I will upload the video presentation tomorrow once the minor edits are done. :) It went well and was very well-received.

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Thanks for the hard work and speaking out for our species!

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IMPORTANT: The COVID 19 Bioweapons Are “Nano Technology Enabled” – The National Nanotechnology Initiative. "At this time, there should be no further discussion regarding the presence of nanotechnology in the C19 shots. Even the government sees this as a valid scientific truth."


This Is What Total Destruction of the Immune System by mRNA Nanoparticle Bioweapon Looks Like…


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Excellent presentation as per usual Dr. Rose! What perplexes me is how vascular surgeons are not screaming at the top of their lungs. I interact with quite a few and somehow… somehow they’re still not connected the very explicit dots. How the F do they convince themselves it’s anything but the obvious? Smart ppl my ass.

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I'm guessing here. But, likely, they are staying in there lane and focussing on how to make the next unique cut on heart tissue rather than concerning themselves about the biology-- that's the internists' and cardio docs' problem!

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Yesterday I came across this one uncensored 10 second loop of a tree burning from the central core, spewing flames out, while its leaves were unburned and a truck drove by, again and again and again... This is from a local person. All private-citizen local videos were immediately removed from social media, but this one was picked up by a local news station and looped, sort of like the WTC collapse videos that are burned into our memories. Watch the flames shoot from the core of the tree, while unburned leaves blow in the breeze.


How would the core of a tree burn out while the bark and leaves are not burned? It's like a microwave oven heating my coffee, but not the mug, isn't it? Microwave energy is like radar. The wavelengths excite polar molecules and may be completely absorbed by electrically conductive metals. I can remember putting old China in a microwave, the kind with that tiny metallic edge accent, which got really hot and burned me when I picked up the bowl. I didn't do that again. Polar molecules, like water, but not only water, absorb microwave energy, and it is converted to heat in the material which contains them. Would that include automotive windshields and windows? There are so many images of melted windshields draped over dashboards like a melted cheese slice on a hamburger patty... I googled it below, and below that is a video posted by Dora in the comments at The Automatic Earth, of Canadian trees, mobile-homes, houses and cars burned in unusual ways. It is a video interview of a Forensic Arborist who studied a lot of forest fires around human towns and suburbs in Canada. Water-loving trees like willows burned from the core, sometimes only the core burned, leaving a charred bowl in the center, or a charred cave in the middle of a large tree with unburned bark. Willows along a river, with roots in the water, all burned, while dry pines going up the mountainside next to them did not burn. A mobile home is completely burned out, while the trees around it and the dry wooden landing steps up to where the front door was are unburned.

The materials required to make a windshield

The key ingredients to make windshield glass are soda ash, silica sand, limestone, dolomite and cullet. There are little quantities and traces of aluminum oxide and potassium oxide also included most of the time.

Silica is the major ingredient and around 65-70% of the windshield glass is just silica. This is what makes glass. After silica, soda ash is added to the mixture when silica is being heated. It decreases the melting point of the mix. Dolomite makes the mixture easier to work with, whereas limestone increases the efficiency of the glass and gives it a good finish. Limestone is also a key ingredient for making the glass more durable.

Then some water is poured into the mixture and heated at a specific temperature. All these chemicals and materials being blended and heated together give birth to glass.




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tech in underground labs is hundreds of years ahead of what we see in the mainstream society..... energy weapons can be designed to affect a variety of frequencies, vibrational qualities, ie: organic (trees ) vs: inorganic ( metals ) , also different frequencies on the color spectrum, it is truly evil out of control, without wisdom, mind without heart..........

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They won't be able to hide in their caves.

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offtopic. please post your theory on your own substack instead of spamming comments under unrelated articles. if i wanted to read this i would have found and been subscribed to you.

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This distraction was absolutely intentional and deliberate. Same with the nanotechnology garbage - these people are 100% gaming us.

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I apologize and meant no offense, just public service.

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I apologize for being off topic. I rarely do that.

This is critically important.

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Things like that are reported every now and then. The inside of a tree can be much drier than the outside, especially if hollowed out by insects or rot. The outside, the bark contains all the water and depending on the tree can be a heat insulator to protect the tree from fires.


And trees can survive this.

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This condition is paradoxical, as microwaves transfer energy into polar molecules, such as H2O. We think of it as water, but each molecule, if superheated by intense microwave energy-transfer would then transfer intense heat energy to all the surrounding tree wood.

The younger wood under the bark carries most water. This would not be like any "water" in human experience, with so much energy flashed into it in an enclosed space, the wood of a tree.

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yes, but you are starting from the unproven assumption that the tree got attacked by microwaves. I would say a tree under constant microwave heating would explode before burning. Imagine putting an egg into a microwave.

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I am laying out a hypothesis for consideration.

We do not yet have a hypothesis for the Lahaina fires which can hold water under scrutiny.

I appreciate your consideration of this hypothesis, and your further thoughts and investigations.

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My current hypothesis is that there are no Direct Energy Weapons mounted on satellites anywhere in orbit that could fire any form of energy to the ground without being noticed by other satellites or ground based observers. There is not a single proof for that hypothesis yet only a few indications that people fit together into a mosaic that does not represent reality, and the main question is who is benefiting from that distraction? Even if there would be space lasers able to produce a powerful beam over 50+km from stationary orbit, they most likely would not be controllable or in the hands of the individuals and corporations that now profit from the situation.

I grew up during the time Ronald Reagan came up with his fancy plans of Star Wars, my hobby was Astronomy for a while and I love Science Fiction. DEW in space is science fiction, just because the energy required to trigger a laser or similar beam for 50km through athmosphere with enough energy to combust something cannot be found out there. For example, ships that are equipped with experimental lasers have huge power banks and are often nuclear powered, and even they have not been found useful in taking down enemy targets - the armies still throw rockets at each other for a reason. For a similar reason we do not have solar farms in space that redirect power to earth using microwaves. It is unfeasible.

I would say it is much more conceivable that a plane dropped a napalm bomb than that this fire was caused by DEW.

But it is also much more conceivable that this fire started and expanded due to human stupidity, shareholder value (lack of maintenance in the power grid to have higher gains) or was of natural cause.

That certain interest groups are now making the best of the situation is undisputed.

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Why do you think these directed energy weapons would be space based? It would be easire to mount the beam generators, battery-banks and big electrical generators in a military transport aircraft.

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Here’s one video that

Is worth a look. I’m not saying it’s proof positive:


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Got a live link, Gary?

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I have been working with Afghan refugees.

Thank you, Uncle Joe. The heart you have for humanity is astounding and like no other.

I've been assisting one family (of 13) in particular. 11 kiddos. A miracle they all got out together.

But the good old USA coerced the parent into getting all these kids to get covid shots. Using fear that they will not get proper paperwork to stay if they don't. It makes me sick. One of the kids, 8, developed seizures, and has been diagnosed with temporal medial sclerosis. Autoimmune disorder...coincidental, right? And his neurologist still recommends the booster. Over my beaten and bruised body, he will. I am going to ask his Dr. if I can forward this work/study to her, Jessica. And then pray that it will be read with an open mind and heart. If any of you are the praying sort...please join me.

God Bless you, Oh Unacceptable one, for your curiosity, intelligence and every bit of time and effort you have spent in keeping us informed and equipped!

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Jessica, has Jimmy Buffett's lymphoma death been reported to VAERS yet? He must have been jabbed as he insisted that all his fans be jabbed to attend his concerts. Bad karma! How many Parrot Heads will die in the next 5 years?

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Jimmy Buffett didn't have lymphoma - but go ahead and report it. Anyone can report to VAERS. And whatever the underlying disease or diseases, we know they were vaccine-induced.

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The paper said he died of lymphoma after having skin cancer for 4 years. Of course you can't believe the paper anymore.

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I read that he was diagnosed with Merkel Cells Carcinoma four years ago - It's very rare.

NY Post has a blurb '.. diagnosed with skin cancer four years ago, the disease progressed to lymphoma." I don't know that Merkel Cell "transforms." Maybe they meant he had lymph node metastases, which would make more sense. But whatever ..

May he rest in peace, and stuff

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Earlier articles on this substack mentioned that cancers gone dormant can wake up and regular cancers can accelerate, and gave some mechanisms. So both situations are possible - that Buffet already had cancer that got accelerated and that the jabs caused a new lymphoma. Only an autopsy can get closer to the truth.

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love your work!

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Jessica, would you be able to include a summarizing paragraph or two for those of us who are years and years away from science classes? Much of what you write is miles above my head. I admire your hard work and tenacity in keeping us educated but I need the remedial level class! Thanks!

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AGREED. I need a summary.

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incredible slide presentation re: 9/7 email, astounding work, Dr. Rose to be recognized as instrumental in saving humanity during this difficult time in human evolution !!!!!!!!!

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Thank you for all this information. It is over my head and taxing to even try, but I trust your work.

Is this about brain injury from mRNA vaccine? I’m asking because my mom’s friend (family friend) recently has a brain injury and has had surgery. I don’t have the details, and I don’t ask if she was vaccinated, but I can’t help to think she maybe is vaccine injured, as no one can explain what’s going on. What’s questions should be asking her doctors? If you don’t have an advocate representing you in medical world I fear they won’t tell you everything.

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Jessica why do doctors harp on mRNA when modRNA is to blame? Is it due to the idea modRNA is not causation but the mRNA modified is? Or instead are being gaslighted?

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Jessica, do you have any opinion regarding the J&J shot? 2 of my children took it to stay in college & keep their job...

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Marked safe from self assembling lipid nano particles

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I think think slide about correct injection is important, but it is possible to perform an intravascular injection even with good technique. This is possible because muscle does not have uniform blood flow; in fact, at rest, most muscle has very little blood flow. If the tip of the needle is in an empty vein aspiration of blood does not occur and the injection can be placed intravenously. When the blood flow increases at a later time there is a bolus intravascular injection.

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Do LNP’s in mAbs (e.g., Bamlanivimab/Regeneron) pose the same risk as the LNP’s in the vax?

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They're LNPs, right?

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Excellent! Very helpful.

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