Every fucking time that a doctor will give me a medicine, my first question will be: "is this mRNA?"

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If past performance predicts future performance, you are on target, and I agree. Since they are fully indemnified, what is there to deter them from doing the same thing over and over again. The answer is nothing. The indemnification of Big Pharma needs to be repelled. No other profession is indemnified against harm. Why should they be?

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Dec 14, 2022Liked by Jessica Rose

Oh. Yay. So happy for Moderna.😐😑🤮🤦‍♀️😭

Right, well given how good the shot side effects are for SarsCov2 - can't wait to see how the one for Ebola turns out!!! 🤔😐😱 #whatcouldgowrong

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Sadly, Jessica...

...this entire COVID farce was about fast tracking thousands of mMRA genetic delivery system drugs WITHOUT any further testing

Let alone starting back at Stage I...

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All this from a company who prior to Covid hadn’t made a goddamn thing.

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Comm'on, Fauci is not such a bad guy after all. He cured me of diabetes and high blood pressure. After I listened to his lies exposed by heroes like Jessica, I opened my eyes, quitted my "regular doctor appointments", and followed alternative medicine advice (e.g., Dr Marik's intermittent fasting strategy to rid of diabetes) while keeping an eye on my blood glucose level and measuring my blood pressure. If not for Fauci lies, I would still be on daily medformin and velacro-sthing - can no longer even remember what it was. So thank you Fauci. Should you be more subtle in your lies, you might have tricked me with BIG Pharma stuff for the rest of my life.

And due to Jessica et al, I am not vaxxed. Neither is my family. My youngest son, a high school senior last year, was the only one not vaxxed in his class. I am proud he withstood the pressure. Due to my providing him with the data from Jessica, Dr Kory and Others. Thank you so much Jessica.!!! You are saving lives all over the world. We live in Poland.

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“Because the foolishness of God is wiser than men, and the weakness of God is stronger than men”. At the risk of being called a ‘Bible thumper’, when mankind does not have the backstop of an all knowing, all powerful, and all loving God to fall back on, he is likely to make foolish decisions that when he reflects back on, can only exclaim, WHAT WERE WE THINKING🫢🙃😲☹️? Truth IS a stubborn adversary indeed!

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From reading these few comments, I would stick with holistic healing methods and do your own research. Thanks Jessica, this is eye opening to say the least.

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Reading “Turtles All the Way Down” (author anonymous) now, recommended by the great Steve Kirsch. It is eye-opening and deeply disturbing the faulty and dishonest science that underlined all vaccine development. If you don’t want to read or purchase the book, simply read a free first chapter on Amazon kindle.

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How do the people that hate big corporations, hate oil companies, hate Monsato, not see that big pharma is the same or even worse?

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Dr appts are basically telemedicine these days and as far as The Elf is concerned, he needs to guarantee his income stream post retirement. Disgusting.

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Schoolgirl error in the title of the company I have spotted Jessica........it's actually MurdeRNA, thus giving full credit to their ONLY achievements.....i trust this is a simple oversight on your part 😉....otherwise another brilliant post...Many thanks from the UK

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I am a licensed naturopath (ND) and I have to say my profession has been quite divided (like the rest of the world). My first oath is to do no harm and so I was very skeptical from the outset about safety of these new technologies; my skepticism (cynicism) has (unfortunately) been shown to be accurate. There are naturopaths who fall into what is called the Vitalism movement that are more "old-fashioned" and not so entranced by tech.

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The Real Anthony Fauci book by RFK Jr. was one of the most eye opening things I have ever read. I list it near Our Enemy the State in terms of importance for understanding the nature of power and corporatism. Globalism, etc, economic fascism, is what it is. A system of control. Fauci is a perfect example of a high level apologist for the control system. He thrives in it. To our general human peril.

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Here in Canada, we are funding studies that provide evidence that unvaccinated people get into more car accidents because they are unvaccinated and therefore getting a vaccine saves lives! So, no hope of anyone ever noticing anything the media or government doesn't say is real.

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After you read RFK jr's Fauci book you will realize that they really have no idea what HIV or AIDS really is...hard to have a jab for something that is probably a combination of multiple latent virus and manmade disaster viruses...

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