Oct 15, 2023Liked by Jessica Rose

We are all running in the Storm now. Prayers for strength and discernment. Aho!

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You're a breath of fresh air Jessica.... Whenever I read your words, no matter the theme, I always feel comfortably grounded and kinda safe. I especially like the shot of you on your board, and feel compelled to remind you that we and our gorgeous beaches here in Australia would welcome you among us any time...... Stay safe and well dear angel.....

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wow. thank you

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Glenn is right, but no, Jessica! Australia is NOT safe. A dangerous place. Sun is crazy hot and moves the wrong way. I get disorientated. Their flies are crazy too. Poisonous stuff, and very very stupid politicians. If Australia, then Tasmania. Far away from fallout of nukes.

Switzerland might be safer. They have bunkers for all there, and are not in NATO. Surf in the snow! I am sure Astrid Stückelberger would love to take care of you there. She is a ski teacher and so funny, nice and beautiful. Just like you are. https://odysee.com/@valsamverkan/Astrid-Stuckelberger-Glenn-Dormer-Fritjof-Persson-Transhumanism-Cyborgs-Robots-Brain-Machine-Interface


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Oct 15, 2023·edited Oct 15, 2023Liked by Jessica Rose

Problem is, most are not comfortably grounded.

I find this amazing since the two main benefits are:

- an average increase in Zeta potential of nearly THREE times! This means red blood cells travel 3 times as fast, with 3 times less clumping, with no extra work required by the heart.

- an incomprehensible number of antioxidant electrons are taken in by the body each second, where they can reach every single part of the body (including intracellularly - they can even get into the nucleus).

I would've thought that is vitally important for anyone, but maybe especially those injured:


Yet pretty much crickets - even from the 'good' docs.

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Thanks for the link. I try to ground everyday. I even mow my lawn in cotton socks. I love being barefoot when possible. Maybe it is time to consider a grounding device as winter approaches. I currently use near infra red light therapy 3x/week and pulsed electromagnetic therapy daily. I believe both have improved my PASC symptoms (long COVID). Isn’t it all about Quantum health: Light, Water and Magnetism?

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Will try again. I did not have a protocol at that time Thanks

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Have you tried McCullough's protocol? Sorry you are suffering; too many are :(

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and oh wow! when i get back, i'll let you know

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What a cathartic, cleansing read. I just collapsed into bed, but I couldn’t resist reading this post, and now I feel invigorated and stretched as if I were on that turbulent run with you.

I’ve been thinking about you and all our freedom-fighting warriors over in that vulnerable, volatile corner of the world, Jessica. I am grateful to know you are okay, and I know if anyone is up to the emotional, mental, psychological, and physical challenges pouring down on the people over there, it’s you 💪🙏🕊️

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The world has many corners. To which corner do you refer? Who is it that is being challenged? In what way are they being challenged?

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I’m referring to Jessica’s current corner of the world and Israel’s 9/11 playing out now:


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Yup - as I thought, moral equivalence. The coward's way out. Anti-Semitic too. Jews are the indigenous people of Judea, as Arabs are in Arabia. CJ is lying, and you transmit his lies. The common people know better than the intellectuals, as usual.

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Amazing how you know so much about me and my positions without knowing anything about me and my positions! Throwing in “anti-semite” is the icing on the propagandists’ cake:

“Out of all the name-calling, all the slanders, all the accusations, one word cut the deepest: ‘anti-semite.’

“This word holds the power to torpedo reputations with a single utterance.

“It is the when-did-you-stop-beating-your-wife Chinese finger trap of allegations to which there is no feasible defense.

“Once ‘anti-semite’ is attached to you, it forever lurks in the archives, ever threatening to resurface, even if you’ve managed to clear your name.

“It is like a rusty needle the shaman propagandists can plunge into their chosen voodoo doll the instant they cross a line.” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/requiem-for-a-smear-victim-clemens)

Of course, no matter that I am half-Jewish, had relatives at Auschwitz, and join with Jews around the world in calling for an end to senseless bloodshed against innocents on both sides.

But go ahead, cling to your false dichotomy and condemn anyone who chooses humanity over the State, the common people over the warmongers. You’re exactly where the propagandists want you so you can be manipulated by their emotional triggers to condone escalating violence and lucrative, depopulating forever-wars.

“A politician is a fellow who will lay down your life for his country.”

—Tex Guinan

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Oct 15, 2023Liked by Jessica Rose

I know the feeling. I agree with you. I love storms. Keep on fighting the necessary fight against the evils arrayed against humanity.

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Oct 15, 2023Liked by Jessica Rose

Running through the Storm is “Courage Training”. Without your remarkable Courage we would never know the brilliant analysis you have done on how the “mRNA Storm” is destroying Human Life.

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Oct 15, 2023Liked by Jessica Rose

I am a great fan of you, Jessica!

For your genuine transparency, your incredible expertise, and your courage.

I am a 81 year old cardiac surgeon in Minnesota, who ran outdoors for 30 years just as you do.

As a physician, I am devastated by the abject corruption of medicine by the criminals in our various “Healthcare Systems” around the world, who have bowed down to Big Pharma.

And, to the prostitutes who have bowed down to the trans cult and, for the first time in the history of medicine, created mandates to affirm self-diagnoses.

I applaud you as a truth warrior along with Malhotra, McCullough and Malone.

Never give up!

Thank you,


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Oct 15, 2023Liked by Jessica Rose

I have been following and reading you for a long time now. When I felt alone at the start of all this you and many others were a light that gave me hope. I'm sure you have no idea how much and how many people your internal light has given the world. You are truly one of my heroes! With love and gratitude!

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Absolutely this!

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Run, Jessica, run!

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I don’t know how or when but love--will win. In the meantime we must stay strong and resist evil.

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Oct 15, 2023Liked by Jessica Rose

You write so well. Keep running! :) We will overcome this evil.

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Several of the Substacks I read these last few days express a similar sentiment: that the world is teetering on the edge. It's disconcerting. But, what can we do but ride out the storm. Your analogy is a good one. Keep running! :^)

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This Wonderful piece really resonates with me... Thank you Jessica.. Love storms too.. Oh yes.. been out in Nature when she rockin it and some of those journeys held profound insights for me.. I work for 6 months a year at 10K ft. in the Sierra Nevada.. and rock climb year round for decades, as skiing across this magical realm much of the winter.. Storms are rare Opportunities... learning opportunities that reduce life to it simplest state.. 2000 ft up El Cap in a 6 day storm - 11 days total before topping out.. this type of experience really clarify ones vision as to what is important ... never thought this is it, this incarnation could be over shortly.. Had a Peaceful easy feeling I am safe keep going...

Today in this time of a Perfect Storm Crisis spanning the globe the same holds true to me.. we just to relax and get clear, get very simple and do what we can to Reduce suffering.. Don't make a Big Deal out of how things go down ... at night when my body lays down there is a complete absence of thought.. Did what I could, Loved as much as I could my special connections.. and then I release the results to the Infinite Unknowable.. Understanding that Tomorrow there will be a Way to improve my capacity to reduce Suffering in my little corner of the Universe...

Your sharing your Amazing scientific insights with so many of us thirsty for that Knowledge are a thing of Great Beauty... as you are Are..

Keep on Keeping on We Got this...

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Excellent piece, Jessica. Thank you. I pray for the Good guys, too, and thank God for all of them -- known and unknown.

So much to like about this essay. In the context of the Covid® crime, the fellow runner you came across -- you and he in the same (or similar) circumstances, having to make a decision about the landscape, as it were. Keep going? Turn back? Seek shelter between buildings? You each decided for yourselves and not for each other...

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Oct 15, 2023Liked by Jessica Rose

I was never a runner, though did play city-league rugby after school so probably should've been, but i do ride a motorcycle and never stop or turn back in inclement weather. I think we're all here for with the same motivation for the same reason because it takes personal confidence and conviction to face any adversity, especially the obviously evil ones...

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Oct 15, 2023Liked by Jessica Rose

Here's some biochemistry for you, Jessica, that probably explains why running directly does your mind good: http://www.ursulastaudinger.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/COMT-gene-polymorphisms-cognitive-performance.pdf. Naturally, there are at least a couple of other factors directly involved, too -- namely, COMT genetic status and gender (in the biological sense of the word). See https://larryturner.substack.com/p/cognitive-downsides-of-modern-oral for more discussion. My father was addicted to running for much the same reasons as you -- however, he ended up with bone on bone friction and pain in his knees eventually, and had to switch to bicycle and swimming. Knee cartilage is a finite resource.

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Loved your short story Jessica, you took me with you and I could see everything. That's good writing.

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