Please. If anyone reading this wonderful stack is losing hope do anything to hold on another day. I spent much of my youth dealing with severe depression, reckless risk taking, and suicidal thoughts. I was fortunate in having great people in my life so I had a reserve of beautiful memories and inspiration to recall when it was difficult to just function with everyday tasks. It took years (and several trashed relationships) to realize it isn't so much about fighting the darkness. It is more on cultivating the light or positive endeavors.

It's worth it. It's worth it to hold on. I say this from a 67 year old's perspective. Of course never thought I make it this far, but so glad things worked out that way. Have to tip my hat to God, the angels and whoever else is out there for giving help even when not requested (wasn't much of a believer). Oh yes and my beautiful wife (didn't think marriage would happen either).

Just want to add that if your pain is inflicted by someone else then just get away. You can reconcile at a later date if you want.

Thanks for reading and as Jessica says "no judgement".

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Sadly, it's not just suicides. Reckless behaviour. Domestic Violence. Car accidents. The increase I saw at my hospital alone in the past 1.5 years - worse summer 2021 than summer 2020 even with all the BLM protests... Is horrifying.

Even if All Cause Mortality can't be directly linked to the products, I bet a LOT are indirectly linked (brain fog, and other indications of the product breaking the blood-brain barrier). And that's before tying in the general mental problems that long-term stress, inability to see faces, and forced separation (isolation)/togetherness (more likely for Domestic Violence to happen) puts on people.

All of this is before you add in the betrayal and lies we've been told for two years. I've had a lot of training in trauma (Hospital Chaplain). This is trauma on a global scale. I honestly can't think of an example where the same trauma has impacted more people at the same time than this.

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Exactly. So much trauma and extended anxiety we all have had to cope with. And it is willfully inflicted trauma, not an act of nature earthquake, fire or asteroid. How does a society deal with the idea that it has been experimented on? And hunted, as with all the censored doctors, scientists, and activists. Hospital and healthcare chaplains of all faiths can have a big role in providing solutions to many of our COVID era problems, more then people might think. For example, as an young resident in a VA hospital setting my only recourse to stop a small group of physician residents who I caught needling and torturing a patient as they were acting to irritate a wound and increase the patient's pain while they laughed and mocked him as he was moaning was to call in the chaplain for help. The patient was a gunshot victim--he had escaped from prison and shot by cops. My supervisor and I knew that the administration would do nothing to acknowledge the event or discipline the doctors. I had confronted the young doctors just inches from one's face and told them to back off, they did but got defensive and walked down the hall laughing at me. The chaplain heard my story, arranged a round the clock vigil for about a week until the patient was discharged -the patient was never left alone again. The residents knew that they were being monitored and most importantly prevented from acting in such despicable ways again toward this patient. Perhaps the lesson they learned was more lasting this way--that others do watch and intervene. I have wondered how many times families have turned to chaplains to reach their loved ones in the hospital that they were forbidden to see? The stories on this theme could be quite a revelation.

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Thank you for your reply and sharing your story. I'm glad you felt comfortable enough to contact the chaplain and the chaplain had enough courage to ensure the patient's safety. I have many stories I can tell - even before COVID. I have been debating back and forth about starting my own substack to explore some of these issues - mostly related to COVID. This post of Jessica's made me go ahead and jump in. I literally just finished writing my intro post. I think this comment of yours has given me an idea for my second post. Most people don't know/understand that hospital chaplains would be called in for these sorts of situations, so my first post will be about the work hospital chaplains perform.

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Make sure we know how to subscribe to your Substack. I think you will find a diverse following over time. Be a leader in your field in storytelling and comfort sharing. I would love to know who that Chaplain guy was so many years ago that I consulted. I have one more spectacular Chaplain story to tell too, and will save it for your Substack. I don't know what you will name your Substack channel but it occurs that in addition to comfort and such you all have a guardian role as well.

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I didn't want to post a direct link here in Jessica's article unless she gives permission. But if you hover over my avatar, there's a heading that says "Writes" and under that, you'll find my substack.

Chaplains are comforters, guardians, guides, advocates, mediaries, witnesses, and so much more. It is certainly a calling.

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A insurance said its 4x the 200 year worse case event they use to calculate deaths. An Epoch Times article backed that with deaths up 40 percent 2021 over 2019.

Something unprecedented is happening.

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Agreed. Someone emailed the original article to me before I saw it posted here on Substack. The fact that CDC/FDA are simply shrugging their shoulders (when they acknowledge it at all) is indicative that their narrative is more important than people's lives.

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I think part of the increase in death rates 18-49 is also drug overdoses, intentional or accidental. Many are self-medicating to their detriment and seeking drugs via internet-finding fentanyl laced drugs disguised as branded Pharma (many coming across the unchecked border). I saw that even vaping pens (used by teens) are being found laced with fentanyl. We are in an extremely dangerous and sad period of existence.

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i think you're right.

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Thank you Jessica. I share your rage and appreciate your compassion. I refuse to give up on any of this because I will not let those bastards win.

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Exactly. Don't let the bastards grind you down.

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The truth needs to be told, and people need to be held accountable.

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This is a topic that warrants being dark -- we know that side effects are so severe in some people that death is preferable (the anecdote shared in the Senate testimony about ~8 vaxx injured people on the verge of suicide that Brianne(sp?) lost contact with when Facebook censored their group). Thank you for your diligence and your anger -- we need outrage from everyone on what's been done to people.

Is there a temporal relationship with suicide and vaxx or is it more spread out (because it takes a while for the injured to reach the end of their rope)? I remember reading something in early 2021 that someone was experiencing strong suicidal thoughts post vaxx and they never had before. So is there some cognitive damage the vaxx causes that leads to suicidal ideation?

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On The Moderna shots, CT Health stated one side effect was ' Feelings of Impending Doom!!' Since when is that an acceptable side effect of any product??

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These people have to tell the truth.. or they can’t help themselves doing so..

when society collapses and millions have vaccine damage with no food on the shelves we will all feel doom.. vaccinated or not.. the only positive affect is that fasting is good for the human vessel.. !

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Could be on an Akathesia type spectrum of some sort.

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What os that? Thank you.

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It's usually a black box warning!

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I have read several accounts of post-Vx tinnitus being so relentless and overwhelming that people were ending their lives over that alone.

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I think one health professional on Ron Johnson's vaccine injury panel talked about his uncertainty that he would be able to live with the tinnitis.

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Ron Jonhson has a channel on Rumble.com I believe. Maybe on Bitchute.com or Odysee.com also. At least clips others have posted on the testimonys would be there. ~Alice "From" Wonderland ~ Warning though, it's easy to go down a deep rabbit hole on these alt atforms.

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Inflammation, systemic, and brain, is one of the major threads in recent psychiatry that has been studied as the etiology underlying many mental health disorders. It turns out that a number of psychiatric drugs don't work so much by the proposed mechanisms as they do by anti-inflammatory action. Some anti-depressants in fact, and what Steve Kirsch's pioneering work on Fluvoxamine showed is not only how much it acts against COVID but also as an anti-inflammatory working on something called the sigma-1 receptor. So Fluvoxamine classically treats anxiety, depression, but also the brain fog of long haul COVID. That is now embraced in the FLCCC's I-Recover protocol: https://covid19criticalcare.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/FLCCC-Alliance-I-RECOVER-Management-Protocol-for-Long-Haul-COVID-19-Syndrome.pdf

I-RECOVER protocol informed by the work of, and in with collaboration of Dr. Bruce Patterson, Dr. Ram Yogendra (Dr. "Yo") and Dr. Mobeen Syed (Dr. Been.) Patterson's team has rather comprehensive and high tech analysis of large long haul cohorts and the biomarkers that characterize them. This approach and the treatments these findings suggest may also have a lot of overlap with addressing mental health symptoms. There is a whole section on just histamine regulation. There is excitement and preliminary reports that these recovery protocols also help with vaccine injury. So this incredible body of work is also hopeful in a thread on mental health, at least medically. Spiritually, psychologically, and socially we will need other interventions.

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Thanks for this Jessica. Among the suicides are people who were injured by the quaxines, frankenshots, clot shots (working on a catchy replacement term) and dismissed abandoned and denied by the medical system. Others can't tolerate the isolation. A singular focus on Covid eclipses - part of the mass hypnosis - exclude the collateral damage form the lockdown. Among the suicides from depression is Tommy, son of congressman Jamie Raskin - a brilliant, funny Harvard la student with a stellar future.

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Vax injured have posted on tinnitus which is ringing in the ears I believe. Some name ideas ~ How bout frankenjabs or poisonous death shots like Dr Vladamir "Zev" Zelenko calls them.

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The loss of identity, hope, connections n a sense of purpose is wrecking havoc! Life was already difficult for many people, n the level of confusion brought on is bringing many to the edge. The best thing we can do is shore up our support systems.

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Losing/being "othered" by family members is incredibly difficult. And as a mom, I am thankful my 3 kids are all still at home for this, some of their teen friends were only kids still at home, some older friends had already moved away and were alone. Incredibly difficult times for fledgling adults fighting the biological imperitives to meet and mate. Sad.

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Your compassion brings me to tears, thank you for what you do.

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Sending hugs to you from Texas. Thank you for your honesty.

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"Shit stain on human history" That is one of the BEST descriptions I have heard. Thank you!!!

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I was going to say "Language?"

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So was I, but when the shoe fits ...

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has anyone else noticed personality changes in the jabbed?

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yes. anger... but i think it's because they resent themselves for being coerced. it's a very interesting idea in any case.

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Yes, my sister in law became an entirely different person. Her periods changed, she started going to parties when she's never liked crowds, she's suddenly boy crazy after being nearly ace all her life, taking roadtrips to random places like Vegas. Like she's restless? It's ridiculous. Even her sense of humor changed after she got vaccinated.

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Yes, vacant expression, emaciated looking - loss of muscle tone and generalized anxiety.

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Thanks Jessica. As a psychologist and researcher, I have been looking for more attention to mental health issues. I predict there will be a category of even moderately vaccine injured and those with vaccine remorse-perhaps for themselves or on behalf of a friend or relative that will proceed to some mental health issues as a consequence.

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I fear the children who will see their vax-injured cohorts/sibs drop of heart attacks, strokes, etc. Many kids are pressuring each other to get injected. Nieces' pediatrician actually recommended getting the girls clot-shots to relieve them of the peer pressure. Uh huh, no thanks, time for a new doc. Incredibly difficult times for kids.

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Jan 14, 2022
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We keep saying to ourselves, everything we thought we knew, keeps getting revised. It is good to know even at our age we can adapt, learn new tricks, change our worldview, shed our skins, discard old ways of being. Resilience stories will be a new thing going forward.

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Love ya Jessica! Real real real.

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Thank you for being here for those in need.

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Thank you for doing these. I find it a bit challenging grasping the implications when the data is presented as number of incidents, without reference to the size of each age group.

Would you be able to relate the total number (per age group) with either per vaccinated, or per total population of that age group, or per number of total reports in that age group?

Please consider the following plots, where the Y-aixs would represent:

(1) number incidents reported / 10,000 population

(2) number incidents reported / 10,000 estimated population that was vaccinated

(3) percentage of incidents of this type (say depression) out of all VAERS in that age group

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