Stunning, Jessica! This deserves an award. Perhaps something such as “Internet Essay of the Month”, or “Lesson In Truth”. Society is in a planned and executed (over decades) nose-dive to hell (a place where reason is abandoned). Reality exists outside of human belief (belief is irrelevant), and our understanding of realty may be called “…
Stunning, Jessica! This deserves an award. Perhaps something such as “Internet Essay of the Month”, or “Lesson In Truth”. Society is in a planned and executed (over decades) nose-dive to hell (a place where reason is abandoned). Reality exists outside of human belief (belief is irrelevant), and our understanding of realty may be called “truth”, based upon primary-source evidence formulated into theory (an explanation for evidence), ever-evolving as the body of evidence grows. Thanks for your eloquent expression of truth.
Stunning, Jessica! This deserves an award. Perhaps something such as “Internet Essay of the Month”, or “Lesson In Truth”. Society is in a planned and executed (over decades) nose-dive to hell (a place where reason is abandoned). Reality exists outside of human belief (belief is irrelevant), and our understanding of realty may be called “truth”, based upon primary-source evidence formulated into theory (an explanation for evidence), ever-evolving as the body of evidence grows. Thanks for your eloquent expression of truth.
wow. thank you.