Feb 20, 2022Liked by Jessica Rose

This type of info/discussion/science is fascinating, important and scary! Unfortunately, the usual citizen isn’t going to understand it because it’s too deep in the scientific weeds, so to speak. But this is probably where you’ll find the real dirt on these people.

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When they first started talking about having a vaccine, I was sceptical and thought I would wait for some hard data before taking it. Everyone else around me thought I was nuts. Now, everyone I know has been triple jabbed and I am almost alone as an unvaccinated person who has never had covid. All of the data I have seen since the vaccine launch makes me very suspicious and I have seen nothing, other than propaganda saying that it is safe and effective, that would convince me that the jab is worth the risk. The data on my side keeps piling up and assures me that I have made the right decision. It is articles like this, however, that I wish I could understand better. It just all seems so complicated and that makes it harder for us regular people with no scientific background other than grade 12 biology class to stand up to the jab promoters and enforcers.

I have been completely shunned by my family and friends and I wish there was one article that encapsulated everything we know and the things we suspect that are wrong with the jab and then I could send that to my circle so that they could understand my position. Just dreaming of a better world than the current shitstorm.

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You don't need to understand exactly what this means (most of us don't) - just that it is something they should have looked at, but didn't. Along with a whole lot of other safety data. Actually, I don't think you need to know much more than the fact that long-term safety trials have not been done, not even on animals.

As for convincing your family and friends - good luck with that! I've tried. People who are jabbed are committed to this, and just don't want to know. They will come back at you with stats and official models and stuff that is impossible to argue with (and stay sane!)

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You are so right -- these SubStack conversations are all that is keeping me sane!

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Also unjabbed and haven't got the wuflu. Vitamin D3 and a multi

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I’ve been taking vitamin D for years now but not doing anything else special. I’m in Canada so have been unable to do much of anything since the vaxx pass took effect other than going to work, bible study, and grocery shopping. Being restricted has kept me away from the vaxxed, who are currently catching and transmitting covid at higher rated than the unvaxxed, so maybe that is what is keeping me covid-free. Until we catch it, us unvaxxed covid-virgins have zero spike protein in our bodies and I believe we are basically unicorns now in Canada.

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About a year ago, Dr. Joseph Mercola published an article that I thought did a good job summarizing the known and suspected problems with the COVID vaccines. I think the title was "Why I Won't Be Getting the Vaccine." If I remember right, it was a list of about 18 different reasons and each was briefly explained in language that would be easy for most reasonably intelligent people to understand. I wish I could give you a direct link, but Dr. Mercola's article archives have been closed (due to serious threats against his personal safety, I think) -- so if you want to find the article, you'll need to join a substack called "Dr. Mercola's Censored Library" for $5/month and search for the article there. The abbreviated title in the original link was "reasons-not-to-get-covid-vaccine" and that may help you find the article.

Yes, this article is about a year old now. So in some respects it's out-of-date. But I think some people are so far behind reality -- because all they've been taking in is the propaganda -- that to help them "catch up" we need to start with old information and bring them up to speed step by step. So this Mercola article might be useful even though a year old.

BTW, one of the important "missing pieces" for many people is that there *is* effective, safe at-home treatment available. The vaccine is *not* the only option if you're scared of getting COVID. In the U.S., at-home treatments had to be suppressed because by law, if good treatment was widely available, the greedy vaccine makers couldn't have gotten EUAs for their inadequately tested vaccines. Showing people the ivmmeta.com website, which has countless easy-to-grasp graphs showing that almost all of the studies of Ivermectin show that it's effective against COVID-19, might be a good way to "open the door a crack" for people to understand that they've been lied to about Ivermectin...and maybe about the vaccines as well...

I hope this is helpful to you. BTW, my situation is similar to yours -- unvaccinated (but I had COVID in March 2020, no big deal with early treatment), and I'm aware of only 3 people I know well who haven't taken the pseudo-vaccines.

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For those who may be interested in the 18 Reasons I Won’t Be Getting the COVID Vaccine article mentioned by Kayla W., I found it in my bookmarks:


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Wonderful! Thank you for posting this link!

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I know that exact article as I sent it to a few people when it as first published. I think I remember that the guy started its 12 reasons and then updated to 18 reasons about six months later. Thanks for reminding me!

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Some Mercola articles are reposted by Aletho News; it may be worthwhile checking their archive.

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If there's one very good paper I'd refer people to read it's the Kostoff one titled "Why are we vaccinating children against COVID-19?".

It is peer reviewed in a good journal so they can't complain about it and they run through side effects, mechanisms, the VAERS data and do a pseudo cost-benefit analysis showing poor risk/benefit for the older population, therefore concluding it can only be much worse for the young.

I think it's okay for the most part but some prerequisite knowledge is required if you want to understand every little detail. Jessica is also mentioned in the paper. If someone bothers you, send them the link below and ask them to explain to you why the science in it is wrong.


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Just for fun, how about this? SARS-CoV-1 mortality: 10%. MERS mortality: 30%. Covid-19 (SARS-CoV-2) mortality: 0.1%. And for those historically minded if you find any, bubonic plague mortality: up to 70%.

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I don’t understand most of the science but I get the general gist. Thank you for your writing, Unacceptable Jessica!

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deletedFeb 20, 2022·edited Feb 20, 2022
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Well, I’m only an election data Gal. But a good one! My father was a pathologist so I have a bit of exposure to human biology.

I like you comment about “trustworthy” sources. My opinion is that the scientists snd doctors coming out- with facts and science- against the government narrative are to be trusted more. That’s because they have nothing to gain and everything to lose by speaking out.

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You’re more data driven than you know!

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Actually Fauci has admitted he is taking 2,000 IU VitD3 and Vit C daily in a video.

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Feb 23, 2022·edited Feb 23, 2022

Yeah, but did he strongly encourage anyone else to do that? All we heard was 'vaccines and boosters.'

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I can follow okay, been reading textbooks in immunology, medical physiology, molecular biology and cellular biology. They go over mRNA, miRNA, tRNA, rRNA, DNA, genes, organelles of the cell etc.

It's frustrating though because I feel a good chunk of people dismiss our concerns 'cause they don't understand them, like messing with IFN response as Jessica wrote... so interferons are meant to inactive protein synthesis of cells and degrade viral RNA. Their purpose is to interfere with pathogens and I've heard they play a role with cancer as well (is this one of the mechanisms that's causing cancers to come out of remission?).

Nonetheless, I appreciate the people that try to understand it (I'd like to know it better myself), at the very least listen to it and get our concerns.

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Great source of information for me - I think others would like - Moderna exposed


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Don’t be so confident that the “ usual” citizen can’t understand. We are keeping up just fine and understand the ramifications of this war against our people. It’s really not that difficult to understand. Maybe, I’m not “ usual”, but I doubt that. I know we are getting close to the target when Fauci recognized in an interview that many “are sharing misinformation & seem to have too much time on their hands.” ( regarding the vaccine & endless side effects occurring.) That doesn’t take a rocket scientist. And damn right we’re researching and sharing. That is science. Fauci is NOT the science. Thanks, Dr. Joe, I know you’re not the enemy but not all, without credentials, are lost in this information. If this IS where the dirt is, we just need more people to dig & get dirty. ✌🏼

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Feb 20, 2022Liked by Jessica Rose

This is huuuuuuuuge (said with a Trump accent)!!!!!

Can’t say how much we appreciate you Jessica!!! Go team Freedom!!!!

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yyyuuuuuggggggggggggggeeeeeee giner

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My request to the MHRA in the UK was very simple. Do you consider the new gen therapy treatments to be experimental, given scarce and not completed clinical trials, which excluded vulnerable groups, and by definition, no long term testing.

Absolutely not, they stated.


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Every kid knows they are "Safe & Effective"(TM), duh! So they can't be "experimental". Checkmate!

(well, they are 1) safe - nothing will happen to Pfizer, Moderna etc, and 2) very effective at making profit.)

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Feb 20, 2022·edited Feb 20, 2022

super adverse for everybody =s a f e

real adverse real emergency = r a r e

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It's interesting to me that many will deliberate on organic veggies vs non organic but would thoughtlessly take an mRNA transfection.

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yeah makes one wonder

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They’ll avoid GMO foods, then turn themselves into a GMO!

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These people Trust The Science i.e. sweet old Grampa Fauci.

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Feb 20, 2022Liked by Jessica Rose

"the available evidence strongly suggests that endogenously produced spike protein creates a different microRNA profile than does natural infection with SARS-CoV-2, and those differences entail a potentially wide range of deleterious effects." (Seneff, S., Nigh, G., Kyruakopoulos, A.,& McCullough, P., Innate Immune Suppression by SARS-CoV-2 mRNA Vaccinations: The role of...microRNAs, January 21, 2022, p. 12). Just another reason to stay "pure blooded"!!

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Criminally negligent homicide VS premeditated murder. Same end result.

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Legal experts feel free to join in here please.

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Feb 20, 2022·edited Feb 20, 2022Liked by Jessica Rose

One the one hand, I'm really glad I trust my instincts, even if I don't know as much about medical ramifications as everyone else. On the other - I really hate being right all the time.

But thank you for all your work and efforts! At the very least, it is confirmation that I've been making the right decisions all along.

I am surprised that they admitted such documents do not exist. So the question becomes: do they just not exist in AUS? So if an FIOA was filed in the US, or UK, or Germany, would the results be different? Or do these documents not exist at all, which raises other serious questions.

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that's an excellent question... i gotta make a phone call

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Can't wait to hear the answer. (If I knew enough science to write/call people to ask myself, I would.)

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The TGA did not do any independent assessment they relied as they usually do on industry "research". They usually just follow the FDA without further review from what I can ascertain.

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There is also the sequence in BNT162b2 to express miRNA21, which downregulates tumor suppressors. Nice.

Spike protein (inc vax) induced immunodeficiency & carcinogenesis megathread #21: BNT162b2 derived miR-21


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Yes, I now know four friends with cancer out of nowhere. One ovarian already spread, second lung cancer, third pancreatic cancer, finally bone cancer w/prior hx of breast cancer 1981. Two are already dead. All vaxxed all ca appeared post vaxx.

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I've seen far too many anecdotal and non anecdotal reports like that. If we know the pathophysiology then the people behind these experimental gene therapies know it too, times 100.

This is like a very bad horror movie where each victim is taken quietly one by one. React accordingly.

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Split up. We can cover more ground. Oh. Wait.....

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I wish you both well.

My brother in law is fully jabbed and has just undergone surgery to remove a tumour on his kidney. Whether it existed before the jabs is unclear.

He also underwent surgery for replacement of his heart valve which got infected (endocarditis) and his blood work is currently very poor. These may all be entirely coincidental and would have happened anyway, but I'm sceptical.

Good luck and I hope that it does get resolved succesfully.

This is also worth a read if you haven't ever seen it before.


The writer is not trying to sell anything, or give false hope, but I recommend that everyone reads it with an open mind.

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Would she be open to "alternative treatment" while she waits for surgery? If so, look online for Dr. Mark Sircus.

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Amazing work and breakdown of components involved in these disastrous jabs! And so reassuring to have in writing, from the health authority who approved this poison that they have absolutely NO IDEA because the information requested simply “does not exist”. As you say, perhaps they know and won’t say, or even worse in my book they really have no idea. The vaxx news just keeps getting worse. Thank you for explaining to us lay people. I think I understood most of the explanation🦉🦉

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Feb 20, 2022Liked by Jessica Rose

Jessica Rose, Your name is popping up everywhere now as you unearth correlations, omissions and analyses… all of which expose the GREAT LIE being foisted on humanity.

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yeah. great. i feel like i have a target on my head

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Well, actually, I've been surprised at the *lack* of "subtle assassinations" so far. Mullis? Noack for sure. The leaders of several African nations that didn't fall in line. I think being well known in the U.S. is actually protective against physical attack. You'll be Wakefielded instead.

Thanks for all your great work on VAERS! You're my go-to for meaningful analysis of VAERS data and I recommend your articles, interviews, and website to people constantly.

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Feb 20, 2022Liked by Jessica Rose

It’s probably M.O.D. E RNA too? Must admit I couldn’t take it all in Jessica, but I thank you!

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Modern RNA = ModeRNA

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yes modified RNA

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Is that Mechanism Of Death par Excellence RNA?

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Researcher / independent journalist Richard D. Hall just put out a three-part series on what various researchers have seen when they put drops of the vaxx underneath the microscope.

It's called "Brain Jabbed" because he believes researchers have found carbon nanotubes and other nanotechnology in the vaccines that could then pass the blood-brain barrier:


The most interesting part to me was in *Part 2* at 45:47 where you can see the alleged carbon nanotubes moving underneath the microscope. (From 38:44 to 45:47 you can see Mr. Hall preparing the microscope slides.)


This is real-world research that should be repeated far and wide. It's time to look at these vaxxes under the microscope!

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When the vaccines first came out I recall reading that an agreement was signed by all purchasing governments that no one is allowed to examine the products with a microscope of any kind.

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Anyone not following jikkykjj (on top of this weeks ago) is missing out.

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Feb 21, 2022Liked by Jessica Rose

Dear Jessica, i am curious if you have seen the Israeli Ministry of Health survey on covid vaccine booster adverse events: translated https://galileoisback.substack.com/p/translated-israeli-moh-survey-of/ and early english report https://jackanapes.substack.com/p/the-israeli-ministry-of-health-actually-db7

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of course :)

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I love it! Once again, Jessica rips the lid off another can of [New and Improved] Covid Snake oil.. she's a Bad Rad Momma! Especially to Big Pharma, Big Government, Big Media, etc. etc

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