Feb 8, 2022·edited Feb 9, 2022Liked by Jessica Rose

Thank you for covering this Jessica. I know you are friends with Danny so maybe you could get this info to him. In the event of a government/police-initiated comms jamming/social media black out operation. I thought maybe using CB radios, Sat phones or something like this https://gotennapro.com/products/gotenna-pro-x-deployment-kit (devices that create a de-centralized private encrypted network via linking cellphones on a different frequency than the cell towers) might help them maintain lines of communication (at least locally) despite any police attempts to cut them off from each other and the world digitally. It is likely that Daniel and/or Tom Quiggin are aware of options like these already I just thought I would share my thoughts in case it could be helpful.

I appreciate your dedication to helping raise awareness on these events.

Much love and respect from southern Ontario

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We were just talking about this last night… Might be time to go back to old-school communications like radio, CB, Ham radio.

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EDIT: That channel's owner could be a grifter who just wants donations for better gear - in principle nothing wrong if he actually had real interest and put effort in to be of service to those protests, but after observing that channel for a couple evenings, that guy seems to at best be ambivalent towards the truckers... if not sometimes actually somewhat trollish. It's only my impression, but keep an eye peeled when looking at that channel.


One guy already put up a CB relaying station (via YT livestream) on some hill, IDK how close by. Right now some annoying trolls are shit talking there lol... but once such com channels to the otuside world become more important, I hope they'll get a grip


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Thanks for the link.

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Looks like the Police may be making a move on the convoy tonight, I have not confirmed with multiple sources yet. https://www.tiktok.com/@bigred19755/video/7062854684905639173

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The idea of Castro Jr's face when shortwave gets used against him...

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Maybe someone should start a separate crowdfunding platform just to get the Freedom Convoy team one of these goTenna Pro X Deployment Kits? https://gotennapro.com/products/gotenna-pro-x-deployment-kit Ideas on how to make this happen anyone?

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Those are bad ass.

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Poor JT is getting desperate. What is wrong with him? Is he really this dumb? What is stopping him from acting like an adult and sitting down with the truckers, to discuss their concerns. This is not a democracy, it is a totalitarianism at its finest and it is not showing Justin in a favourable light. As a matter of fact, it is making him look like a fool, an idiot. Surely he knows this.

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I think it’s pretty awesome that the entire world is watching JT’s tyrannical antics. He has been exposed as the weasel he is, can’t unsee that!

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I doubt Justin Blackface has the self-awareness to recognize when he looks like a fool.

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'Is he really this dumb?' - YES - he doesn't understand that he is answerable to the Canadian people not the other way around, and he does not have the majority now.

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How does it work up in Canada? Are there fixed elections for PM every 4 years? I'm embarrassed not to know more about how the Canadian gov't operates. :)

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Yes, election must occur every 4 years but can be called earlier at the discretion of the ruling party. Currently Liberals are in government but with a minority government - meaning they do not hold the 50% seats to hold a majority, they need to be propped up by some of the other parties. Currently they have an arrangement with the NDP. However, in the polls the NDP, Liberals and Conservatives have lost significant ground to the Peoples Party of Canada (the only party claiming they would put Canadian freedoms and rights above 'covid')

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Feb 9, 2022·edited Feb 9, 2022

Thank you so much for explaining things. It makes sense to me now. I wish a pro-rights Peoples Party of America would arise here. The timing is right to forge a party centered on peoples rights. Wouldn't that be amazing?

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Yes, it would be a great thing to have such a development in not just the USA but also throughout the western world. It seems nearly every nation is cursed with the same problem of an entrenched elite who only serve themselves at the expense of the people. Our 'democracies' are a sham - you get to chose between two or more groups of self serving elite - it does not matter who you select the result is the same: the average citizens get the shaft!

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Precisely. It's exactly the same here. Revolutions are unpredictable. This could turn into something entirely different than what Herr Schwab has in mind.

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He like Macron, Ardern, etc. is a mouthpiece for the WEF graduate programme.

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Could be his training with the World economic forum...

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I neglected to add that Ms Freeland, and J Singh are also profiled on the WEF global leaders site. Mark Carney also promotes WEF programme.

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It is time for truckers from the US to get to Canada. Forget about DC. Go help Canada or line your trucks up along the Souther border.......but screw DC.

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It's digging a big hole: "Son of Fidel goes full Xi."

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Love it ;) Ten 4 Rubber Ducky (convoy movie)

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"Son of Fidel goes full Xi." NOICE!

You meant InFidel Trudeau?

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interesting problem for all the residents that have been complaining about the honking, now they will be unable to complain

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A lot of local residents have signed a petition supporting the truckers. The ‘anti-protesters’ are indeed a fringe minority. Went to a similar rally in Victoria BC last weekend to support the truckers, and the very small crowd of ‘anti-protesters’ were the only hateful ones there.

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It'll probably be a blackout of CELL service but not landline wired service. So all those customers with home internet via cable, DSL, Fibre will be able to scream at reddit. Just not with their mobile phones. Since most truckers do not have a cable/dsl/fibre/router password, they would be SOL unless a kind Ottawa person shares their Internet. Even then, if all the truckers connect to a few people's internet, it will grind to a halt....

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I like his some truckers are using their air brakes instead of horns!

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Feb 8, 2022Liked by Jessica Rose

This is a perfect example of why digital ID’s are a very bad idea.

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Feb 8, 2022Liked by Jessica Rose

Jessica, thank you so much for keeping us updated. I've been following on facebook but we all know how long that may last. Wish I could travel up to Ottawa. But, alas, I'm not v a x x e d.

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You're an inkjet printer and 90 pound cardstock away from identifying as shanked.

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Bingo. I’m a photoshop expert. Already there.

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two years ago, i surmised this entire entire Covid was a warmup for totalitarianism; this is the final proof we could need, even to have that THOUGHT ( to shut down personal communications to enforce their point of view) is the bridge too far; these politicians have to go at the earliest possible time and NEVER be elected again.

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Political scientist Dr Brian Klaas has interviewed over 500 people, from former presidents to war criminals, to uncover the nature of power: who it attracts, who gets it, how it changes them and how we can prevent its abuse. He also suggests that most politicians and CEOs are psychopaths. No matter who you vote for, a politician gets in.

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and all along i figured they were just sociopaths; my bad.

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A distinction without a difference, I believe.

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I hope they stay strong and remain as long as they can. I hope this does not become a Tiananmen Square. Very brave people. God Bless Them.

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I support the truckers but sadly I do feel they have driven into a trap.

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"record, record, record" - and take powerbanks with ya, hide them between the butt cheeks if necessary (okay perhaps that's asking a bit much, but you catch my drift - who knows what else they will steal...)

I found a YT channel yesterday where someone was relaying the CB radio on 2 monitored channels on the area, through a live stream. Funny idea. A bit noisy.

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Feb 8, 2022Liked by Jessica Rose

Whatever we can do Jessica. Please let us know. As long as its not via gofundme.

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He's going to blackout all of an urban massive area's cell/data wireless service? Doesn't seem like a very "saaaaaaaafe" thing to do. IMO, he'll just get the carriers to shutoff data (ie 4g, 5g). SMS and voice should still work.

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Yes thanks for covering this, we don't see any of this info in the UK.


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Of course not, wouldn’t want to give anyone else the idea. Australia, Italy, Netherlands, France, Germany have already caught wind of this and planning their own. Don’t think it’s roused the US trucking industry yet.

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Organizing group got booted from Facebook. Haven't heard what that group is going to do.

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Yet antifa and BLM were allowed to plan riots, Zuckerberg is such a hypocrite!

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There are plans for a convoy to DC this spring

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Yes, I saw a video by the Aussie Cossack today depicting that. Those in power are frightened because they aren’t accustomed to push back by the citizens. In order to win this and prevent the Great Reset of the New World order people need to wake up and realize that we have the power if we unite and don’t fall for their divisive rhetoric and tactics anymore. There are much more of us than them. “ Don’t fear their power, step into your own power and they will fear you.”

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It feels so weird reading and seeing this happening in Canada.

Where is that cool awesome country I used to read about in the works of Rand Holmes, Sylvie Rancourt and Julie Doucet back in the pre-internet days? What the swearword happened?

What you, all of you fighting this in Canada, are doing is so important for the entire world, it cannot be said too often!

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I guess this is also about draining the support of the nearby living people. They will certainly not be amused by this.

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Breaking eggs in the larger omelette-making cause does that. Sometimes the larger reality causes some "innocent bystanders" some degrees of discomfort. "Oh! The Horror!"

Fck Turdough AND "The Tyee!"

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Cellphone/communications blackout? Like the Chinese did right before Tiananmen Square?

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live feeds are still rollin so far, so no comms black out so far tonight

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Found this too: https://www.facebook.com/watch/live/?ref=watch_permalink&v=669306687761460 the guy said he saw buses full of cops rolling in and then he got pulled over and lost them. Not sure if its just another fuel raid or something else..

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This trucker says the Police may be making a move on the convoy tonight, I have not confirmed with multiple sources yet. https://www.tiktok.com/@bigred19755/video/7062854684905639173

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