People need to stop using Youtube. Peertube is open source and free to install on your own servers. Plus it can easily be federated. You in effect run your own Youtube Inc and can allow users.

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nice thank you!

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Really?! Never heard of Peertube?

What about Odysee and Bitchute? They seem great alternatives too.

as to the flying rabbits: Never even heard of that one but OMG, really funny! I must be so perverted. . . !

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You self host, either by a physical server or virtual server setup. This gives you full control of own your instance (of Peertube).

Bitchute and Odysee are free but you are not in control of the platform.

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Not being an IT guru. . . stupid questions here:

-- Don't like the idea of someone accessing my external hard drive / router(Apple based) so, I am more prone to just use my Dropbox account

-- Would you consider Dropbox a "virtual server" or. . . what?


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You upload your work on a server which has a firewall. Home PC's have a firewall, server's have a plethora of options. Virtual servers (Digital Ocean start from $5 a month) have it built in. What you gain using other people's platform is not paying the costs of bandwidth, maintenance and storage costs.

I would not consider Dropbox an option. It is a file sharing site, which you do not have full control over. Their site goes down, so do your videos. Plus its not built for video.

This is a good introduction to Peertube:


Typically I use each video's embed code on my own Peertube instance into an article for my blog. I keep physical copies of the videos on hard drives too. Schwab did tell us the internet may go down. I don't want my work scrubbed.

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One reason I still use youtube is that it's unmatched for content unrelated to politics. Animal and nature videos, how-to cooking and crafts, travel...The free speech alternatives will take years to supply that. As long as youtube continues to educate and entertain me, I won't boycott. Ditto for Walmart, Amazon, etc. People need to figure out how to be free without cutting themselves off from information and material things. The cabin in the woods scenario isn't for everyone, and BTW, when I lived off grid in rural Oregon, government helicopters flew over every day, looking for drugs, and I had a visit from the FBI, asking me to inform on my neighbors. Everyone needs to get real about what's possible and what's a false gesture.

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Didn't take long for Substack. If the channel owners you follow read comments one suggestion is to contact them and ask them to upload to other platforms - even one they own perhaps. Not sure about what you mean about false gesture. Peertube is growing steadily, impressive if you consider users are paying for publish online. Newsletter notifications are built and the option to download each video can be se, if needed. The bigger podcasters I follow are actively promoting their Peertube instances along with their independent websites.

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False gesture means, no matter what you do, the government got there first. Communication itself is based on compromise and the potential for misuse. As for all these alternatives, I think I can speak for many non-techies, I really don't want to ask my favorite food vloggers to upload their shows to another platform, they already work hard enough. I watch the political shows on "alternative" platforms, which aren't all that alternative, but 90% of what most people watch is apolitical, so it's a false gesture to watch someone teach you how to clean fish on odysee, and do you really think any of those places are run by people you can trust? I'm not being gratuitously negative, I'm just pointing out that people who can solve problems need to factor in the actual viewing habits of real people, not just assume that everyone wants to boycott what mostly meets their needs, I need the cleaning fish video more than I need the bunny attack video.

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If a creator is only on Youtube, then they will most likely be grateful for having point out that the other platforms pay more per view. Creating an account isn't hard, nor is uploading a file.

I do not say use other platforms Odysee or Bitchute, though they won't ban your account for pointing out facts on vaccine deaths for example. With Peertube, its completely open source, you don't even have to install yourself. Pay a IT person $20 and hey presto. With regards to viewing habits, yes everyone is set in their own ways. Personally If I'm witnessing government's committing democide and media platforms aiding it, I'd forego the fish cleaning videos. I did it quite easily with legacy media. The large 25+% drop in BBC TV licences in the UK over the last 2 years shows many are too.

Here's a YouTube channel with 2M followers, backing up his content on Peertube.



For the last 2 years the govt haven't been able to shut personal Peertube instances down. Btw, each instance is like having your own YouTube, with users Abel to sign up and create their own channels. It runs just like Youtube, live-streaming and with the added ability to download when the user allows.

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Dear FLL: I am not trying to put words in your mouth but believe your explanation of false gestures here is not consistent with your context. This resulted in the Technies, not really "getting" your point. I think I DO.

Let me offer this:

false gesture example: Boycotting Utube because you resent them infringing on your freedoms and that of others while realizing there is little chance the rest of the world will fall in line with this because there are so many OTHER non-infringing videos on the platform. False because it has no real effect or chance of success.

Boycotting would "cut your nose off, despite your face", while accomplishing nothing.

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A reply to feral lunch lady regarding false gestures.

Free (as in freedom) and open source platforms are not false gestures. They are a way of working and sharing that is liberating those who wish to own there process.

If all computerize voting systems were open source, it would be very hard to monkey with the vote. Also anyone computer savvy can read the code and see if there is a back door. Proprietary code running voting machines (as is the case) are not open to inspection and back doors or hacks are exploitable. But independent people are not allowed to examine the code or when there is a breech to investigate how it happened. In house only. Not a good system.

One more example and it applies only to core bit coin not the various front ends that engage it. Bit coin to date has not been hacked. It is opensource. But once the code is complete like a very good mouse trap. It is full proof. At least so far.

Proprietary systems are not open to scrutiny and thus like windows have vulnerabilities.

However I may not understand your position. If I got it wrong I apologize.

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Fair enough. I´m not a techie, and there are many things I need to learn that are on youtube. I watch political things on rumble and the others, but if I need a way to go from one place to another without an expensive taxi, youtube shows me how to do it. Rumble doesn't have enough how to things to answer every question immediately, while youtube does. I only want techies to understand the needs of viewers. I will never boycott a platform that teaches me skills and tells me how to cross a border cheaply and safely. Techies don't realize that a travel or cooking vlogger is overwhelmed with the work of editing videos, so they are not motivated to complicate their lives uploading things to obscure platforms. It's all good. You guys keep doing your work, but you should realize that ordinary people need to learn how to clean fish, not learn things they have no aptitude for.

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I was looking at that yesterday. I was a bit confused about ‘federated’?

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It is both totally unbelievable and totally believable that this clip would be censored today. One of the signs of totalitarianism is that the fanatical followers and enforcers of tyranny lose their sense of humor.

On a lighter note, I discovered a hilarious mashup of this skit with Moloko’s “Killa Bunnies” song (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1XkgWXPMgyI) and included it in the first footnote of this piece:

• “Anatomy of a Philanthropath: Dreams of Democide & Dictatorship – Part 1: A Mostly Peaceful Depopulation” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/anatomy-of-a-philanthropath-dreams)

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my fear is that this is the beginning of the campaign to 'teach' or perhaps 'unteach' the masses the difference between fiction and fact. all tied into digital 'reality'.

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That is an ominous, Orwellian prospect.

Could *any* human being, even the most menticided (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-the-menticided-a-12-step), actually mistake this skit for reality, though? I mean, really?

Then again, if you watch any of Justin Awad’s man-on-the-street videos (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ufmcubp2szg), it actually becomes conceivable that they could.

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Oy Vey is the most appropriate response to Justin's video.

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The left started this quite awhile ago with their “truth over facts” postmodernist nonsense. To them, “truth” is whatever beliefs make you feel good. It’s near impossible to have a meaningful debate with them anymore as they possess their own set of beliefs they firmly believe are true. Most of those “beliefs” are things they’ve been told…not things they’ve personally experienced in real life. People are increasingly averse to real physical interaction with the world.

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Toward preparing the masses -

Does anything dissolve B.S. better than standard logic?

Imagine if we all learned it, valued it, practiced it and instilled it in others! By standard logic I mean the formal debate level - with simple assertion, unwarranted assumption, non-sequitur - the whole shootin' match - all understood and employed. It sure would thin the herds of politicians, hucksters, advertising hypers, etc.

But none of this is useful unless people stand up in unison to BSers of all types.

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Tragically, no. I used to think that, but the more belligerent bamboozlement (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/dispatches-from-the-new-normal-front-d2c) I witnessed firsthand and the more I learned about mass hypnosis/madness/crowd psychology/menticide (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-the-menticided-a-12-step) from authors like Gustav Le Bon, Joost Meerloo, Hannah Arendt, and Mattias Desmet, the more I came to discover the truth of this passage:

“The masses have never thirsted after truth. They turn aside from evidence that is not to their taste, preferring to deify error, if error seduce them. Whoever can supply them with illusions is easily their master; whoever attempts to destroy their illusions is always their victim.”

—Gustave Le Bon, “The Crowd: A Study of the Popular Mind”

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Oh no! My bubble!

I've never seen logic mutually/collectively applied on a large social scale. I'm hoping that if you're right, things can change.

I now stand forewarned.

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We can hope 🤞

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Love the Moloko’s remix!!😂😂

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I’m so happy to hear that as I thought it was hysterical 😹

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So good!! Just sent it to some of my friends. I tell you, I’ve been so obsessed/ furious with our current state of vaccine affairs I really needed a good laugh.

Reminds me of when Covid first hit and someone posted asking for funny Covid memes. There were some good ones. Comic relief does wonders.

Realize this post was about the continued absurdity of YouTube’s censorship policies... I’m clinging to the good laugh. As in play, repeat!

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I agree—we all need some laughter therapy!

Speaking of, I just took my first break in almost a year and watched a movie with my husband, and I highly recommend it for more comic relief: it's a 2009 Korean film called "Castaway on the Moon." We were only able to watch it once on Netflix years ago before it went away, and we have been trying to find a version with English subtitles ever since. It's still not available for purchase anywhere, but some blessed soul uploaded a version with English subtitles to YouTube here:


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Aug 25, 2022Edited
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What an insightful and wise comment, Wayne74. So very true and so very sad.

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Aug 25, 2022
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Great story, Dr. Lawrie!

Bunnies are absolutely wonderful creatures. SO very smart, trainable, agile. And when they get ANGRY, watch out! I’ve been bitten by a few that I was brushing or nail trimming as a volunteer with rabbit advocate / rescue groups. But I considered such nips as badges of honor and a reminder to me to be a better handler.

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Why would they get angry? Being served and groomed by humans who love them? May be those that bit you need therapy... or take them to anger management class... :>

Where I came from, these testy animals would quickly be turned into dinner.

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Was that the same bunny in the movie, Fatal Attraction? 😉

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"That's no ordinary vaccine.

That's the most foul, cruel

and bad-codonoptimized mRNA-injection you ever saw.

You tit! I soiled my armor

I was so scared.

That transfection agent's got a vicious streak.

It's a killer.

- Get stuffed!

- He'll do you up a treat, mate.

You mangy Antivaxxers git!

- I'm warning you.

- What's it do, a rash at your bum?

It's got huge side effects...

It can attack your heart ...

- Look at the bones!

- Go on, Bors. Get the vaxx in.

Right. Silly little bleeder.

One Spikeprotein stew coming right up.


Jesus Christ!

- I warned you.

- I've done it again.

I warned you, but did you listen to me?

Oh, no. You knew it all, didn't you?

Oh, it's just a harmless

little injection, isn't it?

Well, it's always the same.

I always tell them...

Shut up!

Right. Vaccinate!"

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"You killed the bride's father!"

"I didn't mean to."

"Didn't mean to? You put that jab right in his arm!"

"Oh, I'm sorry, is he going to be alright?"

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After you suffered several "rare" adverse events after each of the four doses of m(isfolding)RNA Prions party vaxx and still stubbornly fight the unvaccinated ;) lol


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Nice one!

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Jessica, you are priceless.

We have gone so far off the rails, I have to pinch myself every day. Here in NYC we have a mayor who clearly believes in killer flying rabbits, not to mention our governor. And we have a clear case of Stockholm syndrome for NYC would actually elect the warden of the lockdown camp.

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Pity we weren't asked if would be offended at being coerced into having experimental gene therapy, being placed under house arrest for months on end, made to wear face nappies and denied medical treatment for anything other than an invented disease caused by an invented virus which has never been proven to exist.

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Well, if we consider that "Monty Python" would not be even allowed today, this is not surprising...

(not to mention "Married with Children" :P)

During the "communist" times, we had books translated that were censored in US for decades... say 1001 Arabian nights... This "bringing up to code" of history is an old disease in this country... But - I guess - "censor-sheep" is the price we have to pay for... freedom?!

Another interesting fact: in older movies (but not that old), nobody would use bad words; however, Lt. Kojak would call his subordinate (brother in real life) - Stavros - "fatso"; nowadays, things are in complete reverse. "Fatso" is the new "f" word :P... If I paid this "compliment" @work, that would mean HR and (ex)termination :P.

My personal opinion is that tiptoeing around "sensitivities" doesn't solve anything; the society drives people mad and frustrated, so they look for reasons to vent... The more "accommodating" we are, the lower the thresholds get... but that is easier to do than building a fair and equal society.

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Ah "censorsheep" - perfect!

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Aug 25, 2022
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Telly does. And when you're at Atlantic City using The Players Club, tell them Telly sent ya.

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It’s censored because it shows someone literally fighting to the death against overwhelming odds. Not backing down is considered offensive by the censors.

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Hadn't thought of it that way!

This skit still gets me for the horrorific content, it is memorable! But censor it!? FFS!

Are they going to censor the homicidal squirrel in Chevy Chase's Christmas movie too?

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When we were children, my big brother once saved a white rabbit from being fed to a family friend's python. He persuaded the friend to give him the rabbit, which he christened Henry - but it was so aggressive, we had to wrap our hands up in a double bedsheet before opening the hutch to feed him. I am not exaggerating. We realised we'd adopted the one from the Holy Grail... a week later my brother gave it back to the family friend - I don't know what happened after that but I didn't fancy the python's chances. I wonder if this childhood story needs to come with a warning now...

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There were a few years when I raised rabbits for meat. People think they're sweet little creatures but they can be quite vicious, especially towards each other. You can't keep multiple rabbits in a hutch because there will be blood.

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Oh yes.

They are good eating, and much easier and less contamination risk while butchering, than chickens. They sure can scream if the knife isn't sharp and the wielder not sure (watching friends'' first time).

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Oh your story made me laugh! Oh dear!

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My girlfriend's (sorry ladies) son confessed that he longs to be microchipped so he no longer has to be burdened by thinking. So he can be told what to do and think. A clean hassle free existence of work, gaming and appropriate bonding. This was said without a shred of irony. What a fucking nightmare we are trudging towards.

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talk about Orwellian! Jonestownian, certainly. Pour this Darwinian some Kool Aid.

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That boy is gonna become your nightmare if you marry your GF.

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That is a situation screaming for you to extract yourself from. Life is too short to get hobbled by other peoples problems. Run!

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Deplatform Censorious Platforms!

Vote with your feet to defeat! Let's all make a concerted effort to exit censorious spying platforms -- YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, Google, Instagram, Trusted News Initiative members (TNI)*, etc. -- in favor of platforms that welcome and celebrate free speech. By leaving these censorious platforms in droves, we send them a clear message: Either change your ways or wither away.

* TNI members: https://www.independentsentinel.com/you-need-to-know-about-the-trusted-news-initiative/

Better-known free-speech platforms include: Substack, Gettr, Gab, Odysee, Telegram, Truth Social, Rumble, Bitchute, Briteon, and The Epoch Times comments. (I'm not a social media expert, so apologies in advance if any of these no longer are -- or never were -- free-speech platforms or I have missed any of your favorites.)

So-called "free" platforms like Facebook and Twitter take away your actual freedom of thought and speech, instead using YOU as their product: Your data in exchange for no-charge "services" and censorship "for your own good". Garbage tinfoil handcuffs, these are!

We should support and pay for the best platforms. No-charge free is rarely truly free. Liberty -- actual freedom -- comes at a price, either financial or in blood (real or virtual).

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Don’t be upset, YouTube is trying to rebrand and promote themselves as family friendly, you know, an online community where pedophile makeup artists in drag get artificially boosted so kids can watch.

But don’t worry, you can totally trust her sister with your DNA.

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The death of comedy spells the end of Western Civilization. “Run away! Run away! Run away!”

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"Ye manky Scots git" was probably all it took for some people to take offence. I doubt that it was the other content.

Most non-Brits wouldn't be sensitised to Scottish "offence" mechanisms. Certainly not Scots. They poke fun at themselves as much as any English w/man.

Stiring up discord where none existed is part of the agenda.

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Monty Python used to keep me and my 4 brothers in stiches...my younger brother memorized all the lines from all their movies. Every once is awhile I will roll out to my kids "Aaachhh! You think you have it hard! Why, when I was your age, we woke up before we went to sleep, and licked the street clean before going to school!"

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It's offensive because the bones are all white. Where are the diverse bones?

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