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Thank you for sharing your story of your Mom’s life and her experience. You summed up the state of today’s healthcare tragically succinct. My MIL had AML and died a year before Covid. What has happened is unbelievable and it continues to get worse. I sat here and read your story for hours! It inspires, validates, and saddens. Thank you for taking care of your mother so passionately. It makes me glad to hear of people like you in our world. It shows me hope.

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Thank you so much. Your words touch me deeply.

We are living through a war. This is what it feels like to live through a war.

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I live in Canada, where over 90% of adults were brainwashed into taking the jabs and most that I know are still true believers. In my Bible study group of 8, we have had 2 cases of suddenly appearing stage 4 cancers and 2 cases of heart attack. The stage 4 kidney cancer friend passed away already but the stage 4 colon cancer friend is still battling. The 2 cancer victims are both unjabbed but their spouses were jabbed. Both heart attack victims survived being dead for 10 minutes -- one was jabbed and the other was not. I find the statistics from my own experience to be very curious.

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Yup. I call it Canuckistan and the slime minister was all in on the fix as were his ASSministration. Note the imbeciles appointed by trudope like Tam. What is a Tam? Note that the real experts, virologists were not selected.

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And you DR. J are one woman I think the world of. Who could not or would not? I am not belaboring the point at all but in my profession over three decades I have found substantial proof that women possess the nobler character traits as well as a greater intellect over my sex. Thirty three years is indeed a long time to be able to observe a phenomena.

Now I do get in trouble from time to time with stating this reality but it is true for sure. Mine eyes have seen it.

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Very true.

But a war with a difference: many can't see or hear the bombardments and bombings, and the casualties are mostly invisible, or known to only a part of the population.

And many of the wounded and their families think their injuries had some other - natural - cause.

It's hard not to feel one is edging towards insanity in such conditions (which I also think is by-design)! Only daily contact with Nature and prayer can help, as well as communicating with others who can see, and are trying to do something.

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I often hope that I am insane, and that the world is actually normal and fine.

We have been conditioned to stay quiet about our beliefs. I feel it in myself. There is fear when I say, out loud, “my mom was killed by the vaccine.” Fear of how others will react.

During the height of the pandemic, there was a social frenzy. Everyone was accusing everyone else of hatred or stupidity.

It felt easier to just quietly go about life. It felt easier to let others dig their own graves.

And they did dig their own graves.

The problem is that, now, they have been injected with poison.

For some, I stopped talking about the vaccine in order to preserve the relationship.

Some relationships were ended over talk of the vaccine.

I never stopped loving any of them.

And, now, I have seen what the vaccine can do.


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The damn CYSTem has been trying to silence me for years on many matters relative to the advance of stalinist stoogery and woke wankerism. I have not and am not staying silent about my own beliefs that oppose the corrupt CYSTem.

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