From the RCOG link provided above: "The RCOG is a registered charity...". Mmmm ~ wonder if they get any donations from the usual suspects, e.g. Big Pharma, Gates, etc.? 🤔
I believe this is what the phrase “the unmitigated gall” was invented for 😒
Speaking of FOIA’d (that is a good one), here’s something I’ve been wondering. Why have all of the BigPharma FOIA requests (that I’m aware of, anyway) focused on Pfizer? Granted, Pfizer is the biggest fish in the room, but what about FOIAs to Moderna, J&J, AstraZeneca, and the other key figures in the global injection rollout? Did I miss those?
The big release is Aaron Siri / ICAN suit that pried loose 55,000 pages per month of Pfizer clinical data by Court Order, but other folks have done requests including abroad. Requests are based on individual submissions if you'd like to do your own Muckrock has a template and submission model that's pretty spiffy.
They licensed Pfizer aka Comirnaty, which made their clinical data required by law to be available. They are making us pry it out by judge and redacting important parts under the guise of trade secrets, which aren’t of course. But that’s why the focus on them.
One year ago the young woman a few doors down chose to deliver her baby at home. She is a quiet woman, but she wanted as little to do with NHS midwives, prenatal or antenatal care, which included coercion of experimental biologicals which she declined.
It fascinates me the extremes people must go to now to protect themselves, their unborn child from an overreaching government’s illness care, I mean healthcare system. Happy ending, we celebrated her baby boy’s first birthday this week. Mom and baby doing extremely well.
Holy sh.. I keep saying I have lost faith in our GP’s here in the UK. I will hang onto that decision for a while longer. Recently in Portugal. The taxit driver to the airport, who like me was unvaxxed, announced the covid experimental biologicals are banned in Portugal for pregnant women. Banned? Which leads me to a very simple question. What does the Portugese health authority know that the UK professional body for OB/GYN doesn’t?
More and more government functions are being "outsourced" to contractors such as "NGOs," an oxymoron if I ever heard one. In reality, it's more and more the case that NGOs funded by private interests control government. All government chartered (created) entities need to be subject to the same laws as apply to government, including and especially constitutional protections for individuals at their "mercy."
So true! NGOs are often an extension of the government, used to get around governmental regulations/oversight. Just one example is the role of NGOs, paid by the government, to help take care of/relocate the influx of illegal aliens crossing the southern border.
The UK laws vary somewhat but there are a few workarounds w FOIA.. they are a charity so their tax records should be available as well as FOIA to any affiliated govt group.. submissions to NHS or public funded hospitals should bypass the "charity" loophole. The Board is responsible & their bios have tips for what agency interface or roles will give you FOIA options.
"The Board of Trustees is ultimately responsible for the financial, legal and business operations of the RCOG as a charitable business and gives authority to the Chief Executive and the executive team to manage the day-to-day affairs of the College."
Professor Draycott holds a number of national roles: he is the senior clinical advisor to NHS Resolution, he co-chairs initiatives by NHS Improvement, he is the director of the Tommy’s Maternity Improvement Centre in the UK and he is also Vice President of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists.
Since they consider themselves an authority, but can’t be FOIA’d, it may be more appropriate to file notice on the entire board that holds them all accountable for the information they’ve made public (and allow the public to believe they’re a government entirety/authority on the topic). It might be one way to sink the ship of rats who think they can get by with this stuff.
"Robust real-world data from the United States – where over 177,000 pregnant women have been vaccinated mainly with mRNA vaccines, such as Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna – have not raised any safety concerns."
From the RCOG link provided above: "The RCOG is a registered charity...". Mmmm ~ wonder if they get any donations from the usual suspects, e.g. Big Pharma, Gates, etc.? 🤔
I believe this is what the phrase “the unmitigated gall” was invented for 😒
Speaking of FOIA’d (that is a good one), here’s something I’ve been wondering. Why have all of the BigPharma FOIA requests (that I’m aware of, anyway) focused on Pfizer? Granted, Pfizer is the biggest fish in the room, but what about FOIAs to Moderna, J&J, AstraZeneca, and the other key figures in the global injection rollout? Did I miss those?
The big release is Aaron Siri / ICAN suit that pried loose 55,000 pages per month of Pfizer clinical data by Court Order, but other folks have done requests including abroad. Requests are based on individual submissions if you'd like to do your own Muckrock has a template and submission model that's pretty spiffy.
Some FOIA docs for Moderna submitted by Axios..
More Moderna from Australia FOI
Similar to Jessica a no answer UK FOI
Government Accountability Project FOIA archive
You're awesome, Pamela 🙌
Always my pleasure, knowledge is power that multiplies when we pass it on, lucky us!! :~)
They licensed Pfizer aka Comirnaty, which made their clinical data required by law to be available. They are making us pry it out by judge and redacting important parts under the guise of trade secrets, which aren’t of course. But that’s why the focus on them.
Aha, thank you!
Perhaps going after the biggest fish is the best tactic given the financial resources available on our side...
Track record is my guess. Pfizer probably has the uncleanest hands in the bunch.
True. It's certainly delivered results.
One year ago the young woman a few doors down chose to deliver her baby at home. She is a quiet woman, but she wanted as little to do with NHS midwives, prenatal or antenatal care, which included coercion of experimental biologicals which she declined.
It fascinates me the extremes people must go to now to protect themselves, their unborn child from an overreaching government’s illness care, I mean healthcare system. Happy ending, we celebrated her baby boy’s first birthday this week. Mom and baby doing extremely well.
And registering the child's birth puts the child, to date protected, back into the vax target zone.
Holy sh.. I keep saying I have lost faith in our GP’s here in the UK. I will hang onto that decision for a while longer. Recently in Portugal. The taxit driver to the airport, who like me was unvaxxed, announced the covid experimental biologicals are banned in Portugal for pregnant women. Banned? Which leads me to a very simple question. What does the Portugese health authority know that the UK professional body for OB/GYN doesn’t?
More and more government functions are being "outsourced" to contractors such as "NGOs," an oxymoron if I ever heard one. In reality, it's more and more the case that NGOs funded by private interests control government. All government chartered (created) entities need to be subject to the same laws as apply to government, including and especially constitutional protections for individuals at their "mercy."
So true! NGOs are often an extension of the government, used to get around governmental regulations/oversight. Just one example is the role of NGOs, paid by the government, to help take care of/relocate the influx of illegal aliens crossing the southern border.
The UK laws vary somewhat but there are a few workarounds w FOIA.. they are a charity so their tax records should be available as well as FOIA to any affiliated govt group.. submissions to NHS or public funded hospitals should bypass the "charity" loophole. The Board is responsible & their bios have tips for what agency interface or roles will give you FOIA options.
"The Board of Trustees is ultimately responsible for the financial, legal and business operations of the RCOG as a charitable business and gives authority to the Chief Executive and the executive team to manage the day-to-day affairs of the College."
Professor Draycott holds a number of national roles: he is the senior clinical advisor to NHS Resolution, he co-chairs initiatives by NHS Improvement, he is the director of the Tommy’s Maternity Improvement Centre in the UK and he is also Vice President of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists.
Awesome research!
Since they consider themselves an authority, but can’t be FOIA’d, it may be more appropriate to file notice on the entire board that holds them all accountable for the information they’ve made public (and allow the public to believe they’re a government entirety/authority on the topic). It might be one way to sink the ship of rats who think they can get by with this stuff.
I looked at the site and it seems like they are trying overwhelm people with data.
For question #2, it appears they are simply referring to CDC data. If you click on "Is Covid-19 vaccination safe ..." here
It says:
"Robust real-world data from the United States – where over 177,000 pregnant women have been vaccinated mainly with mRNA vaccines, such as Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna – have not raised any safety concerns."
The link goes to this page:
CDC and FDA have a huge impact on the entire world. Everyone thinks they are the gold standard and their "guidance" is mindlessly followed.
Well done ..
The plot gets thicker, doesn't it?
Holy shit, why does this not surprise me. How is this not illegal?