Yes and think of all the similar experiences others have had. In my case, I was refused entry to bookshop where I've regularly purchased books for over 50 years - no vaccine passport on my phone. I was refused entry to a local charity store seliing secondhand goods - same reason - even though I have often donated items for them to sell. I was refused entry to the State Library of Victoria, which I first visited 70 years ago, never dreaming that this was in store for me, just for not taking a medical intervention. I was only not refused entry to my CHURCH because I decided to stay away rather than face the person on the door.

People need to understand the full horror of this. Think what this does to society, to families, to churches. Think about what it portends for the future. This is Germany in the 1930s. This is nothing to do with health. This is the practice-run for totalitarianism.

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No, this *is* totalitarianism.

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I know what you went though in simply avoiding places rather than confront the possibility of refusal. I was like that with wearing masks on Uber rides and in doctors offices, and I also avoided grocery stores because I refused to mask . But we have to make these people take a stand, I believe, both for our mental health and they have to know what it is they are doing or are willing to do. This is another "get along to go along" strategy.

As the fall approaches it is not out of realm of possibility these mandates could come back to the states. There are those invested in these mandates now...those who have seemingly nothing to gain from them other than the satisfaction of telling others what to do. I think not only do we have to press them on it, we should document it as well. Not for posting on Facebook as a form of virtue signalling, but just a way to say "when you deny this later, we have this record of you doing this abhorrent behavior."

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Sadly, Jimmy, places in the States are already mandating it. Not from the State, yet, but it makes little difference it is an entity you work with.

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While not a place I had any history with, though I have had similar experiences as you, though of much shorter patronage, Just two days ago, on the 1st of September 2023, a pub in Shinjuku Japan threw me out for not having a mask. It ain’t over, folks.

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No, it's not over.

Tom Woods, a libertarian podcaster has said over the last couple weeks that he doesn't think the mandates will come back, but he lives in Florida.

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It would be nice to "live in Florida," without actually having to live in Florida. There are things about Ron DeSantis that I wish could be cloned into our Governor.

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Don't get me started on our Governor Kemp. It is my wish that we take the levers of power away from others whenever possible. Or at the very least teach everyone about the precautionary principle.

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Yeah. I've not heard much good about Kemp. (From afar.) I'm glad he's not ours.

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You are so right - I don't think people are fully comprehending the sovereignty they've given up and where this could lead. Those same people are not going to learn from history either, but regarding your reference to Germany, it reminded me of Martin Niemoller's mea culpa.

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My wife is award winning, social worker for 35 years in Australia. National treasure. She was terminated for refusing the dangerous & ineffective Covid VaXX and STILL cannot work also losing her “maintained belonging”, job, career, livelihood. She still has her LIFE and is trying to transition into other areas.

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YES she does, the alternative would likely be transitioning off the planet.

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Is Australia the only place where they need social workers?

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I would have said 5 years ago to move to the USA but not anymore. Maybe Brasil.

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Sep 3, 2023Liked by Jessica Rose

Great work Jessica (thanks for all you are doing too, your articles have been brilliant).

"They chose ‘the man’ over ‘their man’. And ‘no ‘, manager person: Pete is NOT replaceable. Every musician is their own universe and brings something musically and energetically unique to the table."

"Punk is the antithesis of ignorance and fear! Punk is about fighting hypocrisy! "

Exactly... So much has happened in families that it is unthinkable propaganda still can smash through the emotional bonds of family and friendship...

I've been very lucky, even with those who see it different to me, and I've been able to back my position with science (and almost certainly some of your work)... But I feel just dreadful for those who've been ostracized by their families or friends (who will not even engage with WHY their friend/family member has a different opinion).

Musicians who've I've suddenly stopped listening to, the above mentioned Offspring, Neil Young (The Needle and The Damage Done, his song, somehow this "thinker" has become a ruthless pusher of experimental medication - cannot listen to any of his music now, vomit), Foo Fighters (did Grohl kill their drummer by pushing the vax on them all? Disgusting), Kiss (Gene Simmons, what a tool)...

But I renewed my Eric Clapton and Van Morrison CDs ... Two music legends who sounded the alarm early....

Great piece Jessica

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that video that Van & Eric put out early in the debacle, was legend!

add to your shit list: Billy Joel (trashing Eric for telling his truth) on a show with #1 asshole Howard Stern. and what about Pink, taking a cool million taxpayer $ for pushing the jab. F them!

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My family stayed together even though we were split on the vaccine. Interestingly, all that got the vaccine already had the disease. They wouldn't listen to my wife and me. We were the old (73) people in the family who didn't get the vaccine. Some were coerced by work, some by fear, and a couple by prepurchased expensive travel plans. The propaganda was too strong. It scared people, once rational, into doing something they were assured would make life safer and protect all their friends and family. Only one friend won't talk to me now; all the rest have come around...well at least until the new variant, the new wave, the new whatever propaganda machine starts the "you are all going to die without our vaccine." I already hear it but not as loudly as the first time around.

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The fear of death is the greatest fear of all. Once instilled it causes people to become irrational and participate in the most evil, tyrannical schemes in the name of self-preservation.

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Yes, the fear of death is what makes our modern society so sick. Death and life go together can't have one without the other. From the day you are born, you are dying. In older cultures (Celtic) they had the view of death as stepping through a door and going to the blessed lands. Some cultures also thought you would step back again, be reborn to fulfill your wyrd. (Fate or Destiny). Belief in reincarnation blunts fear of death. What people actually fear IMHO is the unknown of Death and the pain and suffering prior to Death / Dying. I compare it to being like a baby in utero versus born - how to explain the shift in your existence from a physical being to that of a being of spirit/energy/etc. If you don't believe it happens and instead that you will cease to exist - you will fear your death. You will be jealous of your life. Fear drives you to do things you might not otherwise. Irrational things.

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Exactly. Death of the flesh is inevitable, but I believe there is nothing to fear because it allows the soul to free itself and enter another, higher plane or dimension. In Christianity we are promised eternal life. What is amazing to me is that so many, who proclaim to be Christians, don't actually believe in that promise and it seems it is they who fear death the most.

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Put your faith in God not man.

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Have you ever heard of Florence Scovel Shinn? I listened to three of her books today while cleaning house. IMO, her messages are powerful and resonate especially regarding fear and anxiety vs. faith.


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Thanks for this. I am a musician/composer and am part of a huge community after 40 years in the biz. Been in a truck load of juno winning bands. After speaking out, starting with support of the trucker convoy and then about the injections (posted some of your articles) I have been shunned, maligned etc and of course not hired. “What has happened to her, I thought she was an intelligent woman…”. Waiting 3 years to get into a studio that owes me time to finish mixing a project. Nada. It has been mind-boggling esp as musicians typically were the lefty rebels and ones who spoke out. Luckily I have a strong family tribe and a second career.

(Nice synth/guitar line btw!) ❤️


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Thanks for sharing your experience. I think what you describe is confirmatory evidence that lefty rebels and so many other people in society are not authentic in their beliefs and actions. They are programmed. Glad you have a good family and other options for livelihood.

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thank you

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My adult daughter cut me off cold when I mentioned there was a good chance her adult brother’s Guillan-Barré and seizures were caused by the vaccine he took. She would only agree to spend family time together if I promised never to mention any of my “antivaxxer stuff” ever again (of course I refused). This brainwashing is strong enough to make a person reject her own mother! It reminds me of Mao’s Cultural Revolution.

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I feel so sorry for you to lose your daughter and son too, in a way, over this issue. My siblings took the jabs but have now stopped. At least they did not try to shut me up, although my warnings fell on deaf ears. But a number of friends did want to shut me up and did not want to discuss this. And, worse, when asked if they were ok with us becoming second class citizens and being denied participation in social life, they remained silent. A clear answer. That ended the ‘friendship’ there and then. None see the censorship and similarities to the 1930s. I hope for you that your daughter one day may see the light!

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Thank you. My daughter has always been stubborn. Fortunately, 14 months after being hospitalized with Guillane-Barré and 6 months after his most recent seizure, my son is on the mend, walking without a walker and getting strength back in his legs, though he may never be able to return to his skilled-trade job that involves climbing ladders and lifting heavy machinery. He’s keeping his attitude positive and this experience seems to have been a source of personal growth for him.

I’m sorry to hear about your friends’ betrayal. Because it *is* betrayal, and the disgust, anger, suspicion, and trauma engendered by betrayal (acknowledged or unacknowledged) underlies so much of the mental-health epidemics of the post-COVID-19 era.

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You are right Peri, it is betrayal. But other friends again have met the bar. We cherish those. I am glad to hear your son is on the mend. His positive attitude and personal growth from his trauma are blessings in disguise. I hope all turns out well for him!

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My 90 yo mother had a stroke in her eye that I am convinced is due to the jab. I am now searching for a flu shot that does not contain mRNA.

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Don't get a damn flu shot!! Haven't you done any research after all we've been through? Flu vax (conventional) is one of the most dangerous of the "traditional" vax's. All vaxes are dangerous and generally useless. look into it before you leap, this has been well established (and suppressed) for years.

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I hear you, not for me! I’ll never take another flu shot! Mom is in a nursing home that is pushing more boosters! I have told nursing Staff and my mom NO COVID shots! But they are also pushing flu shots and I don’t know if I can convince her not to take that one. Sigh!

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bummer. a client of mine just had an experience where her 94 yr old mom was temporarily in nursing care (to rehab from a fall) and they refused to allow her out of her room (meaning no physical therapy, the whole reason she was there!) and no staff would help her to the bathroom, etc. because she wouldn't get a booster. they brought her home. I know that not everyone can do that though.

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And I hear you about your Mom in the nursing home. But it's worth it to make a strong effort (while avoiding undue friction w/ her...) In the end, you can only give it your best "shot" (sorry) and at least know that you tried if things go south.

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massive NO on that flu jab. not only do they contain excessive (well actually ANY is too much) amounts of aluminum AND at best, are 25% effective (mostly years much less than that, and that's OFFICIAL info)

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My son developed a very rare chronic kidney disease after a flu shot he was bullied into getting by the nurse practitioner at age 20. And they do not even work. All risk and zero benefit.

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I have two friends (relatively young)that also had ocular strokes after their Covid shots.

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All they need to do to complete it is to put an dunce cap on me and a placard saying "UNVAXED" and have me stand in the village square so everyone can hurl abuse at me.

Gee, I wonder how that will turn out? LOL.

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wow, so sorry for that hateful experience, Peri. the brainwashing is beyond sad, especially since there is ample evidence that you are likely correct about your son's ailments. I wonder when there will be too many 'coincidences' for these people. maybe never. ugh. my heart goes out to you.

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Great post!

Unfortunately or otherwise, people are going to have to get very tough - tough enough to tell the hypnotized to go fuck themselves - tough enough to exit the system and become self-sufficient. (Yes, that's the punk mentality - but it goes back at least as far as Spartacus.)

We are in a global war. Each of us, at some point, will have to decide: Am I with the people or am I with the banks?

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well put!

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Sep 3, 2023·edited Sep 3, 2023

I simply had to walk away from my band. But since rehearsals were at my house, they also lost the practice space. I dread knowing they are all injected, triply so or more. They were so effing confident about it, that was a lonely time for me. Knowing what we know now, I pat myself on the back daily for trusting my cellular intuition. Sometimes being a bit 'slow on the uptake' or being someone who 'puts things off' can save your own life. It did mine. Oh, and that authority defiance disorder concept helps too, or is it just AD/h/D?

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Congrats on your good instincts. I can relate on similar basis: First, a band i was expecting to gig for a while (for fun and useful income) had it's first and last gig Fri nite, 3/13/20. Was barely paying attention to the SARS thing to that point (gave up TEEVEE years ago) and someone at the club showed me their phone where someone monitoring the gig on line said they were "social distancing"--pretty sure first time I heard the expression. Another group of player friends that rarely gigged but had been jamming for 12 years+ (and played in various band/combinations over the decades) all were completely in the fear/conformity set. And all are in the well educated, professional class who seem to be very quick to catch on to the 'correct" collective/smart response (and avoid anything controversial--and seem void of critical thinking skills.) I'm of the same "class" but have always been strongly curious in general, and always found that controversy was a good indication where important truth was being concealed--and needed investigation to learn. Been investigating health for years, and aware vaccination as a fraudulent and faulty paradigm, so don't think I ever seriously considered taking "the jab" but in that early period I think my concerns were just how difficult would society make being "unjabbed" and how risky the "virus" would be regardless. But I do remember fear and uncertainty. It's a little difficult to recall exactly the transition to complete confidence in being "unjabbed", but as it evolved I drew much support from the likes of Dr. Mercola (for instance his instruction on nebulizing H2O2). My jamming friends have recently been once again ready to gather (2X now) and I simply don't mention anything about the plandemic/covid--not sure to what extent they have revised their apparent previous disapproval for my stance/views. Life is for learning...

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I hate that some of us find ourselves 'self censoring' around others. I have to do it around the majority of people I know. thank goodness that my 85 yr old mom lets me tell her of the absurdity I read about every day. my closest friend (of over 55 yrs!), though unjabbed (she had cv very early on & was really ill with it) will literally shout me down if I bring up ANYTHING outside of mainstream thought. she's one of those unfortunate folks who's curiosity ends at whatever Scopes and Politifact has to say. its maddening.

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Yes, I concur w/ all you say and know the feeling well of feeling compelled to self-censor. I mean w/people you know are simply ignorant (and fearful) of their own choosing , yet you generally like them (or more) but know they are essentially victims, albeit willing ones to some extent, with some minor character flaws (IMO) albeit potentially fatal ones (or even potentially more gruesome w/ some injuries). But you know they don't want to learn or hear from you anything that goes against their normalcy bias or triggers their fear, i.e., suggests they shouldn't follow the prescriptive narrative "safety" directions. And they are powerless to do anything about the general state of affairs (accept join the "Health Freedom Movement" and add one more voice there...) So, you just compartmentalize their role in your life (if any) and look elsewhere for support and confirmation. Like many, I would guess, this is partly why we come here to hear supportive viewpoints and exercise a bit of self-expression. So thanks for giving the opening to "vent", as it were, lol.

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Thanks Warrior Mom

I am reminded of a story I read as a teenager. It was about a golfer (Readers Digest bathroom reading, full disclosure) who was so good he would carve up a golf club (a 3 wood) from scratch and still beat the 'club pro's'. I am sure someone will know who that golfer was, but the idea of it, how brilliant people with even cruder tools and access win on the merits of their own skill. They have hit us with their expensive skill set and yet, they lack flexibility of thought, sense of scale and humanity, ultimately. It's certainly hard to continue when you can't be honest with someone you formerly could be....best from OR

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Sep 3, 2023·edited Sep 3, 2023

thanku Nnikk so. I have once taken the name Kinnykin, given by my Canadian relatives, because I must have misprounounced the word American when a kid. So Kinnykin, they called me. You + me namewise is like Kinnickick.

RE your prev experience back in Mar of 2020, as when you first heard of social distancing --its good to have these markers. Time has been so slidey otherwise. Days upon days inside. In some ways the original promise of the internet has somewhat delivered; i too went through an online education about what to really consider and also it coroberrated some prev experiences of mine. But the online aspect of it as somewhat replaceing what should be news if things were square, was so important. I know so many know, its a peace unto itself. And without 'stupid' internet as i am apt to call it I wouldnt. then you can walk away. i had to decide to just play on me own, also, been wishing for just acoustic and not amps, and so just the horns n stuff and piano/guitar is quite adequate and easy. Acousticpower best

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Dexter (the singer) has a legit PhD in biology. There is no way he gets that without knowing about natural immunity. To go along with firing a band member of 14 years over refusing a shot when he already had natural immunity is unbelievable.

Dexter, Noodles and the others, you owe him an apology. You are gutless cowards. You are NOT punks. You are PUSSIES & POSERS.

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All of those punks are posers. Fake punks got the real jab. They are image obsessed fools who think they are tough and hardcore when in reality they are just a bunch of compliant sheeple woke pussies.

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omg, like Gene Simmons. total effing wussy. glad to know that you think its okay to tell half your fans that they are 'your enemy', Mr Simmons!! I can't change the station fast enough when a Kiss or Neil Young song comes on, that's for effing sure!

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Oh, on a different note, just a half-hour ago or so right after I got on the highway from the on-ramp, I saw a single-car accident where a Honda Civic was smashed up and on the other side of the guardrail along the highway here in California. I saw the firetruck arrive and police were already there. I have read a lot of comments on this Substack as well as on Mark Crispin Miller´s and Sasha Latypova´s stack mentioning seeing single-car accidents.

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Wow, I never knew Simmons said that to his fans! I feel the same when the Foo Pfizers and that sellout Grohl come on the air. I quickly change the station.

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oh yeah, in an Instagram post, he said: to those who refuse to get the covid vaccine, I consider you enemies. you are now my enemy.

(I saw it in a documentary about the plandemic. can't remember which one, maybe 'Died Suddenly')

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What an ass.

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it was so arrogant. talk about biting the hands that feed him. F all those celebs. zero respect for that crap!

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You absolutely are not "Unacceptable Jessica"......you are "Very Much Acceptable Jessica". You are an excellent writer and your technical articles are brilliant! This article illuminates the "Nazi" thinking that occurred in countries all over the world and just how effective propaganda is. I am a retired physician and I still have a hard time believing how most of the medical professionals reacted and behaved. Most of my friends and family did not listen to me when I advised them not to take the shot. Sane people like yourself are very much needed to speak up against the insanity in this upside down world....where wrong thinking is considered right.....and right thinking is condemned as being wrong.....and where censorship is rampant!

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I have never heard of Pete, but after reading this, I looked him up to see what he is doing now ( started a new band). Again no idea if this is accurate, but article says he declined the vax because of Guillon barre. Whether that means he feared getting it or already had it, I have no idea, but I found it interesting. Smart man, good call. In July 2021, a friend of ours, a married 32 yo father of 2, died of Guillon barre just months after getting the J and J...tragic.

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Sep 3, 2023·edited Sep 3, 2023

Go back 40 years ago and think of the pain that gay men experienced when they got AIDS and their families kicked them so that they would die alone. Well except that they didn’t die alone. Gays and lesbians were on the opposite side of each other back then, but since there were so many lesbians in healthcare they took care of their gay brothers and less of them died alone. I witnessed my brother being ostracized just because he was gay and sick. People wouldn’t wait on him in stores and pretended that he wasn’t there. My other brother wouldn’t let his kids be anywhere near the sick one. Step dad was even worse. The hatred was palpable. And fck Fauci for instilling fear in people and telling them that AIDS was easily spread.

I wish I had the answer to why people so viscously turned on their family and friends, but I cannot fathom it. Except maybe because of the fear that the PTB made sure they felt. Remember how relentless it was back then. How many stories did we see of people calling their families one last time before they were put on ventilators and then killed. Funny how they were well enough to talk, but still had to be vented.

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How many scientists are there that share their heart the way you do--I'm not sure; but you are a national treasure...

'The spell'--that's it isn't? And we had no way of knowing whose mind/heart would be captured. Only that if they were, we would end up drifted far, far apart from them. Seemingly so far, that any reuniting seems impossible at this point. Our children who couldn't be seen next to our naked faces in '21, our college mates who couldn't listen, our colleagues who labelled us crackpots.

The data did not matter. All the zeros behind the decimal point in the IFR, didn't matter. All the previous work within infection control showing environmental controls come first before PPE, didn't matter. The molecular docking studies that bore out in clinical medicine, didn't matter.

Does it matter now? The data piles up: The 3.x% of women who have evidence of cardiac damage after they are jabbed, doesn't matter. The rise in miscarriages, stillbirths...don't matter. The ongoing fraudulent and inadequate safety studies, don't matter.

This must be a matter of the heart then. Fundamentally our hearts, in the Biblical sense of one's heart.

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What an interesting person JR is. How insane about a band like the Offspring firing a member for a mandate. The baseless fear is just mind boggling. Not being skeptical about everything much less anything by that time to hesitate and seek more clarity is disheartening.

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I was booted(retired early) from my work of 36 years for not getting injected. It was an extreme violation of trust but they would have lost their main source of income from the US GOVERNMENT if they hadn’t complied. I am sad about the parting but happy I got out from under that system. The other day I see them posting a help wanted ad for the position I left a year and a half ago. I guess I wasn’t easily replaceable.

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Sep 3, 2023Liked by Jessica Rose

I love you Jessica.

So often when I read your posts, all I’m left with is hope, love, and gratitude.

When all this shit happening in the world, you constantly embody the best of what “being human” means.

No wonder these billionaires are rushing to bring about Trans-Humanism. They are such a dull, dim, wilted version of humanity, no wonder they wish to transcend that.

I wish them the wisdom to chose to integrate their traumatic childhoods, instead of projecting onto us all their anger, frustration, and insecurities.

Nonetheless, they do spread/cast an immense shadow on the world, which you so often evaporate and shine through, single handedly (ok, you and Jikky...).

I’m blessed to have had your wisdom in my life...


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That's really nice. Thank you.

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You should listen to Ray Kurzweil talk about his dad in interviews. I honestly think that is the reason he invented a delusional idea of “uploading one’s consciousness to the cloud.” I mean WTF? Coming from a technologist, it’s quite revealing how far away from reality they have strayed.

All that is not to say that some of them aren’t satanists. I think like with any group, they’re not all the same.

I can even accept that some of them actually believe *they are* the good ones, who are helping humanity

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