My parents tried to get vaccinated the same day but there was some red tape mess up for my mom, and she had to wait and go to a different provider, so my dad's batches were different from my mom's. Both my dad's Moderna doses were on the first couple of screens of worst batches at My mom's Modernas were way, way further down and no deaths were associated with them. My dad died within 8 weeks of multiple organ failure no known cause. My mom is still fine despite a serious chronic illness. I'd really like a proper answer to this question (I am a biostatistician) and I appreciate you having your hand up in class Jessica!
I am so sorry to hear this. It's impossible to really know what aspect of the shot contributed to your father's passing. It could be that it was not contaminated and the the LNPs distributed really well and thus a lot of spike was made and subsequent pathologies ensued. Multiple organ failure sounds in line with this. He might have received a dose that had full-length spike template and LNPs homogeneously-coated with PEG.
Thank you for the thoughts and hypotheses and for your words of sympathy. He had severe psoriasis and I feel like this predisposed him to an extreme immune response. Specifically he had -- all brand new post vaccine -- wheezing and cough, dementia like symptoms (aphasia & hallucinations, but stroke ruled out by CT scan), atrial fibrillation, liver failure, kidney failure, chills, loss of appetite and extreme weakness. His heart stopped twice the night before we made the decision to take him off life support.
Also, a family friend developed severe eczema after his first course of the vax, then psoriasis after his first booster. The psoriasis got so incredibly bad they consulted with someone at Johns Hopkins, he was treated with heavy steroids which caused many side effects, and he eventually succumbed to the same thing as my dad. I couldn't say how it all relates but I don't think anyone with autoimmune disease should have been jabbed. That said, VAERS reported 34 and 18 deaths associated with batches 1 and 2 that my dad received, and considering underreporting that's actually not a tiny number.
My dad's death was recorded as sepsis. I had asked if my dad had a UTI given his kidneys weren't functioning and he had mental symptoms (he was 72) and they told me his blood work was borderline for infection and he had no fever. Anyway thank you Jessica for giving thought to this and I really appreciate your constantly inquisitive nature!
Hmm. Sounds like the liver was deluged with LNPs and spike and from there on out, collapse of many essential systems by dys-regulation. Again, so sorry about this. He appears to have been an unlucky one. I am giving testimony relating to this tomorrow so you might gain additional insights if you wish to tune in. It's going on-record and will be recorded so no worries if you don't catch it live. :) And just so you know, your dad and all the others are why I do this. It's not right what's being done to people.
May the angels guide you and grant you strength & wisdom when you get tired. My cousin just died from double organ failure and my mechanic died of double organ failure about 6 months ago. You are one of the few chosen for this time with the intellect, honesty, and altruism to uncover this horror. Thank you feels so weak and superficial but its all I have right now.
Thank you for all your work here Jessica. So glad you have your hand up, it must be tired! 😫 The questions never seem to stop and your commitment to truth has been incredible. I've been following your work since one of the first videos that explained VAERS. Back then no-one I knew had any idea what I was talking about. I noticed you mentioned aspiration, I've been following Marc Girardot's work and have listened to a couple of interviews with you both. Do you have any thoughts on the aspiration and bolus theory as at least part of the explanation for adverse events?
My brother also had psoriasis so that may have led him to be more vulnerable to the vax. I never saw his lot numbers but I feel they were lethal. He lasted only 11 mos after being jabbed.
See my above post. My mother now has severe psoriasis from the flu jab. She never had the Covid vax, thank God. There's something in all of these vaccines causing autoimmune.
I'm very sorry. Skin diseases seem for some reason to be related to the covid vaccines but maybe that is just my personal bias / focus. Perhaps the vaccines are harmful to other organs as well, but we simply see the skin injuries visibly. I believe you that they may well have been lethal.
I am so very sorry for your loss. It is truly heartbreaking.
Regarding your mention of psoriasis. My mother had a terrible reaction to the 2020 senior flu vaccine. Three months later she was diagnosed with a severe case of PMR (polymyelitis rheumatica) which they treated with heavy steroid and it has since gone into remission. She now has developed a serious case of psoriasis which is not responding to anything including steroids and we don't know what to do. She is in constant and severe pain.
I am certain that the senior flu vax she received unleashed all of this autoimmune hell. She was perfectly healthy prior. She never took the Covid shots so it is not that. I am curious what is causing these autoimmune responses from vaccines that are NOT Covid vaccines. Is it the adjuvants? Something else?
You might look into anti-inflammatories like fish oil and turmeric extract to down-regulate some of the inflammatory immune responses that are going on. Stinging nettle extract works wonders against allergies and might be worth experimenting with. Lastly valerian root extract (it smells terrible, apologies I'm advance) works very well against nerve pain as in shingles, and I wonder if it might help your mother's pain. I wish I had more to recommend. I believe sunlight is good for psoriasis as well. Just giving you the bits and pieces I know from reading a lot of research in low-profit / alternative / natural medicine. Wishing you the best, and I'm definitely with you in wondering about vaccine - autoimmune links for vaccines in general. I can believe the flu vaccine sent things out of balance and I'm very sorry to hear that.
Another thing to try is sulphur soap made from the dead sea in Israel. I used this to completely clear up servere eczema/psoriasis years ago. It took a few weeks to start working and you need to be careful of fake products. I used a brand called Jericho but it was a while ago. So sorry for everyone's loss in this thread. My healthy father in law (non smoker) diagnosed with oesophageal stage four not long after jabs. It's all so heartbreaking. His wife jabs same days has been fine.
There are no words. Too many unheard, unspoken and unjust moments. Sending a sincere warm virtual hug. “ I will not play tug o’ war. I’d rather play hug o war. Where everyone hugs instead of tugs. Where everyone giggles and rolls on the rug. Where everyone kisses and everyone grins, and everyone cuddles, and everyone wins. “ - Shel Silverstein When remembering my parents I always look for moments that bring a smile and celebrate that memory. Praying you receive a proper answer to your questions. Ditto to Jessica’s “hand up” in class.
I would have switched the saline shots of Gates, Faucho, Bourla, Blinken, Biden, Austin, Pelosi, Schwalb, Macron, Sunak, Scholz, Charles III, and Ursula von Der Lying for the real Pfizer shots, and I would not have aspirated them.
Thank you for all your work and thank you very much for your thoughts on our study. I just wanted to add, that the lot size data, we obtained from The Danish Serum Institute, is in fact the number of doses pr. batch, that were shipped from the Danish Serum Institute to all the Danish vaccination centers. It is perhaps the data, that comes closest to being the real number of administered doses pr. batch, since the shipped doses exclude any doses, the Serum Institute might have in stock.
I should also mention that the ADR data, is in fact collected much the same way as VAERS, but the quality is in my opinion much better. Of all the known reported batch numbers only, a mere fraction does not validate correctly towards the lot size list.
I'm guessing this is one of the unexpected and unintended beneficial side effects of living in one of the countries in the world that collects and registers the most data about their citizenry.
I got a note from Vibeke as well so thank you both for your kind replies! This is how it's done. I simply adore Substack and the real back and forth (the new peer review!) that goes on here.
That's awesome! That should be included in the article. :) So since the number of doses is more likely very close to the number of doses that were injected, then the curves might be very close to reality. This is wild, if so.
It is an especially striking result indeed, but I should note, that we do not have any clear cut explanation for the result. As some readers propose, it could be an experiment, but it could also be a result of sudden changes to production, cold storage, transportation, or any other sudden change to the whole supply chain or any combination of these.
From the very sharp separation between the three slopes, we can conclude that the change would have to be a sudden change and therefore explanations such as: Vaccinating the elderly and sick first, varying degree of ADR submission or the fact, that the Danish Health authorities at a certain point asked citizens not to report the most simple adverse reactions (redness, flu-like symptoms, etc), are unlikely explanations.
We are working on finding the actual cause(s) if possible but as one of your readers note: Conveniently the evidence may not exist anymore.
It might not be important. Who was organizing the central storage and distribution in Denmark? In Germany the Army did that until few days before the invasion of Ukraine last year. I am trying to gather information of the miliarization of public health, which indeed in Germay has been extraordinary. Including General Secrectary Stoltenberg announced the goal to tackle desinformation which had been published on Germay Defense Ministry in April 2020.
Could the blue dots be among the first batches with dose sizing along with new production? They would naturally be smaller and given to the elderly in the population first. New production requires some adjustments. Is there any way to attribute production/shipping dates to the batches?
We were unable to obtain dates in our initial FOI requests, so we do not know for sure, but from the batch numbering we assume this to be the case, because this has been shown in the VAERS data. This would also be consistent with the first batches being smaller, due to production scale constraints and very high demand. On the other hand, it seems unlikely, that there should have been a production problem that was rectified right after rollout, which when corrected immediately led to a factor 1000 reduction in ADRs. Regardless if this was the case it would not be consistent with the marketing authorization and should have triggered a recall.
I see everything about Pfizer's covid mRNA therapy being rushed, from trials to manufacturing to approval. This produces many opportunities for mistakes to be made. And Pfizer's management would know this and plan for it. Should have triggered a recall indeed.
Hi Jessica. I just thought I’d see if I could answer the question of how close the number of administered doses was to the shipped doses. So, I queried the Danish Serum Institutes Vaccine dashboard data, for the number of administered Pfizer vaccines on the exact same date as our data for the number of shipped vaccine doses pr. batch, and the difference between the two numbers is less than 0,15% of the total administered vaccines.
Hello, I did not find a list of your Lot numbers in the letter I downloaded. How many contained Tromethamine? Were they the same as listed here, that are mainly Phosphate buffer?
Jessica, Can you imagine anyone from big pharma, FDA, CDC, MSM or the federal government calling for the same standard of integrity for themselves as you have required of yourself?
That is why we trust YOU and listen to nothing coming from THEM.
I looked up the batch numbers my parents took in howbadismybatch,com and sure enough the 1st dose was deadly. The 2nd had no real deadly effects reported.
Craig Paardekooper is responsible for the site and culls info from VAERS. Like Jessica, he knows that batch size, vial variations, and "shots in arms" all matter. You can root around his info to learn more but the specific link I provided at the top of my comment amplifies what Jessica is clearly stating: there are "bad" batches but it's next to impossible to judge correctly how bad without all the data. PS: I was (allegedly--who knows?) one of the "unlucky" ("lucky"?--I didn't die...yet!) ones (Pfizer EN6204, EW0162) who ended up suffering from an otherwise unexplained lacunar infarct to the ventral posterolateral thalamus. REAL lucky: I scored a "1" on the NIH stroke scale of zero to 42, 42 being the worst. The inference? Thrombogenic adverse event from the jab. Again, who knows? I feel for families who lost a loved one. Crimes against humanity. PPS: Craig's data from VAERS showed 76 deaths six months ago for batch EN6204 but now it's up to 114 last time I checked which shows how challenging it is to get accurate data. And that's just one batch!
So sorry for what you're going through. It's good you now understand what's going on. I know too many who have been adversely effected but still don't want to make the connection.
I would suggest taking supplements for detoxing the toxins from the vials out of your body and healing your cells. There are many but depending on what drugs you're possibly taking for your issue you need to understand the potential interactions so it's helpful to work with someone (if you can find someone - not so easy, I know) most likely holistic who can guide you through a protocol that would heal your cells. There are many people who have been helped and have healed. According to Dr. Henry Ealy, who has helped many people with holistic approaches, has said that DNA can heal. Drugs are not going to heal the DNA.
I’m sorry you suffered such effects from your jabs. It’s criminal what they have done. My thought is that all batches are far worse than reported as not everything is reported to VAERS. My batches reported a fatality rate of >2 last time I checked and around 4% SAE. Those numbers were higher than the previous check-in. It is extremely worrisome.
Hedley Rees Substack for anyone who doesn't follow him - Engineer Consultant to the Pharma industry manufacturing processes. He runs through the explanation of all the hoops that weren't jumped in this nonsense - all production regulations ignored. Knows his stuff.
Prof Dolores Cahill spoke right at the start saying samples from every processing stage and batch must be placed in biosecure storage for future cross referencing. From what she was saying this wasn't and isn't done.
In the UK NHS are in their 'Spring Campaign' of jabbing. Lost count of how many doses folk have had now. But the shedding in these times is a nightmare.
I am the one at the back, looking out of the window at Nature, not paying attention in class, who suddenly re-joins proceedings and asks a dumb question. So IF it turned out that smaller batches were more deadly, could it be that this was deliberate, so as not to kill too many people at once?
In fact, the study might only ask the question: what factors can explain significant differences in SAE? What evidence can Pfizer provide to support the investigation?
This has to be adressed to the marketing authorization holders at first place, I believe. In the EU it is BionTech. In the EU first "raporteur" to EMA had been the Paul-Ehrlich-Insitut. The first clinical trials had been done and permitted by the ethical advisory board and by this institution. Is is the same institution which is counting the damages in Germany, and which depends on the federal health ministery. Several FOIAs don't get any answer. if you read their own testimony "project lightspeed" just as a rational person....well.
I begged my daughter & son-in-law not to take the shots. From what they told me they stopped at two. Her father-in-law has had shot #4 and recently diagnosed with stage 4 cancer...we lost hubby's dad Feb 14, 2022 after receiving his 3rd shot. Justice required for humanity!
In the news is that countries are incinerating older stock, some that have not been touched I think. At any rate as the vials expire the evidence will burn. A pity as keeping some on hand for testing would be nice.
Knowing that the global roll out was of an experimental material that was under trial and many trials adjust the product to determine outcomes it would seem that the global population would be an ideal platform to test MULTIPLE products alongside the official covid mRNA product. Various damaged or contaminated versions could be tested. Different gene sequences could be tested.
With the LOT number recorded in VAERS and equivalent the victims of side effects are personally documenting all the harm each batch has caused.
No matter if VAERS only records 1, 4, 10 or 20% of harm, we can be sure Pfizer knows what the under reporting is if they even care. The fact that covid vax is at least 20 times worse than any other is clear to everyone.
This has been the largest involuntary medical experiment in history.
Mike Yeadon says this variability between batches must be deliberate. His experience & knowledge in uniform manufacturing says - this cannot be accidental.
I'm still not entirely convinced that these batches were not actually the "good batches". Temperature requirements in storage and distribution were virtually impossible to be met, even in developed countriess. And largely actually were NOT met. This, together with all the contaminants and extraneous DNA/Plasmids in ALL the Lots make it quite possibloe that the properly controlled batches were, in fact, the "good" ones in the intended sense.
This reminds me of the excellent article by The Midwestern Doctor, reviewing a history of pharma's intentional geographical distribution of lots to better hide clusters of injury from "hot lots" of DTP vax in 1970s that murdered babies:
"Wyeth apparently also decided to act to prevent a clustering of deaths following DPT vaccination from a single lot from ever occurring again in a single geographical area. On August 27, 1979, a Wyeth official wrote in an internal Wyeth memo, “After the reporting of the SIDS cases in Tennessee, we discussed the merits of limiting distribution of a large number of vials from a single lot to a single state, county or city health department and obtained agreement from the senior management staff to proceed with such a plan.”
The memo revealed that Wyeth would attempt to distribute no more than 2,000 packages of vaccine from one lot number to a single destination. Another 1983 memo confirmed that policy of limiting shipments of DPT vaccine from a single lot to a geographical location, referring back to the “SIDS episode.” If this practice is shared by all the vaccine manufacturers, it is easy to understand why the Tennessee “SIDS episode” has never been repeated and why the tracing of hot lots of vaccine is so very difficult in America [this is EXTREMELY important to understand when examining the question of hot COVID-19 vaccine lots exist and the FDA’s previous discovery that significant variability exists between Pfizer lots] .
My parents tried to get vaccinated the same day but there was some red tape mess up for my mom, and she had to wait and go to a different provider, so my dad's batches were different from my mom's. Both my dad's Moderna doses were on the first couple of screens of worst batches at My mom's Modernas were way, way further down and no deaths were associated with them. My dad died within 8 weeks of multiple organ failure no known cause. My mom is still fine despite a serious chronic illness. I'd really like a proper answer to this question (I am a biostatistician) and I appreciate you having your hand up in class Jessica!
I am so sorry to hear this. It's impossible to really know what aspect of the shot contributed to your father's passing. It could be that it was not contaminated and the the LNPs distributed really well and thus a lot of spike was made and subsequent pathologies ensued. Multiple organ failure sounds in line with this. He might have received a dose that had full-length spike template and LNPs homogeneously-coated with PEG.
Thank you for the thoughts and hypotheses and for your words of sympathy. He had severe psoriasis and I feel like this predisposed him to an extreme immune response. Specifically he had -- all brand new post vaccine -- wheezing and cough, dementia like symptoms (aphasia & hallucinations, but stroke ruled out by CT scan), atrial fibrillation, liver failure, kidney failure, chills, loss of appetite and extreme weakness. His heart stopped twice the night before we made the decision to take him off life support.
Also, a family friend developed severe eczema after his first course of the vax, then psoriasis after his first booster. The psoriasis got so incredibly bad they consulted with someone at Johns Hopkins, he was treated with heavy steroids which caused many side effects, and he eventually succumbed to the same thing as my dad. I couldn't say how it all relates but I don't think anyone with autoimmune disease should have been jabbed. That said, VAERS reported 34 and 18 deaths associated with batches 1 and 2 that my dad received, and considering underreporting that's actually not a tiny number.
My dad's death was recorded as sepsis. I had asked if my dad had a UTI given his kidneys weren't functioning and he had mental symptoms (he was 72) and they told me his blood work was borderline for infection and he had no fever. Anyway thank you Jessica for giving thought to this and I really appreciate your constantly inquisitive nature!
Hmm. Sounds like the liver was deluged with LNPs and spike and from there on out, collapse of many essential systems by dys-regulation. Again, so sorry about this. He appears to have been an unlucky one. I am giving testimony relating to this tomorrow so you might gain additional insights if you wish to tune in. It's going on-record and will be recorded so no worries if you don't catch it live. :) And just so you know, your dad and all the others are why I do this. It's not right what's being done to people.
May the angels guide you and grant you strength & wisdom when you get tired. My cousin just died from double organ failure and my mechanic died of double organ failure about 6 months ago. You are one of the few chosen for this time with the intellect, honesty, and altruism to uncover this horror. Thank you feels so weak and superficial but its all I have right now.
Thank you for all your work here Jessica. So glad you have your hand up, it must be tired! 😫 The questions never seem to stop and your commitment to truth has been incredible. I've been following your work since one of the first videos that explained VAERS. Back then no-one I knew had any idea what I was talking about. I noticed you mentioned aspiration, I've been following Marc Girardot's work and have listened to a couple of interviews with you both. Do you have any thoughts on the aspiration and bolus theory as at least part of the explanation for adverse events?
My brother also had psoriasis so that may have led him to be more vulnerable to the vax. I never saw his lot numbers but I feel they were lethal. He lasted only 11 mos after being jabbed.
See my above post. My mother now has severe psoriasis from the flu jab. She never had the Covid vax, thank God. There's something in all of these vaccines causing autoimmune.
I am so very sorry about your brother.
I'm very sorry. Skin diseases seem for some reason to be related to the covid vaccines but maybe that is just my personal bias / focus. Perhaps the vaccines are harmful to other organs as well, but we simply see the skin injuries visibly. I believe you that they may well have been lethal.
I am so very sorry for your loss. It is truly heartbreaking.
Regarding your mention of psoriasis. My mother had a terrible reaction to the 2020 senior flu vaccine. Three months later she was diagnosed with a severe case of PMR (polymyelitis rheumatica) which they treated with heavy steroid and it has since gone into remission. She now has developed a serious case of psoriasis which is not responding to anything including steroids and we don't know what to do. She is in constant and severe pain.
I am certain that the senior flu vax she received unleashed all of this autoimmune hell. She was perfectly healthy prior. She never took the Covid shots so it is not that. I am curious what is causing these autoimmune responses from vaccines that are NOT Covid vaccines. Is it the adjuvants? Something else?
You might look into anti-inflammatories like fish oil and turmeric extract to down-regulate some of the inflammatory immune responses that are going on. Stinging nettle extract works wonders against allergies and might be worth experimenting with. Lastly valerian root extract (it smells terrible, apologies I'm advance) works very well against nerve pain as in shingles, and I wonder if it might help your mother's pain. I wish I had more to recommend. I believe sunlight is good for psoriasis as well. Just giving you the bits and pieces I know from reading a lot of research in low-profit / alternative / natural medicine. Wishing you the best, and I'm definitely with you in wondering about vaccine - autoimmune links for vaccines in general. I can believe the flu vaccine sent things out of balance and I'm very sorry to hear that.
Another thing to try is sulphur soap made from the dead sea in Israel. I used this to completely clear up servere eczema/psoriasis years ago. It took a few weeks to start working and you need to be careful of fake products. I used a brand called Jericho but it was a while ago. So sorry for everyone's loss in this thread. My healthy father in law (non smoker) diagnosed with oesophageal stage four not long after jabs. It's all so heartbreaking. His wife jabs same days has been fine.
I'm angry for you. Sorry you lost your dad to these racketeering monsters. I hope the perps are brought to justice.
It all speaks of so much deliberately, heartlessly-induced suffering. My sympathy to Freelearner and the many afflicted.
There are no words. Too many unheard, unspoken and unjust moments. Sending a sincere warm virtual hug. “ I will not play tug o’ war. I’d rather play hug o war. Where everyone hugs instead of tugs. Where everyone giggles and rolls on the rug. Where everyone kisses and everyone grins, and everyone cuddles, and everyone wins. “ - Shel Silverstein When remembering my parents I always look for moments that bring a smile and celebrate that memory. Praying you receive a proper answer to your questions. Ditto to Jessica’s “hand up” in class.
What a wonderful response. This is all so sad.
I'm so sorry.
and, we love you for it
I bet that if YOU had been administering vaccines, Jessica, they would have all been 100% saline. You're such a rebel.
And I would have sequenced every vial.
I would have switched the saline shots of Gates, Faucho, Bourla, Blinken, Biden, Austin, Pelosi, Schwalb, Macron, Sunak, Scholz, Charles III, and Ursula von Der Lying for the real Pfizer shots, and I would not have aspirated them.
Dear Jessica
Thank you for all your work and thank you very much for your thoughts on our study. I just wanted to add, that the lot size data, we obtained from The Danish Serum Institute, is in fact the number of doses pr. batch, that were shipped from the Danish Serum Institute to all the Danish vaccination centers. It is perhaps the data, that comes closest to being the real number of administered doses pr. batch, since the shipped doses exclude any doses, the Serum Institute might have in stock.
I should also mention that the ADR data, is in fact collected much the same way as VAERS, but the quality is in my opinion much better. Of all the known reported batch numbers only, a mere fraction does not validate correctly towards the lot size list.
I'm guessing this is one of the unexpected and unintended beneficial side effects of living in one of the countries in the world that collects and registers the most data about their citizenry.
I got a note from Vibeke as well so thank you both for your kind replies! This is how it's done. I simply adore Substack and the real back and forth (the new peer review!) that goes on here.
That's awesome! That should be included in the article. :) So since the number of doses is more likely very close to the number of doses that were injected, then the curves might be very close to reality. This is wild, if so.
It is an especially striking result indeed, but I should note, that we do not have any clear cut explanation for the result. As some readers propose, it could be an experiment, but it could also be a result of sudden changes to production, cold storage, transportation, or any other sudden change to the whole supply chain or any combination of these.
From the very sharp separation between the three slopes, we can conclude that the change would have to be a sudden change and therefore explanations such as: Vaccinating the elderly and sick first, varying degree of ADR submission or the fact, that the Danish Health authorities at a certain point asked citizens not to report the most simple adverse reactions (redness, flu-like symptoms, etc), are unlikely explanations.
We are working on finding the actual cause(s) if possible but as one of your readers note: Conveniently the evidence may not exist anymore.
It might not be important. Who was organizing the central storage and distribution in Denmark? In Germany the Army did that until few days before the invasion of Ukraine last year. I am trying to gather information of the miliarization of public health, which indeed in Germay has been extraordinary. Including General Secrectary Stoltenberg announced the goal to tackle desinformation which had been published on Germay Defense Ministry in April 2020.
Could the blue dots be among the first batches with dose sizing along with new production? They would naturally be smaller and given to the elderly in the population first. New production requires some adjustments. Is there any way to attribute production/shipping dates to the batches?
We were unable to obtain dates in our initial FOI requests, so we do not know for sure, but from the batch numbering we assume this to be the case, because this has been shown in the VAERS data. This would also be consistent with the first batches being smaller, due to production scale constraints and very high demand. On the other hand, it seems unlikely, that there should have been a production problem that was rectified right after rollout, which when corrected immediately led to a factor 1000 reduction in ADRs. Regardless if this was the case it would not be consistent with the marketing authorization and should have triggered a recall.
I see everything about Pfizer's covid mRNA therapy being rushed, from trials to manufacturing to approval. This produces many opportunities for mistakes to be made. And Pfizer's management would know this and plan for it. Should have triggered a recall indeed.
Hi Jessica. I just thought I’d see if I could answer the question of how close the number of administered doses was to the shipped doses. So, I queried the Danish Serum Institutes Vaccine dashboard data, for the number of administered Pfizer vaccines on the exact same date as our data for the number of shipped vaccine doses pr. batch, and the difference between the two numbers is less than 0,15% of the total administered vaccines.
So now you can say wild 😉
Hello, I did not find a list of your Lot numbers in the letter I downloaded. How many contained Tromethamine? Were they the same as listed here, that are mainly Phosphate buffer?
Jessica, Can you imagine anyone from big pharma, FDA, CDC, MSM or the federal government calling for the same standard of integrity for themselves as you have required of yourself?
That is why we trust YOU and listen to nothing coming from THEM.
I looked up the batch numbers my parents took in howbadismybatch,com and sure enough the 1st dose was deadly. The 2nd had no real deadly effects reported.
The 'how bad' site does not take into account the number of actual doses administered either, as far as I know.
Where do they get the info for Is it from VAERS?
Craig Paardekooper is responsible for the site and culls info from VAERS. Like Jessica, he knows that batch size, vial variations, and "shots in arms" all matter. You can root around his info to learn more but the specific link I provided at the top of my comment amplifies what Jessica is clearly stating: there are "bad" batches but it's next to impossible to judge correctly how bad without all the data. PS: I was (allegedly--who knows?) one of the "unlucky" ("lucky"?--I didn't die...yet!) ones (Pfizer EN6204, EW0162) who ended up suffering from an otherwise unexplained lacunar infarct to the ventral posterolateral thalamus. REAL lucky: I scored a "1" on the NIH stroke scale of zero to 42, 42 being the worst. The inference? Thrombogenic adverse event from the jab. Again, who knows? I feel for families who lost a loved one. Crimes against humanity. PPS: Craig's data from VAERS showed 76 deaths six months ago for batch EN6204 but now it's up to 114 last time I checked which shows how challenging it is to get accurate data. And that's just one batch!
So sorry for what you're going through. It's good you now understand what's going on. I know too many who have been adversely effected but still don't want to make the connection.
I would suggest taking supplements for detoxing the toxins from the vials out of your body and healing your cells. There are many but depending on what drugs you're possibly taking for your issue you need to understand the potential interactions so it's helpful to work with someone (if you can find someone - not so easy, I know) most likely holistic who can guide you through a protocol that would heal your cells. There are many people who have been helped and have healed. According to Dr. Henry Ealy, who has helped many people with holistic approaches, has said that DNA can heal. Drugs are not going to heal the DNA.
Thanks for all this info. Sorry you had an issue, hopefully it was one off without long term effects.
I’m sorry you suffered such effects from your jabs. It’s criminal what they have done. My thought is that all batches are far worse than reported as not everything is reported to VAERS. My batches reported a fatality rate of >2 last time I checked and around 4% SAE. Those numbers were higher than the previous check-in. It is extremely worrisome.
Yes, a VAERS report requests batch numbers for all doses given.
Keep the hand up for us Jessica. Thank you.
Excellent comments guys. :) Again, love Substack.
Hedley Rees Substack for anyone who doesn't follow him - Engineer Consultant to the Pharma industry manufacturing processes. He runs through the explanation of all the hoops that weren't jumped in this nonsense - all production regulations ignored. Knows his stuff.
Prof Dolores Cahill spoke right at the start saying samples from every processing stage and batch must be placed in biosecure storage for future cross referencing. From what she was saying this wasn't and isn't done.
In the UK NHS are in their 'Spring Campaign' of jabbing. Lost count of how many doses folk have had now. But the shedding in these times is a nightmare.
Thanks Jessica!
I am the one at the back, looking out of the window at Nature, not paying attention in class, who suddenly re-joins proceedings and asks a dumb question. So IF it turned out that smaller batches were more deadly, could it be that this was deliberate, so as not to kill too many people at once?
theoretically but i don't think that idea has merit in reality. more importantly, it doesn't need to.
In fact, the study might only ask the question: what factors can explain significant differences in SAE? What evidence can Pfizer provide to support the investigation?
This has to be adressed to the marketing authorization holders at first place, I believe. In the EU it is BionTech. In the EU first "raporteur" to EMA had been the Paul-Ehrlich-Insitut. The first clinical trials had been done and permitted by the ethical advisory board and by this institution. Is is the same institution which is counting the damages in Germany, and which depends on the federal health ministery. Several FOIAs don't get any answer. if you read their own testimony "project lightspeed" just as a rational person....well.
I begged my daughter & son-in-law not to take the shots. From what they told me they stopped at two. Her father-in-law has had shot #4 and recently diagnosed with stage 4 cancer...we lost hubby's dad Feb 14, 2022 after receiving his 3rd shot. Justice required for humanity!
Jessica you are a warrior for the masses 🙏 ❤️
In the news is that countries are incinerating older stock, some that have not been touched I think. At any rate as the vials expire the evidence will burn. A pity as keeping some on hand for testing would be nice.
Knowing that the global roll out was of an experimental material that was under trial and many trials adjust the product to determine outcomes it would seem that the global population would be an ideal platform to test MULTIPLE products alongside the official covid mRNA product. Various damaged or contaminated versions could be tested. Different gene sequences could be tested.
With the LOT number recorded in VAERS and equivalent the victims of side effects are personally documenting all the harm each batch has caused.
No matter if VAERS only records 1, 4, 10 or 20% of harm, we can be sure Pfizer knows what the under reporting is if they even care. The fact that covid vax is at least 20 times worse than any other is clear to everyone.
This has been the largest involuntary medical experiment in history.
Mike Yeadon says this variability between batches must be deliberate. His experience & knowledge in uniform manufacturing says - this cannot be accidental.
I'm still not entirely convinced that these batches were not actually the "good batches". Temperature requirements in storage and distribution were virtually impossible to be met, even in developed countriess. And largely actually were NOT met. This, together with all the contaminants and extraneous DNA/Plasmids in ALL the Lots make it quite possibloe that the properly controlled batches were, in fact, the "good" ones in the intended sense.
This reminds me of the excellent article by The Midwestern Doctor, reviewing a history of pharma's intentional geographical distribution of lots to better hide clusters of injury from "hot lots" of DTP vax in 1970s that murdered babies:
"Wyeth apparently also decided to act to prevent a clustering of deaths following DPT vaccination from a single lot from ever occurring again in a single geographical area. On August 27, 1979, a Wyeth official wrote in an internal Wyeth memo, “After the reporting of the SIDS cases in Tennessee, we discussed the merits of limiting distribution of a large number of vials from a single lot to a single state, county or city health department and obtained agreement from the senior management staff to proceed with such a plan.”
The memo revealed that Wyeth would attempt to distribute no more than 2,000 packages of vaccine from one lot number to a single destination. Another 1983 memo confirmed that policy of limiting shipments of DPT vaccine from a single lot to a geographical location, referring back to the “SIDS episode.” If this practice is shared by all the vaccine manufacturers, it is easy to understand why the Tennessee “SIDS episode” has never been repeated and why the tracing of hot lots of vaccine is so very difficult in America [this is EXTREMELY important to understand when examining the question of hot COVID-19 vaccine lots exist and the FDA’s previous discovery that significant variability exists between Pfizer lots] .
Figure 1 suggests a possible deliberate experiment.
Increasing toxicity in smaller batches to investigate response.