Jessica, This is well done. Considering its unusual origin in a press FOI request, is this getting the kind of mainstream press coverage in Sweden that it deserves? Or will it remain out in the interstices of Substack for a handful of the great unwashed to peruse?

Many of us are looking for things to do/promote/see other than speaking amongst ourselves. So just wondering.

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You have to wonder just how much data fraud is required before a conviction of some sort? Or at least, for the dumb masses to realise what's going on?

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You really do.

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Let's send a petition to the President of Harvard to replace Jacinda Adern with Jessica Rose for the upcoming commencement address. Take pity on those poor students. Haven't they been blue pilled enough? They need Jessica to red pill them before they go out beyond the hedges and face reality.

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Both charts have the same header, but for sharing purposes it would be helpful to distinguish that we're talking about "Vaccinated/Unvaccinated" (as scandalously defined by the health authorities) in one, and "Injected/Uninjected" (a more reality based distinction) in the other.

Great work as ever!

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yes thank you! i caught the error - or rather Jonathan Engler did.

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One chart says G1+G2+G3 vs G4. The other says G1 vs G2+G3+G4. The text explains.

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I agree the chart headers had me confused.

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Sorry! Tired.

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I don’t understand statistics and math (math moron, remember me?).

However, as Dr. Unacceptable pointed out, the misused terminology warrants a complete change to ensure clarity, honesty, and accuracy (words the powers that be have completely ignored and/or redefined).

All future reporting should use "Injected/Uninjected" NOT “Vaccinated/Unvaccinated.” This “injection thingy” isn’t a “vaccine” anyway, so we must banish the V-word from OUR vocabularies at the very least!

P.S. Minor typos: greatful and freedome (but the made-up words are GREATfull)!

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Thank you !

Two remarks:

1) Since the Swedish data is about "deaths with Covid-19", I understand your work only gives a measure of the injections' *efficacy* — which appears to mostly be negative when normalized. But since these are not all cause mortality figures, they miss all deaths from other causes such as thrombosis, myocarditis, cancer etc. in both categories injected or not), and the plots can't be seen as an accurate indication of the *safety* of the vaccines.

2) There may be a bias, mainly during the first months of 2021, when fragile people were primarily injected. The fact Covid death rate was higher in injected people may partly or totally be explained by the fact they belonged to groups with the highest Covid death rates in the population, whether injected or not. To sort this out, it would be necessary to normalize the data according to people's age (which I'm not sure Swedish data allow.)

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thanks for this - it's terrific! PS- Happy May 2-4! I hope you're celebrating YOUR majesty!

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Wonderful the way you continue to make the complex simpler and more comprehensible.. Joan of Arc Rockin it! everyday!

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How does "G1+G2+G3 vs. G4" become the length of a bar on a graph? Likewise "G1 vs. G2+G3+G4"? Both seem like *pairs* of numbers, which map oddly to a single color.

I would get G1+G2+G3 = red and G4 = blue, or G1 = red and G2+G3+G4 = blue

But I find your current labeling very confusing. If I'm the only one, then write me off as an idiot, it wouldn't be the first time. But I think some others might have the same issue.

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No, you're right. It was a boo-boo.

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I think the bottom chart should read G1 vs. G2+G3+G4 total un-injected vs total injected

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Indeed :)

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good report..but...what about long term (earlier) death and damaged for remaining years? thx

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excellent question... don't have that data for now. well at least i don't

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Those last two plots are absolutely stunning. I sure would like to see similar plots for other countries, especially the U.S. and Canada.

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it's amazing how this is SO NOT how it's defined. NO ONE KNOWS what the hell 'fully vaccinated' means because it doesn't mean anything now from having so many different and changing definitions. it's INSANE.

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Way back when, when “they” said the 14 dayers would not be counted, even me, even I knew this did not make sense. I am not a doctor or a scientist. I am a lowly accountant working every day and trying to keep up with all of this too. Why wasn’t this line of reasoning stopped then by the science world. I guess I know the answers to that. Both begin with F. Fear and Fauci. Just pathetic that the rest of us have to watch this movie in the world of science and medicine play out. The world’s peoples lives come crumbling down due to cowardice! Yes, I know, there are mortgages and children’s education and all those things...but a death protocol was followed including the likes of the Swedish statistics and the 14 day lie - and it just keeps going on and on - masking children, brainwashing people via Sesame Street and msm. Sorry, I’m ranting now.

As you stated so beautifully, the moment of injection is when the clock starts ticking. WE ALL KNOW THIS!!. It was ridiculous then as it is now FOR THEM TO COUNT THE DEAD AFTER 14 DAYS. Are govt workers just simply as dumb as this, including clerks in Sweden inputting this data - puleeeze! (In fact, I had a blood draw two days after the injection and it shows many panels on a 20 year graph of normal ranges going either straight up or down including liver panel - yes I’ve been with same Drs group for 30 years)(and in fact, both my parents were “ lifers” in the govt and they were the smartest people I knew, truly, so what the heck is happening? I ask myself this every day - and I often wonder what advise my father would be daily sharing if he were alive today as he worked in this medical world of virology and pathology retiring from the JCAH, but died young and 25 years ago). My God - we are in trouble.

Have you or anyone else been able to correct for the same in the American 14 day numbers lie yet? Is there a report similar to yours somewhere?

Went to conference in Bath, UK this past weekend (virtually). It was entirely superb!

Thank you Jessica Rose for all your work! I have been following you and your kitty since your FIRST interview in covexit.com.

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I did not have any trouble with your reports, being the accountant that I am, I’m guessing. No trouble whatsoever!

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Great work - just keep putting it out there, and let's hope all these types of efforts begin to seriously break down the mass hypnotic narrative before long. There has to be a tipping point on the horizon as the flood of real information and data continues to build and be disseminated. I have to say that I can't quite see any optimism about vaccines being a viable treatment or prophylactic for much of anything, except rabies. SO much info and evidence countering correlations-to-causation support for supposed vaccine (or vaccine assisted) herd immunity at this point. Obviously the immune system health is the only real protection, and newer vibrational medicine (and environmental clean-ups) will begin to emerge to support this reality. Until we more fully understand Nature in a comprehensive integrated way we will continue to do stupid things. She is obviously far more intelligent than any of us - the learning path is a long one stretching out to the horizon before us, and can be a joyous one with a lot of surprises in store for sure!

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I wonder if some of the COVID deaths in the partially vaccinated category might be people with vaccine injuries? A person who reacts badly to the first dose won't take the second sometimes.

Also, it would be nice to have age and comorbidities in the data.

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