Getting a paper through peer review these days is like an underground railroad.

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Unless it follows “the narrative”…

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So far got 4 desk rejections on my piece.

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yeah it's almost impossible... i take the back seat to the process now. i can't deal with it.

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I took a pigheaded strategy and improved the paper after each rejection. Kind of like compelled perfectionism.

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At least for vaccines one can always go to IJVTP if nothing elae works. I wish there was something like that for treatment related papers. How was your experience with Cureus?

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Geez, I wonder why? What isn’t rigged in our lives?

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We need all hands on deck ASAP!

Thank you and God Bless any citizens willing to help on THE MOST IMPORTANT 2024 ELECTION INTEGRITY PROJECT!

Contact ASAP here to join us…


Shouldn’t everyone who is able want to work on a 2024 project in America to help restore…


You will be standing with the best!!!

P.S. Would love all Mother and Father, ALL Grandmother and Grandfather LIONS to report for patriotic duties!

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Excellent work, and Congratulations. It is critically important that you discussed the mortality results in the Pfizer and Moderna gold-standard randomized clinical trials (the ONLY truly unbiased data on the mortality effect of mRNA vaccination)- which almost everyone else conveniently ignored.

COVID deaths: 2 vaccine vs. 5 placebo (-60%)

non-COVID deaths: 29 vaccine vs. 25 placebo (+16%)

cardiovascular-related deaths: 16 vaccine vs. 11 placebo (+45%)

Overall: 4 excess non-COVID deaths for every 3 less COVID deaths (i.e. 4 KILLED FOR EVERY 3 SAVED)

A 16% increase in non-COVID mortality and a 45% increase in cardiovascular-related mortality (and a net result of "4 killed for every 3 saved") absolutely do have PRACTICAL significance in the context of these vaccines given to many millions of people, regardless of the typical cop-out regarding "statistical significance". See this piece on common misuses of the flawed concept of "statistical significance" written by Dr. Sander Greenland, one of the most respected voices in statistics and epidemiology: https://www.jvsmedicscorner.com/Statistics_files/Retire%20statistical%20significance.pdf.

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Fantastic work Dr Jessica Rose 👏👏🌹 this and finally an official hearing in Congress , those addressing Congress are the Stalwarts of health and science Dr Peter McCullough , Ryan Cole and Dr Kirk Milhoan they talk about pulling The COVID-19 injectables off the market it’s not well known to the public but it’s slowly getting out there……

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Were the "gold standard randomized trials" the first trial that showed less than 10 Covid "cases" in the vaccinated group vs. 130? in the unvaccinated group leading to a 95% relative risk statistic? There were "mysteriously" more than 3000 respondents removed from this trial--enough to skew the results. Also the definition of a Covid case was based on symptoms--easily confused with flu, respiratory viruses, etc. We wuz hoodwinked! We wanted to believe. We needed to believe. Because fear was SO HIGH. Sasha Latypova argues trial data was unnecessary--just for show. The EUA was based on military necessity NOT clinical necessity. https://sashalatypova.substack.com/p/dr-mike-yeadons-post-on-telegram?utm_source=cross-post&publication_id=870364&post_id=139854209&utm_campaign=37889&isFreemail=true&r=1ej3w&utm_medium=email

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I thought they scuppered those by offering the mRNA to the placebo group pretty early on.

And, you can bet that the 'placebos' themselves were not saline.

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No, these are the blinded results- then they unblinded around 6 months. EVEN IF what you said was true, it would just make the actual mortality effect even WORSE than the ALREADY terrible effect shown above. Anyway, if you have mortality data that is more credible, unbiased, and scientifically sound than the randomized clinical trial data, please share.

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Ok, though I would say 'unblinding' is not what they did. Rather, they destroyed the control group, which can hardly be characterised as scientifically sound.

I would still like to know the placebo ingredients. Put another way, I wouldn't trust *any* data produced by Pfizer is unbiased.

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I understand Pfizer unblinded at 90 days, and that didn’t include subjects who were removed from the trial for “non compliance” a euphemism for ‘died’

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Pfizer Process 1 trial Placebo was Saline, known absolutely.


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Ok, I guess they couldn't have fiddled that. They fiddled/obfuscated a lot of other stuff though, such as the 3.7 fold increase in cardiovascular death for the 'vaccinated' trial participants.

Forensic Analysis of the 38 Subject Deaths in the 6-Month Interim Report of the PfizerBioNTech BNT162b2 mRNA Vaccine Clinical Trial


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That becomes confusing because of the Process 2 Poojabs scandal where Endotoxin contaminated material was used on unblinded Pfizer subjects, rather than the highly purified RT-PCR mRNA used in Process 1.

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Exactly. Why so many deaths in 6 months of trial data, esp in so called placebo people? I thought everyone in this trial was healthy. I have asked myself this question for three years. Haven’t seen anything written on it anywhere.

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It's <1/1000 dying over nearly 6 months, which is much lower than the normal expected mortality rate even in a relatively healthy population. What matters is that the vaccine group had 16% higher non-COVID deaths than the placebo group.

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For Doctors Of Medicine:

This Is Not A Crisis Of Identity;

This Is Not A Crisis Of Competence

( ... There Is Too Little To Matter) ;

This Is A Crisis Of Conscience.


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Jessica, Thanks to you and the other authors for an excellent paper, and also for being relentless. I'm sharing it widely with family/friends, and even with the "uninterested". Happily, the uninterested are becoming more interested. Feels like the dam is breaking.

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You’re lucky you know uninterested who have become interested.

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Most are in denial they can’t admit you told and gave them the truth it opens them up realising they’re suckers in believing all the dross propaganda fed to them without question.

Once they admit and become interested they then have open their minds and question everything, most are unable to do that as their world falls apart.

My family admitted the government lies but wouldn’t accept how much. As illness is sinking in around them they’re having to start process how big the deception has been.

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But will they be learned? Wasn't it Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche that said vaccinating during a pandemic is a recipe for disaster? I think that was in at least mid-2020 when it looked like a vaccine might be available.

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💯Was already made and waiting to be deployed. Proof with moderna singing the transfer of tech for evaulation to Ralph at unc from at least Dec19

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Please send this around to the likely commenting media- CNN, MSNBC, NBC, CBC, ABC(both), BBC, Fox and CBS.

For print, WSJ, WaPo, The Guardian, Al Jazeera (I understand one Dr. JR may not be a welcome contributor), The Times (NY & London) and look for reportage.

The Epoch Times and LifeSite News are likely to actually publish summaries.

Great work, Thanks.

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We don't actually need any more papers, do we? The deaths and injuries already tell the story. All we need is a complete halt and the vials all rounded up, contents examined more fully and efforts made to find solutions to the devastating side effects to help people. For everyone's information, Inside Pharma stack has a piece on FDA saying a black box warning to be put on a cancer gene therapy injection as one of the side effects is........ more cancers in different places! Nail in the coffin for mRNA, reckons Hedley Rees.

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True, but that coffin has so many nails in it now, the wood is likely completely obscured. And still, they push these things.

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And just like in the UK where Saville and Blair get awarded Knighthoods / OBEs for their crimes, these modMRNA villains, knowing their own technologies shortfalls, get awarded Nobel Prizes. That's how it works now to shield the wrongdoings of the elites henchmen. Double down for the wiki history rewrites. We can never let this lie.

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MarkB the jabbed pretend like it’s all over and it never happened, or defend the crap the government pulled which I find totally irrational as someone who worked through the scamdemic and still here standing plus healthier than the darted.

I will not let this drop because they sure as hell will pull a fast one again, they spewed so many lies and shite and should not be allowed to get away with it for future generations sakes. The truth needs repeating from us directly to our young as it’s the only way to combat the misinformation they spread.

Only last week my teenage son came home from work and was telling me about the army drafting up civilians for war they trying to create, his exact words were “fuck the politicians and bankers let them go fight their own fucking wars”. Once the young understand who funded both sides they’re not going to waste their lives making them richer fighting.

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Will someone please send this article to Peter Hotez, Bill Gates, and Faucho? Another lesson learned from these jabs is to never take medical advice from Bill or Klaus, or King Charles, or Tedros, or Faucho.

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Add to that list: pbs, npr, msnbc,cnn,abc, cbs, etc etc etc.

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Excellent what a outstanding research

Much appreciated Jessica

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Brilliant and elegant analysis! Written so even “a caveman can understand it.” Well done, all of you. Thank you for the exquisite summation of the dangers and shortcomings of these hideous products.

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Great job here Dr. Rose. Sorry but I had a thought bomb in the shower this morning and am compelled to offer it-- off subject. I pasted this same text from my post in Dr. McCullough's substack.

Hillsdale College(Michigan) is one of the very few not accepting Federal Funds from the government and an icon of Freedom in this country. You & other doctors like you are aware of the lack of TRUE, source cause, education given to med students, for example, their near total ignorance of the situation with vaccine, ingredients, and harms. Basically for a century there has been a purposeful omission on the part of allopathic medicine educational institutions(from what I can gather) to truly educate physicians how to solve the original causes of disease while treating to remove symptoms and ignore the root cause.

I entreat you, joining with other like-minded docs, to combine with Hillsdale College to create the first allopathic Med School to reverse this situation. This nation, Canada too(!), the world, desperately need physicians who treat the cause and not the symptoms alone. Cheers.

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An other thing that drives me bat shit crazy besides being vaccine injured. What fking right did the governments have pushing these untrialled vaccines onto pregnant women?????

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It was by design. https://gab.com/Predestination/posts/110743068570733041 Thread 3, post 15 should help clear that up. in 1972, the WHO put out some memorandums, documents, on how to turn vaccines into killers, bioweapons if you will. the covid jabs were just that, Bioweapons. the graphene Oxide was an attempt to turn the human body into a walking USB drive, to connect to the 5G cellular system. Deadly, absolutely deadly.

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Lead author has published on Endotoxin tolerance, so surprised he chose not to mention Endotoxin in Covid19 jabs and the known effects on the Foetus.


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Here’s something that should get some attention too. Here’s the owner of the Patent for the SARS COV-2 virus lecturing on how pandemics can be profitable opportunities ...... the lecture was presented at UNC in 2018 !! 🤨

It’s a short clip but damning nonetheless....


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Disgusting. How to enrich one’s self through a pandemic.

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Jessica do you really think viruses are the culprit, or maybe rather do they even exist???😉😋😂 Just another one of your concerned stupid delusional normie citizens looking for answers!🤔🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

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Touché! Albert Pike, 33 degree Mason quote.... give them a hero!

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Wow. I am so proud of everyone involved in this paper. The years of study, posing questions, sharing insights. Collecting data, analyzing and publishing research. This is a beautiful article. How you maintained a neutral, objective tone, I’ll never know. I’ve been wanting to scream. And cry.

Boy, I hope this is read, discussed, acted upon, shouted into the ether. And not one more arm exposed.

I couldn’t be more proud of this. My “medical freedom friends” have just published a stunning report. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

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