Today my husband attended a small conference for investors hosted by a wealth mgmt group, here in the Uk. Over lunch, one of the wealth mgmt advisors spoke to my husband and discussed the adverse event and deaths post jab, the WEF, klaus Schwab, food shortages, cost of living increases, skyrocketing petrol prices etc etc. It is no longer the belief of professionals such as you and Dr. Peter McCullough who believe these experimental biologicals are a danger because they cause serious adverse events and deaths. Mainstream non healthcare professionals are now having the same discussions and concerns. This is what was needed. These “others” are expressing their concerns about the narrative and asking questions.

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this is so well done and so incredibly through, even those of us with basic knowledge of statistics can see the conclusiveness of this! One can't see how ANY scientific journal or serious scientist could possibly refute this. if/when they do, it will only prove how dishonest and corrupt THEY are. real science isn't dead, just buried under loads of money and greedy bull****!

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Is this the paper that was pulled from publication without explanation? Now I see why! They can’t admit the precious injectable kills kids. It would have saved lives if it was published when you submitted it.

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No. It's new.

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Oh great!

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Bravo, Jessica and Peter!! 👏🙏 So this must've been the myocarditis paper you mentioned you were busy working on a while back. Time and brilliance well-spent!

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Yes. Paper number 2. Been rejected for peer review twice so far. Peter says pre-COVID, the average number of rejection times was 8 before success.

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So does that mean it will be 88 times now since the censorship has been turned up to eleven?

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Over the past few years, I’ve read and listened to a ton of Covid-related science. I believe Drs. Jessica Rose and Peter McCullough are amazing professionals. I trust their data collection, analysis, and conclusions. And I absolutely respect and adore them as human beings. ❤️🙏

This paper seems to share similarities in structure and wording to the Nov 2021 paper at https://jessicar.substack.com/p/a-report-on-myocarditis-adverse-events?s=r . I could be wrong because I did not compare them side-by-side. Plus, my brain is no longer young and it has been pummeled (twice!) by Covid-19 and the grinding-us-down response to it.

Could I gently recommend some additional editing of this paper for clarity and crispness of language, shorter sentences and paragraphs, formatting with bullet points, and some reorganization of paragraphs for better flow? Of course, the editor should not compromise any content during the editing process and the authors should carefully review the editing, as the editing process sometimes can introduce unintended flaws.

Once the editing is complete, I suggest you re-submit this paper ***everywhere*** so that people who lack rigorous science and math education and critical thinking skills can read and understand it.

FWIW I have a BS in Microbiology with a minor in Chemistry and an MS in Computer Science. I spent my working years writing and editing computer documentation and books, teaching computer skills to adults, and designing and editing websites. I’m no statistician, however, and gave up my Microbiology/Chemistry educational track in part because the papers I had to read in the Science Library were sleep-inducing and very dense (which is not to say stupid, just difficult to read and understand). To be more accurate, I’m a mathematical moron with a minor in “huh?”.

So please understand where I’m coming from and know that my suggestions are meant only to help two brilliant and compassionate scientists shut down the madness of and damage caused by these Covid-19 injectable biological products.

Thank you both for all that you have done and continue to do for humanity.

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About Zenodo: "Passionate about Open Science! Built and developed by researchers, to ensure that everyone can join in Open Science."

An open forum to prevent the suppression of studies by biased scholarly journals who will only publish if the results fit the accepted narrative...

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Has anyone here read 'I WANT HALF OF YOU TO DIE," Bill Gates' new book? I'll skip it as I already know the plot.

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May 17, 2022
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I saw it somewhere on the internet yesterday. Actually I think Bill wants 90% of us dead.

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Add to those reported the greater than 99% of adverse reactions that go unreported ("fewer than 1% of adverse vaccine events are reported" - from the infamous HHS-funded, Harvard-affiliated study of the efficacy of the VAERS database)...


...and it reveals the incredible audacity of the medico/political thugs running the Covid debacle, as well as the deep complicity of the mainstream media. Moreover, as revealed in the study, when the researchers presented their evidence to the CDC and offered to devise strategies to improve the database performance, the CDC stonewalled them, cut off communications. 0_o

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Ugh, no age listed is good. But 3 months as the youngest …🤯🥺😭🥺😭💔

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Bravo Jessica! Bravo! Is this a new study by you and Peter? Is this an updated version of the one that was pulled? Just curious.

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This is new. The other is in a previous Substack. :)

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So, so grateful. THANK YOU! I will read through it thoroughly so I can respond to covidiots as they scream at me about MINOR MYOCARDITIS! You're the best.

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The ACIP report by Tom Shimabukoro that you and Peter cited is seriously misleading. You state that 66.7 per million of young males succumbed (died) after receiving their Covid vaccine injection. This is blatantly wrong. The report simply stated that 66.7 per million of AE's were reported, most of them probably mild, and with no deaths. This totally undercuts your argument that Covid vaccine deaths are 58x higher than the expected baseline rate. Extremely sloppy work on your part, that warrants an immediate correction. From the rest of your report, it appears that among the roughly 1/2 Billion Covid Vaccines administered in the U.S., there are only about 5,000 AE's reported about Myocarditis, most of them mild. A rate of .001%. More than normal, but it seems to be pretty safe. However, it still warrants the CDC's official warning issued last month.

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Unacceptably acceptable; I cannot fathom how this is wilfully ignored; our so-called leaders are part of an international criminal cabal... can't make it any simpler than that. AND the gobshites wnat us to take orders from the great central planners of the WHO, or sould I say GHO (Gate Health Org).

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May 17, 2022
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