Andrew Fire and Massa Shoura of Stanford took remnants of Moderna injections and published the mRNA sequence last year in March or April. The sequence covered two pages of text, but I can't find my original download.
It should be possible to construct the protein with the RNA sequence available, and possibly synthesise the injected spikes to extend this research.
Andrew Fire and Massa Shoura of Stanford took remnants of Moderna injections and published the mRNA sequence last year in March or April. The sequence covered two pages of text, but I can't find my original download.
It should be possible to construct the protein with the RNA sequence available, and possibly synthesise the injected spikes to extend this research.
Andrew Fire and Massa Shoura of Stanford took remnants of Moderna injections and published the mRNA sequence last year in March or April. The sequence covered two pages of text, but I can't find my original download.
It should be possible to construct the protein with the RNA sequence available, and possibly synthesise the injected spikes to extend this research.