I really do not think you know who and what you are but I practice the actual rote of the late Isaac Isamov in praising excellence wherever and whenever I see it. I marvel at the words out of your mouth routed by your brain. You are unique in many ways.
It is true. I am just giving you your rightful due. You were created with a mind of highest thoughts. You never fail to connect the dots.
You are so right Annika, she is brilliant as the sun that shines in its strength in the summer. I expect she is already embarrassed by my comments alluding to her excellence as a woman but might not possibly realize the expressions towards her in my candor and desire to be transparent. Many have a double existence wherein they present a good side to others and hide the bad.
As for me, all women recognize I have no energy to waste or time to pretend to be someone and something I am not. The old George Jones song, "Take me as I am or let me go" comes to mind. It is always the best policy.
wow thanks. i probably got most of it wrong LOL
The only thing you might possibly get wrong is under estimating your appeal, and brilliance.
hahaha thanks
I really do not think you know who and what you are but I practice the actual rote of the late Isaac Isamov in praising excellence wherever and whenever I see it. I marvel at the words out of your mouth routed by your brain. You are unique in many ways.
It is true. I am just giving you your rightful due. You were created with a mind of highest thoughts. You never fail to connect the dots.
...and I am thinking your IQ is in the top 1% % of the population.
I share your expert pondering often - ur brilliant...
You are so right Annika, she is brilliant as the sun that shines in its strength in the summer. I expect she is already embarrassed by my comments alluding to her excellence as a woman but might not possibly realize the expressions towards her in my candor and desire to be transparent. Many have a double existence wherein they present a good side to others and hide the bad.
As for me, all women recognize I have no energy to waste or time to pretend to be someone and something I am not. The old George Jones song, "Take me as I am or let me go" comes to mind. It is always the best policy.
no this is awesome. who wouldn't want to hear that?
Doubt that. You are brilliant.