Outside of your professed expertise but spot on just the same. Nicely done. Government has a role to play but should be minimal not 17-18% of the economy. Bastiat laid this out simply in “The Law”, 1850, short and sweet.

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thanks :)

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RemovedJul 27
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This link is CLICKBAIT. They may be trying to put mRNA into foods but humans require cooked foods. This is a 2mil+ evolutionary change once we knew how to make fire. Cooking food makes it more digestible by a lot. It also deactivates mRNA as we use temps over 50 degrees Centigrade = 122 degrees Fahrenheit. Medium rare beef is ~140 F. Boiling water is 100 C = 212 F. Cook your food as the human gut is now designed for and all is good no matter what nonsense they try.

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Good read. I do not know much about cryptocurrency. I have not tried Bitcoin or any others. Realistically I have always tried to prep by owning and replacing things as they wear out, keeping food stocks up and other supplies. I have lived rurally since 1974 in the North where we would get snowed in for days at a time so keeping a grub stake of food and supplies was common sense.

Then there is gold. Everyone is pushing gold - to be part of a portfolio, gold backed IRAs. I looked into it but to buy one coin at around $2300 cost around $2700 with the mark ups. I you need to sell that coin all of a sudden you will only get about $1800. So, buying gold is for holding long term expecting much higher value later. The companies offering it such as Birch Gold required a $10,000 minimum purchase. My wife and I are old and retired. Not wealthy. So, we don't see this working out for us in a big way. On the plus side of owning physical gold or Bitcoin, if one needed to leave your country and emigrate to another these would be a good portable form of wealth.

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Sounds smart to me! But that $10K minimum purchase sounds way out of line... check out APMEX.COM among others for much better options. I'm no expert on Bitcoin, but have major concerns about "the world's greatest scam" including government surveillance:



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Yes, I was comparing Kitco Apmax and even Walmart. Still, all very "spendy" as they say in Wisconsin. Thanks for the links

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Jul 26·edited Jul 26Liked by Jessica Rose

Thank you Jessica, Important topic.. it's amazing that the G 20 led by America is walking down the same old tired financial/fiscal path as so many nations have done before. So Few have studied the history of fiat currencies. The last 800 years has seen the majority of the G 20 go bankrupt at least a couple times.. France has gone BK seven times .. Spain 5, England 4, etc...

Not all were due to fiat printing but the majority were..

Personally I've examined bitcoin industry and it's vulnerable to government confiscation..

No matter what they say if the G 20 majority want bitcoin or any of its derivatives we can be assured they'll take it.. History is replete with examples of governments just taking anything of real value.. from the general populous.. Primarily Gold and silver.. when they have exhausted the government coffers..

Physical possession of hard assets like precious metals, diamonds, and real estate are more difficult for governments to seize.. but even those can be taken if Government is sufficiently motivated...

Personally I revere David Stockman's Financial genius at The Contra Corner for guidance at this point in time.. Batten down the hatches we are in for one hell of a ride...

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Yes, I agree. Once advantage has been secured by an agency, entity, organization, or even a personal acquaintance, that advantage is usually exercised. We've all heard that when militaries are formed, and weapons created, that they will be put to use. Similarly here, greed and ambition outweighs equity, justice, forbearance, and all the other Christian attributes.

Cain, the son of Adam and Eve, displayed the first of what would become so entrenched in society. When Jesus inquired of him, "Where is Abel thy brother? And he said, I know not: Am I my brother's keeper?" (Of course, both the Lord and Cain knew of Abel's murder.)

And ever since, mankind has been engaged in selfishly motivated activities, lying when convenient, oppressing his "brother" whenever doing so brings an advantage. This is the "heart" of the matter regarding Christianity. Just because corporations are structured in a way to justify such behavior, provides little protection in the Day of Redemption .

What makes up most of our days? Is it not trying to keep up with the demands of living a moderate life? How can that be achieved, when there are those who are in control of the "requirements" we are saddled with, keep a close eye on the leash's tension?

Would it not be better to escape the pressures of city-life, if one is able, and concentrate on growing food, and providing for one's critical needs rather than trying to accommodate the ever rising demands which the system imposes upon everyone it can? Sure, it is not a piece of cake to accomplish this, but with the ever increasing demands of Govt, not to mention being in a concentration (camp) that affords the authorities many advantages in their quest for total control, would it not be worthy of consideration to at least try?

Just some thoughts.

God bless,


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Thoughtful comment Ray, thank you.. My feeling is Simpler in the most profound sense is fundamentally better.. live deep in Nature and away from the decadence of our Lost society as we can.. yet we must remain engaged to the degree that we can effectively fight - non violently... God Bless my Brother..

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Yeah, Curt.

That's exactly what I'm sayin'. I'm not a fighter, and tend to embrace the "flight response" more so. I guess that's why I am where I am; here on an island in the south Pacific. It gives me a feeling of "distance" from the commotion generated by city life. The difference is a very welcome one!

But there is a responsibility given to everyone, to fight evil, to promote Christ's Gospel, to identify the "beast" of Rev 14: 6-12, and to manifest by our actions and words, that we trust the Word fully, and are ready and willing to die for it, just as those who have gone before us and done so. What is a little persecution and pain, compared with eternal life?

But we must engage ourselves in discovering the Truth about the enemy and his tactics before we can be used of God in the "war effort." This much I am able to help with by these means of commenting here in this forum. I'm trying, anyway.

Yours in God's Hands, and brother in Christ,


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In the 14th century in England, the tax collectors took doors off hinges if people wouldn't, or couldn't, pay.

In Mughal India, they trained cannons on villages and blew them to bits, and chased villagers into the jungle where they raped and murdered them.

There is never any escaping them.

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Jul 26·edited Jul 26Liked by Jessica Rose

In my opinion, as long as the cabal of billionaires who control the government and the financial system also control the internet, then crypto cannot truly be "outside the system" in any broad sense of the term. I would also note that bank lending affects the money supply as well. Bank lending creates money out of thin air and loan payback extinguishes that created money. Of course, there's that little matter of the added interest. Where does that come from? More lending, of course. On and on it goes in a debt-based fiat money system. They all fail eventually. It's a simple math problem.

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President JFK was "removed" from office (abruptly) because he had the RIGHT idea to change all of that, which caused him to accumulate many enemies. I still don't know exactly who and why, but the general picture has been disclosed and so we now know that no one is exempt from the corruption that exists which tends to Govt and NGO's business with an iron hand.

Our security comes from God and God alone. Only He can bring in justice, when there seems to be no avenue for it. This world is temporary, just like people. And just like the faithful, who will be resurrected and given garments of light, the world will be finally re-created, made new, with no ugliness whatsoever. All this treachery we are engulfed in will be a thing of the past!

Praise God we have that to look forward to!


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Jeez, Jessica. I understood every word! And this is one time I was out in front of you. Thanks for all you do.

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Now this is s topic more in my wheel house

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feel free to comment!

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And your last part of your post I forgot to address as well as far as blaming the immigrants the poor yes that happened during the fiasco of the 2007 2008 financial crisis every person try to put that to me I shut them right down because they had no idea and understanding of the stock market and the investment world in general what took down almost the whole world back then was the fact that these big players leverage their positions 100 to 1 by using derivatives and couldn’t cover those positions which went against them and the poor and immigrants paid the price people lost jobs Because of it they were the scapegoats of it every person try to say that to me including stockbrokers I shut them down and they should know better because they knew what the truth was that big wall streeters made a bad bet and world paid the price !

that’s what took down the economy in 2008 !

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Hi Dr Jessica Rose 🌹 first and foremost I must say I’m not an expert by no means in cryptocurrency or the stock market but I will tell you I have many years experience from the late 80s until the present time on how to invest , I do invest in cryptocurrency bitcoin by way of using a stock that mines the cryptocurrency as well as buying it but I also buy protection on that said stock to protect my principles ,

One the reasons I love your work so much is because I’m Data driven as well. I chart stocks to tell me where they might go and to see the psychological noise of the trade of any individual investment vehicle , psychology is the biggest part investing in any kind of stock or commodity and for me charts tell a lot what the CEOs are not telling you ,

now bitcoin itself the attraction is the decentralizing aspect where it’s not controlled by any government or single entity and the fact they say only 21 million coins could be made to set a supply and demand construct but who is the say that’s true , say they change it to 42 million that changes the whole narrative of a supply and demand story doesn’t it but right now the biggest problem is finding a currency to trade off of it like the dollar did as a Fiat currency off of gold up to 1928 and the closest fiat currency that comes to mine is Ethereum its strong right now a lot of people invested in it figuring it’s gong much higher than bitcoin from where they are right now everything I read bitcoin should be 100,000. years end much higher according to Kathy Woods to 500,000 to 1,000,000 in a couple years from now, who’s to say, I don’t know but I am in the play in case that does happen I have some skin in the game as they say. After sayin all this I do like Bitcoin

Sorry again for the long post 😊

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One thing that has made be a bit cautious of Bitcoin and the other cryptos is that they are supposed to be currencies, yet people are treating them as (highly speculative) investments. So it could also end up a bit like a Ponzi or pyramid scheme. Your thoughts?

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i am hoping not... my intuition on btc is that it's gonna be a real good thing

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Having said that I do wish I skipped lunch once 20 years ago and bought bitcoin. That $20 or so would be worth about 1mil now!

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Jul 26Liked by Jessica Rose

You might be interested in this. https://youtu.be/wUP229ZPsV4

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Jul 26·edited Jul 26

Note the corrupt CYSTem demands your time for free. In a recent interaction with CRA I pointed out that I had spent years in cumulative time keeping business records, doing taxes, corresponding with them and giving them free time to accommodate their theft from the taxpayer by the War Tax which was to have been only a temporary tax.

The excremental turdo has hired thousands more civil servants to stack the DIEverSHITty contaminated barn of LIEberal voters for the grade 5 ASSistant drama teacher with an IQ of four and the appeal of a beer fart from an unconscious 300 pound obese drunk.

So they lied...the War Tax was not temporary but I assert because of that deception, lie, and subterfuge it is not and has not in any capacity legality of any sort, since it was and is a fraud.

Time is something we each have a measured amount of and if it is stolen from us or given away, we cannot get it back. The CYSTem is corrupt and criminal and for the record yesterday I heard yet someone else say he would love to shoot turdo between the eyes.

If the pigs are reading this, do not bother asking me the identity of the death threatener. Two were arrested and charged in Alberta for saying the same thing but the majority feel the same way.

It would not be far out to say the majority of the people hate him and some would like to do the deed themselves. I do not blame them. Nor the 136 people to date who after hearing the slimy attempts of the CYSTem to silence me over two decades for criticizing the bigots and cowards of the CHRC who were recently accused by blacks of being racist, have joined the "We hate the OPP" crowd for their sh*tshow criminality.

Anything to do with the CYSTem under LPC and/or the NDP is corrupt. As for me I am working on an OIPRD complaint against 5 OPP pigs who violated the CCC, the Charter of Rights and the B of R all on multiple accounts. Heads will roll. If they do not I will have to convene the matter publicly in the "Court of Public Opinion" and expose all the criminals who participated in the fraud and illegal criminal conduct against me.

Back to the money thing Dr. J is onto, everything evil exists because of love of money. Porn, abortion, trannieist butchering, drug trafficking, sex trafficking, etc all exist because of love of money. I have three estranged to be sibblings who are frauds and liars who have sold their souls for 30 pieces of silver. Also cousins in the same event.

The CYSTem steals your money, time and well being. It is the enemy. I am interested in what the lovely Dr. J has to say on the subject but be sure it will be accurate and thorough. I note the open affection for her, but also based on her mind as well as her inner and outer sublimity. (I cannot peruse and digest anything now, like all of us I have to attend to my work)

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The first two chapters of Gwyn Dyer's "On War" made tis quite clear to me: government is a protection racket.

Good luck with exposing the "criminals and fraud." How are your knees?

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Not ever used to kneel before a corrupt CYSTem run by the LPC(lunatic pathetic crazies) and the NDP(nutty, deranged, pathetic)

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Um, just really confused by this post. (Because so different from what Jessica usually posts).

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Me too lol

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If the face of the global oligarchic technocrats, ol’ Schwabby, laid bare that we can expect a ‘major cyber attack’, surely there is a way for these technocrats to throttle the crypto digital haven?

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Jul 26·edited Jul 26

I see virtual money in the same light as paper money. I gravitate towards mans' ancient fascination, gold. I suspect Starlink as a discrete and separate network will host Caesar's digital mammon if and when the WWWeb network is fragmented, localised and finally restricted. There in for me is the problem, if they switch off the internet, where is your virtual savings for that rainy day, which may in fact take the form of an earth scorching CME that fries and disables Continental power grids for 6 months or even years?

I like the concept of crypto, as long as citizens own the network switches and servers, but these at present seem vulnerable to the flush parasite class.

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You said it - "If they switch off the internet, where is your virtual savings..." and if power grids are fried, well, say goodbye to all that for sure

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And what happens to bitcoin and all other crypto-currencies and the like when there's no internet? I've read a lot of stuff about these and no one mentions the fact they are totally dependent on electricity supply and the internet!!

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No, you can use radio and satellite, and things like mesh nets (individual computers or phones acting as relays).

Bitcoiners think about this kind of stuff all the time, the whole point of bitcoin is resilience - and it is already far more resilient than the legacy financial system as the cloud strike thing showed.

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So you have to be a tech genius to retrieve your funds 😹. Not going to happen for most of us.

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Satellite? Individual computers? Phones? All require the electricity grid.

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None of them require the electricity grid, think about it!

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We are facing a looming energy and resources crisis.

It might be possible at present to obtain grid-independent batteries for devices, or recharge them using domestic solar panels, etc, but consider:

1/ Supply-chain collapse for such devices, batteries, etc, and

2/ If the grid gets unreliable, or goes down in whole regions, then there will be no functioning economy in which to spend Bitcoin and similar.

There is - obviously - no possibility of permanent safety in life, and above all in a failing civilisation such as ours, only temporary expedients. It's still worth examining these to assess pros and cons in various time-frames.

I trust more in my woodstacks seasoning in the sun this summer than anything else, if I survive to use them. No intermediaries, no higher tech than an axe and saw. No depreciation, etc.

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Risks Do apply, in chopping wood, (lol) but, like you, I'll weather them over what is unseen that the operators of the NWO have in mind.


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Looks like Jessica has tasted the tulip favored Kool-aid..... 🙃

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Yeah - most taxation is theft, since

A) they lied to you about how much they would take; and

B) they spend it on things you don't approve of, like buying arms to persue immoral ends, and giving it to corporations with long criminal records in exchange for poisons you don't want.

What's more, nowadays it is "illegal" both to withhold your tax payments AND to make them, since it's illegal to fund terrorist organisations, and your government deliberately used fear for political ends during the "COVID" episode, ergo it is a terrorist organisation.

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See "What's Wrong with The Greater Good" on my Substack; and if you think it's worth reading (and it is!) please RESTACK it. Thanks.

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Jessica, bitcoin has an Achilles heel. It’s that it’s dependent upon the fiat currency that people PRETEND they are getting around.

Second is that the premise is that everyone WILL hold but in reality when fiat has trouble people fight to undersell their bitcoin to save their physical assets with fiat.

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Silver or a silver mine would be my best estimate of a good investment for the coming times. Gold for a time as well. But due to the nature of the wef “f’s” they will be pretending to take or buy our gold for cheap or free to back up their world bank digital gulag currency (checkmate for slavery). But will only be stealing it.

Second would be selling commodities like grains,beans, rice, corn etc. you can get a farmer to fill your orders. And get a dry ice company to ship them some frozen CO2 and they can melt it inside the five gallon pails their commodity is shipped in.

I’ll do it with you is you like (I’m in Vancouver).

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