Happy New Year!! In Western society to stop something like this you need power. And power seems to come in only two ways being in government(elected or appointed) or having a billion dollars. We still grant far too much worth based on money. Even when a former FDA commissioner moves to Big Pharma we grant him status that he hasn't actually earned. We have now beat the "correlation doesn't equal causation" phrase to death. It's time for every possible vaccine related death to have autopsy. The vaccines should be stopped. We have lots of people protesting vaccines, lockdowns, and masks. The numbers are small though compared to the Federal/State Government. All we can do is keep encouraging people like you to keep hammering away at the data and science. It feels to me like there is already enough to stop the vaccines but the money and power are still winning. Presenting more FOIA files and new twitter files and up to date data along with the occasional elite harmed by the vaccine will help. Please don't give up Dr. Rose. Sorry for a little rambling but my coffee hasn't kicked in yet. Happy New Year!
As far as I know, this is only about dark chocolate and includes at least 5 sources/brands. Here's a link to a petition from Consumer Reports to the manufacturers:
To live life in any stage or form, check the source of your chocolate. Apparently a lot has been made with over-the-recommended amounts of lead and cadmium.
I'm moderating my 'doses' until I find if my 'medicine' comes from a safe source.
I believe there exists one more source of power -- the power of vastly superior numbers. But only if massive numbers and superior "staying power" can be marshalled nonviolently in the streets. It's really the only avenue of change that remains for We the People. The greedy billionaire oligarchs have captured all of the other methods with their big-money influence and intimidation. Will it happen? Time will tell.
If Moses could drown Pharaoh's army then anything can happen. Perhaps Putin could send a hypersonic missile to butter the sociopathic genocidal oligarchs all over the Alps of Davos between Jan 16 and 23rd.
Michael Senger just wrote a piece that illustrated how mass protests worked to stop the mandates in 2021-22. I was glad for the reminder that we do have power in our numbers.
From the original HHS response letter to Judicial Watch's FOIA request: "... some information was withheld ... when disclosure would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy." That is our internet-data-gathering, social-control-aspiring government worried about unwarranted invasion of personal privacy. Would that be irony or hypocrisy?
Thank you Jessica for more incentive to do everything we can to end Big Brothers reign of Biological terror.. we are going to Win this.. Yes indeed.. till that day keep stoking this fire to get us to Nuremberg again.. You are Rocking It!
Happy New Year Dr. Rose! May we all hug and kiss our loved ones a lot more. My heart goes out to all those who have lost their loved ones or been injured from these poison shots. Thank you for your dedication, hard work and your beautiful playful spirit.
Happy New Year to Jess and all of Jess's friends. I brought in the year with hot chocolate and home made pumpkin pie, all organic. A Chinese friend of mine just told me all her jabbed family back in China is very sick with covid. Her mom is in the hospital. The drug stores are out of zinc, vit C and D3, and quercetin. She says the unjabbed are not getting sick.
If the information in this presentation is true and accurate, we must understand that all government agencies are both in on the intentional killing of Americans and also will not take action to stop it. Seems only the DoD has the authority to end this. Who knew?
Also if true, our appeals to government agencies could be one more distraction from the real agenda, and these agencies are merely playing a part for our benefit, pretending to do what they are chartered to do but, in the end, accomplishing nothing of value, other than to keep us focused away from the real source of the tyranny.
May it feature the conquest of Covid, the spike protein,
and - to the best degree possible - the healing of the pain, damage and mayhem caused by them.
May it also feature the prosecution and sentencing of all Covid Cartel leaders and collaborators, with the public executions of Fauci, Baric, and other worst-of-the -worst. Gruesome? No, Cathartic!
And for you, a return to peacetime research and the pursuits and rewards you desire and deserve!
Subscribing to you led me to Meryl Nass, MD's sub stack that led to Sasha Latypova's remarkable work showing these items called "Covid-19 vaccines" were developed under Other Transactional Authority for the DOD and are not pharmaceutical products. Thus the CDC, FDA, NIH have no jurisdiction and are just pretending to be involved to reassure the public on "safety and efficacy". Sasha Latypova's work is up on her sub stack "Due Diligence and Art". Thank you for your own phenomenal work by the way. You explain intricate cellular biology/biochemistry with unique skill and wit.
I've heard several reasons postulated as to why parents aren't speaking out in numbers. one being that they are in shock. another being that they are being successfully gas lit by medical folks and made to believe it was not the jab. another, sadly, is the fact that hospital staff are telling these poor parents that they can get $9k for funeral expenses if they let them put covid as cause of death (even though they didn't have covid!) so think about how many MORE kids have died and its not recorded.
Happy New Year!! In Western society to stop something like this you need power. And power seems to come in only two ways being in government(elected or appointed) or having a billion dollars. We still grant far too much worth based on money. Even when a former FDA commissioner moves to Big Pharma we grant him status that he hasn't actually earned. We have now beat the "correlation doesn't equal causation" phrase to death. It's time for every possible vaccine related death to have autopsy. The vaccines should be stopped. We have lots of people protesting vaccines, lockdowns, and masks. The numbers are small though compared to the Federal/State Government. All we can do is keep encouraging people like you to keep hammering away at the data and science. It feels to me like there is already enough to stop the vaccines but the money and power are still winning. Presenting more FOIA files and new twitter files and up to date data along with the occasional elite harmed by the vaccine will help. Please don't give up Dr. Rose. Sorry for a little rambling but my coffee hasn't kicked in yet. Happy New Year!
Enjoy your coffee :)
Thanks. Coffee and chocolate might be addictions at this stage in my life. But ones with which I am happy to live
As far as I know, this is only about dark chocolate and includes at least 5 sources/brands. Here's a link to a petition from Consumer Reports to the manufacturers:
To live life in any stage or form, check the source of your chocolate. Apparently a lot has been made with over-the-recommended amounts of lead and cadmium.
I'm moderating my 'doses' until I find if my 'medicine' comes from a safe source.
I believe there exists one more source of power -- the power of vastly superior numbers. But only if massive numbers and superior "staying power" can be marshalled nonviolently in the streets. It's really the only avenue of change that remains for We the People. The greedy billionaire oligarchs have captured all of the other methods with their big-money influence and intimidation. Will it happen? Time will tell.
If Moses could drown Pharaoh's army then anything can happen. Perhaps Putin could send a hypersonic missile to butter the sociopathic genocidal oligarchs all over the Alps of Davos between Jan 16 and 23rd.
Michael Senger just wrote a piece that illustrated how mass protests worked to stop the mandates in 2021-22. I was glad for the reminder that we do have power in our numbers.
Happy New Year, Jessica :)...
Happy New Year, Hubris :)
Happy New Year Jessica and everyone else. Thanks for this report.
From the original HHS response letter to Judicial Watch's FOIA request: "... some information was withheld ... when disclosure would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy." That is our internet-data-gathering, social-control-aspiring government worried about unwarranted invasion of personal privacy. Would that be irony or hypocrisy?
Happy New Year and thank you for all you do!
Is there enough information on the case cited to see if it is still in VAERS? 🤔
See update herein, Martha. Pretty sure he's in there with VAERS ID 1376934, but not listed to have died.
Thank you. I'm kind of surprised the record is still there, albeit apparently sanitized.
i can sure check...
Thank you Jessica for more incentive to do everything we can to end Big Brothers reign of Biological terror.. we are going to Win this.. Yes indeed.. till that day keep stoking this fire to get us to Nuremberg again.. You are Rocking It!
Happy New Year Joan of Arc!
Happy New Year Dr. Rose! May we all hug and kiss our loved ones a lot more. My heart goes out to all those who have lost their loved ones or been injured from these poison shots. Thank you for your dedication, hard work and your beautiful playful spirit.
Happy New Year to Jess and all of Jess's friends. I brought in the year with hot chocolate and home made pumpkin pie, all organic. A Chinese friend of mine just told me all her jabbed family back in China is very sick with covid. Her mom is in the hospital. The drug stores are out of zinc, vit C and D3, and quercetin. She says the unjabbed are not getting sick.
If the information in this presentation is true and accurate, we must understand that all government agencies are both in on the intentional killing of Americans and also will not take action to stop it. Seems only the DoD has the authority to end this. Who knew?
Also if true, our appeals to government agencies could be one more distraction from the real agenda, and these agencies are merely playing a part for our benefit, pretending to do what they are chartered to do but, in the end, accomplishing nothing of value, other than to keep us focused away from the real source of the tyranny.
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year Dr. Rose!
May it feature the conquest of Covid, the spike protein,
and - to the best degree possible - the healing of the pain, damage and mayhem caused by them.
May it also feature the prosecution and sentencing of all Covid Cartel leaders and collaborators, with the public executions of Fauci, Baric, and other worst-of-the -worst. Gruesome? No, Cathartic!
And for you, a return to peacetime research and the pursuits and rewards you desire and deserve!
A toast to you, and such a year.
Thank you for all you do JR! Happy new year to you beautiful soul 💜
Happy New Year...great work....very damaging evidence
Subscribing to you led me to Meryl Nass, MD's sub stack that led to Sasha Latypova's remarkable work showing these items called "Covid-19 vaccines" were developed under Other Transactional Authority for the DOD and are not pharmaceutical products. Thus the CDC, FDA, NIH have no jurisdiction and are just pretending to be involved to reassure the public on "safety and efficacy". Sasha Latypova's work is up on her sub stack "Due Diligence and Art". Thank you for your own phenomenal work by the way. You explain intricate cellular biology/biochemistry with unique skill and wit.
Call me slow but Happy New Year and Thanks for your commitment.
I've heard several reasons postulated as to why parents aren't speaking out in numbers. one being that they are in shock. another being that they are being successfully gas lit by medical folks and made to believe it was not the jab. another, sadly, is the fact that hospital staff are telling these poor parents that they can get $9k for funeral expenses if they let them put covid as cause of death (even though they didn't have covid!) so think about how many MORE kids have died and its not recorded.