Female is XX chromosomes. The propaganda spewing non stop is used to confuse adolescents. PERIOD> They want them to think this is normal. It would be interesting to look at diagnoses of eating disorders vs. gender diysmorphia. The assault on the children is criminal as has been the Vax.
Female is XX chromosomes. The propaganda spewing non stop is used to confuse adolescents. PERIOD> They want them to think this is normal. It would be interesting to look at diagnoses of eating disorders vs. gender diysmorphia. The assault on the children is criminal as has been the Vax.
Female is XX chromosomes. The propaganda spewing non stop is used to confuse adolescents. PERIOD> They want them to think this is normal. It would be interesting to look at diagnoses of eating disorders vs. gender diysmorphia. The assault on the children is criminal as has been the Vax.
Feminism: A Jewish Psyop to Demonize White Women
(MGTOW = Mostly Gay Transgendered Or Wimpy)