For the record, I have engaged a lawyer on this Telegram fake account issue. The impersonator is escalating, as I knew they would, but with very graphic and offensive posts showing violence against women. I posted a notification of this escalation to Twitter on January 9, 2023. I also reported it using the Telegram ‘Fake Account’ option and also using the ‘Violence’ option, more times than I can count, and I have also written 4 separate emails to and to, but to no avail.
It seems - impossible - that any blow joe can pose as anyone they like and defame them publicly like this. But here we are, eh? I know many others who are having this done to them with various social media apps and I realize that this is ‘something that happens’ but, IT’S NOT OK. To do nothing, is to let it happen.
The best course of action that my actual followers can take is to unsubscribe from this fake account. The following screenshot shows pictures of some of the reports I have filed using the app, and of the account itself so that there is no mistake in unsubscribing. They are using my name Jessica Rose ( and my rad photo that I took myself whilst pulling off an amazing Hang 5. I have the original files to prove this is my photo and I repeat, I DID NOT GIVE ANYONE PERMISSION TO REUSE IT ON TELEGRAM, or anywhere else.
To be clear, I DO NOT HAVE A TELEGRAM ACCOUNT. PERIOD. I NEVER HAVE. I use Telegram occasionally to talk to individuals - not to group form.
The remainder subscribers will primarily be the people also involved in defamation, in my eyes. I know that there are many, many trolls lurking in the interweb-verse. But my concern is not just for myself but for my subscribers. If you subscribe for my content, then that’s what you should get: not impersonators selling products, and not perverse posts sensationalizing violence.
It is so shameful that people’s goals involve trying to impersonate or defame others. Really shameful.
Here’s a copy of the email sent by my lawyer as proof of notification of the abuse. Let’s see what they say. This was sent 4 days ago.
It would not surprise me in the slightest, if the effort is actually sponsored.
I have a sort of Telegram account. We are at odds over their censoring efforts. I doubt that I will have any sort of account tomorrow as I climbed on and pasted the following;
This is not the Dr Jessica Rose as portrayed. Fix it you censoring dumbasses...i am not a robot, so i may appear a bit blunt.
Stay safe out there.