Excellent paper obviously designed with anticipation of all the usual likely objections.

It's probably now time for the "Regulators" to give up on this aspect and move along to the next stage which is "Yes, but even if this is true, there's no evidence of any actual harm caused."

As it's now the Christmas season, perhaps its time to roll out again the old "Christmas tree allergy" excuse for all the "unexplained" dramatic incidence of, for instance, turbo cancers? It's a real mystery.

Back in the day, the clear identification of not one but many mechanisms for possibly causing cancers and other SAEs would have been enough to withdraw a product from general use. Not now, such are the times we find ourselves living in.

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Spot on IMHO,

Conditions call for radical change, but the reality is that the tactics employed are carefully set to not accommodate such changes. There is not even an admission of culpability on their part to kickstart anything of the sort. They have envisioned this chaos and corruption through satanically provided glasses, and somehow overlooked the absurdity of it all, not to mention the ungodliness!

From reading "The Spirit of Prophecy" literature it has been plainly understood that chaos and sinful engagement will prevail in the last days (Matt. 25 for confirmation). In fact, the world can rightfully brace herself for satanic intervention to increase. That might be difficult to imagine in these days, but if the book of Job tells us anything, it tells us that Satan has retained quite a bit of power from his earlier life as a covering cherub in heaven.

The prophet E.G. White blatantly points to "natural" disasters being attributed to his powers over nature, within the scope of God's allowance. And as a grand finale, he will impersonate Christ! Can you imagine? He has the ability to assume the Savior's description given us in Eze and Daniel, which will fool nearly everyone. Satan, is NOT, however, granted to simulate "HOW" (or the manner of) Christ's Coming will ensue.

So, brothers and sisters, read up on this prophetic revelation given to us for our knowledge regarding the "armor" which we will need to see eternity. It all revolves around "having the faith of Jesus" to trust and obey, in order to avert complete soul destruction. The prophet goes into much greater detail in her most popular work, "The Great Controversy." I'm sure it's available online, and even in audio format for free. This was created about a century and a half ago! See if there is anything mentioned which does NOT parallel the truth in God's Word, or for that matter, the civil events which the world is struggling with now.

May God be our Guide and Assurance!


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I find the book of The Revelation to John to be a very important study. Unfortunately, I have found that Christian ministers and Bible study groups often do not wish to study it, because some say that it would be too “controversial.” I also found Ed Hindson’s The Book of Revelation: Unlocking the Future (2002) to be a good reference for study groups.

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The man was a dispensationalist. This comes with its set of difficulties and oversight. If you or anyone else reading this would like to have true "light" shed upon that which was "revealed" (aka: The Revelation) unto God's servant John, then investigate the work of E.G. White, a TRUE prophet. The best of her 50 or so books would be "The Great Controversy" (referring to that between Christ and Satan). In it you will learn the identity of the First Beast, the Dragon, the Second Beast, the Seal of God, the Mark of Satan, the Holy Spirit's engagement, Christ's Return and the subsequent destruction of the world and the wicked living at that time, the time of Jacob's trouble, the sea of glass, the Investigative Judgement, the "Books" of record, the Newly created earth upon Returning the third time with all of heaven, and lots more. The book brings the reader up to snuff beginning (I think) at the onset of the Dark Ages and forward to the future of this earth's history.

If there is any doubt as to the authenticity of E.G. White's being a servant of the Most High God, read the material which underpins that indisputable fact.


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Show me yours and I'll show you mine!

Oh, and don't shout, were you not taught that it's very rude?

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Actually that fellow died that made that netiquette rule. So I threw the rule in behind his casket.

You shouldn't assume things about strangers,

bad habits. There could be a number of reasons someone used all caps.

And you're NOT MY DADDY.

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Much appreciation for the pointers, Jessica. Interesting how some experts in the medical field accurately predicted the shedding and longterm excess mortality already back in 2020, eh?! Right on the nail. Unfortunately there is no moving forward together, 5 yrs hence. The vaxers adamantly refuse to listen and have fully and proudly tuned out. Not for lack of trying.

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well, proteins shed

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I need to share this article with my doctor who acknowledges that shedding can occur when body fluids are shared, such as by sexual contact. He did not seem receptive to the idea that shedding can occur by being in a close environment with someone who has been jabbed.

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Well, I would suggest that he also see the data on spike protein being in bacteria, which people can spread several ways.

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P.S. My doctor doesn’t believe shedding would occur outside of sexual contact or the sharing of body fluids because he thinks the spike protein would be too unstable for this to happen. Any comments about the stability of spike protein outside of the body? Any research at all about its stability?

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Allie, the research on this all is woefully inadequate. Especially for those of whose spouses got the stupid poisonous thing. And have kids sensitive to shedding. And all the research seems to focus on only the Pfizer one, not the other two, which irks me to end. At some point, im going to have to trust my body to handle it, but the stress from the betrayal and the shedding without bodily fluid exchange this far makes it super challenging. It is awful what they did to humanity. My younger son knows exactly when and where he's been shed on. It is awful.

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Good point. Thank you.

From an unvaxxed and now worried person who is around vaxxed all the time.

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The research was already done by Pfizer themselves and published. You might want to consider seeking out another doctor. Here's the Pfizer document titled: “A PHASE 1/2/3, PLACEBO-CONTROLLED, RANDOMIZED, OBSERVER-BLIND, DOSE-FINDING STUDY TO EVALUATE THE SAFETY, TOLERABILITY, IMMUNOGENICITY, AND EFFICACY OF SARS-COV-2RNA VACCINE CANDIDATES AGAINST COVID-19 IN HEALTHY INDIVIDUALS.”


On page 67, (all caps mine for emphasis) we find a warning about potential adverse effects of the vaccine. The term “study intervention” is used instead of the more common "vaccination". “Environmental exposure” means contact with elements of the vaccine other than by injection.

Warning of adverse effect: “A female is found to be pregnant while being exposed or having been exposed to study intervention due to environmental exposure. Below are examples of environmental exposure during pregnancy:”

“A female family member or healthcare provider reports that she is pregnant after having been exposed to the study intervention by INHALATION or SKIN CONTACT.”

“A male family member or healthcare provider who has been exposed to the study intervention by inhalation or skin contact then exposes his female partner prior to or around the time of conception.”

These warnings, from the vaccine manufacturer, Pfizer imply that women can be harmed by breathing in, or contacting by skin, the vaccine as it moves from person to person. Which would be “shedding.”

Every vaccinated individual may want to take prophylactic action. The simplest way would be to use enzymes to break up spike protein by inhibition of spike protein binding to cells. A pineapple enzyme, bromelain, has been successfully used to inhibit COVID-19 infection but has double-action to break up clots and block spike protein. Bromelain has been combined with an off-the-shelf antioxidant (NAC – N acetyl cysteine) to inactivate spike protein. The enzyme + antioxidant work synergistically and should be used together. Both are widely available at health shops.

Nattokinase is a longer-acting enzyme that is also widely available (works for up to 8-12 hours) and is superior in some ways to anti-clotting drugs.


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Why Collins, Fauci, Draszak and a host of who are responsible for this Frankenstein’s monster are now and will be free to roam this Earth instead of being incarcerated for life is in itself a sin of the highest order. But then there is a God.

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They might be thinking about leaving the country before Trump's inauguration. I have a feeling the Trump, along with RFK Jr and Rand Paul, will be actively exposing what these characters did during COVID.

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Rand Paul should have been doing that a few years ago. Not just mentioning, but actually exposing.

I respect your opinion, but I doubt we will ever get true exposure info. Just aint gonna happen. Scapegoats, maybe. Like the 19 Saudi's with box cutters.

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Biden's handlers have already been tossing around the idea of pre-emptively pardoning Fauci, et al. For a sitting President to pardon people who haven't even been charged with a crime is unprecedented.

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Don't forget Gates, Tedros, Birx, Hotez, Kimmel, Biden, Austin, etc.

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I am well aware of the role of the federal government in the COVID disaster. I was part of it for 30 years and COVID isn't the first time. I also spent the last four years writing about CDC's part in all of this. And this is what I learned:

From a policy perspective everything that is being confirmed now we knew 3 or 4 years ago.

If you want change to happen then you need men and women of courage and political will to make it happen.

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I never said anything contrary to your comment What I would add, is the entire Federal Gov (down to the copy boy) is 100% corrupted, down through State , many cities/towns.

In '20 I tried to tell ppl about CDC and WHO.

ORCHESTRATED. People will believe certain things, but not others.

The Puppet Masters, have no allegiance to a country. We are sub-human to them. They have set the stage for debauchery society, drugs, kids cease to be kids (M.A.P) I read a blog by someone who is supposedly at the head. He claims they have not offended, however , his language changes during his diatribes. For instance they want the pedophile to be erased.. Walz signed a bill into law in MN, that does that very thing. Next he stated they wanted sex offender registries discontinued, bc after we serve our time, why should they continue to be penalized.

In effect, bye is saying not if, but when. I fully believe WEF is mixed up somewhere in that, trans movement for sure .. Think early Roman times, that's what I'm talking about. The ppl left will be disposable bc children will be having babies. A fresh supply.

Soros is either on the boards or owns them, businesses that are mixed up one way or another in this entire thing. Klaus's daughter heads up non profit that promotes gender type stuff. I would have to see if I could find that note. I'm pretty sure I got the companies I'm referring to for Soros..

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"etc." is most likely a cast of hundreds.

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Even more than that!

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That’s classified information because national security, so they all skate. However you are correct 👍 and they will eventually decay and die and then maybe reap what they sowed? Hopefully reincarnated into dung beetles 🪲.

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I SUGGEST that you look to YOUR Federal Government while you are handing out critiques.


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I'm not certain but I have been ill this autumn after people have had "boosters". I'm unvaccinated but I still got SARS-COV-2 in the middle of October after everyone else at work and at my club had been receiving injections.

Shedding would make perfect sense of the timing.

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Or a strain of coof which jabbies don't show symptoms for, but purebloods do.

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I doubt it. Within days of being injected, people started going down with SARS-COV-2 and this lasted about 2-4 weeks across my acquaintances.

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What is coof?

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Shedding happened to me during Thanksgiving for me.

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I got COVID last December from my Mother, who got 4 shots. She has been in hospital 5x, as recent as February after taking Paxlovid that those muppets sent home with her.


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I've experienced the same. I also wonder if there is something in the Ozempic type drugs that is shedding as well.

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There are many who think so, but what is it shedding?

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Wow! This is HUGE.

Those of us who got EBV/CMV reactivation and felt run down, after being in close contact with a recently vaccinated physiotherapist or hairdresser, now can be sure we’re not imagining things.

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IT used to warn of dinosaurs approaching but hlevolved through the thousands of years. Gud made human beings, the most beautiful creation OF ALL.

Just like he did cows and the grass they eat. SYMBIOTIC RELATIONSHIPS.

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Emergex vaccine manufacturer removed their 2018 Influenza study that showed the vaccinated shed 6.5 times the infectious particles than the unvaccinated. It also stated the vaccine blocked the CB8+ T-Cell receptor.

DOD also removed their 2018 Influenza vaccine created cellular interference and was more deadly in the elderly.

In 2017 the vaccine approval board approved the new ingredient in the HEP B shot that you never gave informed consent to be in the study. These people in less than 10 sec approved this for public use even though concerns of this new ingredient causing myocardial infraction.

This study ended May 30th 2020. Yet in February 2020 FDA claimed COVID 19 caused these heart issues.

We are not sick with flu/cold we are being poisoned that create flu and cold symptoms.

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I'm a massage therapist and the number of people who I massaged the day of their injection or a couple days later just infuriates me. Especially since some of them bullied me for not getting injected. What infuriates me even more is that my clientele of young and healthy professional athletes were forced to get the jab - even if they had natural immunity. I wonder how long they shed. I'm about to tell my clientele not to make an appointment with for a certain length of time after receiving any vaccine. Maybe two weeks?

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I'd say 30-90days. But you have to earn a living!

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Any client that tried harassing me WOULD HAVE BEEN AN X CLIENT. They stepped out of their their role.

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Some of my clientele were in the NFL. They were mandated to get vaccinated even if they had proof of antibodies from natural immunity. They could have declined the shot. If they had big contracts and guaranteed jobs, they could get away with not taking the jab. They were then required to get tested every morning, sit outside for 30 minutes waiting for the results and once they went into the facility, they had to wear a mask - even while breathing hard during workouts while the vaccinated went without masks. The unvaccinated were not allowed to leave their hotel room during away games. They had to order food . They could not go out to eat. I had a few players who I worked with who chose to do that. But, my young guys, rookies, etc would have been cut from the team and not been picked up by another team if they didn't get vaccinated. Every one of them did not want to take it and are angry about having to choose between living their dream or quitting football. So, I am not rewriting history. I know the situation very well. I was in it.

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🤷. NO rewriting history. I'm aware of how ppl were/are treated. I was one of those ppl that many of y'all called anti-vaxxer, conspiracy theorist, anti-American, ETC. I have POTUS, every single MSM station, Rochelle Walinsky, Tedros, Fauci, I know I'm forgetting some ppl in a montage saying THIS IS A PANDEMIC OF THE UNVACCINATED.

I CHOSE to not get a shot. THE NFL players could have done the same thing. Many ppl lost their jobs, homes, families.

Stories were everywhere. I'm pretty positive that there was nothing in their contract about COVID.

I quit watching college and pro when they started taking a knee.

BC I am an American, I loved my country, I stand up and I speak out. A little nobody who isn't scared of anybody, it behooves me that NFL players couldn't find their balls.

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There is no real way to gauge how long it takes for people to stop shedding. They don't make anything like a portable test kit to measure these things.

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If it is "the spike proteins [that are] are transported within exosomes " and not fragments of mRNA or DNA would not this mean that someone affected by shedding would experience toxicity of the spike, but would not have the same exposure to the genetic material as someone who has been injected? and would not have spike producing cells?

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I don't think that's the case. The only difference is that those given the shots are infected by blatantly bypassing their immune system altogether. Their rate of infection is much more likely to be severe and immediate whereas those who are infected through shedding have their immune system working on it which slows down the process, but still infects those who have a weak immune response which is likely to be most of the population.

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Could some kind person give a lay persons summary to help me understand exactly what all this is saying.

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Private Fraser from Dad’s Army explains it best.


We’re doomed.

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Ah! Got it. Thanks

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So nobody explained anything?

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I LIKE THAT. People quit asking questions. I know some of the reasons why, but I'll not be having it.

Rock on.

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Yes surprising to me no one actually responded..... interesting.

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Thanks for sharing this information!

So, the “new” Japanese self-replicating “vaccine”, marketed despite Japanese scientists’ outcries, could in fact be the mere cover-up of transfection, an already occurring consequence of the mRNA injections. As clever as twisted! Japan govt must have been paid much needed billions of dollars for this…

I also am a victim of transfection at work.

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With those, the effects will be even worse for those of us who didn’t eat the carrot. 😉

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To me, those are not much different and are a cover-up scam, the damages having already been done by the Covid shots.

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Energy healing is the detox. Meditation. Dispenza and others teaching and proving how. We are frequencies, not atoms. DrJoeDispenza.com. Heartmath.org. Read Dispenza's books. Universal Consciousness. Disease is incoherence of brainwaves. Coherence is the treatment and cure. We are magnetic beings. Limited in the physical realm; unlimited in the quantum field.

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Jessica, during a recent interview, when someone asked what an unjabbed person can do to save themselves from shedding by the jabbed, you simply shrugged your shoulders and said we all need to go live our lives. I think the information that was sought with that question is "Are there any protocols" (like the McCullough combo of Curcumin/Nattokinase/Bromelain, for example) that would actually help keep us from being infected by this shedding by the jabbed? Are there tests that can confirm, like an STD test for example, for those of us who are single and looking for a mate, that can confirm our intended intimate partner is not compromised, and a verifiable way to clear that person if so? You talk to a lot of scientists in this field, so would like to hear what information you have so far. This is the ideal way to allow us to go forward, together.

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You can do a blood test for antibodies to the spike antigen that is only a reflection of the concentration of spike protein. There is a company in Magdeburg Germany that has an assay to detect mRNA that is supposed to prove shedding. The assay is called Auftragsformular X-SARS-CoV2 PostCovid/PostVac Download. Download order form https://www.mmd-labor.de/de/service/Auftragsformulare/. I am not personally familiar with this but you might want to look it up.

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Biden will pardon Fauci and his cohorts - wait for it.

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Plausible deniability, okay well not plausible but still a license to kill for “redacted” uh national security.

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When did they obtain the samples of the stuff? Who's to say the contamination issue wasn't even worse during the early batches when the ghouls were rushing production through?

I would expect them to have tightened up the QA now they hardly have to make any as no one is taking it (apart from my MIL for reasons I cannot fathom)

Shedding; I wouldn't be too worried about this. When you get infected, you are exposed to spike anyway. It is the integration of spike onto cell surfaces which is the prima facie thing I have always been concerned about with the jabs, and I just don't think there is enough transmission from jabby to pureblood to have a big effect.

I also don't think there is enough to cause original antigenic sin, which is now what I think the true problem with the experimental gene technology is.

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It's about the OTHER forces and effects that were caused and

turned loose when product met metabolism.

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You make a logical hypothesis. I would like to see some real scientific investigation into this hypothesis.

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You are guessing & wrong ! Shedding and getting some of the covid damaging effects are real. I experience it every time I an around my constantly sick 18 month grandson.

Luckly I have all the propolactic countermeasure in house. Ivermectin, sweet wormwood, oil of Oregano, black seed oil works every time. 3 days / two 12mg Ivr tablets for 3 days.

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To be jabbed or not to be was always a false choice.

Even many, or all, to some extent, of "traditional" vaccines shed, according to pharma literature and inserts. But, these new shots must be especially transfecting between people and animals, given the lockstep manner in which the WEF-compliant countries shamefully pushed them on their trusting citizens, livestock populations, ferrals and released bio-engineered insects in the wild, and, of course, our pets. Oh, let's not forget the plants they've proudly announced will also contain these toxic concoctions.

Many of us who've experienced bad effects from vaccinated family members, friends, co-workers, schoolmates, etc. are hoping to find out whether these transfections are of the same virulence and can have similar long-term effects of disability and death as many vaccinated guinea pigs succumb to.

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