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I was notified two days ago that a 3rd previously very healthy fit friend now has terminal turbo cancer.

All of them are multi boosted

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oh dear

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Hang on ...

The thing is ... another friend in this group (mostly high powered legal fellas)... took two shots (even after I alerted him early on to https://www.wired.com/2003/05/feds-race-to-make-sars-vaccine/) and now has severe myocarditis....

He has been on a crusade trying to convince his family and our group of friends that these shots are dangerous --- bought everyone a copy of Dowd's book https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/62027209-cause-unknown

The group of friends has told him to stop with his preaching otherwise they will avoid him... his family thinks he's gone mad...

Why should we pray for these people? They were warned by someone who had actually stuck the scissors in the socket... and they told him to f789 off....

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I pray for all of the victims of the attack - which includes all of us. People were blinded by fear and their reactions communicate their emotional state. Fear is a great motivator, and it erases the ability to reason.

This is a psychological attack.

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The thing is ... they would not hesitate to burn me on a stake... or stone me to death... or at least cheer as others did the dirty work.

They cannot be excused any more than a German could be excused for taking pleasure as the Jews were loaded onto box cars and delivered to the extermination camps. They too believed this was the right thing to do.

Forgiveness is anathema to me in this instance

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I understand your feelings. I just donтАЩt share them.

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I have very different feelings toward the perpetrators of the attack. My anger is directed toward them.

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As well it should be.

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In practical terms, though, the idiots who refuse to think, decline to look at solid information on harms caused - like Dowd's, or Jessica's - who stubbornly and ignorantly resist being woken up, are just as much our enemies as those behind this atrocity.

When the next fake 'pandemic' comes around, as it will (2025-6?) they will be demanding we get injected, or be sent to quarantine camps, thrown out of work, etc.

They are not really innocent victims, not at this stage.

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There are people who I am unable to interact with because they are living in a reality that is the complete opposite of my reality. I donтАЩt, however, see them as my enemy. I see them as victims.

They are like children. Acting out on emotion. Devoid of reason.

Their brains are failing. It is not a choice they are making. Their fight or flight response has kicked in, permanently, and they are running from the truth. Lashing out at anyone who threatens their perceptions.

They are victims of an attack. They donтАЩt make me angry. They make me sad.

They might attack me. They might tear me limb from limb. They might leave my body in the street and laugh about it.

But they are being used. They have been broken so that they can be used.

Also - they are the ones walking around with poison in their veins.

I canтАЩt hate them.

My enemy is the perpetrator of the attack.

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Yes but do not forget there are those so blind that they will not see.

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Or so stupid....

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To be clear, I don't hate them; but I do fear what they might be induced to do to me next time around, which I think is a healthy response to imminent peril.

I no longer feel any guilt about ceasing to try to alert them, as my efforts have been rebuffed - often politely enough - too many times:

'A word to a fool is silence' goes the old saying, and I've proved it by experiment.......

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That's a good reason to wish them dead... they ... after all ... are the enemy... they are dangerous.

First 10 minutes.. Freud addresses this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DnPmg0R1M04

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Like I said - there are people who I can no longer interact with because we live in opposite realities.

It has been a long grieving process. We have all lost a lot of people in a lot of ways through the Covid years.

A lot of emotions.

It has been a full scale psychological attack. Stay honest and stay strong, my friend.

It doesnтАЩt appear to be over yet.

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I see them as pathetic....

These are the same fools who ridiculed anyone who dared to question moon landings or 911 or the many other psyops...

Total idiots who parrot whatever rubbish cnnbbc repeats.

The only difference... is this time ... those who mocked me ... are dying.

One might suggest that we have found a cure for stupidity.

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I lean towards believing the only way out of this is unfortunately for far more Vaxxers to get maimed or die.... because at present they are not connecting the dots...

Not sure how many it will take to wake them up and convince them the shots are dangerous... do we need 1 in 3 to die from cancer? Or will they dismiss this and blame it on long covid?

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They will suffer and then they will die.

My mom suffered in unimaginable ways with her turbo cancer. The tumors quickly spread to her spine. Her vertebrae were broken from the inside.

She was tortured and she was murdered.

I canтАЩt hate the victims. I hate those who control the system.

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YEs and you are right to hate the CYSTem. I have hated it most of my life.

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Did her suffering and death wake any Vaxxers up in your family?

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Others have an astonishing ability to deny reality. In the aftermath, I have come to believe that they have lost the ability to reason. They have reverted back to an early-childhood emotional state.

I believe it is related to trauma and fear of the pandemic combined with suggestive messaging that was omnipresent throughout all media sources.

In other words - this was done to them. Intentionally. They are enslaved by the system and they are mindlessly unaware. Possessed.

ItтАЩs so sad.

I do not know why some of us are able to withstand the assault. Are we somehow stronger? Are we chosen? Do we need to be here for some bigger reason?

My mom and her family played NPR around the clock in the house - I never liked NPR. I hated the pretentious voices. Maybe that was the difference. Who knows.

I know that theyтАЩve been mean and unreasonable - but I donтАЩt think it is by choice. Why would any adult human choose to be that way?

I think theyтАЩve broken down as a result of a psychological assault.

I was a preschool teacher for thirty years - and to me - the deniers are acting exactly like young children. They are in a hyper-emotional state with no self-regulation. They are open to suggestion and manipulation. They are sitting ducks. Easy targets.

ThatтАЩs where am with it. For now. We are still being bombarded with constant fear - it is an ever-evolving situation with ever-evolving emotions.

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You are correct.

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My take is this...

You've got your barnyard animals... the vast majority of humans... then you've got your circus animals -- those would be the highly trained humans (engineers scientists doctors lawyers etc)... I refer to them as circus animals because like circus animals they can perform complex tricks...

The barnyard and circus animals do what they are told -- they are not what I consider intelligent. They took the Rat Juice.

Then you have the truly intelligent - those who knew better than to inject an experiment... those who are not susceptible to the PR Team's pathetic coercive techniques... why?... because we THINK... we REASON... we do not blindly do as we are told.... because we have true intelligence

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Even a SAE rate of at least 1-in-10 hasn't woken them up, such imbeciles are they. Nothing will wake them.

Planning vacations and property renovations is so much more important to them.

Even in the worst days of Stalin's murders, most Russians didn't grasp what was happening... and the Planners behind this know this fact.

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The planners know it very well. They use it to manipulate and control. It is very sad to watch.


Which, the planners know, as well. TheyтАЩre not stupid. They have successfully caused extreme chaos with these attacks.

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It was all done most scientifically, I agree.

'Behavioural scientists', who only seem to conduct malicious experiments on unsuspecting human beings, should be erased from the face of the earth: they were the great facilitators, together with utterly incompetent and compliant medics.

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Look at how they have 6 billion MORE-ONS now believing that not brushing your teeth is the cause of the huge spike in cancers


It's not so difficult to fool a fool.

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The CYST is filled with murderers and seditionists who must me arrested, tried and executed for treason and murder.

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