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Do the data-manipulating cheaters not realize that people like you and Albert Benavides *collect* a library of the weekly data dumps and can go back and find "missing" data at least for pre-purge cases? Not to mention that you can compare data dumps and find cases that have been "disappeared" altogether?

Just wondering -- How many cases have been "disappeared" so far? Have you looked these over carefully to see if there's a pattern in what gets "disappeared"? When Albert Benavides was first reporting on disappearances, I looked at a sample of 38 disappeared records to see if I could see a pattern . . . I thought maybe cases of adverse effects that are well recognized as vaccine injuries were being "disappeared." Things like GBS, anaphylaxis, non-infectious encephalitis. I didn't see a pattern that fit my hypothesis; the adverse effects of disappeared cases seemed random. But I'm still wondering what qualifies a case record to be "disappeared."

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The bosses are above the law. Their protection has been guaranteed from the top down, when push comes to shove in such an irresponsible Federal Gov they will say oops, our Gov contractor made a mistake. She wasn't qualified to do her job. There was a computer glitch. And if worst comes to worse they will scape goat one person , pretend to have an inquiry, send her out of country for a few years. ( like Hillary Clinton's Secretary from the White House brought over from the Rose Law firm where Hillary did her dirty monetary deeds and her Secretary covered for her). She chose an all expense paid extended Paris stay.

This administration is so blatant and in our faces about their corruption they get a kick out of us being horrified at their malfeasance. A study on 8 mice?

Sorry to say all this but I have lived and worked in and around the Swamp for years and this is how it is. It has constantly gotten worse since Clintons. Not that it wasn't bad when the fed gov/CIA was splattering JFK's brains all over his wife and then his brother's ...It doesn't mean we don't do our due diligence and try and keep exposing them as much as we can. A tiny portion of the time there will be some victories and most of the time we just slow them down and disrupt them a bit.

Your safety is number one. Please double up on everything safety related.

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