Jun 15Liked by Jessica Rose

We've come a long way from: "banned from Twitter and possibly a terrorist"

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lol - i mean, if an AI thinks so highly of me, maybe there's hope for humanity!

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Be curious what Google's Gemini AI has to say.

I'd even be curious what a further downstream Browser's AI offers up.

Here's what Yandex.com's AI has to say about you. Still very positive.


"Dr. Jessica Rose is a Canadian scientist with degrees in applied mathematics, immunology, computational biology, molecular biology, biochemistry and protein biology. She is also an expert in analyzing VAERS data, the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System in the U.S. Dr. Rose has uncovered proof positive that the CDC is removing important data from the system in order to hide severe adverse reactions, and have even removed thousands of actual deaths from the system."


Beyond 'Died Suddenly': The Cover Up | Dr. Jessica Rose...

Based on information from the source

Thx for all you're doing to keep the world (and science.............and government) transparent.

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Yes, I’m totally taken aback! No, labeling as a conspiracy theorist or as a spreader of mis-information? We really have come a long way baby!

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AI is made out of dirt Jessica. With dirt morals. (Yes while women were growing love and cultivating civilization us guys were out playing in the dirt. Look what we made!).

You on the other hand are awesome and wonderful and full of morals and goodness of God.

I’m more proud to be Canadian because you’re here.

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Oh, dear Leonard... how sexist can you get? 😉 You boys did not love playing in the dirt any more than many of us girls did! I far preferred it to cultivating civilization. My little sister loved it so much, she was known to have a spoonful or two now and then. (Did she really have tapeworms, as some of my family insisted?)

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Annette, how dare you assume Leonard's gender. ;)

It's off to Woke Reeducation Camp for you.

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I hope this doesn't make you a proponent of AI.

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But, I think she is terrifying the "Powers That Be" that caused and enacted the plandemic and all that it continues to inflict on the people.

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Jun 15Liked by Jessica Rose

Tried "Maddie de Garay".. ..wow

Key Takeaways

Maddie de Garay, a 12-year-old girl, experienced a severe systemic adverse reaction to the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine within 24 hours of her second dose.

Her symptoms have been ongoing, and she is still in a wheelchair, receiving all her nutrition and medicine through a feeding tube.

The de Garays claim that those involved in the trial seemed more interested in blaming Maddie’s illnesses on anything but the vaccine.

Maddie’s case has raised awareness about the potential risks of COVID-19 vaccines, particularly for children, and the need for more transparency and accountability in vaccine trials.

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Jun 15Liked by Jessica Rose

Meanwhile from chat-gpt:

I'm sorry, I couldn't find any specific information about a person named Maddie De Garay. Can you provide more context or details so I can assist you better?

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I just tried on the free version and here is the response:

Maddie de Garay is a young girl who participated in a Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine clinical trial at the age of 12. Shortly after receiving the second dose in January 2021, she experienced severe adverse effects, which have left her wheelchair-bound and reliant on a feeding tube. Her symptoms include chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (CIDP), a rare autoimmune disorder that affects the nerves.

Maddie’s case has become a focal point for vaccine injury discussions, particularly among groups critical of the COVID-19 vaccines. Her family has expressed frustration with the lack of response and recognition from Pfizer, the FDA, and other health authorities regarding her condition. This case has been featured in various media outlets and interviews, highlighting the family’s struggles and their belief that her condition is linked to the vaccine .

For more detailed information, you can refer to the podcasts and interviews where her mother, Stephanie de Garay, discusses their experiences and the medical challenges Maddie continues to face

‎Full Measure After Hours: After Hours: Maddie De Garay: The Covid Vaccine’s First Child Injury? on Apple Podcasts

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I recently worked at an event about AI where one of the keynote speakers said there is a huge difference between the free version of chat-gpt and the one you pay for, so maybe the latter would have more info.

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Jun 15Liked by Jessica Rose

Woah! You've suddenly become Acceptable Jessica!


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Jun 15Liked by Jessica Rose

Well Jessica, of all the 'experts' available on this topic ... I trust your information and your opinion MORE than ANY other (there are other altruistic, authentic, caring and knowledgeable people) and deeply appreciate what you do!

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Jun 15Liked by Jessica Rose

Nice to see something positive coming out of AI. Of course the Brave Browser ain't google or widipedo.

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No, it's better if online privacy is a concern.

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It's not. Brave Browser is based on Chromium which is Google made. Anything that Google has their grubby mits on is a potential privacy or internet safety issue. Brave Browser also has a history of injecting their browser with crypto mining and not being transparent about that and other things.

Firefox or the privacy hardened fork, Librefox is what folks should be using (which you can still use Brave Search with).

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Startpage browser offers no tracking. So far so good.

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I personally boycott anything done with AI. I have seen "artworks" done with AI where I can recognize the originals that it was plagiarized from. I have even seen the original artists signatures incorporated in the Image. Books are being written with AI so I look on Kindle to see if AI was used or if the writer is known to use AI. On you tube I see Genre fiction stories being done with AI. . As to online privacy that is long gone. The AIs will only be a more efficient way to track you and compile everything you have ever said, looked at, talked to on the cell phone, bought, borrowed or stolen. The AI's won't even have to go to new stuff if you decided to go completely off line and off grid. So suggestions for what to do about it is a great topic for discussion.

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Addendum: Joe Allen just dropped his substack article on AI: https://joebot.substack.com/p/doomsday-forever

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Take it as a win 🥇… 🤗

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Can you imagine what the censors at the various Agencies and totalitarian Institutes are going to think? Their brains will overheat. The dead-legacy media will rant and go into deep Trump Derangement Syndrome.

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Jun 15Liked by Jessica Rose

Very nice.... I tried it for DrPeter McCullough and the results were not so flattering unfortunately. The AI regurgitates/encapsulates the information it finds, including the misinformation that is spread about reputable experts. :(


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oh dear

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Jun 15·edited Jun 15

Blue Star,

Well…former hero Dr M is starting to promote some dangerous new stuff and questionable older stuff. Can’t recall the link, sorry. Actually I think it may be his substack. He wants us to inject more new technology into our veins

si-mRNA ( to help reverse the first mRNA shots ). This is new info.

I stopped reading when I saw this so I do not have the whole story. I smelled a rat and was thoroughly disappointed.

As usual, I hope I am wrong.

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Sage Hana who is well connected usually stays on top of the traitors additionally. That sub stack has more evidence in question.

He has done tremendous good but let’s hope he is not selling us out now. Either by Mafia capture or long planned Controlled Opposition.


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Are you referring to Dr Robert Malone? Someone else? I did hear conflicting information about him, being controlled opposition? But I do hope that's not the case. The thing that I've observed is that there are so many good people who spread truth about the jabs and have since created a business from it, selling their product lines. I surely can't blame anyone for wanting to be compensated for their time and work, especially those who have been discredited or worse yet, stripped of their license to practice. They have families to support, bills to pay so why not? That said, to those who may not have followed the counter narrative, they may appear like snake oil salesmen and therefore, untrustworthy... I get that too.

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Jun 22·edited Jun 22

In his new scientific paper, Dr. Peter A. McCullough calls for the treatment of nanotechnology poisoning with... more nanotechnology

( instead of injecting mRNA he is saying inject siRNA )?

Is he stepping out if the DOD closet?

https://osf.io/preprints/osf/qxbgu?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email Strategic Deactivation of mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines: New Applications for RIBOTACs and siRNA Therapy

Nicolas Hulscher, MPH, Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH, Diane E. Marotta, PhD

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Jun 19·edited Jun 19

No, not the well known DOD employee Dr Malone. Still on NDAs with the agencies.

I am referring to the formally warm and fuzzy Dr McCullough. Check his latest substack. I hope I am wrong. I too am devastated. He and his friend John seem to be advocating new injections to “ reverse “ the prior and present DOD Covid Bioweapon Counter Measure Injection. Naaaa….

Keep all the shit out of our bodies how about ?

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They forgot to include "everybody's hero!"

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Wow. They really hate on Dr McCullough. Keep it up sir. You’re on the right track. He’s a hero too !!!

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No heros dude. Fight your own battle. You don’t know who is good and who is evil in this psych ops. Lots of surprises !

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Jun 15·edited Jun 15Liked by Jessica Rose

Al is scary because that description could flip 180 degrees tomorrow. And the Evils know it and will control the world by doing it.

Whoever controls the internet and the weather and weapontry wins. Not looking good . US DOD ( really DOO- Dept of Offense ) is one for one for one.

Sorry to be a realist.


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this is the whole reason why it made me so light! i think this AI cannot be dishonest!

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Al can be whatever the programers algorithms want it to be I would think. Right?

Why couldn't they program it to replace words ( for an individual ie. you ) with the opposite meaning ?

Honest/ Dishonest

So it is really bad news and far reaching destruction if we look down the line.

Unfortunately people believe what they read ...and the Evils just keep repeating it over and over.

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AI lies. (Except about you!). (It knows you’re awesome).

Seriously AI is not discriminate in that it learns what’s there and organizes it. So when it learns about viruses (computer types) it knows how to make them itself etc.

It has no morals and by the way Jessica that’s something truly amazing about you. Your deep connection with your morals.

So think of something intellectually a gazillion times your sharp intellect running around with no morals.

Also think of it starting to think with all computers combined after it harnesses every computer in the world into one.

Nobody can imagine what that would be like.

It’s why I think that God will get us to sue every tech company right out of existence. (As well as every pharmaceutical company). God bless you Jessica 💜🙏💜

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An A.I.

I agree with.

Whats wrong?

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I know right!?

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Jun 15Liked by Jessica Rose

That is very nice. However, with that said, it's also kind of scary how much is known about you in the AI world. I'm glad no deep dark secrets were revealed. JK.

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Jun 15Liked by Jessica Rose

Love to see it!

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AI is confusing me with some other guy. Oh well.

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Jun 15·edited Jun 15Liked by Jessica Rose

Because your name is so common?

: ) Meant kindly, with humor.

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It is NOT; I think there are just two of us in the US and we have different first names, but the other guy seems to be more "famous".

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(That's what I meant. Did you see my second sentence?)

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AI thinks I am another guy with the same last name although we have different first names.

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Interesting: if I just type in my name it finds me LOL. 😂

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Now you can retire.

A swarm of computers (nobody knows where they are located) will run some unknown software which will compile information about you (nobody knows from what sources) in a secret manner designed by an unknown algorithm.

Nobody knows whether this patchwork profile will be saved for good or whether it will be re-generated any time it is needed, pursuant to what rules, and checked (or not) against any updated data from real life or tweaks typed in by unknown operators - live or preprogrammed.

Your real-life work has just lost its meaning altogether. Whatever you do, or not do, is completely irrelevant. The pre-programmed computer/software machinery will verify all your real-life actions (or their absence) against its own patchwork profile. You may be sure that this profile is and will be used to “get to know” who you are, what you are, how much “trust” can be invested into you. No living person will bother to ask you in person about you. Especially when sensitive or “incorrect” information is attached to your profile. The inquirers will automatically assume that you bad, very bad, completely bad, utterly bad or more. You will never be given an opportunity to voice your concern or update your profile(s).

You have just become a fake person. Just like everybody else. It’s all a fake world.

Now your Substack readers will re-read your articles and will be looking for signs of these articles being patchworked by computers and software. Your employer(s) will have to vet you again and again. Your friends will have to re-view your whole life, especially those moments where they were involved.

Isn’t it a beautiful way to isolate any person in the world without a single Joule of energy wasted?

Soon clips will be created with you promoting ideas which are completely foreign to you. You may become a voice, a hero of whole generations, especially when they are needed to flood some public administration buildings or law enforcement facilities. These computers and software can make you the most evil tyrant in the history - without you putting any effort into it. People associated with you may receive emails with links to these clips, and with warnings from “friends” or “authorities” against supporting you in any way.

Who knows, such retirement may be the only solution you can pursue - if that Omniscient New God AI takes all your matters into its algorithms.

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The results produced by AI are heavily influenced by the sources being provided to the algorithms and in what order they are provided.

This one fits you perfectly so I assume that the mainstream (bought and paid for) media is not their primary source!

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Not sure how to AI my name. I have googled my name and have found that I have lived in States I have never even driven through, am on my 3rd wife ( just had my 20th anniversary with my first and only wife), have 3 times as many kids as I actually do and hold several trade certificates in fields I have never worked. Additionally, I have learned that there have been several lawsuits against me and liens too. Not bad for one who has not lived in the US for a quarter of century, eh?

But how to AI my name, that I know not how to do.

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