Azithromycin was in the Vladimir Zelenko treatment for covid-19 in 2020. I assumed that was to deal with secondary bacterial infection but maybe having this virus suppression effect too. He was getting good results and it depressed me to see how he was ignored by the top 'experts'. People suffered and died because early treatment was suppressed.

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Robert that was my first thought too..I knew back in 2020 that Azithromycin should be part of the Covid treatment protocol and when I went to Mexico that Oct I bought some... now I buy direct from my wonderful rep in India ....1000 12 mg ivermectin $100 ..do the math I am never relying on American doctors for my meds or their protocols...hydroxychloroquine 200 mg 1000 tabs $100..also if you haven't read the book BITTEN please do the Swiss German Scientist who invented the Lyme disease bioweapon did so by combining a virus+bacteria and any one not using Ivermectin to treat it is uninformed....it becomes a parasite in our bodies and the mRNA vax IMO is exactly that a PARASITE🥵‼️ I thought everyone knew that after a viral infection in the lungs the debris left by the viral damage is a perfect feeding ground for bacteria..... come on guys and gals everyone knows the 1918 flu (from Kansas) caused 50 million deaths from pneumonia ....pre antibiotic era...a virus is handled by our immune system in 14-21 days...bacteria...you can win a few battles but you can't win the war😳🤬

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Ironically, in 1918 the new wonder drug treatment was killing people - aspirin. I am a fan of aspirin but in 1918 people were given massive doses that killed them.

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THANK YOU FOR THAT INFO ROBERT....I DIDN'T KNOW....I just read Margaret Anna Alice sub stack from June 2021 will pay soon have to get rid of a few dead beats...she's brilliant and I loved her quotes from Jefferson and Goebbels I shared it immediately with many...thank goodness I find you like minds...if not I would go crazy....thank you for HOPE❤️‍🔥

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My understanding is that super high doses of aspirin 'tank' the vitamin "C" levels . . . causing vascular damage and commonly, bleeding gums . . . In effect, the young men on the Front Line in the 1st World War died with all the symptoms of scurvy.

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The main effect is stopping platelets getting to together so no way to stop bleeding. It does cause the kidneys to leak vitamin C but not sure to what level. But if people had scurvy that would be the non-stop bleed. It's beneficial to have vitamin C with aspirin. I must research this, thanks for the tip.

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You have to ask what science was behind doctors giving high doses of aspirin to treat any disease? They really are a very superstitious bunch.

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Aspirin or its natural precursors have been used in some form for a very long time to treat pain and fever successfully. I agree that more is not always better but times must have felt desperate. This is very different from using remdesivir, known to cause kidney damage and abandoned for Ebola, to treat covid.

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If you read the history of how modern/western (allopathic) medical doctors came about, you'll learn just how superstitious and based on nothing their treatments can be. They were the OG snakeoil salesmen (sometimes literally). They used to believe that the sicker a 'treatment' made someone, the better it was working. Modern medicine has a foundation of doing insane things to people based solely on the opinions and irrational ideas of people with more wealth and power than sense who wanted the prestige more than to actually help.

A couple of books that are more orientated towards the history of ignoring and gaslighting women's health issues but valuable none-the-less at explaining how modern doctors are the way they are is:

Doing Harm by Maya Dusenbery


For Her Own Good by Barbara Ehrenreich and Deirdre English.

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Would love to know more about getting ivermectin and hydroxychloroquin from India. I too do not trust our American healthcare system with these things.

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Would love a link to your India rep.

I'm officially out, having given the last of my Ivm to a vaxxed nephew suffering from yet another bout of something or other.

Thank you.

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I think one of the parasites is Hydra Linnaeus (manmade) from the immortal Hydra Vulgaris.


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Thank you Jessica for your tenacious digging for truth and enlightenment. I think I remember reading in either Dr. Pierre Kory's book, "The War Against Ivermectin" or Dr. Peter McCullough's book: "The Courage to Face Covid-19" that they thought that many of the hospital deaths were from bacterial pneumonia as no one was treated for it in the hospital. You should check with them. (Both great books, by the way.) Since we are being warned that a new variant is causing hospitalizations it would be nice to know that antibiotics could be a life saver.

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I think in Pierre Kory's book.

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I prescribed Dr. Zelenko's (RIP) vitamin-D, zinc, azithromycin and hydroxychloroquine until August 2020, when I was forbidden to do so, even with an EKG, and the first excellent study on Dr. Borody's protocol came out of Bangladesh (vitamin-D, zinc, ivermectin and doxycycline). I had very good results with Dr. Borody's protocol from the very beginning.

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He saved over 7,000 patients with his protocol.

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My 89 year old mother recovered from Covid in April 2021 after her first dose of ivermectin and azithromycin.

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My 84 y/o mum was treated in ‘21 w Hydroxychloroquine, zinc, d, c...the basic Zelenko protocol. In one week, she was a tad tired but completely fine. Sunshine and fresh air (and napping) don’t hurt either! If we had ivermectin then, she would likely have recovered in 2 days!

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I started ivermectin at the first symptom (loss of smell) & recovered in 1 day but maintained the 5 day protocol.

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Same. My mom was 88 and we got the original in January ‘21. We used ivermectin, azithromycin, hcq, and zinc.

She slept a lot, but back to normal in about a week.

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First thought I had when I read your headline was, Does that mean this was essentially bacterial pneumonia, as was discovered when analyzing preserved lung tissue sections of the 1918 “flu” epidemic victims?

As I documented in my “Letter to the Oregon Health Authority” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-the-oregon-health-authority), these findings were reported in an October 2009 “Journal of Infectious Diseases” article titled “Predominant Role of Bacterial Pneumonia as a Cause of Death in Pandemic Influenza: Implications for Pandemic Influenza Preparedness” coauthored by none other than Dr. Mengelfauci (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/dr-mengelfauci-pinocchio-puppeteer):

“The majority of deaths in the 1918–1919 influenza pandemic likely resulted directly from secondary bacterial pneumonia caused by common upper respiratory–tract bacteria.… pandemic planning needs to go beyond addressing the viral cause alone (e.g., influenza vaccines and antiviral drugs).” (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2599911/)

The widespread mask-wearing during that period is what likely contributed to the proliferation of bacterial pneumonia, which means Dr. Mengelfauci knew the potential hazards of mask-wearing when he flipped back to requiring them after initially following conventional health knowledge that masks are ineffective against respiratory viruses.

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Well , that would make sense as they made ivermectin illegal to prescribe here in Canada. According to the NIH it is the most potent for bacterial pneumonia. They also refused to prescribe antibiotics for my 93 year old uncle for more than 2 days...isn't that a nono???? He was a retired doctor. He told them he felt better immediately and waned the full course but and they withdrew it anyways He died slowly 6 months later of kidney failure.

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Sorry for your Uncle. I think there is a woefully excessive under prescribing of antibiotics now which is contributing to resistance not decreasing it.

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They probably killed him with Remdeivir as they did my 63 year old cousin. Kidney failure was the result.

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No remdesivir. He had 5 shots. One of the side effects of those shots is blockage of the ureter. Both if his were blocked. They could only clear one by operating.I'm no.doctor. I just read ....Dr Paul Alexanders posts great info on his substack.page.

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⁉️⁉️I heard there was a DRUG used in hospital protocols immediately upon admission that is one of the drugs that veterinarians use to put down our animals to start the process of euthanasia...does anyone know the name of that Drug I didn't make a note of it and can't find my source.... once prescribed than Remdesivir and then Ventilator good protocol to kill....announce death a Covid and collect $$$$...UNBELIEVABLE WE ARE LIVING THROUGH THESE TIMES🤬

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I think you are thinking of Midazolam (that's the generic drug name; Versed is one of the brand names).

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Remdesivir was preferred because several rounds might cost $15K, and if it was used then the hospital could increase its total bill by 20%, which might be another 80K. And Remdesivir was part of the depopulation plan as it was so toxic. Novaxx Djokovic said "winning the US Open was a real shot in the arm for my career and my heart is exploding with gratitude," according to the Bee.

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Flagyl/ Metronidazole works as well as Stromectol/Ivermectin. Metronidazole could counteract the majority of the immunopathological manifestations of the COVID-19 infection. Ask yourself why a brand new drug goes by the generic name. Remdesivir is VEKLURY. Hydroxychloroquine is Plaquenil. The most common RA/Lupus drug. It is called Deception and can be demonized, and still used. And none of them are anywhere near that $15K price tag, pure fraud. Great racket.

The average cost for 14 tablets, 500mg each of the generic (metronidazole) is $18.99. Stromectol (Ivermectin) and other drugs at CVS, Walgreens, and other pharmacies. Prices start at $29.38. The price of remdesivir was $520 per vial and was in addition to the price of the COVID-19 hospitalization. This price aligns with the price the manufacturer stated would be charged to private payers. Feb 19, 2022. Hydroxychloroquine pricing as low as $10.14 a month

Both treat Diverticulitis. Flagyl/ Metronidazole works as well as Stromectol/Ivermectin.

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I have heard from patients being treated for Lyme Disease and co-infections that a side effect of Flagyl is severe depression and suicidality. I think ivermectin is a much safer option.

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Doxycycline works well to eliminate the spirochete in your blood stream if you are infected with Lyme disease.

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Thankfully I just had the 1 round for Divertuclitus. It hit my vision hard. So is now on the reaction list.

Getting people to use the name brand when they ask for a med, is getting hard, but it makes that Dr. stop and look it up, or less likely to question.

What did they do to Synthroid besides getting it from China, this last 6 months' supply has done a number on my body, the same 1.37 mcg dose, I've used for years, All of a sudden 3 skin diseases in 3 days with this last batch. I'm that person who has to have specific products, and never try new ones. I react to the oddest things. Laundry soap, seafood, or a herb supplement.

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Ivermectin also treats the parasites in the jabs as well as certain types of cancer!

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Do you think all this virus stuff is giving cover to this? After all there is a dead body trail, contract trail and money trail here. And a 5 G push trail, for no other really good reason.


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Trump has enclosed many of the 5G towers with certain elements (COVFEFE - copper, vanadium & iron). The towers will now emit a healing frequency. Millions have been changed & the White Hats are working furiously on this issue.

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Please. Just don't.

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I was just reading about how to block the harmful 5 G emissions in an article I posed here on GO from the ConspiacySarahsubstack and how it is excited in our bodies ( where it is not supposed to be ) when it is exposed to these frequencies. When carbon particles that are razor sharp and small move a lot when energized in our brains and our hearts etc etc

It causes tremendous damage and often death. Wonder how this works with the H a a %R#P Program?

Just reading about that GO grid screen/filter dusted with this dangerous grey toxin reminds me of the charcoal in the Brita filter. Wouldn't that be an ironic place to hide it for sig damage. We need more Chemists on board. Where the heck are they? This summer a sonic explosion that shook the land and buildings happened over 2 states and DC after the power had gone out a few nights prior for most of evening and then there was a toxic fog filling the air in these places. I don't know how or if planes could take off. It was very dense everywhere. Where were the Chemists from U of Md or NIH or DC Universities that would immediately think to take a liter of air and run it through a spectrometer to see what the heck was in that air? It was fairly oderless although some said it smelled like plastics. These banana republic hijackers in the WH need to be apprehended ASAP and questioned thoroughly. Someone will snap and tell us the truth. DDT again? Candice Owens had an excellent short article on WLT I believe, may be elsewhere also about the US gov in numerous videos spraying down the citizens , children in pools even with DDT white clouds. The people developed permanent paralysis and the gov blamed it on a polio virus and started the whole shots for polio thing. Because they had sprayed the American public with a poisonous inhalant causing the problem. That was interesting. Too tired to proof😊

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Well that sounds...good. How about eliminate them and if we must, put back some 4 G.

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When I had my infection it was a sore throat only (no other symptom at all). I called my Dr and asked for antibiotics, I was told 'we don't RX antibiotics for C19" 3 hours later I called back and said I had white patches on the back of my throat and that I had a secondary infection, it was only then that they RX'd me Azithromycin.

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When in doubt, definitely look up the drug.

Look up the symptoms for which the drug you require is prescribed for, and either "present" with those symptoms, or fib those symptoms to your online doctor...

For instance:





An article from 2011, published by the NIH: "The Miracle Drug"


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My late father, a very smart doctor (when GPs used to do house calls), deplored the no-antibiotics-it’s-just-viral fad among doctors. He pointed out that when you have a respiratory viral infection, it leads to opportunistic bacterial infection. The older generation of doctors of course knew this. What are they teaching the new ones in med school!

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What's your opinion on microbial resistance?

GPs in the UK are bombarded with the message that this presents huge risks and hence are reluctant to prescribe antbiotics.

I dont know the evidence base for this and wonder whether curious or dissenting souls have documented alternative views on this topic.

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I read somewhere (forget where - sorry) that 80% of antibiotic resistance could be traced to antibiotics in animal feed.

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A: Teaching them to fill Rx's and profit big pharma.

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In the U.K death stats from Pneumonia crashed to zero during covid, it was most suspicious. (gov stats) Covid deaths were exactly where pneumonia deaths would have been. As for what happened last winter we all had bacterial infections, many were coughs. I recall the pharmacist saying he has never given out as many antibiotics in his life before.

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In Canada, "influenza", aka "flu season" virtually disappeared in 2020.

It was replaced by "Covid19".

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Yes you reminded me, I’m meaning flu, pneumonia from flu.

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The finding of Dr. Sabine Hazan that SARS-CoV-2 severely reduces Bifidobacteria in the gut biome is important. How does this virus disrupt the gut in this manner? I had long Covid symptoms (excessive urination, gas) for 20 months after getting Delta Covid in Jan. 2022. But probiotic pills and yogurt with Bifidobacteria has eliminated this problem. (I had numerous standard medical procedures which ruled out cancer and declared me “normal”). I am not vaccinated with the experimental, gene transfecting injections, nor have I ever taken a flu shot. Now I am back to normal energy. I also got Omicron Covid in Dec 2022 and the latest Eris Covid last month, but got over them in 5 days with ivermectin and anti-inflammatory and anti-spike protein supplements such as NAC, Quercitin, Bromelain and Nattokinase.

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I had COVID like symptoms in late December 2021 and used oregano oil, a natural antibiotic, and the next day, all my symptoms were mostly gone. Until then I had a headache, brain fog, back pain, nausea if I tried to eat, etc. I'd that for days...

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As a retired RN (Integrative Medicine & Functional Medicine), Oregano oil is very effective against several types of bacteria. It's detailed here https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6182053/

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My Dad had an infection in his gums and rubbed some on and it disappeared. A friend of mine had a swollen open sore and I suggested oregano oil, and the next day the swelling was gone. So I totally believe in it. 😁

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Oregano oil also gets rid of warts, leaving the new skin underneath healthy. It's best to dilute it in a carrier oil. Your hand (or whatever) smells like a pizza for a few days, but it's worth it. 😉

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Access was denied :-(

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Me too, oregano for the win, been using ot for years.

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Fortunately, in the UK, you can get prescribed azithromycin in online pharmacies if you tell them you've got an STD. Just saying. ;-)

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lol awesome

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This makes perfect common sense, the only caveat I would add would be to avoid all fluoroquinolone antibiotics. One wouldn't want to be "Floxed".



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i agree

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So, per request, injecting my data. The Daily Beagle collected data on antibiotics prescribing, and found in the UK (and Scotland), Germany and the US, all saw antibiotics either go down during 2020, or "flatline" with an abnormally steady rate:


What is known is secondary bacterial infections correlate strongly with death in COVID-19.

In the comments, a contention was raised on the pneumonia datasets. In digging, The Daily Beagle could only find a suspiciously low 358 pneumonia deaths (as underlying cause) in the CDC wonder database for 2019-2020: this included a *broad* selection of pneumonia categories (including one relating, bizarrely, to essential oils? I have no idea why the CDC even lists that).

No country has any case rate datasets on bacterial pneumonia (even for vaccines; the CDC's data doesn't go beyond 2019), and only the US has anything vaguely relating to deaths. Influenza cannot be blamed because the "official" sources claimed it magically disappeared during 2020 (leaving only a 0.2% number of cases during Sept 2020 to May 2021).

The only anomaly I can spot is Scarlet Fever (which isn't so much a fever as a bacterial infection) massively jumped in cases in 2022 in the UK, which went from a 2k yearly average to a 50k+ jump. The WHO has reported this has occurred in a number of countries simultaneously, such as Ireland and Italy.

It isn't clear why, as the shot rollout started late 2020 and there seems to be no uptick anywhere in 2021. I cannot tell if it is delayed onset, or due to some evil antibiotics scheme.

More research required and pending.

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Vanco is an in-hospital IV major thing.... But Amox or a freakin' Z-pack?! Crazy if that's true. Might also be why some protocols by Zalenko/flccc which also sometimes included azithromycin(for bacterial secondaries) worked so well....

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In the fall of 2018 I had persistent congestion with phlegm down deep in my lungs. At the time I was 61 years old. I did not do anything about it for maybe 5 or 6 weeks because normally I don't get sick and when I do my body takes care of its self. However, I knew that as the old body ages it loses some of its disease fighting ability and definitely did not want this to get anymore serious so I went to a local neighborhood emergency care facility and asked them to give me some antibiotics. My wife and I waited in the waiting room for an hour and finally saw a nurse who said I would have to see the head nurse. We waited probably another 2 hours to see her. She wrote the prescription. I don't remember what the drug was. A week later after taking the antibiotic I was fine. I have thought that I may have been one of the first COVID patients. It definitely became worrisome to me at the time. I believe the pills cured it.

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Can you make inquiries (at that urgent care clinic), find out what you were prescribed, and report back?


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There is no CoVid. Just 5G radiation poisoning. And there are holistic things to replace antibiotics.

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Thank you Ian. People verbally slay me when I say that. I'm out about it. I even go further and claim viruses do not exist. My homeopathic doctor prescribed Ivermectin immediately in 2020. He once prescribed an antibiotic when I had pneumonia. The price was stratispheric, could not afford it so I downgraded to Z-tab, 15bucks. At the time I was being chelated monthly and being treated for heart disease. When I took the Z-tab I immediately had heart attacks symptoms in his office. I knew exactly what a heart attack was. He monitored me for an hour and knew it wasn't a heart attack. Came to find out that is one of the side effects of azithromycin. The pain was horrific. Something to keep in mind

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Yup there is no virus ever isolated ever. All a fraud by Pasteur. BeChamp with the Terrain Model is the champ.

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azithromycin is notorious for adverse side effects. Doxycycline is less prone.

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Does the 5G radiation come from your iPhone or from the cell towers ?

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Cell towers to your phone and you if you have enough Graphene Oxide in you from the shots. They say the folks that had all 4 shots have their own IP address and are walking cell towers hence the shedding. It's not actually shedding it's emitting.

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Gut tissues can retain SARS-CoV-2 particles after COVID-19 infection for more than one year after the resolution of COVID-19



Gustavo Aguirre Chang




All had Negative PCR before Surgery

They were unaware they had a Persistent Infection due to SARS-CoV-2

One part had more than 1 year since infection

Are undiagnosed Long Covid

Lingering SARS-CoV-2 in Gastric and Gallbladder Tissues of Patients with Previous COVID-19 Infection Undergoing Bariatric Surgery


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Can you detox all of your girlfriends and not get in trouble?

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