Why? It's 2025....why are we still doing "summits" .... nothing is changing.... these don't move the needle.... are we just buying time until the next "emergency" happens.... we are being lied to and duped. It's so obvious now.

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been obvious to anyone not afraid to see ...

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It kind of is here.. the next "Emergency" Deja Vu from Covid play book with H5N1 aka Bird flu! Mass culling of chickens recently ramped up, faulty PCR testing, over estimating the danger to both animals and humans, not allowing the natural infection run its course allowing for natural immunity in flocks to develop. Instead, leaky vaccines already in development by Zoetis will drive vaccine resistant strains potentially creating a bigger problem. HHS has given Moderna $590 million to develop mRNA H5N1 shots for people , even though the CDC says bird flu low risk for humans. This time they are going after the food supply! My hope is that more people have the intellectual curiosity this go round to recognize they are being played and use that curiosity to do some research.

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These, in our battle against both death and evil (and a tragically remaining amount of ignorance) are the equivalent of military reconnaissance and intelligence.

To stop our enemies and their destruction,, WE, LIKE AN ARMY, must become equivalents to infantry, artillery, airpower, etc.,

and capture prisoners of war.

We are dealing with multiple entities and levels of evil, Some of whom can no longer claim to be human. One is the saboteurs of the Womb, where life originates, and the Genome, which enables, guides, maintains, protects and assures human survival and proliferation. (These 2 crimes never existed before) Another is those who have literally become pathogens by both medical and general dictionary definitions. Birx, Fauci, Baric, are the worst of them. There is no moral issue.

In the health field, it is both established precedent and standard operating procedure to kill pathogens to prevent human deaths.


At Nuremberg 2 - It must be epic and memorable for generations.

After all the guilty are appropriately and severely punished and the worst are executed -


- Enshrine the original Nuremberg's principles and rules.

- Engrain them into every country's educational, legal

ethical, medical, and commercial systems.

- Begin a "Simon Wiesenthal level" of zeal in hunting and

capturing anyone who escaped justice

We also need to seriously investigate the likely dispersal of substances that make us complacent to these problems and evils.

Evidence for this is that we no longer see protests or other public response of the intensity severe intensity we

used to have in the 60s!

WHY NOT? Evil is more deep and widespread than it used to be.

Instead of visceral and appropriate, our responses are disgustingly limited to words.

So, yes let's keep up the pressure and revelation but ADD THE NECESSARY AGGRESSION it requires of us!

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Lied to and duped about what now??

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Look around..... why are we still here almost six years in.... if you can't see it now then you will sadly never see it......

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Scotland has OFFICIALLY uncloaked the 'COVID pandemic' to the entire world the past 18 months and the ''medical freedom'' community has NOTHING to say about it. By comparison the same groups/people have had 4 YEARS continual focus on 'COVID vaccines' ultimately operating as a great distraction from THE truth to the 2020 events. Wake up folks!



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0 DEATHS / 0 HOSPITALIZATION for care home residents who received Real Covid Treatment

Early outpatient / in care home treatment for covid, demonstrated in March/April 2020, resulted in 0 DEATHS and 0 HOSPITALIZATION in 2 Spanish nursing homes here 100% of the residents eventually tested positive for covid. This when 28%+ of all residents died in nursing homes in spain. They Suffered and Died from NO EARLY TREATMENT FOR COVID.

"Antihistamines and azithromycin as a treatment for COVID-19 on primary health care – A retrospective observational study in elderly patients" https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1094553921000018

a ~30% death rate in the nursing homes of the "west" was the norm. "they" also killed the vulnerable in the hospitals. Covid hospitalization in minneasota, usa resulted in ~19% of those being killed with the "we will kill you in the hospital" protocols used in the "west".

Denial of known Real Treatment for covid was, in fact, DEPRAVED-HEART MASS MURDER (which was, in fact, premeditated). "their" plan to deny all real treatment for covid, so that a FDA Emergency Use Authorization could be obtained for the covid "vaccines", was set in motion at W.H.O. meetings January 24-27, 2020.

The US representative at these Jan 2020 meetings was, fauci stand-in, Hilary Marston - Medical Officer and Policy Advisor National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases" with a big pharma "fixer" "McKinsey & Company and .. Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation" employment background.


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So many experts so little recognition of basic facts about Rockefeller-Gates Biotech Mafia or decades of pandemic planning to establish global control & profits to gene level.

How is it so many credentialed biologists still can't articulate the difference between vaccines and mRNA TRANSFECTION decades old mop & bucket level bench tool for ALL virology and vaccinology? https://web.archive.org/web/20150822064507/https://www.thermofisher.com/us/en/home/references/gibco-cell-culture-basics/transfection-basics.html

Wild RNA sequences, designated as viral threats cannot even be cultured and grown to study. CRISPR keyboard gene jockeys can make synthetic clones to grow in E.coli .

Magic sequences can't replicate without bacterial medium yet we are sold some myth of pure clones changing the laws of Nature as if Gain of Function is anything but purity and quantity of sequences to model vaccine stockpiles.

Why not ask why pure clones shoved into rodents is a proxy for human immune response to virtual ghosts of RNA in the wild? Shameful frauds.


Lastly any immunology student should know human bodies NEVER tolerate foreign proteins. As far back as blood transfusions and organ transplants the experiences of compatibility and rejection have been demonstrated. Since 1999 biotech death of Jesse Gelsinger the idea of genetic therapy has been shown to be fundamentally flawed because even repair of fatal flaw is intolerable as non-self proteins.

It's not rocket science it's not even a concept a child can't grasp. Everyone refusing to clearly identify mRNA Transfection as the lobotomy level, criminal human medical experiment to take worthless commodity and rebrand as "novel vaccine" to launch IP cash cow and time released genocide.. deaths and harms are on you the self proclaimed experts.


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Give ‘em both barrels Jessica!!!

Educate them on exactly what transfection and transformation are and how they’ve been used for decades in cell culture and animal models and how calling them ‘investigational vaccines’, ‘jabs’ or ‘mRNA products’ is plain crazy.

Let them know exactly how the PCR test was used fraudulently (EUA tests used conserved amplicons and no [zero] nested primers) and that theres no evidence of spread but plenty of evidence people were murdered (see Scottish Covid Enquiry, high flow pure oxygen use in NYC, witholding of antibiotics for secondary pneumonia etc etc etc) - this could be the last enquiry we ever have to do!

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And let them know whatever the Canadian equivalent is to the shocking American number of 560,000 killed by the Covid-vaxxes. That's the latest estimate from McCullough, w/ 24,000 estimated to have been added in 2024. We dissidents are USED to these numbers, but the public is being kept from them. https://pomocon.substack.com/p/on-the-small-matter-of-the-560000

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You are my favorite warrior! Relentless!

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i really am.

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Go get 'em Tiger!

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Love you Jessica!

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More of nothing, it seems you are simply running out the clock. Nothing is accomplished, no real effort to educate and expose the murders that happened and are still happening! No action to reveal transfection and vaccinations are a ridiculously stupid idea. 5 years and still more time wasting summits to hot tub in and compare expensive shoes, no thanks!

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I wish I could be there! Will be watching.. and cheering from California..

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Shred them Jess with surgical precision! Rip it wide open!

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Will Dr. Hodkinson be there too? This is Linus Pauling's birthday. Now there's a man who knew the importance of vitamin C and world peace! And my cat, Cato, turned 4 today. How old is that in man years?

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Thanks for stepping up JR

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I would love to see a list of accomplishments by this group that have really made a positive/concrete change. Seems like the clock is just being run out.

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Bill Rice, in one of his recent substack posts, listed all of the money which Big Pharma has paid to your politicians, starting off, from memory, with Harris at 12.5 million, Biden at just under 10 million and the rest of the politicians in descending order of priority, correspondingly less money paid - now Big Pharma did not beat a path to my door offering me hundreds of thousands of Dollars and I'm guessing they did not beat a path to your door either, for the same reason - on that - read The Pied Piper of Hamlin.

I thought that Politicians were paid huge incomes with lurks and perks to keep them honest from the public purse - so when they took money from Big Pharma, surely that makes them corrupt, if to sway their votes and Laws in favour of Big Pharma and against us?

While they keep what they got undercover and out of the public view, they sure as Hell are never going to allow any Covid vaccine Inquiry to succeed - because they are keeping their corruption secret as well as the money they got.

My impression now is that the smart people get into politics to grow their wealth quickly and without being caught out, by not revealing how much they took from Big Pharma or any other really rich person, for whatever reason expected of them, by doing so.

Until the Judges or The Law, above the Politicians takes an interest in payments made and received and punishes accordingly, there is never going to be a public inquiry which reveals anything of any importance - it's just bum fluff to keep us Human Rubbish in the dark where they think, we deserve to be.

Can't help but wonder if the same thing carries on with you know who too?

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Human Gene Therapy Products (GT) - GT sounds racey - EUA Experimental Human Gene Therapy Products - I do not like the sounds of those

You, as an individual, had to be the one to choose to be in the unvaccinated control group with the lower death rate.

Nothing was going to stop the US Military bioweapon countermeasure complex contracted out - fast, cheap and dirty - no liability - mass manufacturing scale up and delivery of the covid "vaccines". Nothing was then going to stop the immediate Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) approval, roll out and mass injection of these injectable covid EUA Experimental Human Gene Therapy Products. Nothing was going to stop the "safe and effective", 95% effective, government/big pharma controlled media mind control propaganda campaign.

Not the fact of the failure of all attempts to make a safe and effective vaccine against the original sars-cov(1) using numbers of conventional vaccine platforms.

Not the fact of failure of mRNA technology to ever have been able to deliver a mRNA product to market with long term demonstrated safety.

Not the facts seen in writings of bioweapon gain of function ralph baric, mr. coronavirus, describing the inherent difficulties of ever making any safe and effective vaccine against any coronavirus.

Not the fact that numbers of covid treatment protocols had been proven both safe and effective, all across Our World, by Real Doctors treating Real people sick with Real covid. Suppress these Real Doctors, sabotage all Real Treatment protocols for covid to get the EUA for the mRNA. In the process commit the Premeditated Depraved-heart Mass Murder of Millions by denying Real Treatment for covid to create the Fear! Fear! Fear! necessary to drive the forced EUA Experimental Human Gene Therapy Product mRNA injection campaign.

Not the fact that people would be hesitant to take multiple injections of covid EUA Experimental Human Gene Therapy Products. Redefine "vaccine" to now include the injectable covid EUA Experimental Human Gene Therapy Products. In January 2020, With "Premeditation", and by publishing this statement "This guidance does not apply to vaccines for infectious disease indication" thereby exempt Human Gene Therapy Products from established safety requirements if these Human Gene Therapy Products are said to be "vaccines" for covid-19 .

Not the fact that in the first covid mRNA "vaccine" trial, where the vaccine received approval, more people died in the vaccinated group than died in the unvaccinated control group.

Connive and fight every which way and through the court system to keep the facts of this mRNA "vaccine" trial from The People for 75 years. Inject Inject Inject while hiding the truth that was eventually revealed.

Nothing was going to stop the continuing covid injections

Not the fact that almost immediately after "vaccine" rollout began Doctors and Nurses began to see and report covid "vaccine" induced clotting and began to refer to the covid "vaccines" as the "clot shots".

Not the fact of the "stop the shots now" death signal seen at 2 months after the start of mass covid "vaccine" injections. Deaths after covid vaccination, reported by Doctors and Nurses to the CDC / FDA Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), death numbers which stopped product use in the past.

Not the fact of the unprecedented high levels of covid "vaccine" severe injuries and deaths reported ongoing to VAERS.

Not the fact of the never seen before dramatic rise in insurance claims for disabilities and deaths directly corresponding with the covid mass vaccination program.

Not the fact of the dramatic rise in non-covid All Cause Mortality Deaths, in the highly covid "vaccinated" countries, that occurred directly corresponding with the mass "vaccination" for covid, and which is still ongoing.

Covid "vaccine" induced sudden adult death syndrome SADS, and sudden arrhythmic death syndrome SADS, people dropping dead, athletes dropping dead, children dying in their sleep, stage 4 hyper progressive cancer / turbo cancer, micro clotting, massive white fibrous clots filling up blood vessels, first ever seen with a few after the start of covid then seen in high percentages with the covid "vaccine" rollout and ongoing at high numbers since, autoimmune disorders, cardiovascular disease, prion mediated amyloid diseases and progression to alzheimer's disease ...,

Yes, "vaccine" induced AIDS.. a type of vaccine induced acquired immune deficiency syndrome with deficiencies attributable to 1) HIV genetic sequences in the sars-cov2 spike protein - the source of the "vaccine" spike antigen code producing Trillions of "vaccine" spike antigens in the human body 2) multiple immune system "vaccine" altered responses such as excess IgG4 antibody immune system response, the IgG4 "tolerate this" antibody that attaches to a formerly controlled or newly emerging cancer and marks it telling the body's immune system not to attack, leave it alone. The "vaccines" trained the immune system not to overreact to such as the milder omicron variant. Is the "vaccinated" immune system now so programmed that it will totally fail to put in check a new highly virulent immune escape sars-cov2 or 3 or ? should it arise?.

Still nothing yet has stopped the failed mRNA injections. Save for those who, individually, choose to be in the unvaccinated control group with the lower death rate.

People are waking up. "Moderna's Q4 Loss Wider Than Expected It posted a net loss of $1.1 billion, compared to net income of $217 million in the prior year quarter.The company reported a loss of $2.91 per share, missing expectations and a sharp contrast to its earnings of $0.55 per share in Q4 2023."

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