The men in my wife's family have a tradition of making light fluffy pancakes. Unfortunately, they aren't glysophate free or gluten free for that matter.
The men in my wife's family have a tradition of making light fluffy pancakes. Unfortunately, they aren't glysophate free or gluten free for that matter.
Damn now I want pancakes (almond flour or coconut flour) with Maple syrup and heavy whipped cream from grass fed cows. I just had some beautiful grass fed Beef steak for dinner
The men in my wife's family have a tradition of making light fluffy pancakes. Unfortunately, they aren't glysophate free or gluten free for that matter.
More survival mindset - all cultures have some form of flatbread because you can make it over an open fire in a skillet or some sort.
Now I want pancakes. My egg free gluten free pancakes are not light or fluffy. Edible though, add maple syrup and who cares.
Damn now I want pancakes (almond flour or coconut flour) with Maple syrup and heavy whipped cream from grass fed cows. I just had some beautiful grass fed Beef steak for dinner
Feminism: A Jewish Psyop to Demonize White Women
(MGTOW = Mostly Gay Transgendered Or Wimpy)