Sometimes the "thing" looks like a simple dysfunction at the cellular level, and I guess it obviously is just that. But WHAT is behind that observation? One of the concepts that seems likely is ANY foreign, un-natural chemical or substance introduced into the system, will either be dealt with biologically, and eliminated through the many…
Sometimes the "thing" looks like a simple dysfunction at the cellular level, and I guess it obviously is just that. But WHAT is behind that observation? One of the concepts that seems likely is ANY foreign, un-natural chemical or substance introduced into the system, will either be dealt with biologically, and eliminated through the many protective means within, OR. the body, not having the capacity to contend with the invasive substance will develop what is naturally the process of decomposition of whatever has failed biologically. Hypothesis example: If a person's health is optimized, his system will take care of most natural invasions. But if it is compromised, it is probably unable to do so, and the "decomposition process" gets underway. Whatever organ or system is least healthy will become the invader's target. This, I think, is why there are a whole HOST of "different cancer types" on the march these days. Every organ and system of the human body is connected by many commonalities; interdependence is at its fullest.
Now, with certain (and I'm assuming "created") spike proteins and/or its counterparts designed to interrupt proper cell functioning; division and disposal, the patient's ability to fight off a cancer, for instance becomes over-taxed, and could easily fail. Another assumption along those lines, is that since cells divide at an astronomical rate for the purpose of replacing "old" cells, it seems likely that genetic dysfunction is at the core of this "pandemic" but not the sole contributor. Having to deal with that, on top of the body's short-changed health-level due to inadequate health practices (nutrition, exercise, low-stress, etc...) AND...the inputting of the "carrier liquid" inside the vials of "vaccine," which has been discovered to contain all sorts of nasties, are we surprised at the onslaught of sudden deaths, rubber clots, turbo cancers, brain dysfunctions, among a thousand other highly problematic conditions? Let's not forget to include the chem trails, the preservatives and pesticides in the food supply, the liquid chemicals in the municipal water and even the ground water. Let's not forget how depleted and non-nutritious our farm soil has become, leading to a lack of nutrients which once were plentiful.
I'm not here adding to the dark scenario, but only making an attempt to tie the dismal condition of our lives' health to the opportunistic (but naturally occurring) system of decomposition before and after death.
This recent condition surely is not a natural phenomenon. The "coincidence" factor is off the charts, leaving all who are wondering with a very bad taste in the mouth. They just are not saying anything....yet! But thanks to the "keepers of the gate" and the "watchmen on the wall" the "trumpet" has been blown, and the discovery of the enemy's troops have been spotted!
Thank YOU to all who have been playing a part, and for those who have suffered, our prayers and hopes go your way.
Sometimes the "thing" looks like a simple dysfunction at the cellular level, and I guess it obviously is just that. But WHAT is behind that observation? One of the concepts that seems likely is ANY foreign, un-natural chemical or substance introduced into the system, will either be dealt with biologically, and eliminated through the many protective means within, OR. the body, not having the capacity to contend with the invasive substance will develop what is naturally the process of decomposition of whatever has failed biologically. Hypothesis example: If a person's health is optimized, his system will take care of most natural invasions. But if it is compromised, it is probably unable to do so, and the "decomposition process" gets underway. Whatever organ or system is least healthy will become the invader's target. This, I think, is why there are a whole HOST of "different cancer types" on the march these days. Every organ and system of the human body is connected by many commonalities; interdependence is at its fullest.
Now, with certain (and I'm assuming "created") spike proteins and/or its counterparts designed to interrupt proper cell functioning; division and disposal, the patient's ability to fight off a cancer, for instance becomes over-taxed, and could easily fail. Another assumption along those lines, is that since cells divide at an astronomical rate for the purpose of replacing "old" cells, it seems likely that genetic dysfunction is at the core of this "pandemic" but not the sole contributor. Having to deal with that, on top of the body's short-changed health-level due to inadequate health practices (nutrition, exercise, low-stress, etc...) AND...the inputting of the "carrier liquid" inside the vials of "vaccine," which has been discovered to contain all sorts of nasties, are we surprised at the onslaught of sudden deaths, rubber clots, turbo cancers, brain dysfunctions, among a thousand other highly problematic conditions? Let's not forget to include the chem trails, the preservatives and pesticides in the food supply, the liquid chemicals in the municipal water and even the ground water. Let's not forget how depleted and non-nutritious our farm soil has become, leading to a lack of nutrients which once were plentiful.
I'm not here adding to the dark scenario, but only making an attempt to tie the dismal condition of our lives' health to the opportunistic (but naturally occurring) system of decomposition before and after death.
This recent condition surely is not a natural phenomenon. The "coincidence" factor is off the charts, leaving all who are wondering with a very bad taste in the mouth. They just are not saying anything....yet! But thanks to the "keepers of the gate" and the "watchmen on the wall" the "trumpet" has been blown, and the discovery of the enemy's troops have been spotted!
Thank YOU to all who have been playing a part, and for those who have suffered, our prayers and hopes go your way.