It will- in 60yrs. Thalidomide set the bar😉 re your instincts on the game of "52 pickup"- correct. That email was likely written a year ago (or more) and sitting as trusty back up, for a final attempt at smothering this paper.😐
Dear Jessica, you should ask the journal to publish all the questions and your answers or otherwise you'll go to another journal: people need to be able to quote the truth when they do this traps.
I hope my research might help answer some of the questions (even the CDC table recognized myocarditis rate quite higher than COVID deaths for children and teens, which begged the question about risk-benefit analysis!
President John Quincy Adams: “Masonry ought forever to be abolished. It is wrong - essentially wrong - a seed of evil, which can never produce any good.”
Always appreciate your well summed comments and all you stand for. This is truly an information war. It’s ultimately the minds and hearts of individuals who will decide who’s lying and who really stands for the truth.
Or more than likely it threatens the financial goldmine for the investors. Any bad press would be detrimental to that goal. Come hell or high water mRNA shots are going to become the norm.
You get flak when you're over the target. You're kicking out the "foundation" of safety for the pharmaceutical industry, and they are ruthlessly trying to keep their profits.
This is so wrong on many levels and breaches of normal protocols for peer reviewed published papers. If they want a correction or retraction they should come with the receipts, just like we have done in our letter to the NEJM asking for retraction of the original Pollack paper post EUA. Myocarditis has been recognized since early 2021, I published 2 reviews in the “Pfizer Papers” revealing this, and it was confirmed in FOI’d emails between the WhiteHouse and the CDC with Rochelle Walensky freaking out about how they were going to keep this under wraps, as well as further peer reviewed published papers.
This seems like a good example for HHS and DOJ to investigate for RICO violations between BigPharma and the journal editors. The whole thing seems a petty response especially now that Myocarditis is a recognized post gene therapy outcome
Can you take this direct to RFK Jr as he now heads up the HHS? The blocks you're facing in bringing this research to the public is a clear contravention to the principles RFK Jr is now championing. Take it to him.
there's probably a pile of these in every advocate's files. If the aforementioned folks don't do something about these particular incidents, they should still be presented as cases in point
Mr Kennedy is under a vicious trolling attack because one person in Texas supposedly died of measles and supposedly this might have been his fault because of things he said and did while in law practice (Note how not a one of the trolls wants to face Mr Kennedy in a jury trial of what they allege...the entry fee is $400 and one presents a Complaint and Demand for Relief). So this would be the perfect time to launch personal attacks against the discoverers of myocarditis in some folks who got the Fauci shot. His Unholiness Dr Fauci must speak infallibly while wearing a white coat, else the rest of us would actually need to study some science before forming an opinion about science why peer reviewers are selected for their familiarity with the subject matter.😁
Hang in there, Jessica! The fact that you're taking enemy fire means you're awfully near the target
And did the person die from measles or with measles. Isn't it ridiculous that we have to ask that? And what was the person's vitamin D and vitamin A status? I bet those questions won't be part of the discussion, even though they are important factors. Doctors and scientists can poopoo the role of nutrients in health and the general consensus is that they are correct to do so. If Jessica wrote a paper on the dangers of vitamin D supplementation and how vitamin D is not helpful above 30ng/mL, that paper would fly through the process and then get written about in several mainstream news sources. And it wouldn't be the first time that such a paper had that kind of success.
Absolutely appalling. It is time I think to mobilise legal against the editors. As in, criminal process. File a criminal complaint to the SEC. They are doing this because they were told to do it by people who want to make money on these drugs because their stock is going down the pan.
I think we need to start a whole new medical association. The AMA, AKA the American Mafia Association, has long been sold our before we were all born. We can't keep asking these old corrupt organizations to do the right thing and being disappointed they won't. Might as well pound our heads up against a wall. This isn't who they are. We don't just need new medical journals but need a complete over haul of practically all our organizations and I am sorry to say I don't trust Trump or Elon to do it.
This is most of the comment I left in (Dr. Rose's crossposted)
Medical Journals as Gatekeepers
A broken system, Anandamide Jan 24, 2025
Perhaps the existing paper sources should be dissolved/replaced
and have this function taken over by several other groups.
. .
[In Canada, substitute Canadian counterparts
for US national entities]
IMA (formerly FLCCC), AIMPA, NAHAC, IPA, AAPS, etc.
. .
I'm thinking that the majority of content of the new publications should come from practicing clinical treatment doctors/associations, independent of healthcare companies' ownership.
. .
Advocacy groups for specific illnesses/conditions could jointly operate a publication.
. .
A government operated paper may be useful to balance out - or be balanced by - such publications. Due diligence requires watching the good guys too!
. .
It could also set or recommend minimum health and business performance standards and set or recommend recourse for patients who have been neglected, wronged,
or harmed. It could work with - but be independent of - government agencies/programs.
OMG. I don't think you should submit a rewrite. I do think you should just give them a detailed response to each of the 52 points. Whatever you decide to do, please don't give up hope. Hugs and best wishes.
Jessica, have you considered the very rigorous and scientific process of requesting the journal place their 52 recommended review points inside their anal cavity? Just a suggestion.
too much success it would seem, as our team immediately rolled into completing Spikeopathy #2 dealing with reproductive and genetic issues in respect of the Pfizer and Moderna Covid-19 products, and we have been refused on four occasions
this is despite having actually passed peer review with one of the journals concerned - 5 stars from both reviewers - but then a senior editor from outta nowhere swooped in and put the kibosh on the paper refusing to publish it .. providing the most opaque reason
we are now readying for attempt number 5
we should have had Spikeopathy #2 published early last year
this has held up the final paper in our trilogy - Spikeopathy #3 - which none of the proposed co-authors have the will currently to get into a final form for submitting
.. wearied we are
.. they wear you down
your story here is yet another development in the sordid and twisted ends to which legitimate science is being stymied .. particularly papers that show up the Covid-19 products to be not so safe or effective
too many such papers also raise the stakes for legal liability in the makers and governments alike, so we are likely looking at systemic censorship involving many vested interests
Very well said Julian. There should be safeguards in place for this protected criminal behaviour. The continuous run around is the game. They can’t come out and readily admit to their fraudulent behaviour but play this game where it appears they’re being thorough which is all smoke and mirrors. It’s all so infuriating especially with them holding the power.
and they complain there is no evidence: I wonder why. Tough enough to get it over the line in the first place. As all in the game currently can attest, it is now taking over a year to get anything controversial accepted anywhere, let alone have it attacked after and even retracted. Truth will out though. Thankyou for your endurance and persistence.
I wonder who the reviewers are and what their standing is, to have such power as to create the potential for such a precedence, that in effect brings into question the standing of any peer-reviewed paper. Perhaps that is the intent? If the harmful injections are removed, it may help to expose all such processes which appear utterly non-transparent and potentially corrupt.
This is incredible . Seems there is no end to keep the curtain down But the good news come from the fact that the study is there and despite their efforts, it will always exist.
Time got the facts to prove you were right and that they cannot erase it.
It's not germane, but at first sight I misread this sentence: "Eventually, after many rejections, it got accepted with revisions to Sage journal Therapeutic Advances in Drug Safety".
I thought it read: "Eventually, after many rejections, it got accepted with revulsions to Sage journal Therapeutic Advances in Drug Safety".
Why don’t these trolls write their own paper and pay the journal’s and reviewers’ costs of doing so. Then we can assess the different viewpoints by how many recitals the two papers get. I thought that’s the way that science is done. Clearly their intention is just to silence you.
No, no…the trolls job is not to add to scientific debate/knowledge. The trolls job is to obfuscate and discredit anyone who exposes the truth about the gene therapy products. A lot of money has been made and a lot of money will be spent to make sure that more money can be made.
If only the vax had that much scrutiny
It will- in 60yrs. Thalidomide set the bar😉 re your instincts on the game of "52 pickup"- correct. That email was likely written a year ago (or more) and sitting as trusty back up, for a final attempt at smothering this paper.😐
Dear Jessica, you should ask the journal to publish all the questions and your answers or otherwise you'll go to another journal: people need to be able to quote the truth when they do this traps.
I hope my research might help answer some of the questions (even the CDC table recognized myocarditis rate quite higher than COVID deaths for children and teens, which begged the question about risk-benefit analysis!
All the scientific system has been coopted/corrupted by dirty money:
Rethinking science
Sciencing the rigged and corrupt scientific system for an overdue turnaround
Unless we change it, we’re doomed to the next PLANdemic. And yet, nothing has changed, only got worse!
Who's behind this?
President John Quincy Adams: “Masonry ought forever to be abolished. It is wrong - essentially wrong - a seed of evil, which can never produce any good.”
Who are The Powers That SHOULDN'T Be ?
SSS for dummies
Weaponization of Justice
Illuminati David Rockefeller, finest quotes:
Confessions of ex illuminati Ronald Bernard:
Illuminati Attali, finest quotes:
Chisholm, father of the WHO’s global pedophilia
Ex mason Serge Abad-Gallardo:
16 laws we need to exit Prison Planet
Please share, not the articles, but the information! I'm expendable. Saving the free world, is not!
Right on, professor. Here are couple more links to journals that publish actual medical science:
Science, Public Health Policy, and the Law
The international Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research
Always appreciate your well summed comments and all you stand for. This is truly an information war. It’s ultimately the minds and hearts of individuals who will decide who’s lying and who really stands for the truth.
Read Hebrews--have faith and remember when you are weak, you are strong. The way up is down.
Before being released ie
Yeah, but scrutinizing a vaccine might cause hesitancy breaking the faith in our vaccine religion.
Or more than likely it threatens the financial goldmine for the investors. Any bad press would be detrimental to that goal. Come hell or high water mRNA shots are going to become the norm.
That's exactly what it has become: a religion. And anything that questions its dogma is heresy.
The most heinous crime in the world... "Promoting vaccine hesitancy"! - even when it is not a vaccine - just an untested gene therapy injection...
Seriously 😒
You get flak when you're over the target. You're kicking out the "foundation" of safety for the pharmaceutical industry, and they are ruthlessly trying to keep their profits.
Keep their profits? More like prevent their bankruptcies and Grand Jury hearings for the CEOs.
This is so wrong on many levels and breaches of normal protocols for peer reviewed published papers. If they want a correction or retraction they should come with the receipts, just like we have done in our letter to the NEJM asking for retraction of the original Pollack paper post EUA. Myocarditis has been recognized since early 2021, I published 2 reviews in the “Pfizer Papers” revealing this, and it was confirmed in FOI’d emails between the WhiteHouse and the CDC with Rochelle Walensky freaking out about how they were going to keep this under wraps, as well as further peer reviewed published papers.
This seems like a good example for HHS and DOJ to investigate for RICO violations between BigPharma and the journal editors. The whole thing seems a petty response especially now that Myocarditis is a recognized post gene therapy outcome
Can you take this direct to RFK Jr as he now heads up the HHS? The blocks you're facing in bringing this research to the public is a clear contravention to the principles RFK Jr is now championing. Take it to him.
there's probably a pile of these in every advocate's files. If the aforementioned folks don't do something about these particular incidents, they should still be presented as cases in point
Mr Kennedy is under a vicious trolling attack because one person in Texas supposedly died of measles and supposedly this might have been his fault because of things he said and did while in law practice (Note how not a one of the trolls wants to face Mr Kennedy in a jury trial of what they allege...the entry fee is $400 and one presents a Complaint and Demand for Relief). So this would be the perfect time to launch personal attacks against the discoverers of myocarditis in some folks who got the Fauci shot. His Unholiness Dr Fauci must speak infallibly while wearing a white coat, else the rest of us would actually need to study some science before forming an opinion about science why peer reviewers are selected for their familiarity with the subject matter.😁
Hang in there, Jessica! The fact that you're taking enemy fire means you're awfully near the target
And did the person die from measles or with measles. Isn't it ridiculous that we have to ask that? And what was the person's vitamin D and vitamin A status? I bet those questions won't be part of the discussion, even though they are important factors. Doctors and scientists can poopoo the role of nutrients in health and the general consensus is that they are correct to do so. If Jessica wrote a paper on the dangers of vitamin D supplementation and how vitamin D is not helpful above 30ng/mL, that paper would fly through the process and then get written about in several mainstream news sources. And it wouldn't be the first time that such a paper had that kind of success.
Absolutely appalling. It is time I think to mobilise legal against the editors. As in, criminal process. File a criminal complaint to the SEC. They are doing this because they were told to do it by people who want to make money on these drugs because their stock is going down the pan.
i know. i REALLY want to know who cocked the hammer on this one.
I had no idea how much power pharma wields in everything to do with “healthcare.”
The DOD?
She her hers
Someone needs to start a new journal not beholden to pharma - Nicole Shanahan, MAHA, Del Bigtree et al?
I think we need to start a whole new medical association. The AMA, AKA the American Mafia Association, has long been sold our before we were all born. We can't keep asking these old corrupt organizations to do the right thing and being disappointed they won't. Might as well pound our heads up against a wall. This isn't who they are. We don't just need new medical journals but need a complete over haul of practically all our organizations and I am sorry to say I don't trust Trump or Elon to do it.
With due respect, Trump and Elon can only provide space for insiders to do their jobs.
What you have going for you is the truth is the immovable object.
There will be a tipping point where whistleblowers try to save their assets by turning over evidence of people above them.
And the doge people will probably find backup servers where emails are not erased (shhhhh. Don’t tell the creepy rich people). (Go Jessica go)!
There is one. The American Association of Physicians and Surgeons.
But that has little to do with publication. That is its own animal.
It's "science" USA style. All propaganda, censorship and kowtowing to vested interests. Could the study be published in a Russian journal?
Exactly the same in the UK - look what we did to Dr Andrew Wakefield. I like the look of the FLCCC journal
I like that idea...AMA is not the 'be all end all'.....
Может быт по-Русский
FLCCC, now IMA, is doing just that.
If you go onto their webiste - Independent Media Alliance - I imagine the info will be there.
They made the announcement on their last zoom webinar. I think it sounds promising and very exciting.
Yes that is the link I posted above to their journal
This is most of the comment I left in (Dr. Rose's crossposted)
Medical Journals as Gatekeepers
A broken system, Anandamide Jan 24, 2025
Perhaps the existing paper sources should be dissolved/replaced
and have this function taken over by several other groups.
. .
[In Canada, substitute Canadian counterparts
for US national entities]
IMA (formerly FLCCC), AIMPA, NAHAC, IPA, AAPS, etc.
. .
I'm thinking that the majority of content of the new publications should come from practicing clinical treatment doctors/associations, independent of healthcare companies' ownership.
. .
Advocacy groups for specific illnesses/conditions could jointly operate a publication.
. .
A government operated paper may be useful to balance out - or be balanced by - such publications. Due diligence requires watching the good guys too!
. .
It could also set or recommend minimum health and business performance standards and set or recommend recourse for patients who have been neglected, wronged,
or harmed. It could work with - but be independent of - government agencies/programs.
[Good luck with that!]
I received Dr Maria D Olivier🇿🇦 replied to your comment on BREAKING: The drama is not over for my original myocarditis study.
but the comment does not show on here and the journal sounds really good from FLCCC - have you approached them Jessica?
Patricia , I believe FLCCC/ now independent medical alliance maybe starting new journal.
Yep I put the link above
weird you comment has only just popped up on substack when you posted it 7 hours ago! Thanks for the link - I posted it above after you sent it.
The former FLCCCA now IMA ( Independent Medical Alliance) has done just that!They just published their first issue and it is free on their website.
Yes I know now - I put the link above
Never hurts to repost, repost, repost 😊
Didn’t McCullough create a new journal? Science, Public Health Policy and the Law.
Yes I didn't know - Messenger17 put the link up so that is 3 in total now.
There are at least 2 I'm aware of:
Science, Public Health Policy, and the Law
The international Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research
Thanks for the links. I have come across International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research before - surely Jessica will be aware of this one. Hadn't heard of the other though. So that makes 3 in total including
Excellent, thanks.
That seems like saying we need a new CBS or NBC. Rather, we need to support the whole new model that’s opening before our eyes - alternative media.
OMG. I don't think you should submit a rewrite. I do think you should just give them a detailed response to each of the 52 points. Whatever you decide to do, please don't give up hope. Hugs and best wishes.
k :)
There will be a tipping point where whistleblowers try to save their assets by turning over evidence of people above them.
And the doge people will probably find backup servers where emails are not erased (shhhhh. Don’t tell the creepy rich people). Go Jessica go!
The writers have already had unreasonable demands made on their time. They shouldn't waste anymore unless something looks potentially legitimate.
Jessica, have you considered the very rigorous and scientific process of requesting the journal place their 52 recommended review points inside their anal cavity? Just a suggestion.
LOL indeed!
sorry to read Dr Rose,
my co-authors and I have been experiencing similar frustrations .. same same but different
.. we had success with our first Spikeopathy paper:
too much success it would seem, as our team immediately rolled into completing Spikeopathy #2 dealing with reproductive and genetic issues in respect of the Pfizer and Moderna Covid-19 products, and we have been refused on four occasions
this is despite having actually passed peer review with one of the journals concerned - 5 stars from both reviewers - but then a senior editor from outta nowhere swooped in and put the kibosh on the paper refusing to publish it .. providing the most opaque reason
we are now readying for attempt number 5
we should have had Spikeopathy #2 published early last year
this has held up the final paper in our trilogy - Spikeopathy #3 - which none of the proposed co-authors have the will currently to get into a final form for submitting
.. wearied we are
.. they wear you down
your story here is yet another development in the sordid and twisted ends to which legitimate science is being stymied .. particularly papers that show up the Covid-19 products to be not so safe or effective
too many such papers also raise the stakes for legal liability in the makers and governments alike, so we are likely looking at systemic censorship involving many vested interests
Julian Gillespie
wear me down? this fires me up.
Maybe you can have an Ai like grok or rewrite it in such a way to bury their notes and save you time?
Very well said Julian. There should be safeguards in place for this protected criminal behaviour. The continuous run around is the game. They can’t come out and readily admit to their fraudulent behaviour but play this game where it appears they’re being thorough which is all smoke and mirrors. It’s all so infuriating especially with them holding the power.
This is completely insane. I'm sorry you all have to deal with this BS.
it is COMPLETELY FUCKING INSANE! at least there are sane, normal, smart people left to understand that :)
and they complain there is no evidence: I wonder why. Tough enough to get it over the line in the first place. As all in the game currently can attest, it is now taking over a year to get anything controversial accepted anywhere, let alone have it attacked after and even retracted. Truth will out though. Thankyou for your endurance and persistence.
I wonder who the reviewers are and what their standing is, to have such power as to create the potential for such a precedence, that in effect brings into question the standing of any peer-reviewed paper. Perhaps that is the intent? If the harmful injections are removed, it may help to expose all such processes which appear utterly non-transparent and potentially corrupt.
This is incredible . Seems there is no end to keep the curtain down But the good news come from the fact that the study is there and despite their efforts, it will always exist.
Time got the facts to prove you were right and that they cannot erase it.
Hang on!💪🏾
My favorite parts of Covid:
The Frenzy of Fear
Has shown us one thing.
It takes the mind to fail first …
And the body will soon follow.
This is a Tough Life Lesson
For the Vaccinated.
( Don’t expect their minds to recover - in your lifetime )
. the very core....
It's not germane, but at first sight I misread this sentence: "Eventually, after many rejections, it got accepted with revisions to Sage journal Therapeutic Advances in Drug Safety".
I thought it read: "Eventually, after many rejections, it got accepted with revulsions to Sage journal Therapeutic Advances in Drug Safety".
Why don’t these trolls write their own paper and pay the journal’s and reviewers’ costs of doing so. Then we can assess the different viewpoints by how many recitals the two papers get. I thought that’s the way that science is done. Clearly their intention is just to silence you.
No, no…the trolls job is not to add to scientific debate/knowledge. The trolls job is to obfuscate and discredit anyone who exposes the truth about the gene therapy products. A lot of money has been made and a lot of money will be spent to make sure that more money can be made.