This era of censorship will push the dissidents into learning to operate on distributed networks. The rest of the world will gradually follow when it learns that's where all the cool kids went.
Thanks for the heads-up on the fraudulent Telegram channel pretending to be yours. And thank you for having to courage to deal with all the nastiness being thrown your way. I've just signed up and I'd already miss your work if you packed it in.
Admittedly it is not much comfort but it says that your writing is bothering some persons, corporations, and/or institutions. In the distant past making your stuff disappear from a serious site would mean your writing was nonsense or bad research. Today censoring means you are nailing real facts and that scares somebody somewhere. Please don't stop. Not to be too dark but be careful.
I'm so sorry you're having these troubles with Telegram and other social media. Censorship is the pits!
Unfortunately, when you sign up for a free service, YOU and YOUR DATA are the product. You have little control over what happens to you and your data on such platforms. Your best weapon is your wallet: Do not use or support any free service that does not respect freedom of speech or that gathers your data for unsavory purposes.
With many paid services, like Substack, you are more likely to support a service that supports free speech, better privacy, and better quality. This is why I love being a paid supporter of great Substack authors like Dr. Jessica Rose! Paid supporters also help the service stay in business and remain true to its core values, without (or with less) influence from advertisers.
Few people read the policies / terms of service when they sign up for a service; they should, of course, but it's a bother. And many services do not live up to the spirit of their policies and often don't care. But, the terms matter, as Twitter learned after Alex Berenson successfully sued for reinstatement.
For what it's worth, here are links to policies on various popular services:
THANK YOU! If people only knew just how sketchy, if not predatory the ToS actually is/are, they'd run for the hills. The ONLY way big tech became so powerful is that people are so naive and trusting. I have a Firefox add-in that warns me of issues with each site I visit. EVERY site is flagged, even Gab.
I've now been kicked off Twitter, Facebook, Medium All for what were quite mild statements of fact. It would be fascinating if it weren't so diabolical.
You’re being purged from big tech platforms, Steve is on Fox and people are dying from cold and hot weather. I really hope that means we have gained significant traction.
But my old neighbor in San Francisco is jealous her BF has more boosters than her. Hope this happens fast.
I reported the channel to TG, if we get enough people it will be deleted and another will pop up in a few days.
Have you made a physical backup of all your content?
I've finally been reinstated to Epoch Times, after being kicked off because I advocated our fighting back effectively against our mortal enemies. I pointed out to ET that, by following their censorship rules, they would have had to censor George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Paine, Betsy Ross, Paul Revere and thousands of other notable founders of our country.
I try to boycott all of the worse which is all the big ones. Youtube, twitter, facebook. I have been spreading "misinformation" on Gab, Bitchute, and Substack and not kicked off. Rumble and Gettr appear alright, but I don't have accounts there.
I looked at my credit card payments and found a $69.99 charge to Jessica Rose Nova Scotia. I called my credit card fraud department and it was removed. I did sign up to subscribe but definitely did not remember paying $69.99. I certainly think Jessica's work is important but most people ask for less than 10 dollar a month. And 69.99 is so it looks like something you bought. This is a fraud using your name Jessica and it happened right after I subscribed.
Jessica, take it as an honor that you are being targeted. You have been hitting them hard and people are listening to you. You are having an impact. It comes with the territory. I like you and you have nice legs. If you ever come to Reunion Island to surf, drop a line and my companion and I will show you around, introduce you to creole cooking Reunion style.
People do that all the time. You have to look at the information to make sure it's really them and not a fan channel. Basically they repost what you have already worked tirelessly to get out to the public without them having to go and look the real you up. I don't know what else they post. I agree they shouldn't be able to use your name or image without approval. We need to be able to keep something for ourselves and I think our name isn't asking to much.
Should I write it again? That Telegram channel is not mine. Lol
So do you have a real one? If so, what is it?
I wonder how Geert Vanden Bossche and Claire Craig are still on Twitter?
This era of censorship will push the dissidents into learning to operate on distributed networks. The rest of the world will gradually follow when it learns that's where all the cool kids went.
"There can be only ONE"... Jessica Rose :)...
Thanks for the heads-up on the fraudulent Telegram channel pretending to be yours. And thank you for having to courage to deal with all the nastiness being thrown your way. I've just signed up and I'd already miss your work if you packed it in.
Admittedly it is not much comfort but it says that your writing is bothering some persons, corporations, and/or institutions. In the distant past making your stuff disappear from a serious site would mean your writing was nonsense or bad research. Today censoring means you are nailing real facts and that scares somebody somewhere. Please don't stop. Not to be too dark but be careful.
I'm so sorry you're having these troubles with Telegram and other social media. Censorship is the pits!
Unfortunately, when you sign up for a free service, YOU and YOUR DATA are the product. You have little control over what happens to you and your data on such platforms. Your best weapon is your wallet: Do not use or support any free service that does not respect freedom of speech or that gathers your data for unsavory purposes.
With many paid services, like Substack, you are more likely to support a service that supports free speech, better privacy, and better quality. This is why I love being a paid supporter of great Substack authors like Dr. Jessica Rose! Paid supporters also help the service stay in business and remain true to its core values, without (or with less) influence from advertisers.
Few people read the policies / terms of service when they sign up for a service; they should, of course, but it's a bother. And many services do not live up to the spirit of their policies and often don't care. But, the terms matter, as Twitter learned after Alex Berenson successfully sued for reinstatement.
For what it's worth, here are links to policies on various popular services:
* Substack:
* Gab:
* Rumble:
* Telegram:
* Twitter:
* Facebook:
* YouTube:
THANK YOU! If people only knew just how sketchy, if not predatory the ToS actually is/are, they'd run for the hills. The ONLY way big tech became so powerful is that people are so naive and trusting. I have a Firefox add-in that warns me of issues with each site I visit. EVERY site is flagged, even Gab.
I've now been kicked off Twitter, Facebook, Medium All for what were quite mild statements of fact. It would be fascinating if it weren't so diabolical.
You are 100% right! Thank you 🙏.
It's all about the money (your data).
Thank u thank u thank u thank u thank u thank thank u thank u thank u thank u etc.
You’re being purged from big tech platforms, Steve is on Fox and people are dying from cold and hot weather. I really hope that means we have gained significant traction.
But my old neighbor in San Francisco is jealous her BF has more boosters than her. Hope this happens fast.
I reported the channel to TG, if we get enough people it will be deleted and another will pop up in a few days.
Have you made a physical backup of all your content?
I've finally been reinstated to Epoch Times, after being kicked off because I advocated our fighting back effectively against our mortal enemies. I pointed out to ET that, by following their censorship rules, they would have had to censor George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Paine, Betsy Ross, Paul Revere and thousands of other notable founders of our country.
For the time being, I'm back on there.
You forgot to link your GAB account.
I want to see those surfing photos and videos, they look amazing, for someone who has never surfed.
I try to boycott all of the worse which is all the big ones. Youtube, twitter, facebook. I have been spreading "misinformation" on Gab, Bitchute, and Substack and not kicked off. Rumble and Gettr appear alright, but I don't have accounts there.
I looked at my credit card payments and found a $69.99 charge to Jessica Rose Nova Scotia. I called my credit card fraud department and it was removed. I did sign up to subscribe but definitely did not remember paying $69.99. I certainly think Jessica's work is important but most people ask for less than 10 dollar a month. And 69.99 is so it looks like something you bought. This is a fraud using your name Jessica and it happened right after I subscribed.
Creepy AF!
I am sorry too.
Jessica, take it as an honor that you are being targeted. You have been hitting them hard and people are listening to you. You are having an impact. It comes with the territory. I like you and you have nice legs. If you ever come to Reunion Island to surf, drop a line and my companion and I will show you around, introduce you to creole cooking Reunion style.
People do that all the time. You have to look at the information to make sure it's really them and not a fan channel. Basically they repost what you have already worked tirelessly to get out to the public without them having to go and look the real you up. I don't know what else they post. I agree they shouldn't be able to use your name or image without approval. We need to be able to keep something for ourselves and I think our name isn't asking to much.