Hi guys... yeah i am hearing that. i think it's because it's still processing so when it's finishing processing, i will update the link. :) it should work then. it is public.

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The eyes of all look to you,

And you give them their food in due time.

Psalm 145:15

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A weird thought came to mind as soon as I saw this post. I’ve read a lot of your writings lately so perhaps that is why this came up....how happy are you Jessica that you did not cave to the pressures to receive the jab(s) given everything you now know??

As angry as I am about all of this mess and I’m damn mad, and sad for those who have been harmed, I would be beyond filled with rage had I acquiesced. Not quite sure how I managed to remain a Pureblood given the pressures but my big question remains for those who did take it. Where’s the outrage???

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My wife and I were talking to her cousin, who we adore, about her getting boosters. We were like, “why?! They don’t work!”

She literally couldn’t hear it. Had nothing but faith to back up her feelings on the jabs. And the conversation ended with her being upset with us. Like we had crossed the Rubicon or something.

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Sad but what can you do when people aren't willing to listen? I have given up trying to turn people around. No one wants to hear the truth. No one wants to think they've been duped. Not even if it means they can perhaps turn their health around by embracing that which actually works to ameliorate the spike protein. I find it absolutely crazy!

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Admitting that you were betrayed by authority figures you trusted completely, and even loved in some cases, is very, very difficult. It can shatter your whole world view, and some people can’t handle it. My heart hurts for them, and I’m there for them -- to talk them down from the ledge -- if they ever wanted to examine their beliefs. In the meantime I just pray for their healing.

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It is leaving a cult and most are not capable of doing it. They can't admit that they've been had/taken/scammed. I've tried and the only thing that has any effect is when I tell them "You're not stupid because fell for it. You just can't question authority, especially medical authority".

Show them this as it is the best explanation of what was just done to us all:


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They don't hear it because they can't once injected!

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I’ve just disproved you ridiculous theory.

F*ck all the superior, condescending, jerks, on both sides of this issue.

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The vaxxed can't afford to believe that the jab is harmful because you can't untake it. The unvaxxed can't afford to ignore that the jab is harmful because you can't untake it.

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You challenged her cognitive dissonance. It can feel very threatening, especially if you suspect deep down that you are wrong, and the others are right.

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I’m plenty outraged.

What would you like me to do, exactly?

Since you’re only mad, and not outraged (since YOU weren’t jabbed), I’m guessing that typing words, questioning others lack of outrage, covers it for you?

Again, what would you recommend an outraged person do?

Maybe beat my MD of 22 years for not being a “pure blood”, and giving me terrible medical advice?

Maybe die of a turbo cancer, like my late, jabbed, spouse?

Critiques without solutions are not useful. Just insulting.

My comment is a reply to many critics other than you, so, please, don’t take it personally.

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Yep,....that’s outrage! Sorry for your loss Mike!

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I get it! I don't have answers but would have thought by now people would rise up en masse. It just seems as though people are accepting. Perhaps people feel helpless to do anything at all and I get that. I just know that if I had been coerced to get that jab I would be outraged and would be looking to meet with as many like minded people as possible. As it is I have followed very closely since March of 2020 all the people online who were skeptical and working to get the word out. I try in my own way to wake people up in my sphere which is very frustrating. Seems most people don't want to know and certainly don't want to talk about it.....ever. Again, I don't have answers. Only questions.

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But Patti, “rise up”. What does that even mean?

National work stoppage?

I wish. I’ve been advocating that for years.

Take to the streets, and burn this country down?

It didn’t work in the George Floyd matter.

Wait at the medical clinics, and smash the hands of every pharma rep that walks through the doors?

Military personnel, with weapons, were forced/coerced to be jabbed, and even they didn’t/couldn’t resist.

What is an old geriatric person like myself going to accomplish.

I preach, and preach, and cajole, and link, and share, and I’ve gotten through to my RN daughter, but my terrified, elderly neighbor-not a snowball’s chance in hell.

Lock me in a room with Fauci, and I promise I’ll get you some answers. But, we both know that’s never gonna happen. The psychopaths have endless security details.


See, Emma Goldman.

Refuse to pay taxes?

Already there.

Same with masks, and jabs.

I refuse.

It’ll take millions, in a mass action, both vaxed, and untainted, to stop this juggernaut, maybe.

Typing, and talking, and ridiculing, ain’t gonna cut it.

Putting all the vax injured in everyone’s faces might help, but the MSM is in on the grift, so we never hear about those people.

Kinda like Maui.

Give the abused a little time and latitude. It’s the abusers that need to be shamed, and spanked.

I’m really glad that you and I are having this back and forth.

It’s a start.

We gotta fight this battle together, you, and I, and all the rest.

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People who believe in the jabs won’t be waking up any time soon. I read a comment from someone who is getting over his 5th bout of COVID after getting all 5 jabs and he said that he is getting the next jab and will get one every 6 months because he doesn’t want to get infected from an antivaxxer. No thought on after taking all those jabs and still getting sick over and over and blaming the jabs for not working because he just knows that it would have been worse if he hadn’t been jabbed. The CDC is saying that the new variant will affect the many jabbed people over the unjabbed, but he’s still blaming those who refused to take any. Imagine taking to him and getting him to see the light.

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When a third strand of DNa is injected into the body of the creator which by design is a two strand double helix it's to late after the first injection! It starts to change who you are. No undoing this or healing from it as freightning as this sounds. This was never about a virus. It's much more evil than most realize- It's a "Operating System"

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Oh I sincerely hope not! Have always hoped it was just a bunch of inept bureaucrats but it must have been some operation to get the whole world onboard no?

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They are on it for decades.

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Agreed. the majority have gone all meek. Well, that's always been so, but now it's worse. But apart from the brainwashing, if people are fearful and sick, they imagine (correctly) that outrage will worsen their condition. They tell me they just want to focus on getting better. One has to try to put oneself in their shoes.

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The ones who have no symptoms are mostly oblibious. They seem excited for the next round of mask wearing. No questions enter their mind.

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I’m an exception to your rule.

Could there be others?

I make a point of traversing about town, and conducting my business in person.

I bring up the probability of another round of masks, and mandates, and mRNA, and openly speak about the illogic of this whole affair.

The various masking policies.

The tests, and vaxes, that are 100% safe and effective, well 50%, we’ll, shit, nothin seems to be quantifiable, so we’ll go with .05% accuracy, and efficacy.

And, the death rate down from a predicted 4%, to .02%, but who’s doin the countin?

And, I’ve studied the “Spanish” flu epidemic, and the cholera outbreak in London, and I ask these people, “Is this anyway to run a REAL contagion?”

Half ass quarantine!!!

Put anything over your pie hole. N95, toilet tissue, paisley, a flag, it makes no sense!!!

The upshot is, there’s more people saying “I won’t comply”, some even before I begin my schtick.

The propagandized, and terrified, are on our team, “the useless eater deplorables”, like it or not.

Ain’t ya ever been fooled? Tricked? Done dirty?

Did anyone kick you while you were down?

Did it help?

“If we don’t hang together, we’ll hang separately.”

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Best thing I've found to tell people who took the shots is "You're NOT stupid because you fell for it. You just can't question authority, especially medical authority".

"there’s more people saying I won’t comply" - I knew a lot of those and 90% folded like cheap lawn chairs at the first inconvenience. I'll believe it when I see it.

"The propagandized, and terrified, are on our team" - Not true. Yes the warnings from Alex Jones are hyped but most unvaxxed have already been through the wringer and are still unvaxxed.

I'm not too worried about them repeating the mandates because they've already done all the fraud, deceit, duress, containment and coercion and got all they were going to get. They only have 1 card left to play. Forced / mandated injections and that will get the enforcers and medical people killed just like Austria.

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Sadly, they make very good obedient sheep.

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Tell them to check out "flccc.net, Treatment Protocols tab, I-Recover: Post Vaccine Treatment" and leave it at that. If the information we give them helps them and the info that their doctors gives them (It's not the vax) doesn't then they rate our info superior.

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It is alive and well.

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Far too painful to contemplate.

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Personal attacks are a big part of their modus operandi and Dr. Rose is certainly under surveillance for her vital work including her paper (w/ Dr. McCullough) on myocarditis which I had submitted to the Provincial Court of Vancouver in my testimony against my former boss, Jen Gall of Canada Post for which I had delivered mail in Vancouver for 27 years.

"Street theater" and Directed Energy Weapon attacks against you and your pets are part of the whistle-blower harassment. Also, if you are a threat to corporate power, expect that rental suites above, beside or in view of your residence are likely occupied by CSIS watchers (in Canada) or Mossad in Israel. I witnessed (right outside my door as I left to walk my dog) a courier delivering CSIS documents to the UK nationals ("Robert Stewart and Sarah Bignell") renting ($3400/month paid by Canadaian taxpayers) the beautifully-renovated 2-bedroom unit directly above mine. How many 20 somethings do you know who can pay $3400/month in rent? Once outside, I asked the courier if the documents he'd just delivered were from CSIS and his face lit up as he emphatically answered, "YES!" (He was a courier not a CSIS employee.)

I am under longstanding aggressive targeted surveillance as a result of laying 39 criminal charges in the Provincial Court of Vancouver against the Director of Mail Operations (Canada Post) for the City of Vancouver, Jen Gall including for her crimes of warrantless search and seizure using an IMSI Catcher via the Internet of Nano Things (in masks, jabs and bodies) in the Terahertz Band. I have also implicated the Vancouver Police Department, the RCMP, CSIS and S&IS (Canada Post. )

In addition, I was violently assaulted by Vancouver police at work, injured and fired after 27 years for my refusal to wear a mask on August 17th, 2022 when no provincial or federal mask mandates were in effect. I've laid criminal charges against Director, Jen Gall for administering the Mandatory Vaccination and Mask policies. I've testified Under Oath "in camera" (locked courtroom) during 5 appearances in the Provincial Court of Vancouver (Judges, Burgess, Dome, Sutherland and St. Pierre presiding.) BC Attorney General, Niki Sharma wouldn't allow my recorded testimony (5×) unless she intended to use it against Directing Mind of Canada Post, Jen Gall which will involve a Non-Prosecution Agreement (get out of jail free card for corporate criminals) through which criminal psychopath, Jen Gall will launder her treason.

Check out former electrical engineer, Sabrina Wallace's work on the WBAN (IEEE802.15.6.)


...and you'll understand why my criminal charges against Jen Gall which violate Sections 184(1) and 430(5) of the Criminal Code of Canada (WARRANTLESS SEARCH AND SEIZURE) using an IMSI Catcher via the Internet of Nano Things and the WBAN (IEEE802.15.6) are relevant.

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The RCMP sre corrupt. Read the book by Paul Palango. Above the Law ..,THE CROOKS THE POLITICIANS THE MOUNTIES and ROD STAMLER former RCMP assist commish who exposed the RCMP coveing up politicians and elites.

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Sorry to hear about the special treatment you've had to endure.

What is: warrantless search and seizure using an "IMSI Catcher" via the Internet of Nano Things in the Terahertz band (of 5G) ?

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Amazing story. Feel sad for you and your experience. Watch out for waves on your face from direct energy weapons. The RCMP and military use it. Havana SYNDROME. I read a story of the crook Bob Rae the canada UN ambassador and his attachment to this kind of gang stalking. The metro toronto police are involved I read and crooked molesting priests of the catholic church organized crime all connected to government. This dates back way before covid so this victim was outing these crimes before covid and more awarenesx to AI technology microchips and centralized digital networks thus proving their credibility on gang stalking and microwaves . BC And Toronto so corrupt with crooked chinese organized crime. You need to research and put this into Court using nazi link of scientists brought to the US and Canada continuing bioweapons and AI. Rsearch MK Ultra and embarass the heck,out of the unions in bed with Nazi Klaus Scwab. Dirty money involved as people out everywhere on the internet . Its all in the open. Criminals exposed. Everyome knows who they are. Who pulls the strings. Drug trafficking tied to it and dirty money. If you reaearch your in the know. My suggestion to victims of gang stalking screw with your stalkers. Tell all their names in a store at a bus stop in a train station. Go to your governments places and out it in security cameras. Drive them crazy. I mean drive them batty. People give good advice on how to top your gang stalkers your harassers your direct energy attacks. Domt be afraid to out it. Use their names everywhere. Lets see them try to weasel out in court. Eventually they will all get sued. They will squirm in court, class actions will come against the police forces. CRA workers will spearhead it eventually.

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The unions are in the pocket of Klaus Scwab. Klaus Scwab is a nazi collab with his father years ago. Bring this up in Court. Naxi ties to AI a WEF. Dirty money andnazi ties to unions looks very bad as it is.

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Jeffrey Epstein funded all this covid crap with dirty money. His human trafficking linked to rcmp crooked canadian politicians the universities the covid round tables jjust because he is dead means nothing.

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Join the gang. I have monitoring. Video taping me through the wall spying as I exposed corruption and the government refuses to pay as I out their criminality. The governmment wont fund going after criminals as they are criminals. Laugheable. DARPA professor confirmed MRNA is a nano network using terahertz band and the U of BC is outed as doing MK ULTRA EXPERIMENTS. SO YOU ARE CORRECT. Just drive your gang stalkers crazy.

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Thank you for this. It has given me a whole smorgasbord of food for thought. I am returning to medical school this week, and heaven knows: if they are going to insist on these bastard shots, I will present them with some questions about why they are willing to squander the futures of their students on this tragic medical malpractice.

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Decide ahead of time how you will proceed, because afterwards the power of discernment will no longer be yours. Just saying. It's hard to do something like dump a potential career, but careers are replaceable. In a few years, there won't be any other medical staff around to help people, and your talents will be needed.

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Thanks for presenting this. I had a disagreement with my hip surgeon in May 21 as I had read about endothelial danage caused by the injectable product. It still bothers me to this day how he insisted it was my duty. Between fearing for being denied the surgery to resolve the excruciating pain I endured for 3 years, work demanding vaccination, along with the suppression of any negative effects from being reported, I felt the risks were low. I was wrong.

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He insisted it was your duty!? Did you ask him exactly HOW does taking a shot that does NOT prevent disease or transmission and in fact increases the likelihood of getting Covid with each shot benefit others? We need to challenge these moron MD’s. And fire them if need be. I’ve fired two so far.

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Every unvaccinated together worldwide sues every person who made money off of this. Sue the cops the government the human rights organizations and splatter nazi genocide in their faces. They are nothing but the new nazis. The new face of evil to go along with direct energy waves against victims.

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Why is it your duty to be injected with a bio-weapon produced by psychopathic billionaires to depopulate the planet? My cousin in Oregon just had hip surgery and has not been jabbed, so there must be some surgeons who are not insane, even in Oregon.

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Collect all names of bad doing harm doctors

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The UN declaration on bioethics and human rights and the medical acts state clearly it is not your public duty to take these vaccines. In fact its nazism talk. The greater good is bogus and evil in this case. The greater good is honorable men and woman who have integrity and courage and do no,harm and take care of their bodies and focus on personal responsibility. They back it up with real love in action. Euthanasia is disguised as caring. A joke. These vaccines are harming and killing so what honrable good person demands you put yourself in harms way for the greater good. Only people like Hitler. The same evil so people need to look at themselves and ask...am I a good person. Lying to yourself isnt good either.

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Thanks for your comments. I have certainly had very similar thoughts.

I am reminded of the helplessness felt at times observing the persecution of the vulnerable. The self-righteous tormentors justify their attrocities as somehow "for their own good". It seems unfathomable that they do not realize the harms that they are doing. Their minds appear ensnared in a fabricated reality of illogical truths. A psychosis grown from years of believing that the higher power, the authority was always right. In Medicine's case, that what came out of their mouths must, must absolutely be the truth and anyone saying something contrary was a heretical criminal that needed to be subdued, charged and locked up.

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I Am Vaccinated.

And I Don't Want To Hear Another Word

About Sudden Vaccine Deaths.

They're Dead.

What Difference Does It Make ?

You're Scaring Me.

I am Terrified Enough Already Of Breathing Air.

I Don't Care How Many People Die From The Vaccine.

We Are Running The Risk Of Scaring Children

From Getting Injected And Giving Me Covid.

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Sorry that jab damaged your brain #generape

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Is this a joke or are you really an ostrich?

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My sarcasm was lost - en route.

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I am glad that I saw it wrong! Thanks

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Best funny comment of the day...


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Covid Anxiety Disorder

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The image provides the best Remdesivir remedy for balancing that disorder!

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2030 GOALS and beyond can only be reached if the proper tools are utilized by the Secular Ruling Families & Billionaires.

So both the lab engineered RNA and the lab mRNA toxic spew are very good tools to try to reach 2030 with at least a smaller global uman Herd size.

I'm expecting that the new versions of the m[iracle]RNA toxic spew jabs will more efficient when it comes to Silent Culling, specially now that they will deploy them in tandem with the "FLU" jab!

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Hey jessica

Keen to see this but cant get access via Rumble x

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Me neither.

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Many thanks Jessica and much appreciated 👍

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jess, please send this excellent video to Bill, Faucho, Hotez, and Brandon as they have no clue, unless they are deliberately trying to cull the population.

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Henry Kissinger and Klaus Scwab are trying to depopulate and Henry Kissinger did say using vaccinations to do that. Fact checkers lie. People have the evidence.

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Great presentation, Jessica. With regards to the neurological damages we are seeing, this doesn’t prove that glial cells or others in the brain and/or cells in the CNS of the spinal cord are being transfected and that the LNPs are indeed getting through the BBB? With the plethora of symptomology and damage we are seeing through out different body systems, does it not prove the LNPs used have wide tissue tropism? As a non-scientist, I’m wondering how all these myriad damages could be occurring if the LNPs are not omnitropic, marking various tissue for destruction by our cytotoxic T cells? Do you know of anyone doing work in the lab on the specificity of tissue tropism of the specific LNPs used in these products? Thank you!

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Thank you. Yes: I struggle with this, as it is my second(ish) career and I am nearing my sell-by date with astonishing speed. I am 50, and my goal is to have my MD when I am 55. I have worked to academically qualify by being a part-time student for 6 years already, and have another 4 full-time to go. I do not know what i will do if they insist on this as absolute qualification, other than plead my case and be a voice for the younger students, who likely have not had the opportunity or motivation to read up about this.

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Theresa Scam Tam and team reading from their narrative now use updated covid vaccine not booster. She doesnt even know what she is talking about so she has to read her notes. We can all write without notes we remember stuff from 2 years ago as our health and longevity require that.

The clown show with N95s that clearly is destroying the few brain cells they have left that the vax hasnt destroyed.

As people say this is todays news and tomorrows news wll have hatred and vitriol against those who refuse these updated shots and the loaded gun of onsequences just waiting to bring out.

It is quite laugheable that they need a mask after all those shots. Have you gotten your updated measles vaccine yet after 20 years since your last measles shot because they just said you need these vaccines to get more antibodies so wheres the updated measle shot for adults?

Natural infection gives you natural solid antibodies and since their 5 or 6 shots obviously havent produced antibodies then their vaccines are a fraud.

I think they have given up on the unvaccinated. A losing battle of course and human rights violations they know they have to pay out for eventually. The loaded gun at the head with consequences is a real nazi moment and they know the unvaccinated will tell them to take the gun from their head aim it at theirs and pull the trigger.. That is a great court moment.

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Great presentation, so much info I listened 3 times already, so dense and full of wisdom❤️

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Jessica this was excellent thank you.

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Regarding the zeta potential of these LNPs, you are right to be concerned. Christie Grace, who worked in Biotech producing therapeutic LNPs for cancer experimental models, calculated the zeta potential of the vax LNPs at -200-something.

Sorry I can't quote her substack - I think she took it down because of attacks and a doxing attempt.

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Great interview with Dr Urso. The covid virus doesnt enter the ovaries but the covid vaccine spike does. That sums it up on harms. How many babies or young girls got bleeding after their MMR shots? The covid virus doesnt enter the spleen or liver but the covid vaccine spike does. The tonsils are part of mucosal immunity that help stop viruses. These vaccines cannot provide mucosal immu ity thats why they are working on it to get mucosal immunity and they are scamming you in the process using fear.

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