The roots of this degenerated lunacy is even more deviant.
It comes from Alfred Kinsey (and his pan-sexualism), psychopath funded by the Rockefeller, who claimed that children are sexual from the birth. "Conclusion" he got by masturbating/raping babies of few months, other "results" were given to him by one jailed Nazi paedophile officer …
The roots of this degenerated lunacy is even more deviant.
It comes from Alfred Kinsey (and his pan-sexualism), psychopath funded by the Rockefeller, who claimed that children are sexual from the birth. "Conclusion" he got by masturbating/raping babies of few months, other "results" were given to him by one jailed Nazi paedophile officer that gave him his diary of monstrosities he did during the WWII, and monsters "fathers" and "grandfathers" who engaged in incest and rape of their own grand/daughters.
Since 2014 Kinsey Institute is involved in forming of school curricula (sex-ed) from the kindergarten, throughout the world, powered by the UN, where Kinsey Institute has special consultative status. ... "The Committee recommended that the Economic and Social Council grant ... The Kinsey Institute for Research in Sex, Gender and Reproduction ..."
Than, another one is John Money, another psychopath, who coined the term "gender role", stating that gender is social construct. "Famous" through his sick evil experiment on twin brothers. Both of them made suicide later on, after transition and retransition.
The roots of this degenerated lunacy is even more deviant.
It comes from Alfred Kinsey (and his pan-sexualism), psychopath funded by the Rockefeller, who claimed that children are sexual from the birth. "Conclusion" he got by masturbating/raping babies of few months, other "results" were given to him by one jailed Nazi paedophile officer that gave him his diary of monstrosities he did during the WWII, and monsters "fathers" and "grandfathers" who engaged in incest and rape of their own grand/daughters.
Since 2014 Kinsey Institute is involved in forming of school curricula (sex-ed) from the kindergarten, throughout the world, powered by the UN, where Kinsey Institute has special consultative status. ... "The Committee recommended that the Economic and Social Council grant ... The Kinsey Institute for Research in Sex, Gender and Reproduction ..."
Than, another one is John Money, another psychopath, who coined the term "gender role", stating that gender is social construct. "Famous" through his sick evil experiment on twin brothers. Both of them made suicide later on, after transition and retransition.