Aug 25·edited Aug 25

Thanks for finding the original unredacted page. Please send it to Bobby Kennedy. And Fauci, after having 6 clot shots and 3 cases of covid, has now contracted the first case of West Nile virus in the D.C. area this year. Let's hope they put him on a respirator and forbid visits from family.

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If they follow hospital protocols, they should first inject him with RunDeathIsNear..

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Hopefully Karma will apply.

If not in this world certainly the next.

Just how many people has that bastard killed or maimed. (read Kennedy's book).

Yet still revered by too many of influence, especially in the MSM. They too deserve the same fate.

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I don' t think respirators work unless they get Remdesivir first.

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He'll be needing some Remdesivir also, just in case the respirator can't do the job all by itself.

In serious respiratory cases you got to throw every thing you can at it. ESPECIALLY the really expensive stuff because it's covered no questions asked because you know, our government and medical system it colludes with are not a bunch of savage uncaring people.

You have too cash in as big as you can when the opportunities you create with your bio weapons and psyops present because you never know, a serious respiratory infection may be the last chance you get to loot the lab rat on the way out so not throwing the complete medical arsenal at it would be leaving money on the table. If bio weapon attacks are not for money and control then what the hell are their purpose. Lots be honest here.

And there is no need to worry if the stuff you throw at the lab rat is lethal, in fact even if it is known to be lethal try it anyway because ... they'll probably die anyway. If they don't die this time surely they'll die next time they're bio weapon attacked. In light of the economy better to harvest the lab rat assets right now before the banks & fed poof all their asset value to zero.

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They own the banks and the fed. They have been sleeping together for decades.

It would be refreshing though to really drain (read flush)the swamp


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A swamp might be "drained" but the eels, the alligators, caiman, anacondas, bull-frogs, and other delightful creatures would all survive in the slime to await the next rainfall. Many would just venture over to the next pond over.

There would have to be a "baking" of sorts by a massive fire to eliminate the "swamp" from being re-inhabited once cleaned of the carnivores. And of course there is nothing like that in nature to occur with the intensity and duration necessary to kill all the occupants.

But those who read their Bibles carefully and prayerfully, know of a source of devastating power which WILL kill all things that are alive at His "Second coming." It will purge the swamps (being the world) of the evil inhabitants that cause so much harm to innocent people. That will be the temporary elimination of them, for the time being, since it is prophesied that the world will again be empty and void in its condition which Christ the Messiah will leave it in for the Thousand Years spent in heaven. After that, the "wicked dead" will live again, to face their destined "reward" of eternal death, sleep, nothingness; AFTER they pay for their sins committed while alive.

Just a little Bible Truth for us!




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Spoken like believer! Amen. While I didn’t think I’d see Armageddon begin it looks like the world is truly gearing up. Most ppl don’t understand that this battle isn’t the apocalypse. It is the tribulation which will be limited by God for the sake of the elect(believers) and that the rapture isn’t all the faithful but 144,000 to fight the same war in heaven. It is essentially a spiritual battle but will manifest in real time suffering on earth. I wasn’t hoping to experience that but the return of the King would be a wondrous sight and the banishment of Satan for 1000 years would also be appreciated. Even if the end times began in earnest today I most likely wouldn’t survive to the end.

One side note, God created all life quite intentionally. Even creeping, slithering things that together they keep balance in nature. Not crazy about “bugs” yet even they play an integral part and many are fascinating/arrayed with spectacular colors. He also gave most life forms an ability to adapt with changing environments. Polar bears are grizzly bears that evolved to survive the last ice age. We are given dominion but that comes with responsibility to be good stewards. He knows when every sparrow falls. He flooded the earth because of man’s turn to embrace violence and lack of empathy for his fellow man. He salvaged animals and a handful of ppl to start anew.

He is the Lion of Judah and will return as such. The suffering servant is a conquering King. The Old Testament describes it as the great and terrible day of the Lord.

The roaches will scatter and the evil tremble and hide. What a sight that will be. I don’t think it really pleases God to cast anyone into hell, He did provide an avenue to redemption for all who desire it yet when that door shuts it will be sealed forever.

I’m just another sinner, grateful for the sacrifice He made. I surely don’t deserve it but who does?

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Do you know where to find the full document, unredacted or not?

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You believe this? You don’t think it could be more false hype?

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Aug 25Liked by Jessica Rose

..."risk assessment document presented by a large cat present a safety risk..."

well played surfer chick 😎 lmao

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If I want to sell eggs, a state-approved and licensed veterinarian must be allowed to inspect the facilities 4 times per year; this includes not just the eggs and the hens, but A/C, heating, piping, plumbing, and so on.

For which I get to pay a fee. Also, I must be able to produce full paperwork for what licensed contractor(s) did the work on the facilities.

For eggs.

Now, what I'd like to know is, why are the safety procedures for eggs much more draconian than for injectables?

Also, I'd like to know why I can't file my paperwork with whatever content I feel is bad for me redacted, censored or just blotted out?

Any liberal-progressive-socialist-capitalist-name-your-your-poison-politicians (or their aids) reading this, feel free to explain.

(Oh, for the opportunity to press one of them on this in public!)

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Normally the safety protocols for injectables are quite draconian. How draconian? The CEO and COO of the New England Compounding Company of Springfield, Mass (where basketball and volleyball were invented by a fellow named Naismith) had just served a lengthy sentence for racketeering, in connection with a false license application saying they were making custom pills in a compounding pharmacy when actually they were making injectables, but did not want inspectors on the premises checking sterility because they likely would fail the test. A week before they were due for release, the Sheriff of Livingston County, Michigan (a very MAGA county in a very blue state) informed the Bureau of Prisons that both men were wanted in Michigan on felony warrants. They got an airplane trip accompanied by US Marshals from the federal prison at Lewisburg, Penna to the county jail at Howell, Mich and the next day were arraigned on thirteen counts of felony murder. Of multiple people who caught fungal meningitis because the dirty air inside the lab was full of mold spores, some of which fell in the injectables being mixed and packaged, and the meds in question were for epidural anesthesia before surgery, some injectees got meningitis and suffered disabling adhesive arachnoiditis, but others died.

13 of the dead were injected in Michigan and died there in hospital.

The jury voted to convict and both men are serving life sentences without parole.

So yes, the laws here about injectables are quite draconian. Which makes if very surprising that Fauci and colleagues were able to get all of that regulation suspended.

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That's a ray of light then. Too bad that sheriff doesn't have the authority to go after Don Fauci and his co-conspirators.

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It was orchestrated by the DOJ which is why there’s immunity. All this was considered counter measures which makes it immune to prosecution

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DoD. Not DoJ.

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Technically all our 3 letter agencies have infiltrators working together to undermine our whole system. Integrity and honesty no longer apply as they honestly believe the ends justify the means and that their views are based upon their superior understanding. That’s not to say that everyone within those agencies is corrupted but they are bullied into silence/compliance. Just like they intimidate the public at large. They see the constitution as an outdated, irrelevant road block in their quest to establish authoritarian control. The constitution was crafted specifically as a rebuke to those who would try to impose their will upon society. It is more relevant now than ever.

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And they’re angry that SCOTUS gave Trump immunity?

PS- Wiley C. is one of my heroes!

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I thought BASKETBALL was invented in CANADA 🇨🇦????

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It was, go Canada!

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The whole thing was orchestrated to get rid of DJT. Fauci funded the Wuhan lab and they all knew what COVID was. It not only wasn’t new, it wasn’t novel. There is a patent on it from like ‘98. It was just illegal to do gain-of-function on US soil so they got around that the same way we still have such facilities in Ukraine.

In most cases I refrain from wishing ppl harm but Fauci and his cohorts should burn in hell.

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Aug 29·edited Aug 29

Trump deployed Operation Warp Speed and gave Fauci a prestigious medal for his Covid-19 treason.

Wake up and stop perpetuating the fake 2-party paradigm.



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When you file that redacted paperwork be sure to place the code for "Proprietary information" before each redaction. Good luck.

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Just Lovely!


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Start sending them rotten eggs in their mail? 🙂

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The way mail works in Sweden post-privatisation, I could send them fresh eggs and they'd receive chickens!

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Not sure when vets started to be qualified to assess AC, pipes, heating systems etc. 5-7 year degree clearly not wasted 🙄

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Yeah. The idea is, since I'm supposed to have paperwork from accredited professionals, the vet just has to look at the paperwork and tick the boxes on his corresponding paperwork.

Guess what happens if I build everything myself? I have to bring in accredited professionals to check the work, so I can get those papers.

Adding it all up, if you want to sell eggs over here, and do it in full compliance with rules and regulations, you need a bare minimum of 2 000+ laying hens, just to cover the inspection fees and the feed.

Meaning the countryside is full of people having the odd dozen instead, selling eggs and meat on the side or straight up bartering.

The rules, regs, and costs (which are set up to benefit the food industry's major players - what else is new, huh?) are de facto /increasing/ the risk of salmonella and such.

It's the same with veggies, meat, alcohol, firewood - you name it, it's taxed and fee-ed and regulated to Denmark and back, to ensure Big Biz don't have to deal with no pesky competition.

Speaking of chickens, it's time to go out and lock them up for the night: foxes, polecats and bears, oh my!

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Robert Malone just a few weeks back posted about how the lastest tactic is to scare ppl away from buying stuff from small local farmers/homesteaders by issuing warnings about salmonella. The big commercial farms have much higher rates of contamination, something the MSM and the fed warnings neglect to mention.

Turns out “big brother” is a bully who doesn’t like you...who knew?

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They've been trying the same here, but with bird flu. Doesn't work - most swedes in the country feign compliance when the authorities are looking, then do their own thing anyway, and the migrants don't care about our laws anyhow, so they too don't care.

It's only the city-folks that are out of options that's affected by the scare-mongering.

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Excellent point. Short answer, they’re not.

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Yep, as Rikard says it's a box ticking visit....

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The answer is the rules for you and for governments are the opposite. You have to follow strict rules and protocols and pay loads of money to the government to comply so you can making a living. The government doesn't have to follow any rules and are accountable to no one and its their job to confiscate (steal) as much money from you and others who provide something tangible to keep their jobs and pensions and continue adding more and more rules and regulations who must follow so the money to them keeps flowing in.

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I’d like to see the video log from that meeting, press release, interview.

Meanwhile the ppl in Flint Michigan are still sick and the dead remain so. Yay federal govmint!!!! So glad we have evil overlords to keep us safe.....

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Aug 25Liked by Jessica Rose

This makes IG Farbin look innocent

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Aug 25Liked by Jessica Rose

I love laughing out loud in my house, by myself! You are a gift to humanity in so many ways!

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this makes me happy

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But did you make a noise?

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Love your sense of humor

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Aug 25Liked by Jessica Rose

Dr Jessica thank you. God Bless you for speaking truth. This is not easy it’s a spiritual battle.

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Is that what they’re doing with the broad patches of redaction: Making Mad-Libs for people like us?

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yes! they mock us. we mock back.

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Aug 25Liked by Jessica Rose

The sense of humour made me laugh but how dare they redact information which is important to the millions who were conned into taking this shot. It’s notable when the great push was on, not one person from our health agencies, or governments told the whole story. They omitted telling us: if injured you’re on your own and we will never acknowledge your existence as well you can’t sue us or the manufacturer because the manufacturers are protected, plus you will never be informed of anything contained in these shots, plus any doctors or scientists speaking out about the shots will either be fined, loss of license or both and we’ve told the media to shut the fuck up.

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As often claimed, it's a "spiritual war" but is conducted temporally, although with evil tactics and players OWNED by the dark forces that rule the planet. Sometimes, I contemplate the fate of the planet, IF, IF the agencies were not infiltrated, owned, and run by Satan's regime. The darkness would never get a good foot-hold, and justice, mercy, and equity would prevail due to the oversight agencies being run by individuals having real hearts of flesh. But evil would still remain in the shadows, lurking, scheming, devising dastardly plans to upset Lady Justice's cart.

And that is because Satan never gives in or gives up. And his expertise in the art of this type warfare extends back past 6000 years! That's lots of time to learn techniques! He is now, however facing the reality that time is growing increasingly short for his existence to remain. He knows his plight, and wishes evil upon as many of God's creatures as he can. And that's why there has been an abrupt eruption (in the past few decades) of blatant, "in your face" evil; because the devil has methodically put in place those who are his subjects, and follow his crafty techniques for assorted types of personal gain.

We should familiarize ourselves with the "Theatre" of war in which we occupy.


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Aug 25Liked by Jessica Rose

Aside from Wisty standing guard for thee probably not too far off 😂

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Aug 25Liked by Jessica Rose

Great "Fill in the blanks/redactions".

Rats on acid makes it believable...

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Excellent exposure

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Thanks. I always wondered what it was they were redacting.

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I usually envision the opening credits from Monty Python and the Holy Grail (Best movie of all time). "Wi not trei a holiday in Sweeden this yer?" "See the loveli lakes, the wonderful telephone system, and mani interesting furry animals."

"including the majestic moose..."

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I like to envision the opening to the TV series that has Terry Jones, naked at the piano...

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Aug 25Liked by Jessica Rose

I love your brain. LOL

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Aug 25Liked by Jessica Rose

Sadly, that’s very funny 😵‍💫

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Aug 25Liked by Jessica Rose

Send this copy to Health Canada.

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