Thank you for all you are doing on behalf of all children, parents and grandparents.

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Just saw the nhs letter to our son, an invitation for his 12 year old to have a covid jab. I will beg him to decline.

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jesus. christ.

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There are no depths of evil that they will not sink to; we're dealign with homicidal criminals.

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I’ve been pretty quiet about this with my younger sisters with beautiful children but after watching Vaxxed I could no longer stay silent. I sent them both the film and hopefully now they can make an INFORMED consent. I pray for my nieces and nephews. I see what I believe is a lot of injuries in my nieces that are older. Autoimmune dx at 15yr, multiple ear issues still ongoing, Colitis 12yr old, thyroid dx 14yr old with ultimate removal. It’s so blatantly obvious to me now and I’m pissed.

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It's past time for us all to get pissed.

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They are just using humans as cash cows and guinea pigs. How do people not realize this? This is slavery for profit. I can't believe we have been going along with this for so long.

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Its longer and worse than just the vaccine schedule. Not talking about conspiracies, just "public health" and poor science.

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Jun 6, 2022
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We must all learn to take charge and control of our own health and healthcare. We must educate and equip ourselves to monitor our health, and make treatment choices. We can no longer 'trust the experts" i.e. the medical establishment. Their agenda is financial and political, with "public health" last on the list.

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so sorry for your family. the effort is HUGE to 'normalize' all these ailments in younger and younger kids. its like those of us over the age of 50 must all have addled memories since we do NOT remember the majority of kids and teens with chronic, life-altering illnesses. (also don't remember more than half of our peers being obese either.)

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I’m 52. I don’t remember any autism or allergies or obesity in my elementary school class. Of course a few kids were overweight and there were some kids with behavioral issues that went undiagnosed. But overall… NOTHING like today. Before the Covid debacle, I never gave vaccines a second thought.

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I'm 61. I have an 18 yr old son with autism (he had the now-typical regression post 18 month jabs). and yes, I too would never have given vaccines a second thought. if not for my son, I would be a VERY DIFFERENT person today. I may have left the matrix any way but I kinda doubt it.

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I have a special needs 13 year old daughter. Raising her was the catalyst to start thinking out of the box in general. But not till Covid did I start to question vaccines. It’s funny how life works.

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the red pill is not a fun thing to swallow. its the one club that we say, 'wish you WEREN'T joining'. :( hugs to you, Jane.

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Yep. Two of mine are overweight… started about Gardasil age… 😢. And food allergies too.

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Criminal. I hope your son listens to you.

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He is only 12? Is he being given a choice? Not sure I am understanding.

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Her son has a 12 year old, and her son needs to decide whether or not to vaccinate his child.

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Thank you. I thought I read it wrong and I did. I assumed she was talking about her 12 year old. Dizzying reading all these posts from numerous substacks. I pray he sees the light.

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Well if he’s in California, one day he may be able to get a vaccine as a 12 year old without parental consent if that bill passes.

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Dear God.

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Me too ~ 🙏

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I will pray for him to say no. I will pray that he seeks guidance from God and listens. Non of what is happening is the will of God. This is evil!

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no upside to the jab in that age range

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Jun 8, 2022
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The grandma is saying that her son got the letter about his son. It wasn't saying the child got the letter, it was his dad that got it. I was confused when I first read it. I reread it several times before I understood what the grandma was saying.

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Their brazen disregard for health is astonishing. This is insanity.

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Thanks for the share. Brilliantly stated by that guy.

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Just read through all of it. Holy Moly!!

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Unacceptable doesn't begin to describe this.

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There are 3 more reasons to get the jab on the childhood schedule. Right now adults who are injured can't sue because of EUA. If they can get these jabs on the childhood schedule then no one can sue after the EUA expires. That is why they are so desperate to get them on the childhood schedule, no how many kids die. The second reason is depopulation, to either kill the kids or make them sterile to "save the planet for Greta." The 3rd reason is to ruin the health of the kids so the medical system can make trillions treating them for the next century.

Jessica, do you play a goombay drum? If you ever go surfing in Haiti you should buy a goombay drum which is played by the voodoo priestess to call the people to worship in the mountains after dark. Listen to Blind Blake sing Goombay Drum on YouTube.

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As I have noted on a number of threads, the first reason here is by far the most compelling. It is the most immediate case of following the money. The pharmas and the Democrats will do ANYTHING to get this onto the pediatric dosing schedule because at that moment it becomes liability proof essentially forever. On this particular element neither the captive employees at FDA nor the pharmas will give an inch and the FDA people involved (many of which have worked for pharma in prior lives) will gladly risk being "fired" by the next administration because they all will have massive golden parachutes from the pharmas anyway.

If you are ever going to rise up and get involved, blocking the pediatric dosing approval is probably your last real chance. Write your congresspeople and Senators, submit comments to FDA, whatever. History has shown that it will not help, but we have a moral obligation to try.

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Isn't it true that if fraud by the jab makers can be proved then they can be held liable after all? So there is still hope to see Pfizer and Moderna go bankrupt.

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Pisser has already been in court and lost 75 times t the tune of 10 billion in fines,yet they are still in business....must be doing something illegal

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elected officials from ALL parties, in most countries, are behind this. in fact, GOP Senators sent out form letters to constituents stating they approve of the WHO power grab, approve of jabs (even if a few do not approve of 'mandates'.) Republicans are getting pharma money too.

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I think 97 Senators are owned by Gates and big Pharma.

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Do you have one of those letters.

Can you email me one of those GOP letters, or if you prefer post it on your page?

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ooooh, let me try to remember where I saw that. (the thing about the form letters) I think it was in the comments on an article on Children's Health Defense.

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I just heard Mike Adams on Brighteon ay the jabs for kids are for depopulation. Naomi Wolf has great interview on mercola.com today which will be taken down Monday night. Did you read Naomi's post yesterday about gun control? You might enjoy Mike Yeadon's and my comments.

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Naomi Wolf said on mercola.com today that these jabs for kids are more evil than what the Nazis did. They are of Biblical or Miltonic evil. They are beyond human evil. They are Satanic. And she doubts there will be fair elections in November. Things are about to go downhill fast.

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We are told that Jesus was a carpenter as a young man. Do you ever wonder what he used to say whenever he hit his thumb with his hammer?

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Damn that hurts?

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I would recommend praying to God. Nothing else is needed. That, I believe is where we have went wrong.

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Please don't demonize Greta. She's not behind this.

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I never said Greta was behind this. It's the people pulling her strings who are the demons.

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Yep, she was a useful tool.

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Not all attempts to mitigate the destruction brought by climate change are diabolical.

Not even all attempts to limit human population numbers on a planet that is round and therefore finite. Some just proceed from common sense.

Not all efforts to limit human population depend on killing existing humans. Limiting family size doesn't involve killing anybody.

It's important to call out evil, but also important not to hallucinate it in places where it is not.

You can see graphs of prevailing world temperature maxima over hundreds of years and you'll see that there are more and more historically maximum temps recently. It's not something the evil Klaus Schultz pulled out of his rear end.

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Surely to God, by now you are beginning to question EVERYTHING you hear from governments and msm. That would include the 'climate panic'. If you still unquestioningly swallow their vomit perhaps you're reading the wrong substack (this one).

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"Surely to God?" What the hell does that even mean?

I don't listen to governments and msm. Literally. I don't have cable or broadcast TV. I don't unquestioningly swallow the vomit of random substack insult-meisters either. If you have information to present, go ahead and present it. Otherwise, let's move on.

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I have put in the time to research both sides of this discussion. In all of my reading, I call it a draw. This planet has experienced temperature changes ever since records have been kept. I cannot draw the “existential threat” conclusion. Not pulling this opinion out of my rear end, either.

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Act to prevent climate change, worst case we waste money. Don't act, worst case is a lot worse.

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I'm with you on the finite planet. I think many of our problems stem from the fact that there are just too damn many of us. It doesn't mean I wanna kill a bunch of people.

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Yeah, but you did pretty much tar her with the same brush.

I'm skeptical that this is a depopulation effort, unless it's put together by some ultra-wealthy greedheads <cough>WEF<cough>. And they aren't, in general, particularly onboard with Greta.

As George Carlin said, the planet isn't going anywhere, *we* are. And that's with or without an intentional depopulation effort. We're supposed to be smarter than yeast cells, but we're consuming our resources and poisoning our environment just as energetically.

And we aren't even producing beer as a byproduct.

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She’s a victim of mkultra/monarch

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Innocent victim.

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I think it's mostly the liability thing.

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My sister has refused to vaccinate her kids, even though so many in her circle have vaccinated theirs. I thank God (!) she cared enough to find out about the dangers and then had the courage and conviction to refuse vaccination for them. Sometimes it was hard because her kids were not permitted to attend venues, restaurants etc. because they didn't have vaccine 'papers'. But totally worth it and I know they will be grateful for their parents' wisdom and protection once they understand the full and sinister picture more fully as they get older.

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According to RFK Jr. vaccines that are officially recommended for children get liability protection beyond that provided during emergency use authorization.

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yup. that's the case in the U.S. anyway. not sure how it goes in other countries. apparently the U.K. can put unapproved jabs on their schedule. and plenty of parents will willingly line them up

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It seems the architects of this system envision a world in which each of us have to be tagged in order to be part of the global economy they are actively creating. Without that tag, we won’t be able to participate in the digital economy they envision, and that will lead to death by starvation for the untagged or elimination by indefinite quarantine. Only with this vision in mind have I been able to reconcile how educated people like those who run our health-related agencies can look at themselves in the mirror and continue to justify this madness.

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All I am going to say whether you believe or not this is biblical. This is a fight between good and evil.

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Spot on

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When I got the notification from the GAA Coalition this morning, I went to Regulations.gov (full url below). There were just over 5,100 comments at that time ~ 😿


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"Here for you," in what sense?

In the "Bring out your dead," sense?

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Are the people in the UK fighting this? I don't get it. We sit back as a people and think this will just go away. I believe in God, Jesus Christ died on the cross and shed his blood for us and he arose to sit at the right hand of God. I believe in prayer. I also believe that when you pray guide will guide us and show us what needs to be done. He doesn't just say pray and I would handle it. It's very frustrating when I hear people say I am praying. What else are they doing, nothing! Why? People are lazy they don't want to see the world for what it is or what it has become. They want to lay the problem and the ability to find the solution at the feet of the people that has already shown us their ability to ignore or even be a part of this great evil. God doesn't want us to just sit back and wait for someone else to handle things. He gave all of us free will. That means He will guide us but we need to get off our asses and do something. If you pray for discernment He will gladly provide it. If you pray for direction He will provide. If you sit back and do nothing and you don't believe you are on your own. I am truly pissed. How can parents knowingly let their child get injected with anything at all knowing we we know. At what point is it just child abuse and no longer about being brain washed. If I was screamed at and beat when I was a kid, called names and told what a terrible child I was isn't that a form of brainwashing? Does that mean that I should not be held accountable if I treat my own child in the same manner? I would pray that most if not all people would say no. I would pray that people would say, you need to be imprisoned. At what point will we start protecting these innocent kids? At what point will the people pray to God and then do what needs to be done? If we saw a mom or dad smack a kid across the face would we sit back and allow it to happen? I would hope not, I would hope that we would restrain the parent and comfort the child. Why are we sitting back and allowing the abuse of those most innocent, those that we should be protecting, those that can't protect themselves? This is so sad and not enough people are pissed enough about the murder of children and others to do something about it.

What happened in Uvalde was terrible 19 children died. However, I ask myself how is it that so many could be up in arms over that horrific mass murder but not be up in arms over the mass murder around the globe caused by this farce of a pandemic and the preceding jabs? I am scared to imagine what would need to happen before we fall to our knees, pray to God for helo and guidance and then enact retribution in the name of those murdered or injured by the events of the last 2 1/2 years.

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No words 😱

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As RFK Jr points out, Big Pharma earns (just in the US?) $60 billion/year from vaccine sales and some $500 billion annually from medications to address the long-term/lifelong side effects. The math is really astonishing. There's gold in them there jabs...

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Thank you! You are a rockstar in my world!!!

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Thank you Jessica for all you do.

Dr Mike Yeadon said that the COVID Vaccines are part of a depopulation agenda by elites.


Dr. Michael Yeadon was:

Pfizer Global R&D,

Vice President 2006-2011

Pfizer R&D

Chief Scientific Officer, allergy and respiratory research 1995-2011


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I sent my comment in!!!

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