Jan 23, 2022Liked by Jessica Rose

You look beautiful, Dr. Rose, and we all appreciate your data analysis and leadership!!! Thank you!!

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aw thanks! i put on lip color!

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Jan 23, 2022Liked by Jessica Rose

The Rally was amazing and you were missed. I've Tweeted your message. Thanks for being a clear and brilliant voice for truth Dr. Rose! Your accomplishments in science, data, math, music and surfing are so inspiring!

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Correct , And please keep it up

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Jan 23, 2022Liked by Jessica Rose

It was amazing to see an event where physicians, scientists, an engineer, a Kennedy, a representative of the Nation of Islam, and a Rabbi all spoke with one message. Amazing! And thank you for all of your good works!

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Nothing like a cheesy, over-the-top evil, world-dominating, power-mad sci-fi villain common enemy to bring people together, right?

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Jan 23, 2022Liked by Jessica Rose

I’m so happy to have virtually met you because of Covid. This was our fate. Thank you Pfizer. Our new relationships are more powerful than your “vaccine”.

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Right back at you! I hope the Trucker convoy is staying warm!

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Thanks Jessica! Can you put that on Rumble so I don't have to use YouTube? YouTube is Google and so is a core part of the problem.

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you're right... will do tomorrow

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Jan 23, 2022Liked by Jessica Rose

Thank you for your bravery, you are a tremendous role model! We are lucky to have you fighting for us. May God bless you and your team of heroes.

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So sorry we didn't get to hear your message today. I believe there were a couple others we didn't get to hear. I am on the train home and will surely listen and share your presentation.

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Jan 23, 2022Liked by Jessica Rose

So sorry we missed you! I was looking forward to hearing you speak!! Thanks for posting it here! Thanks for all your efforts!!

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Jan 23, 2022Liked by Jessica Rose

Loved your speech. I’m so sorry you didn’t get to speak at the rally, but thank you for posting yours for us to see.

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Jan 23, 2022Liked by Jessica Rose

Thank you! I watched the entire thing and was disappointed that you didn't get to speak. Love your ending. LGB!

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Why exactly was the power cut? Didn’t get a long enough permit? Smacks of some tyranny to me.

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Because DC is full of Nazis. Sorry but it is true. We tried to get take out at Chipotle and they refused us because we were not vaccinated. Then we get in the train and they said if we didn't have a mask covering our mouth and nose we would be arrested, removed from the train and never allowed to ride Amtrak again. They just love their power trip.

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While watching at the end, JP said if they went over a certain time, it would be cut off. Probably local authorities being inflexible because they are against the effort, but that wasn't said by JP; It's just my assumption.

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Yea I heard that too, thanks. As you sa,y no explanation.

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Jan 23, 2022Liked by Jessica Rose

The power got cut. Huh, how convenient is that?

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Jan 23, 2022Liked by Jessica Rose

Thank you! Great message, lovely scarf.

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Jan 23, 2022Liked by Jessica Rose

Cannot thank you enough, Jessica. I follow your research religiously. Your speech was perfect. So sorry you were unable to give it today! It seemed the program ended prematurely. Was the power cut early? Anyone know the true story here?

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Jan 23, 2022Liked by Jessica Rose

Awesome! Thanks for sharing, lots of love from the west coast of Canada :)

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Jan 23, 2022Liked by Jessica Rose

Thank you Dr. Rose! I loved your speech and your Freedom Is Not Free hashtag. I’ve been using it all day supporting the Truckers convoy to Ottawa among other initiatives.

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