No REAL aliens. I mean you're telling me they're soooo advanced to travel through space they just happen to crash on Earth ? lol I agree with the word trickery or inversions i call them. Satan and his demons are uncloaking now ! Put on your spiritual armour now !

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I like your awareness - "Satan in his demons are uncloaking now!" And your call to action.

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Marxism took root because people lost their faith in God. Many people have placed their faith in people they can see and hear instead.

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100% the real epidemic is godlessness.

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For those willing to believe, the answers are found.....in God's Word. https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Ephesians+6%3A10-20&version=ESV Be in the Word.

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my favourite passage

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I just quoted that last night at the top of the substack I was writing.

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I think we are seeing a spiritual rebirth . I think people have realised something is very off kilter

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Yes, the great reset inhuman replaced with the great awakening pro human for sure !!

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You could be right , my friend

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No, not godlessness, without God yes, but abundancy in their own selfgratification, acting as (demi?) gods over us, meaning besotted with their own power and how to misuse it for their own selfish reasons. Misguided creatures in their own right. Cold, calculated psychos.

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Replacing God with state god, their papi...

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Karl Marx was a very spiritual man, but not in a good sense. He was consciously a Luciferian so it was his goal to cause people to lose faith in God. Look it up if you don't believe me.

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Jun 9, 2023Edited
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The recent interview of G. Edward Griffin by Daniela Cambone is also very interesting:


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Yes, The most important research that reveals the true nature of all this is in books written by the authors John Keel and Jacques Vallee. "Aliens" from outer space are just the newest guise adopted by a spiritual phenomenon that has always been with humanity. Keel coined the term Ultra-Terrestrial back in the 60's to describe what he was seeing in Point Pleasant, West Virginia during the very real "Mothman" events. Vallee greatly expanded on these ideas in a series of absolutely essential books in the 80's. All of this, of course, doesn't mean the governments aren't using this in some way. A very complex issue!

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With this topic we are dealing with the level of conspiracy beyond Davos, WEF, WHO and their minions. These fools might try to pull something, but They are already here for decades or even centuries and there are black projects in motion to reverse engineer their technology and research their biology.

And there is a systemic psyop campaing making average Joe Blow laugh when he hears words like UFOs or extraterrestrials spanning decades.

Take a look at Richard Dolan´s site and channel for starters:







I would also recommend Strange Harvest documentary by L. M. Howe:


and of course Jacques Vallee - Dimensions, Confrontations, Revelations.

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“For we wrestle NOT against flesh and blood…” If it isn’t from God, than who is it from? Satan.

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You are spot on. I could not agree more. We know how the story ends.

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Yep, crazy. Same with our advanced automobiles and spacecraft ... a world or two beyond the horse and buggy ... and these too crash and burn.

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Jun 8, 2023
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From where?

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I don't believe anything the turds in power say.

I don't believe anything any supposed insider blowing the whistles says without a load of independent verifiable evidence.

The default and sensible position is to assume they are lying.

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Two things:

First, James Lindsay is excellent, and everyone should:

1. Listen to his episode on Mid Level Violence, on his website: https://newdiscourses.com/2023/03/mid-level-violence/

2. Watch his concise summary of the cl*sterf*ck we are living through: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y6rk1mYiOAw

Secondly, re this recent (post 2020) drip drip feeding of "leaks" about UFOs and aliens, may I just point out that DoD wanted to set up a whole new branch that would do lots of (secret! ha!) stuff to do with (they tell us) UAPs. See that 2021 formal announcement, here: https://www.defense.gov/News/Releases/Release/Article/2853121/dod-announces-the-establishment-of-the-airborne-object-identification-and-manag/

Now when you want an entire new department, and to be able to run it largely 'black ops' you have to hustle, hustle, hustle and put on the ritz to squeeze out the cash to fund it, as generally people are not so thrilled about throwing more money at the military at present. So you might want to start running a little marketing campaign. One that lets people know that this "aliens" business is legit, and secret, and dangerous. "It's a threat guys, we could tell you about it but we probably shouldn't because something something National Security." Leaky leaky, no evidence to speaky though. So is this a soft pitch for "Hey, guys, this is like a legit threat, but also we can't tell you about it, but trust me bro it's totally real, but like ...we need tons of cash and like... privacy. We got be able to work... you know, secretly... but with lots of funding. National Security! hoo-rah!"

They did get their funding. Via an amendment in the (annually renewing) NDAA FY22 appropriations bill.


So, successful marketing campaign all round I say! 😉

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Whenever I hear the phrase 'Alien Invasion' Sting's song comes to my mind. "I"m an alien, I'm a legal alien I'm an Englishman in New York"

And there we have it, says it all.

Spot on Jessica.

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Gosh, yes!

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Carol Rosin worked with Werner von Braun; he stated that "aliens were the next psy-op" https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/sa5wyb/werner_von_brauns_false_flag_alien_invasion_dr/

& Just for transparency, I've had numerous sleep paralysis experiences, been meditating for 50 years and had two near-death experiences, so I see our physical material world differently than a lot of scientists....I do believe that we are indeed spiritual beings having an amazing experience on this planet! And yes, I've traveled far and wide, sans drugs, to other worlds and dimensions. We are in a spiritual confrontation. Stay true to your highest Soul-Source...I call that the Creator G-d within my heart. All beings are playing their role in this experience...ironically, some beings are playing literal 'devil's advocate'. It isn't just a phrase. Know where you stand.

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If they ever release people from their NDA' about the origins of the Top Secret geoengineering project, that is when the alien psy-op will come out. That would become the next step, then.

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Appreciate your post - saved me from writing it! 💜

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Werner von Braun led an expedition into Antarctica to pick up Moon rocks that had been ejected from the Moon's surface by asteroid strikes.

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Thank you for causing me to hear that phrase afresh. I shall never use it again!

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Wow. Well-written and -thought out. Thanks much for this.

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I've included the link bc it's too long to copy and paste here but lawyer Jeff Childers of Coffee and Covid substack has a great synopsis about halfway down his blog on why this latest alien story with whistleblower and all is looking to be a major psyo op. Kuddos to Jessica for her thoughts on this issue. If we've learned nothing else in the last three years, it's to be VERY careful with any info coming at us from the government, bc there is ALWAYS a reason that particular info has been chosen. https://www.coffeeandcovid.com/p/the-fake-news-test-wednesday-june?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email

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Agree. They are smart enough to know that we would never believe a press conference. So they trot out a whistleblower and deny. I am guessing it’s to gain more support for more Space Force money and to keep us off guard in general. Meantime burn Canada, ignore Biden crime, but go after Trump. Yeah. Sure.

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Interesting thoughts. You are definitely on to some disturbing possibilities.

Two comments.


Math Ehret has delved into alien question and found ample evidence on how it is and was a clever psyop.



The archons are part of the original gnostic creation myth. They are alien, can't access Earth, but envy humans and want to rule and destroy us. Remote deception by proxy. More here:


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A great exchange - THANKS for a link


Archons have visited me already, with Sophia, I believe...

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That sounds really interesting! Can you say more about your encounter with the archons? And Sophia!

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I will answer your question as soon as I regain senses after the relocation pow-wow with my daughter+, which will take place in and for a few hours.

Lennart is a Scandinavian form of Leonhard, which means "brave as a lion", "hardy as a lion", as you probably know.

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Love it. Yeah, the whole alien thing has me uncomfortable these days. If aliens are real, and the mountains of evidence that point in that direction won't be moved, then they're undoubtedly here, and possibly heavily involved in human activities, for some reason. Or they are us. We are the aliens and... something. It makes sense. Then you could have the warring factions between those that want to return to the stars and those that just want to stay here. Or something. There's perhaps the recognition that in order to reach the stars above we must reach morality on Earth, and that bereft of morality we only ever will dwell on the surface, herded along by whomsoever decides to be a herder. Who knows? Interesting stuff.

As a side note -- I have some passing familiarity from the inside of a well-popularized "UFO hotspot." And I just want to point out that from what I've heard the field of UFO-logy is full of fakers. Just full to the absolute gills. Steven Greer, lol. If he can "vector in" aliens, then why does he need your money to figure out their technology? Why not just ask them? Give me a break these clowns.


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I was into Budhism at one point in my life very deeply, one practitioner said much of the learnings are not literal but anecdotal in it is the opposite of what we are trying to cure, if you will.

To me, we need an anti-marxist movement. Warriors that can stand up to well trained armies of Marxists in our countries.

This is war and we can not lose. Losing is slavery and death.

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We anti-Marxists can call ourselves Antima!

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Bull Dog, if you were a practitioner of Buddhism, then you know there is no such thing as death. And anything "anti" will be met with more resistance than any "yes".

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Western Buddhism is not the same as Eastern Buddhism. It's Yuppie Buddhism probably brought to us by CIA.

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I obviously do not know everything like you.

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I love the idea of extraterrestrials but this new "whistleblower" is sketchy at best. I am especially suspicious of how his story is being treated by the media. Where are all the accusations of conspiracy?

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Totally. It’s complete inversion. The media says ufos and aliens and the conspiracy theorists are calling bullshit. Wtf!

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I had sleep paralysis dreams a couple of times when I was younger. Notably it was after reading Whitley Streiber so I assume there was some suggestion to my subconscious.

As for why the mass migration is encouraged it has to do with control. What was that old saw about the French Revolution? A rising middle class locked out of the privileges of the elite then sponsors a revolution to upset the status quo? Sounds risky to the elite to allow for such a rising middle class to exist.

A related question: what is the effect on wages of mass migration from countries with a lowered standard of living into one with a higher?

Combine that with the offshoring of nearly all of the old blue collar manufacturing jobs and what do you get?

Next spend a decade or so undermining the US dollar by incessant printing and zero interest rates. The financiers and investor class and many large corporations with access to easy financing profit immensely but do so by mass explosion of debt. When the structure starts to topple (swap market crisis), there's conveniently a pandemic that allows for unprecedented new totalitarian control of everything from movement to public expression, while boatloads of money are surreptitiously transferred to banks and US Fed Gov adds 50% to its expenditures.

Of course that ushers in an inflation crisis. While the fed pretends to be trying to control inflation, the federal government just locked in the new massively increased spending levels permanently (iirc ~6.4 trillion per annum) with bipartisan support. That level of deficit spending is inflationary.

So an inflationary crisis and then what? Dollar collapse, digital ID tied to CBDC and also UBI. All the while millions of new immigrants are homeless and hungry, so you can constantly point to them and justify emergency actions like a new currency to deal with the crisis. Haven't you seen weekly news reports from NYC and Chicago about the migrant crisis?

If anyone complains, start a new pandemic panic and have the WHO lockdown their country under the upcoming WHO sovereignty transfer arrangement.

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You found a copy of their playbook.

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Yes on the alien invasion. This is likely why the DMED is being buried, and how we should understand the motivations behind who is burying it.

The data contractor is Unissant, which is also the contractor for the border data. They're the ones who know the changes in flows of illegal aliens, with sampled demographics from those apprehended.

There are secret towns of people living in tents in counties across the U.S. at this point. These are not like the urban tent cities of the down and out. These could house an invasionary force, if not terrorists blending in with the honest migrant workers. Could that be the invasionary force that cripples the nation?

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There is footage of tent cities on the French border too.

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We cannot remain ignorant of this topic, because it connects everything that has happened to us since 2020.

UFOs: 6 Reasons Why this Subject Should Matter to You


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Cousin Jessica, I miss the blissful ignorance I lived in before they way over-played their hand. I truly wish that I didn’t agree with so much Of what you conveyed in this one!

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Very well said . You can’t but see them now .

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It’s funny I was just looking on Facebook today of Neil Armstrong not able to say what he saw when he was on the moon man-made structures and not just one several throughout they all said a very eerie feeling that they were not alone I forgot which said this but his neck was forever hurting him because he constantly had to turn around

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I guess they are out there but they’re not ready to reveal themselves because they know we’re not mature enough to handle it and based on our handling of the pandemic the last few years I would say I agree with them and we’re so hostile we’re not ready for peace accord gathering with them if they’re peaceful?

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“What do you think of when you hear or see the words ‘Alien Invasion’?”

Geez, I hope they like a lovely cup of tea.

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I’ll be right there.

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For all we know Aliens from outer space are here for comic relief.

The poor that pour across our border, I cant blame them, they want what we all want, a better life. It is the politicians and now the marxists that use these people for voting base and mabye an army. Micheal Yon says many young men are diverted to an army facility. Some speculate this is where the new Nazis are made.. we shall die soon, if that is true.

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