So why does Jordan Peterson continue to use tour venues that require vaccinations? In order to hear him speak about authoritarianism, you must submit to said authoritarianism.

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I’ve thought the same…I respect him but still, I appreciate how Rogan has stood up to this.

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So is Kid Rock!

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Brian seems to get the issue with the vaccines with astounding clarity.. but I'm not sure Jordan has figured out that they are harmful, or maybe he figured it out only recently.

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I have the same misgivings from the sense that Peterson is not as fully informed as he might be; and I find that very surprising in that he tends to be strong on statistical analysis and the expert views of professionals in a variety of fields; his comments about the "cynicism" of citizens is understandable in the context of his generally widespread belief in the importance of taking personal responsibility in our lives; but it misses the mark in the face of the reality that not only Canadians but much of the world populace have been immobilized with fear by an extremely powerful and well orchestrated plan where tyranny and total control are the ultimate goals; it seems to me that cynicism of any degree would be a perfectly understandable (and forgivable) stance to take when confronting so much failed political leadership, indeed failed leadership from the vast majority in religion , philosophy, medicine and academia with the rare exceptions being our role models for courage and sacrifice; but finally a ray of hope with the trucker convoys which represent nothing less than peaceful revolution in action on behalf of a world that has been crying out for truth, justice and the preservation of human dignity.

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Yes, I chalk it up to the slow and inexorable process of red-pilling. Peterson started out as a liberal academic with a large set of pre-fabricated standard beliefs about the world. It used to be that you could get by just fine in this way, because the corners of truth or untruth didn't matter so much. Then the world started going seriously off the rails (by what mechanism... we can only speculate)... and everyone of sane and strong mind begins to realize the need to rebel. We can't just go along to get along and maintain our dignity anymore. So people who never wanted to, and just want to focus on their own narrow interests, or just want to operate on the assumption that conventional wisdom is generally right and we can delegate the details to others.. suddenly find themselves in a very different situation.

Layer after layer of conventional wisdom is shown to be rotten at the foundation, but it's too much to just leap to the final stage at once. For myself, I feel like there is literally nothing associated with the establishment (gov't, academia, media, etc.) that can be trusted outside of the most local and "real people" aspects. Every establishment narrative has fallen for me, and it's not pleasant.

Peterson has figured out wokeness, communism, and the media. And now the canadian government in general. But AFAIK he has a ways to go on climate crisis, election rigging, and the true nature of Trump. I haven't listened to his latest on vaccines.

He should read RFK's book. It's pretty incontrovertible. And he should really try to get past his kneejerk educated liberal revulsion of Trump the brash bigot portrayed in the media, and access the truth which is there for all to see if you look. Perhaps a trucker will explain it to him :)

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Very insightful comment!

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Good observation, I thought the same. He may have to answer that himself soon enough. Maybe, he'll try to tour mostly in jurisdictions where mandates are properly lifted.

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Peterson is extremely critical of the "cynicism" of the citizens, actually blaming them for all that has happened to deprive them of their rights. All part of the "Make your own bed" prescription from his 12 Rules for Life. That doesn't quite translate, as he doesn't consider the complete co-option of the government, regulatory and elected representatives, by the Pharm giants, the giant NGOs, and the machinations of the WEF. All of that may sound tinfoil, but it clearly explains the intransigent vax bias and opposition to & suppression of dietary & off-label measures. More than that, it explains just how difficult it is to get a political foothold against those forces with such massively deep pockets. It's not just cynicism, it's a hurdle to honest opposition that is as formidable as any Mars mission. Witness Larry Elder's California campaign to unseat & replace Governor Gavin Newsom. A black man was slimed as "The Black Face of White Supremacy" by the Los Angeles Times and that chant was taken up by all major media in and out of California and his candidacy hammered on as a Racist campaign to reinstate an alleged shill for Donald Trump. None of the massive failures of the Newsom regime were given ANY air to breathe, whatsoever, on MSM or social media. Anything critical of Newsom was suppressed or shouted down. That, to me, was an example of a grassroots campaign by a good, well-informed, capable citizen reluctant but willing to run to take responsibility. He was subjected to the Alinsky-ite politics of personal destruction. He survived it, but his campaign certainly didn't. It was certainly NOT simply a matter of "making his bed" or "cleaning his room". I don't necessarily have a better answer, but I think Step One is to expose the worst of those at the top of the political food chain and their sponsors & bagmen.

Step Zero would be a radical repair of our seriously dysfunctional educational system, which is pouring out Useful Idiots for the causes of Globalism, Socialism, and the tyranny that proposes to run all that.

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Very well stated!

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Don't you think it is because so many of us, in Cananda as elsewhere, has for far too long used that cynicism as an excuse for not actually doing something?

It's one thing to snark away as a low budget Cicero (and hey, I'm not throwing rocks - I'm as guilty as anyone) but a complete different kettle of fish to stand your ground for your ideals as Horatius at the bridge.

I think (or feel if we're using modern day feminist science) that's his point: no matter the vast resources of the opposition, it's still the duty of each and everyone of us to stand firm and say:

Molon labe.

And then step forward. And step forward again. As much as it takes, as long as it takes.

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OK, but we can't underestimate the state of the enormous ideological divide that is so pervasive; divisions manifest everywhere from the political "elite" to one's own family where strong disagreements have become part of the status-quo ; the few that are taking a stand do so at great cost , not only to themselves but to those they most care about; far too many have found their "comfort zones" in living in an alternative reality where independent thinking no longer exists; the "sheep" are not only fleeced but are convinced it is their "duty" to humanity to go to the slaughter; recall the Nuremberg defense: "I was only following orders!" That argument wasn't accepted then but we are now living in the midst of even worse crimes against humanity, crimes, once again, being ignored with a terrible indifference and willful ignorance.

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Thank you Jessica.

You are brilliant and such a force for love, truth, goodness and beauty in a very dark world ♥️✨

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Hi Jessica, can you find that interview on Rumble or some other non-YouTube site? YouTube censorship and spin is a big part of the problem.

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Thank you, Jess.

You are very much acceptable, stay with us.

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I recently heard Brian Peckford on Trish Wood's podcast...it was a fantastic interview and I learned more about Canada's history and government than I did in all my years of school in the U.S. A "righteous man" indeed!

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I'm not a Canadian, but I listened to this interview anyway last week. It was excellent! Rooting for him in his court battles on behalf of all Canadians and to a degree all in the Western world.

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I saw that interview. Good luck to Mr. Peckford in his uphill challenge.

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that was a great interview from two very distinguished men of our time .

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Great interview. Sincerely appreciate that Peckford worked into the discussion The Great Barrington Declaration AND the fact that the vaccines are harming people.

I pray for his success in the courts to establish these facts for Canada's conversations and ours in the US.

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Would it be genius if they had a Go Fund Me to help the Justice Centre Constitutional Freedoms ? Maybe a partnership with the Truckers ? What if Mr. Peterson spoke publicly on the Truckers behalf ? Are they not fighting for the same cause ? Oups sorry just dreaming ...

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Quite right! I can't say that I have seen Peterson take the stand as firmly as he has on other issues of importance; there is still a sense that he is fence-sitting or waiting for developments to take a turn for the better while presumably supporting those who have openly taken a stand; we cannot "psychologize" our way out of today's crisis and hope that the better part of our human nature will eventually triumph; a recent commentator made the point that there are far too many of us who may naively believe that EVIL doesn't exist in the world and thereby have placed their trust and faith in the greatest evildoers.

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You can donate directly to the JCCF on their website. JCCF.ca.

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Listened to it last weekend... great discussion

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Great discussion.

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"Hey Buddy" - Jessica I knew there was a tangible reason why I liked you so much! My Mom is from Corner Brook and I have been there many times (thank God only during summer vacations). I'm half Canadian myself! Love you and stay strong!

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Brian Peckford is absolutely laudable with this lawsuit, not sure why he did not launch sooner. Perhaps he wanted to invest appropriate time to make the case bullet-proof and those domestic air travel rules are indeed very recent (post elections).

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