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I agree with what you are saying, and I am part of the trans world, although not an advocate for the present 'transgender movement'. I live on the fringes of that world, as someone who has had lifelong endocrine dysfunction issues, very possibly caused by a pharmaceutical endocrine disruptor given to my mother. That has not been the only lifelong issue, and it makes for interesting conversations with my doctors, having found doctors that will actually listen.

I see what has been happening to the trans (transgender/transsexual) community, how they are used, and I see what is happening to women. I don't like it. Although the roots of what we see now in the trans community were evident in it 15-20 years ago when I was active there. I guess women's history speaks for itself.

Endocrine disruptors aren't just something that we know about. They're everywhere and they are having effects. What, exactly, I don't know, beyond what I have experienced. You said it better than I, above.

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You are EXACTLY whom I was hoping I would reach. :) This makes me so happy. Thank you so much for writing and please, if I could be so bold, speak out for the true community! We need you so badly. We are ALL being used! MUCH LOVE TO YOU

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Thank you. An interesting thing is that the true transsexual community appears to be largely made up of people that transitioned and left the trans community, and rejoined society in a better way. Some never associated with the trans community per se, and I didn't blame them.

Some went full stealth, but I saw no hope of that working for me and it didn't prove necessary anyway. I can't speak for anyone else in this matter, but when I was in that community, I looked for ways to serve there. When I left, I looked for ways to serve wherever I was. With transition out of the way that was easier to do, and for some reason being an "out" transsexual did not prove to be an issue.

Well, OK, this is California, but still, people are people. Being here did help at first. Post-transition I've been to Florida and I've been to Washington DC, years ago. I met somebody "important" in DC. Would it be the same today? I'm not so sure. I feel like things have gone backward, not forward. Downward, anyway.

There is a spiritual journey that goes with this. I wish I knew more about the others I used to know, and if they found themselves on such a spiritual journey as well, but we all went our separate ways and dissolved into society.

I won't say too much more here about that journey. I've written quite a bit about it between my blog and the comment sections of others. I will say that I have belonged to two "conservative" churches (I left the earlier one in the wake of covid hysteria), and been a member of their choirs. For some reason, I find that funny. I am not as shy as I used to be, and I like to sing, never mind what I sound (or look) like. When I first saw myself on livestream I did move to a less visible spot, though. Yikes!

I need community like most anyone else, and this kind works for me. You'd think it couldn't work, not with _that_ kind of church, but it does, mostly, and in spite of what happened in the past. There are bumps in the road. But people can be found there, some, anyway, that are as well equipped to face the moral crisis we are facing as anybody on earth.

I would love for others that are awake to what is happening to also see the bigger picture that I have come to see. I don't think it is a hallucination. But I am not trying to "convert" anybody. These are things that each individual has to discover and choose. I try to point out less-obvious possibilities. There are so many people working so hard to stop what is happening, but without really understanding why it is happening.

And I could be wrong myself. But I have discovered that I can be wrong about something, recognize and acknowledge my error, and receive help from "somewhere". There's more to this existence than meets the eye. And there are more ways to solve difficult problems than by trying harder and harder. How many thousands of years now have we been doing that? Sometimes beliefs need to change. Or transform.

Am I nuts? Maybe. If anyone thinks so, or not, you are invited to drop by my place (i.e. my blog; please don't show up at the door). Maybe we can clarify something together.

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The Frankfurt School adapted Marx’s theories on revolution to include Freud’s theory of the subconscious. The Cultural Marxists’ main focus was to reshape the subconscious of Western men and women and thus create new type of person: one who would react passively to provocations of all kinds.


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thank you so much for sharing your perspective. its an important one.

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You're welcome. A smarter person would probably just stay quiet. I feel like I need to say something. I'm just not sure what to say.

This is all so crazy. The local trans community I was a part of and served in a rather long ago mostly wanted to be left alone to do their thing, provided mutual support, kept to themselves, venturing out in places where that was OK, and wanted to be treated like human beings. (This is California. It was not so simple in some other states.) There was a mix of different types, and some of it could be pretty strange, but there was mutual respect, mostly.

People that transitioned, and there weren't that many, afterward would usually move on in their lives and not be seen again. I was one of those. The last thing we wanted was public attention.

What we have now is very different. Before, there were sometimes allies, typically women (by the original definition), that helped with forming local support groups. Now there appear to be infiltrators, with very different aims. Some of the leaders from that earlier time also "turned". I don't know any more, because I am no longer part of a community like that.

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Speaking with courage is the height of intelligence. :)

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The son of a good friend of mine transitioned to female maybe 15 years ago, can't remember exactly. Our friend was devastated at first, but soon accepted he now had a daughter. She is the nicest person ever. Never pushed or forced others to accept her. She quickly gained everyone's respect through kindness and dignity. Quite a different picture than what we are confronted with today.

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It is very strange how some people are able to do that. But most of the trans community that I knew were not transitioning, and could not have done it that way if they wanted to. There were a lot of men in dresses, sitting around talking, sounding, and behaving like men. What else could they do? That must have some connection with what we are seeing now, although there are more women now transitioning as well. There were far fewer in the past. I knew a trans couple that married. I went to their wedding. Wrap your head around that one. They eventually broke up.

For those that can and do transition successfully, it's still hard for everyone they know. If they have children when they transition, well, you can imagine.

It didn't work out quite as well for me, but I have quite a few health issues and that gets in the way. Still, it was a natural thing to do, my parents had died long before, and I was sterile and an only child. I weighed the risks and went ahead. It had always been my intention, and I never looked back.

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Thank you for sharing your story CM

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