I must say, the fusion of Trump and Kennedy is a most intriguing initial condition
psst... anything that makes an anti-democratic person nervous must be a good thing
Please do watch and listen to Kennedy’s address posted below. He begins speaking at approximately minute 41:00.
Robert Kennedy is always polite and gracious when he speaks and never reduces himself to ad hominems. He doesn’t have to, because he has the truth and the facts. And he actually knows a lot.
In his address, he intelligently gives diligent attention to the real problems infecting not just Americans, but much of the West.
Also, today, he appeared on the stage with Trump at a rally in Arizona, and although I have yet to watch that, it seems to me that something ‘new’ happened yesterday, and today.
Not to get too philosophical, but I have been thinking about the difference between having free will and not having free will lately; the difference boiling down to determinism. In the case of the latter, choice and outcomes are not predetermined. I personally believe in the former. I believe that we actually have an ability to create new forward pathways because of the nature of complex systems: they are chaotic.
Small changes in initial conditions (or parameters) can have significant impacts on outcomes, and behaviors.
So the shaking of the hands of these two men was not something I think either of them ever thought was going to transpire and you know what, I think it’s possible that this might be one of those small changes in initial conditions where the outcome will inevitably be preferable to the alternative, and beneficial to the people of America and the world.
Please enjoy.
Look at his options. The only way he could have won was if he got into the debates. Without that, there’s no way. And if anything could kill his future chances of becoming President, it would be if he remained in the race, lost, and got labeled a “Ralph Nader spoiler”. That would have permanently killed any hopes for him in the future.
Be patient. The man’s a genius. He’s not done yet! I’m sure he thought long and hard about this decision, and weighed all possible options. In his mind, this IS his path to the Presidency.
If he serves under Trump, it will legitimize him as someone to take seriously. The press will HAVE to cover him. His thoughts and ideas will become much better known. It will set him up for a successful run in 2028. And he will have a greater percentage of the electorate then, than if he won by the skin of his teeth this time.
And look at what’s already happened! His announcement and subsequent appearance at a Trump rally totally knocked Harris out of the spotlight! What a genius move! Today was supposed to be Harris’ crowning moment, meanwhile every headline I’m seeing is all about Kennedy/Trump.
And the Trump crowd went nuts when Bobby took the stage! Do you realize the importance of that? All those Trump supporters could become Bobby supporters in 2028!
Do not doubt him. He knows human nature. And he knows what he’s doing. Have faith.
He has set himself up for strife in his personal life by making this decision, but is willing to do it to accomplish his main goal. Loving the children. Doing what’s right for them. He had to drop out now, while he still has leverage. A failed Independent candidate would have no such leverage.
I applaud him, and will vote for him in my Blue state, without regret.
I like Kennedy, and his stance on most issues except for his pledging his unconditional support to Israel. Considering that he admits to having had a sex addiction, and flying on Epstein's jet several times, along with the high likelihood that Epstein was working with Israel intelligence to blackmail powerful men by providing underage girls for them to have sex with and then filming it with hidden cameras, I don't think we can rule out the possibility that his out-of-character pro-war stance on Israel/Iran, and his support for sending unlimited billions of US taxpayer funded weapons to Israel could be a result of blackmail. Nevertheless, I think it is also within the realm of possibilities that he has simply been brainwashed by Israeli propaganda and that is his genuine stance on the issue, though I think blackmail is the more likely possibility. While I also like Trump's anti-war stance as it relates to Russia, I think that both Trump and Kennedy's pledging their unconditional support to Israel, and apparently putting Israel first, could easily result in the US getting dragged into a war with Israel, Iran/Hezbollah/Yemen.