "knew" the answers: "Quit asking dumb questions!"
Yup. My dad was a pathologist. He saw all the mistakes doctors made, and I heard about them.
I'm a genealogist. Never saw the name Teri spelled that way in an 80-year old. Very unusual, is it a family name?
Good catch. I was given a first name from hell. Too many letters for the majority of computers, unpronouncable. I looked it up once, and found only one other. Turns out she stole my ID. So I don't use it except for legal purposes.
now I'm curious what your first-name-from-hell is?
Yes, but I think the post I was responding to was not just about vaccines - considering Pfizer and Moderna have apparently tried to poison us, would you like to take an mRNA cancer med they produce? Or something for your arthritis? You can use mRNA in things other vaccines, and you can in fact poison people with products that are not vaccines. I was speaking generally and not even about vaccines. There are some companies that have a history of demonstrating actual ethics and producing good products in the past, and there are older meds I would take if needed. Pfizer has a long history of producing some harmful products and having to pay large fines and penalties for what they have done. Moderna is newer, but has willy-nilly very quickly produced shots with a high rate of harmful adverse effects. I don't think I would take ANY product from Pfizer or Moderna going forward, of any sort because I am not persuaded that they are trustworthy, ethical companies. I also would not use any mRNA products for the rest of my life, and for the most part, I think I am likely to stick with older, generic meds that I am familiar with, preferably by companies that have some history of behaving ethically. I remember, for example, that Merck brought us the pain medication Vioxx while covering up the evidence of cardiac complications which they knew very well - they later had to pay out in a class action lawsuit after many people including formerly healthy athletes sued for serious cardiac damage. So, I don't use Merck products - they do make vaccines, and many other things, but if Merck came out with a new wonder drug, I would say, no thank you. If Pfizer ame out with something new, no thank you. The same for Moderna. I have read that DeSantis has asked for a grand jury to be empaneled to investigate the Covid-19 vaccines, apparently to see if there is evidence of criminal fraud. I would certainly await the outcome of the investigation, but - would I really ever buy a Moderna product or a Pfizer product? Nah. I want to see the results of the investigation, but I am pretty sure of some of the evidence that will be found, and am I goign to put anything they make into my body? Nah.
Thanks, have forgotten about some of that "stuff". I only take herbals from companies I've researched. Now, I've read on a Mercola site that they're going after supplements. If they get what they want, all ingredients must be listed and available to pharmaceutical companies. Ah yes, our great nation is protecting us.
It's global and ubiquitous at present. The corporate globalist traitors masquerading as 'government' in Australia and New Zealand are in the process of handing over the nutritional and supplemental governance and regulation to BigPharma.
NO ONE in politics or bureaucracy or the corporate banksters are troubling to listening to the great unwashed any longer. The pretense has finally evaporated.
Now is the time of the Great Bifurcation.
Yep, it was not about vaccines.
This should include all medical products and not only Vaccines. THEY CAN PUT THE SAME TECHNOLOGY IN OTHER MEDICAMENTS TOO. This includes Vitamin tablets, Processed food too
Or take none at all. Naturopaths will be the winners here!
Well my daughter's naturopath told her the shot was "probably safe" so she got it while nursing her daughter. I later told him he had no right telling her that since zero testing was done on pregnant or nursing women. He had no reply.
Once upon a time Herbalists could advise an individual to use Cannabis but the federal government and the british government ended that. They don't like it when we make our own decisions. . . . we should make more if them.
If they aren’t banned outright. Which the powers that be have tried to do for decades.
Even there, they can change the formulation. I don't trust any of them. If you can, keep old bottles and compare the labels when you shop. Really sad, we've devolved into an abyss we may not be able to get out of.
I have been eating organically for years, mainly because of allergies. Thank you. When I get tempted, will keep moving along.
Ask to see the vial before accepting any injections. Better yet, ask for a copy of the product insert "to review with your medical consultant".
AND read the consent form minute details.
Excellent advice. Always do this!
Love it!
I remember when we had real doctors that actually looked at, and listened to, us. Now what we have are pre-programmed pill pushers. They're indoctrinated from day one in a med school that accepts millions in donations by big phama.
Yup, you pushed button 4. Robots only have 3 functioning buttons. So, the robot has to rewind and choose between 1 and 3.
I would go further and say mRNA or not: be suspicious. Make sure you know everything about anything a doctor wants to give you. Unless it's the proven trustworthy ones like Pierre, or Paul or Ryan et al. Those that have earned out trust.
Don't forget, they may not know some are so stupid and willfully ignorant now AND they may just not tell you, since nobody is suing them and holding them responsible any more.
Keep your fingers crossed that Gov DeSantis can get to the bottom of the dog pile.
I do not think people appreciate how massive and well calculated the deception was. I never took the shot and I never recommended for anyone to take the shot, but initially I looked hard and could not find infomration on which to base a decision. I am an MD, and I have had research training, and initially I had an open mind about the vaccines, but I could see that everything I received from our medical board was propaganda and no data. There was also a very concerted effort to do fraudulent research to make the alternatives look bad - some studies intentionally overdosed people with hydroxychloroquine after waiting until too late to treat - with the results you would expect, making HCQ look harmful and not effective, which is not the case when you look at properly designed studies with proper doses. Pfizer in particular has still not released information as to what all the ingredients are in the vaccine, and as you probably remember, Pfizer and the FDA wanted a judge to allow them 75 years to gradually release all their data. If everything was on the up and up, why would they try to stall and not release their data under freedom of information when requested by 200 scientists? Why go to court to fight release? But there are whistleblowers now who have alleged fraud, and some of it is becoming obvious - one whistle blower who worked at a research site has said that data was changed, and procedures were not followed, and then others have found statistical errors etc. etc. Now that Desantis has called for a grand jury investigation of the vaccines and considration of criminal fraud charnges, it will be interesting what we will see. But I am not stupid - I have had 15 years of education beyond high school, and I treated people and kept them out of the hospital and did NOT cause harm in this - but it was extremely hard to get good inforation initially, and for a good while. I could not tell at first whether the vaccines were safe or not. It could not be determined from the information I was able to see. As time went on, one could see that the side effects were mounting serious ones. I also did NOT know what to think about Ivermectin because when I went to the CDC website, initially there was a warning that this was very dangerous to use - so I wondered, why dangerous? What does it do? I started reading all the avaialble research and also saw it was being used successfully in India - so I started trying it cautiously with good results. But most physicians are accustomed to being able to believe the government agencies - we had no reason to anticipate that the FDA and CDC would like to blatantly, and lie about absolutely everything. The book The Real Anthony Fauci by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. explains a lot - too many people in government are making money when Pfizer makes money, and Pfizer is making so much money - they are buying the news. The sponsor every news program. Now, we're finding out that twitter was censoring scientists and physicians who wanted to share alternative information and alternative perspectives to what Pfizer and Moderna and the BIden administration wanted to put out there. So there was only one message allowed. During the first summer of the pandemic, I know there was a video produced by Dr. Peter McCullough who is probably the most-published cardiologist in history, a true international expert - by the time I got an email about this video, the same day, I went to view it, since it was about Covid (which affects the heart) and the video had already been taking down by Facebook and even after an appeal by a physician organization, Facebook would not put it back up and insisted it violated community standards. So - it is true that a lot of doctors misled people, but they were themselves led down a garden path with false information, and a lot truth was suppressed. Numerous physicians who treated patients with Ivermectin were investigated; some are still fighting to get their licenses back. Right now, DeSantis is working on legislation to protect physicians freedom of speech, but some doctors in some states lost their licenses for speaking against the vaccines. In my opinion, if the FDA and CDC both got fully de-funded, American health would probably be better off - the industry IS regulating itself, pharma IS NOT being regulated by the government agencies, and we'd all be better off if there was no pretense of regulation. As it is, the government agencies just rubber stamp whatever Pfizer and Moderna say. If there were no CDC or FDA to do the rubber-stamping, at least people would know, this is a for-profit company telling you what's what, and "Buyer beware." Pfizer made 36 billion dollars the very first year of the vaccine, enough to sponsor every news show on the air and have plenty of money left over for their executives to be very well paid. With this much money, most of it from the US taxpayers, they can control the narrative, and the info they want out there is the only voice that gets heard. If you want to hold someone responisble, it is Pfizer, Moderna, J & J, Fauci who bought and paid for the virus to be produced in China and colluded with others to cover up the origins of the virus, and the guys in the FDA and CDC who are making money on the vaccines and who are the biggest spreaders of "misinformation." Conflict of interest in the FDA and CDC, some of them are making money every time vaccines are sold, since some own patents for parts of the processes in making the vaccines - but thanks to Congress back in the 1980's, the guys in the FDA and CDC do not have to report or disclose what they are making on their patents etc. Nice bonuses, non-taxable. And then Pfizer, by getting their vaccine on the children's "vaccine schedule" - they have permanent immunity from any lawsuits. While their shots were out on Emergency Use Authorization, it was not permitted to sue Pfizer, and now, with them having it on the children's vaccine schedule, that is long-term immunity as long as they stay on that schedule. Doesn't matter even if it is proven that the vaccines are killing people - no matter what - other than IF fraud is actually proven - mere death, mere adverse effects are no worry for Pfizer, they can't be touched UNLESS fraud is proven. Which might be their motivation to want to keep their data and documents under wraps and to stall on releasing them. Many physicians never figured out the true situation with the vaccines, and with the safe alternative ways of treating or preventing Covid - but so were a huge number of the American people in general, and many were taken in by this collusion of the government agencies along with the pharma companies involved, and collusion of twitter and media to censor any alternative information. If you want to hold your family doctor responsible for this mess - it was not him or her. Look at who all was making money on this, and look who knew the most and lied the most massively. This was huge. Bobby Kennedy's first book on this was the tip of the iceberg. He has another book coming out in January or Feb. that is on pre-order at Amazon now. The Wuhan Cover-Up: How US Health Officials Conspired with the Chinese Military to Hide the Origins of COVID-19 (Children’s Health Defense) Robert F. Kennedy Jr. There is something similar out by Andrew Huff, that is available now but I have not had time to read it. Bobby Kennedy's "The Real Anthony Fauci" has some of the scoop on what Pfizer has done, but there is a lot more, with apparently the CIA and Department of Defense involved in the origins of Covid and the vax. That really starts to sound like "conspiracy theory" but - it seems to be true, and your family doctor is not the one responsible for this mess - even if some are idiots.
Wow. That was quite the testimony, Doc. Thank you. Hearing all this coming from a practicing doctor means a lot to people searching for what to believe. Testimony like yours gives more credence to every doc and substack author raising cane.
HOWEVER. I still hold my doctor accountable, sorry. The idiot STILL has not learned, STILL has not woken up. How long of a wake up delay should one allow their doc who missed only the biggest damn fraud in history-- right under HIS nose. AND, then refused to acknowledge it when I point to it.
The other day my wife's doc(I was present) came in with a surgical mask, wrap around safety glasses, latex gloves, surgical scrubs. The ONLY thing missing were friggin' booties and scalp cap. He spluttered through his mask to talk while we(UNmasked!) talked normally. It was as if he was dealing with a pair of "hot" Ebola patients bleeding from every orifice.
His prognosis for my wife's recent blood pressure upward excursion-- the std. BP med, which DID reduce it by interrupting the RAAS cascade. However, not ONE damn word about the main things that naturally reduce blood pressure:
Vit B's, and other supplements(P McC's got one out), L arginine, low carb diet, reduce stress. Basically anything that increases nitric oxide and flexibility to endothelial cells and protects the glycocalyx. Of course, it was not even worth mentioning that this may be related to the mRNA jab. He could not even comprehend the thought of looking for Rolleaux formation in a blood smear, D dimer, and Troponin! Got pretty pissy when I mentioned those last two. But, at least he did them-- both OK, luckily. Regardless, it will be left like most other people with high BP, unknown cause.
I did say, some docs are idiots, but it is frustrating to me that ALL docs are considered idiots by some. I am thinking again of Dr. Peter McCullough who was among the VERY first to publish on Covid, to give really good advice about how to prevent and how to treat - using vitamins, natural products, and re-purposed generics including Ivermectin and/or hydroxychloroquine - and he was permanently banned from Twitter until just the last day or two, Elon let him back on to twitter. But he is an honest Covid expert, who had Covid himself, who treated Covid patients, and who did everythng he possibly could to help people to prevent without vaccines, and to help physicians to know how to treat Covid - but, he was banned from twitter, kicked off his position at the hospital where he was Chair of Medicine, kicked off a journal where he had been editor, kicked off medical school faculty so he could not teach med students, and now - he is taking legal action to try to prevent losing his board certification - he is board certified in internal medicine and in the speciality of cardiology. The most-published cardiologist in history, formerly editor of two medical journals - everything is being taken from him for teling the truth, and how many doctors were not able to learn from him because he was permanently off twitter, till Elon, and removed from all social media. Even me, everything I ever put on Facebook about covid was censored. But McCullough was the first one I ever heard to say that the vax is a bioweapon. There have been physicians who have tried to educate the public and their colleagues, but they keep being silnced. I have been careful about what I say publicly because it's like, okay, do I want to quietly treat my patients and help them to be well OR say a lot publicly and lose my license and be unable to treat patients who need my help? So, I found a middle way - and there were many reasons it had to be that way. I am not one of the top doctors in the world, so if I got up and tried to do a press conference or something, I would not be believed anyway, and I might lose my license and then be unable to treat patients - but I have educated my patients and have taken care of their families and friends. I would always drop everything and take care of Covid patients right away to keep them out of the hospital. But I think we have to remember who the real criminals are in this. The initial advice from the NIH to all the medical doctors was, do NOT treat because there is not enough research and you might do more harm than good, just do nothing unless you can get people into clinical trials where they can be guinea pigs or lab rats for pharma, but otherwise, do nothing unless they get to where they are turning blue from no oxygen, then admit to hospital and put them on a ventilator. That is unethical according to past statements from the World Medical Association, and it is untrue that we totally knew nothing - the SARS epidemic was a similar corona virus, and back then, Fauci endorsed hydroxychloroquine as helpful - they knew very well it was helpful but cooked up fraudulent studies that were designed to "prove" it was dangerous and did not work, by overdosing people while not starting treatment until cases were too advanced. I think people need to keep in mind who the real criminals were. The people who took down McCullough's educational videos so that no physicians could watch. The people who took McCullough off twitter. The people who censored and took down my Covid posts from Facebook. The people at Pfizer who have withheld so much data from the public, who shaped the messaging for the news media, and who perhaps will be proven to have committed fraud in their clinical trials, who continued to push their products in the face of horrific adverse reactions.
You are a hero simply for saying what you just said. You did what you could but did not lie to get by like some did.
God Bless you Martha.
If the Doctor did not get it within 3 months of Fraudci yapping on TV they are Liberal or just plain stupid.
They are obligated to look at the Study data ( some released from tithe Japanese early on and the package insert! Standard procedure! They did not and most of the Willfully ignorant doctors still have not because down deep they are terrified. The assholes have to dig their feet in deeper and murder more people.
It is powerful to hear in detail how your wife's doc handled your questions concerns and even then did the tests. It's a travesty when doctors won't doctor (teach).
Many simple ways to detect Fraud quickly.
1) US Patent office info shows injections ( not vaccines ) were patented and made before the Plandemic
That is all you really need to know - Public information
2) I knew as soon as Fraudci said in March 2020 “ we are going to get a “vaccine “ to treat this. Most people and all Drs DO NOT treat viruses with vaccines after the infection. Therapeutics or convalescent serum treat viruses after they have been "caught". Therefore " vaccines " totally bogus at that point.
I suspect fraud long before vaccines were ever released which is why I never took one and never recomended it because I was waiting to see actual documentation of safety and efficacy - and I'm still waiting, and there is no safety and no efficacy. But as a physician, all I was given was propaganda from our state medical board saying to get everyone to get a shot - so, no data, only propaganda. So, yes, I did suspect fraud, and there were many reasons, including that I was aware of something that was done in the Philipines about 30 years ago perhaps, in which women thought they were being tetanus vaccines and there was an anti-pregnancy vaccine they were receiving, so that a pregnancy would terminate before a woman even knew she was pregnant - a vaccine against HCG, an important hormone of pregnancy. So I knew about that - most people don't - and it happened in more than one country. Then, Dr. Mike Yeadon, a retired scientist who used to be a VP at Pfizer, had been saying Pfizer had not done the reproductive studies that should have been done, and that it looked to him like if the vaccine made our bodies attack spike protein, that looks a lot like an S protein on the placenta, and would our immune systems be attacking our pregnancies? So I was suspicious and waiting to see how that panned out, and then along came the study the Japanese had requested to show where the vaccine travels in the body - it concentrates in the ovaries - and then several people looked at data on pregnant women, it's causing miscarriages and stillbirths, so ... yes, it looks like this was for depopulation even before I knew about the cardiomyopathy. But - sorry - it did not occur to me to go look in the patent office to look up the vaccine patents. As a physciain, I was working days, and evenings, and weekends to take care of my regular patients plus all the Covid patients who came to me - so, if there had been 8 days in a week instead of only 7, I could have taken that extra day and gone to the patent office and looked it up, if I would thought of it - but no, when I had extra time, I was trying to spend every minute to read research about treatment and find out what actually workede and what was fraud, looking at studies where they overdosed people on HCQ to show it was dangerous, or studies where they underdosed Ivermectin to prove it was not effective. There has been massive fraud up one side and down the other. I would be interested to know - the pandemic started her apparently the first week of March, or the very end of Feb. I was in Washington DC the first week of March when they had their first case there - so, March 2020. On what date did you think of going to the patent office to get the info on that? Whatever date you thought of it, physicians and patients not unreasonably expected intially that these government agencies would not lie to them, that they would give them truthful, carefully vetted information. Some of us have found out otherwise, and it was difficult to discover the truth. And each day we find out more pieces. Did you know the lipid nanoparticles were designed and patented by Moderna to get into the brain? Apparently for the purpose of getting the vaccine into the brain? Did you know the lipid nanoparticles were feto- toxic in every species in which they have been tested? Did you know that CRSPR gene editing technology is part of the vaccine, that is getting into our brain via the lipid nano-particles? And what is it going to do in oru brains? No one knows except maybe Bill Gates, Albert Bourla and Fauci, and they're not talking. So - tons of info has been withheld, but there was a time when there people with some integrity in the government agencies, and a lot of what they did was helpful to the public. Health professionals are taught in school and training programs to believe the stuff that comes out of the government agencies - and I can understand that it was difficult for everyone to recognize that this time, it is way way different. But I don't think the patent on the patent info for the vaccine, of itself is absolute proof of fraud - since there was research going on concerning coronaviruses, maybe it made sense to start work on a vaccine "in case" something happened... I don't know. But in any case, researching patents was not anything I learned in medical school, residency, grad school, or research training. Not part of my skill set, and I also do not think the mere fact of a vaccine being made is an absolute proof it was going to be a fraud. Polio is a virus, and the polio shot, in my opinion - the shot, not the sugar cube vaccine - I think is safe and effective, and I've taken it. I think a vaccine is unnecessary with Covid since there are effective antiviral meds and vitamins that work, and that was another thing that made me suspect fraud as things evolved, because why would you need a vaccine if there are effective meds - that were being suppressed, and why were the meds being suppressed. So, I do think, yes, there were layers and layers of massive fraud, and I saw it, and others have recognized parts of it, but there has been massive censorship also. Elon Musk has twitter files on the censorship of the Covid doctors that he pans to release, though I don't think he has yet. I don't think the fraud was obvious from the beginning, and it was normal for health professionals to originally believe what the government agencies said. It is a shame that many were not very curious, did not seek out additional info, but the censorship hindered us from talking to each other. I really think that if there is any group of people most responsible for this mess, it is the government scientists, and people in the pharma companies and research trusts who colluded to do this. Francis Collins head of NIH, Tony Fauci, Peter Daszak at Eco Health which got money from Fauci to pay for lab work at Wuhan, Bill Gates, Albert Bourla, some of the key people in Twitter who worked on censoring, Sir Jeremy Farrar at the Wellcome Trust which did studies that were intentionally designed to disprove hydroxychloroquine. I don't blame all the health professionals who got conned, and I don't blame patients who bought into all the nonsense. I just read the other day about the microchips in the vaccine. I thought that was a little over the top the first time I saw something about it, but someone has done imaging of vaxxed blood that apparently shows the microchips - everyday there is something new that reads like science fiction horror, some of it really is true, a lot of it true, but it's hard to know since there is fake stuff also. The avergage physician might be working 50 hours a week taking care of patients and doesn't have time to read every article because a lot of it sounds too crazy to believe, though then if you spend more time and read carefully, and read more, you can see there are many things are true that I wish were not. But good that you could figure this immediately, and you are smarter than your doctors apparently. So, you don't need a doctor, you can take care of yourself with herbals and vitamins. Some people do need a doctor, and some doctors try hard to a good job, and no matter what happens, it's always automatcially our fault, whatever happens it's our fault. These are tough times to be a physician, and a lot of people are retiring early just to be out of it.
Sad truth
I've been refusing pharmaceuticals for years. Docs & nurses don't believe me if I tell them that I'm not on any meds.
Besides, I hardly ever see them and won't barring some odd circumstance. The hospital in our area was a death house to begin with, my family's under instructions that if anything serious were to happen to me, to simply put me in my bed and let me finish my life in peace.
I'll be damned if I'm going to pass away in a shithole like a hospital!!
How right you are. Especially in view of the stories coming out about the arrogance of medical staff. Such as in the baby Alex case. The cruelty is unreal! That poor little soul. It was the hospital that caused his suffering. I think the medical profession feels very much on the back foot, very defensive at the moment. It seems that once the egos override compassion you as the patient have had it. It's scary and antithetical to healing. On the other hand, if one feels the doctors and nurses are on side , one is already halfway to healing. Otherwise yes, stay at home.
I wouldn't count on them knowing whether a given med is mRNA-based. Certainly your pharmacist at Walgreens administering flu shots won't. I'd fully expect them to say no, when in fact they'd have no idea.
i will never trust the doctors. They don't know what they are pushing...other than a gourmet lunch from a sexy drug rep.
he/she may very well not understand the question. be careful what you assume.
Ha. Will they even know if it is.
it is graphene-based
You're carbon-based
Big différence Bigs.
Graphene is a highly conductive heavy metal poison.
Not meant to be in the human body.
Chew on and research that.
Graphene may well be dangerous, especially as nano-particle size, but it is by definition 100% carbon with a particular characteristic crystal structure (platey). The same composition as graphite and diamonds, but different structure. The only heavy metals would be contaminants or deliberate 'alloying'.
Thank you for the clarification.
I am a spiritual being. Not based on carbon, water or matter.
Aham brahmasmi - I am Brahman, the spiritual soul and eternal spark or child of the Supreme Spirit.
Please explain the ones below first, because it's just technology:
Has anyone given their consent to this?
As if the doctor would even bother to find out and/or tell the truth!
Some of the top experts on Covid lost their jobs and got banned from socal media for speaking the truth, were silenced and unable to educate others. With all the censorship that went on, that Elon Musk will soon be letting us learn about, many doctors did not have the opportunity to learn that Pfizer's narrative was untrue. I posted two posts on this now, above, so I will not re-say - but some doctors knew and tried to help others, as I did, and some tried to teach other doctors but were silenced. I paid for a subscription to Dr. Mobeen Syed's continuing education service for physicians, because he had many good videos on Covid, but then the organization that accredited his continuing education videos challenged him on his Covid videos and said they would need to re-evaluate - he had to take down his videos and they never came back up. Even so, he said some rather daring things in a few videos after that. He kept up one video on Ivermectin, and also did a new video on an herbal item that works to treat Covid which he did after a good study was published on it, he did what he could do - but there were a lot of his videos I wanted to see, about Covid, and never could, because of the censorship. I have treated many patients for Covid, helped to prevent as well as treat - but with massive censorship, and at high levels, apparently including those within the federal government colluding with Prizer - I would be thinking about holding these people accountable for being part of the reason that physicians didn't know more - the censorship and misinformation from official sources was relentless.
Like they’ll tell the truth
If past performance predicts future performance, you are on target, and I agree. Since they are fully indemnified, what is there to deter them from doing the same thing over and over again. The answer is nothing. The indemnification of Big Pharma needs to be repelled. No other profession is indemnified against harm. Why should they be?
Nothing. Because ALL these injections are controlled by Dod and BARDA and NOT classed as pharmaceutical products at all so don't require rigorous clinical trials, good manufacturing, etc. Pharma, under total control, have been producing "prototype"countermeasures and no doubt all of these will be classed the same. Alexander Latypova has several videos out on this.
the precedent has already been set that now NOTHING really is being required to have clinical trial data to get 'authorized'. they did it with ZERO data on the booster... for babies!! highly illegal in the U.S. but nobody is bitching (except those of us with unacceptable views in the echo chamber)
Oh. Yay. So happy for Moderna.😐😑🤮🤦♀️😭
Right, well given how good the shot side effects are for SarsCov2 - can't wait to see how the one for Ebola turns out!!! 🤔😐😱 #whatcouldgowrong
(I love sarcasm)
A teeny bit sarcastic but mostly not, unfortunately! https://www.who.int/news/item/09-12-2022-ebola-trial-candidate-vaccines-arrive-in-uganda-in-record-79-days-after-outbreak-declared
Sadly, Jessica...
...this entire COVID farce was about fast tracking thousands of mMRA genetic delivery system drugs WITHOUT any further testing
Let alone starting back at Stage I...
i tend to agree
Wow…I published Sept 20, 2021
So anytime we have a blood draw, they are sending some to the DNA data bank?
The PCR tests were a clever way to collect DNA. Everybody was doing them and doing them frequently. I didn’t have a work reason to take one and I would just not go somewhere that required it. No way is some rando health care person pushing a stick up my nose.
500M not 500B
All this from a company who prior to Covid hadn’t made a goddamn thing.
They made lipid nanoparticles that were toxic in all animal trials.
I heard the mice had died but wasn’t clear if they were killed or died due to the vax
Comm'on, Fauci is not such a bad guy after all. He cured me of diabetes and high blood pressure. After I listened to his lies exposed by heroes like Jessica, I opened my eyes, quitted my "regular doctor appointments", and followed alternative medicine advice (e.g., Dr Marik's intermittent fasting strategy to rid of diabetes) while keeping an eye on my blood glucose level and measuring my blood pressure. If not for Fauci lies, I would still be on daily medformin and velacro-sthing - can no longer even remember what it was. So thank you Fauci. Should you be more subtle in your lies, you might have tricked me with BIG Pharma stuff for the rest of my life.
And due to Jessica et al, I am not vaxxed. Neither is my family. My youngest son, a high school senior last year, was the only one not vaxxed in his class. I am proud he withstood the pressure. Due to my providing him with the data from Jessica, Dr Kory and Others. Thank you so much Jessica.!!! You are saving lives all over the world. We live in Poland.
good for you!!! I love hearing success stories. your health is in YOUR hands! yay! wish more people would realize this.
“Because the foolishness of God is wiser than men, and the weakness of God is stronger than men”. At the risk of being called a ‘Bible thumper’, when mankind does not have the backstop of an all knowing, all powerful, and all loving God to fall back on, he is likely to make foolish decisions that when he reflects back on, can only exclaim, WHAT WERE WE THINKING🫢🙃😲☹️? Truth IS a stubborn adversary indeed!
Do not fear the opinions of others and be bold with your “Bible thumping”! It is the only source of real truth that remains
yes, I am not a bible thumper, but HIGHLY respect those who are, who are sticking their necks out to proclaim what many of us do not have the balls to.
From reading these few comments, I would stick with holistic healing methods and do your own research. Thanks Jessica, this is eye opening to say the least.
15 yrs and counting for me, in the holistic world. never been healthier. mainstream people think holistic is some kind of voodoo but its really about restoring TRUE health by following the science of the human body. as opposed to Rockefeller medicine, which is slapping uber-expensive band-aids on symptoms.
Could not agree more ; )
Reading “Turtles All the Way Down” (author anonymous) now, recommended by the great Steve Kirsch. It is eye-opening and deeply disturbing the faulty and dishonest science that underlined all vaccine development. If you don’t want to read or purchase the book, simply read a free first chapter on Amazon kindle.
yep, worth it. I am about half way through. . . kindle.
How do the people that hate big corporations, hate oil companies, hate Monsato, not see that big pharma is the same or even worse?
The invasion of pharma, including OTC, into our homes is insane. Our understanding of what constitutes health has become grossly perverted. Health care, drugs are equated w actual health.
No more OTC from big pharma in my house. I used up some acetaminophen which has nasty side effects and went to the natural product, Curaphen, which contains curacumin and boswellia.Works better than the pharma crap and I’m pretty confident about the ingredients unlike the others.
Excellent -same for us, tho we still have a straight aspirin lingering on the shelf. When I was a kid, we had to be near death to get an aspirin out of our nurse mother. She also railed against psych drugs -super ahead of her times!
Well, pharma, and also "insurance." People mistakenly believe also that if you have no health insurance, you have no health - forgetting that insurance will pay for some treatments but not others, and insurance does not = actual health care or health. Insurance will not pay for any natural treatments whether massage therapy, accupuncture, etc. or herbal meds - insurance never covers anything that helps me, so it seems a waste to buy it. But when they count up how many people are "uninsured" that becomes a huge thing - and maybe some people don' twant insurance. I'd rather spend my own health care dollar my way than give it the middle men who dey care and waste my time and money.
I’ve been paying out of pocket for years because insurance won’t pay for any health care I want.
me too. I have used my state-subsidized medical insurance exactly ONCE in the past 5 yrs. my 18 yr old with autism is on Medicaid. he sees an out of network integrative doctor and is on a advanced supplement program. literally the ONLY thing Medicaid will pay for is basic blood labs, once a year. ALL else is out of pocket.
I started on Medicare last year. If you want their customary garbage it’s all pretty much free - tests, probings, medications, vaccines. You get no credit for not using and burdening the system but they won’t pay for things that work. What really made me mad is my provider harassed me with phone calls, emails and snail mail about setting up a home wellness check. They said they would check my meds, take my vitals and do a “safety review”. I never answer the phone so I missed their calls. Once I determined I would tell them to F*** Off they never called again so I was deprived of the pleasure. I have no meds, my vitals are fine and I am 65 not 105 and don’t need some busybody snooping through my home looking for “violations”.
absolutely true! I know young parents who, sadly, run their kids to the ped and stuff them full of Tylenol if they so much as sneeze. one mom in particular, got the jab while pregnant, baby got RSV when 2 months old. now at 14 months old, little girl catches everything that's going around, mom runs her to ped every time. poor thing has a gallon ziplock bag full of meds on their kitchen counter
Pharma’s fear messaging runs deep in the American subconscious. People are so afraid of having the slightest of symptoms, much less a full fledged virus for a week.
Poor little thing! When I was a kid, back in the dark ages, if we had a sniffle or a cough or something minor my mom would say “it will go away”. And it always did - without medication or doctor visits.
right?! its insane. when I had measles in the early 60's, my mom didn't even take me (or my sister) to the doctor. she said 'it was going around' and we just stayed home for 10 - 12 days. no muss, no fuss, no 'omg, we're all gonna DIE' b.s.
Dr appts are basically telemedicine these days and as far as The Elf is concerned, he needs to guarantee his income stream post retirement. Disgusting.
How much money could he want?! The Elf is certainly a billionaire by now and because he's no longer a "public servant", he won't have to give any explanations or tax records.
I'm sure I read he only declared being worth about 10 million. But he's been Billy Boy Gates' business partner for 20 years and Gates has made billions. Fraudci won't have done it for less, so where is his stash? Someone must know? It should be confiscated and given to the vax injured! A despicable excuse of a human being!
10 million? I'm sure that's pocket change to The Elf! Can't imagine the lengths he's gone to to hide the rest.
New hobby perhaps , gain of function Pinterest Page?
Schoolgirl error in the title of the company I have spotted Jessica........it's actually MurdeRNA, thus giving full credit to their ONLY achievements.....i trust this is a simple oversight on your part 😉....otherwise another brilliant post...Many thanks from the UK
You're not the 1st to notice that but it's the 1st time I've seen it posted.
Good job! It needs to go viral.
I am a licensed naturopath (ND) and I have to say my profession has been quite divided (like the rest of the world). My first oath is to do no harm and so I was very skeptical from the outset about safety of these new technologies; my skepticism (cynicism) has (unfortunately) been shown to be accurate. There are naturopaths who fall into what is called the Vitalism movement that are more "old-fashioned" and not so entranced by tech.
The Covid panic made some people crazy. My chiropractor used to be all about natural remedies. Didn’t recommend flu shots. Once Covid shots arrived, he couldn’t wait to be jabbed. Last time I talked to him he was up to two boosters. It makes me sad.
wow, that is really sad. my chiro had to 'document' getting the jab or she would no longer be able to bill Medicare for her elderly patients. yup, she would have lost over half of her patients (thus half of her business). that's how draconian our puppet government has been.
And yet they bear no responsibility for any damages that occur. I am sorry for people forced to be injected to keep jobs or livelihood
Here in Canada, we are funding studies that provide evidence that unvaccinated people get into more car accidents because they are unvaccinated and therefore getting a vaccine saves lives! So, no hope of anyone ever noticing anything the media or government doesn't say is real.
oh i know i saw. the stupidest article ever published. well, maybe not as stupid as 'unvaccinated' people being responsible for 'vaccinated' people's adverse events.
you must be referring to the ABSURD bit of drivel on the HHS website (yes, the umbrella public health agency of the US!!) that says AE's are caused by jab recipients being stressed out about all the fearmongering misinformation coming from the 'anti vax' crowd. it goes on to say that people who trust the jab completely, have no fear or stress therefore they never have AE's. you can't make this shit up!!
Or this: the people that trust the jab ignore AE’s or blame them on another cause.
plenty of that going one, that's for sure.
Maybe insurance sponsored so they can raise the rates on unvaxxed drivers, while they're paying out on the policies of dead young men! Gotta make up for those losses somewhere!
Igor Chudov wrote a post on this - apparently more of the vaxxed were also working from home, and if working from home no chance of having a car accident. But more of the vaxxed were "essential workers' and were driving to work in greater numbers with fewer staying home, that was the reason.
I couldn't believe the headline! It made me laugh, so that was good.🤪
After you read RFK jr's Fauci book you will realize that they really have no idea what HIV or AIDS really is...hard to have a jab for something that is probably a combination of multiple latent virus and manmade disaster viruses...
Bill & Melinda sure have their creepy claws everywhere...