Anyone who reports an adverse event to CAERS will have their bank account frozen by Justin Castreau. Beware.

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I'm going to report Trudeau as an adverse event.

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That's one way to get confirmation for your submission. 😉

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True, but then you are sent to a re-education center 300 miles north of Dawson City for a very long time.

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"And those winds sure can blow cold way out there..."

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Ay carumba! FREAKING FINALLY!! Better late than never, I suppose …

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Haven't they heard? Covid is done. Our outrage now pivots to poor Ukraine, who wants to house NATO bases and nuclear weapons right on Russia's door step.

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you are absolutely right but no one but you is talking about it.


Cuban missile crisis and why that happened well done

You and I are the only ones talking about it. so lets keep talking about it!

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Nobody has told Canada, Australia or New Zealand. New Zealand is laying on the Remdesivir, Australian corporates still won't bring their workers back to the office and Canada, well you know what's going on in Canada.

Why us?

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We are smaller countries population wise and the global elites want to see how compliant we are and how acceptable we are to the digital ID. Australian corporates got so much govt. corporate welfare, e.g. Qantas, etc. which they paid to their executives whilst they sacked the workers. Many pilots were happy to get a job as a bus driver if they could.

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Wow! CAERS sounds *better* than VAERS! Separate from the revolving-door conflicts of interest re: vaccine adverse effects in FDA and CDC, for one thing — one huge thing!

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Glad they waited until the pandemic was nearly over before bringing this out. I've also read that the vaccines are in such demand in the USA that millions of doses are being thrown away; they aged out and nobody wanted them. Perhaps there's a similar situation up in Canada.

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The pandemic is basically over but the vaccine carnage is still in its early stages. It will be interesting to see what comes of this new platform.

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The saline shots are good thru 2022.

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Ah, just general Canadian Adverse Event Reporting. Gonna be a lot of complaints about PMDespotitis, JTLeBancParalysis, GhostHonkEchoemia, etc.

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vaccines are sooo last year!

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Not for everyone. I still can't go back to work because of my employer's insane mandate.

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Random question, but do you have any thoughts on gangrene? I did a search on open VAERs and found nine reports. I also found these:



I ask because a dear friend of my parents, who was in his 70s, but a very healthy and active person, avid hiker, recently had his foot amputated from gangrene shortly after a booster. Neither he nor his doctors have concerned vax, but I am obviously and concerned and can't help but wonder--like with so many other AEs--how much of this might be out there and completely under the radar.

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The FDA listed 'disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC)' as an adverse reaction on it's fall 2020 presentation so I was able to find the following:

"Acute DIC is a haemorrhagic disorder characterised by multiple bruises (ecchymoses), bleeding from mucosal sites (such as lips and genitals) and depletion of platelets and clotting factors in the blood. Purpura fulminans is a severe and rapidly fatal form of acute DIC. It is sometimes associated with symmetrical peripheral gangrene (tissue death affecting hands and feet)."


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It would not at all surprise me if this is taken down within days by the Canadian government.

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Yeah. Let’s all keep each other posted on that!

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Unbelievable that they didn't even attempt to appear as if they were tracking adverse events all these decades.

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I suspect there are certain persons very unhappy about this. Good.!

As I have said in the past where would we be without all of our hero's

Canada we are stepping up!

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If they are looking for volunteers sign me up.

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How were adverse events being monitored for these novel drugs before CAERS was in place? I thought these things were supposed to be monitored.

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Yes, I feel smart now, because I noticed it before reading this newsletter!

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Is there a legal study or collection of cases indicating that vaccine adverse effect reports are being suppressed? I have not been able to convince any pro-vaxxers that the government is discouraging tracking adverse effects and so they continue to shout that the vaccines are safe because adverse effects are extremely rare theres no evidence otherwise.

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From this study after only the FIRST shot, you've got 2.5% of healthcare workers needing to see a doctor and another almost 1% going to the ER or being admitted to the hospital. If you assume that half of the doctor/ER/hospital visits are due to the shot, you should expect 7,000,000 adverse reactions and VAERS reports if 60% of the US population gets two shots.


Collette Martin, a nurse in Lousiana, testified that a majority of nurses and some doctors at her hospital don't even know about VAERS.


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The CAERS system is available to any citizen, worldwide ?

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