
Hi readers! Please read updated ending. My colleagues and some of you pointed out to me that people might think I was pushing this crap. I am not. I am just being litigious. :)

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No worries.

Inquiring minds Jessica. 💖

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I do realize that, as most people do. It is something that got my attention early on as well as the TB VAX and Novavax which was crap. Something though that has a track record to investigate,as I have ,and to consider if as a senior who unfortunately has to travel it might be wise to consider. I am in Canada where I have withstood a formerly respected dr losing it over the phone ending with “we won’t get out of this unless everyone takes it” actual shouting. The fact that the injection could kill me (medical reasons and 3 of them) did not matter one iota.

Again as with distemper for dogs and cats don’t throw the baby out with the dishwater. Though I would have, in retrospect now, limited my sons vax as a baby. It is not all bad or all good. Such a black and white society we live in. I recently went through my extra groceries to donate to the food bank as there was a real possibility of refusal to enter grocery stores here in Canada. That is how bad it was here. Two young relatives have heart damage, a friend, a young mother is paralyzed, friends with lesser injuries, one niece suggested euthanasia if we got ill. No medical care for you! The real damage has been, not the supposed virus, is the injuries to friends, family and society.

I would seriously look at anything, meds, vax etc before using it now, trust in meds is gone so there is that, my silver lining.

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Doctors who pushed the.. your part of the problem because you refuse the vax are admitting they were wrong. So they may have assisted in harming their patients or killing them. Very sad situation for them but medical ethics and do no harm was their persomal responsibility as a doctor. An oath. Informed consent forming that oath to do no harm.

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Thank you. We applaud you for this. They didnt care whatsoever for anyone with health exemptions whether for masks or this crap rushed product. Every scam of theirs caught by comments like yours and you are 100: correct and cant be disputed by any honest human being. . Only criminals, dont like what you just posted. Read every comment on these substacks. Tell everyome of your experiences. This is how the truth is outed and exposes the criminals. Thank you.

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I have a handful of vaxed/ boosted family and extended family who are currently dealing with or had in the last year a persistent pneumonia. Age group 30,s to 50’s.

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Yes i do this research for fuure litigatation. I save everything. I read comments and find links. I research my own way and find amazing stuff. Investigational journalists are a good path to follow.

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Love your brilliance, humor and expertise. Thanks for all that you do. Check out Bad Cattitide on substack for a like minded soul. I bet he likes Monty Python too. Keep rocking it!!

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The answer to all your questions is money.

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If the Pfizer trials had any rigour they would have controlled for these pneumonia vaccines and probably the flu shot. But the speed of science didn’t allow for that either, I guess.

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After my adult son’s second Moderna shot (that he was coerced into getting for a job) he got double pneumonia six weeks later. Had to do two massive rounds of antibiotics. He had never had pneumonia in his life. Tested negative for Covid but the ER dr said it looked like he had it from the x rays. 🤷🏻‍♀️

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This is important information. Thank you. :)

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He also died 8 months after his last COVID vaccine. He had many other issues and had Covid the week before. It wasn’t the only factor that led to his death, but one of many.

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Oh my goodness. 😢 My sincere condolences Jill.

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Sorry for your and your family’s loss.

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My thoughts are with you!

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Very sad. The vaccine is impairing the immune system. In fact hidden in the documents of pfizer covid is considered an adverse event to the vaccine.

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Sep 1, 2023·edited Sep 1, 2023

Nefarious use of Gain of function ie:/synthetically augmented disease

Pathogens - synthetic and natural occurring 🧪🧪💉💉.

Pathogens in use may include parasites airborne and otherwise.

Gain of function includes not only ‘boosting’ a given pathogen synthetic or otherwise but also increasing transmissibility.

Transmissibility in my opinion would likely involve encapsulating pathogens , synthetic and otherwise in lipids such as

polyethylene glycol .

Means of spread would of course be covert and might include methods such as deliberately applying pathogens into foods and drinks and also would include applying pathogens onto masks , PCR tests and other commonly used medical devices.

The masks would release the encapsulated pathogens (synthetic or natural) by means of the obsequious masks wearers respirations heat and moisture breaking down the synthetic lipid thereby releasing the pathogen into the airways causing illness. (Similar to how Alexei Nalvalny was poisoned by spraying a toxic nerve agent into his underwear which was time released due to body heat and sweat). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poisoning_of_Alexei_Navalny

Picture massive factories where captive workers operate assembly lines which apply pathogens (for example a nozzle which sprayed a measured dose of encapsulated pathogen into a mask onto a PCR test or into food or drink.

The workers in such factories may or may not even be aware of the fact pathogens are being applied to spread disease.

If the workers are aware they may be under a dictatorial government which controls every aspect of their life.

Is it possible the reason anti parasitics work is because parasites are involved.

Tobacco smokers have been said to have a lower rate of infection,,,,tobacco is antiparasitic.

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Nicotine in the tobacco. And it is not addictive per se. The cigarettes' have additives that are very addictive though. I think Dr. Ardis explains why it works. The 'venom peptides' are synthetic man made versions of those found in nature. Nicotine functions against the spike which has some similarity to venoms. There is real science behind it. As suggested it might explain why they want to get rid of tobacco products everywhere. I used the patch, no real side effects - approx. 20mg patch divided 4 ways to give me about 7 mg per patch. Worn for 7 days. Nothing longer, then I rotate off after 1 week on. The anti parasites are very effective at alot of things - parasites being just one of them. I take 12 mg day 1, 12mg on day 3, rest 2 weeks and repeat. On occasion I miss and don't do it for the month. If I am exposed to something or start feeling say dizzy... I take it. Instant response. I heard elsewhere that cancer is a function of total bodily inflammation. So reducing that is part of the 'cure'. Getting back into homeostasis. Which can involve fungi, mold, allergies, foods and chemicals. Of course when they are putting stuff into foods, medicines (see Dr. Ana M) and other products we use, it is up to us to be proactive and react. I filter my water and since starting that (it removes most fluorides and other chemicals) I've found my hair and nails grow better. For my gums, a 2 week course of doxy at low dose - 100 mg daily. Skin is better too. I guess every little bit helps.

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👆👆I’ve tried to edit this 10 times to eliminate the duplication 🤷‍♂️

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No dup is showing now.

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Does chewing tobacco work as well as cigars and cigarettes? We know from the old ads from the 1950's that more doctors smoke Camels than any other brand, so I'd go with unfiltered Camels.

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Chewing tobacco inhibits intestinal parasites

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Wouldn't you have to swallow the juice to get the parasites?

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Nicotine absorbed through mouth tissues, not swallowed.

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An elderly friend went into hospital Jan 2021, then immediately to rehab Feb-Mar 2021 for fall prevention therapy. She received her first dose in hospital and went home, generally healthy, but still with mobility issues. After three weeks home she was back in hospital, diagnosed with pneumonia and leukemia (which was undetected during her earlier hospital stay). She died within a week.

I had another elderly friend in hospital and two acquaintances who had family members all diagnosed with pneumonia early/mid 2021 as well. I thought at the time it was a deliberate move away from Covid diagnoses to convince others (and themselves) of the “effectiveness” of the vaccine, but maybe it was a side effect.

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Blood clots in the lungs they are calling covid.

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Think back pre covid. People had double pneumonia took antibiotics and still worked. They were alive still. No,fear then.

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The big plan depopulation .....control , power, changing Gods creation through the blood of man . Very satanic ....sure did separate the wheat from the shaft .

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There is no depopulation plan. Who would benefit from such a plan? There is a surfeit of incompetence and stupidity.

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The authorities have only lied since early 2020. There’s never been a public health emergency, only propaganda.

The majority of the deaths attributed to covid19 are the result of altered & lethal medical procedures in hospitals, care homes and the community. I mean murder and manslaughter.

Notable lies include telling us that those carrying the alleged novel respiratory virus could infect others, despite having no symptoms themselves. This you’ll probably know is called “asymptomatic transmission”.

This phenomenon has been investigated experimentally and it was found essentially not to happen.

This wasn’t a surprise to be, trained in several scientific disciplines relevant to the claimed public health emergency. I have a PhD in respiratory pharmacology & over thirty years experience of leading new medicines R&D.

It’s impossible not to have symptoms if you’ve a substantial load of pathogens in your airways, because they’re attacking you & your immune system is fighting back. It’s this dynamic which results in symptoms.

I could (& do!) go on. Everything they’ve told us is a lie.

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Dr. Yeadon. Thank you for your credentialed, evidence based information, and fearless leadership since the beginning of the "plandemic?"

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Thank you, David.

I didn’t get it all right, but I was sure very early on that what we were being told was lies. That’s always a worrying sign.

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With no medical expertise whatsoever, I was left with one very strong impression after watching a friendly interview with Bill Gates (about whom I knew next to nothing at that time): 'This man is making things up, and is a liar. '

The waffling, non sequitors, and the usual body language which accompanies lies. His inability to explain why Africans weren't dying in droves of 'Covid' was a gem (no ventilators, Bill?), or indeed to make any coherent statements.....

Thank you for your immense efforts in service of the truth, Dr Yeadon.

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Bill Gates the pathological liar.

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Gods gift of discernment saved me from this deception! No such thing as warp speed in medicine. Red flags all over the place to many to list!!

Thanks so much for your expertise! I’ve watched every video you have done!

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What you said about the ventilators was absolutely amazing. My mom was on one in August 2019. I came in to find her that way. Unbelievable she made it off of the damn thing at 91 years of age. However I’m sure it destroyed her lungs. She barely made it alive another month.

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I enjoyed you with Steve Kirsch last night. I think you will enjoy "The 10 Biggest Lies" as presented by Dr. Vernon Coleman on Aug. 24th at vernoncoleman.org

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August 2019. 91 year old Mom, put on ventilator after low oxygen episode at home, her condition was bronchectasis . I could get no information about why the protocols, I don’t know what meds they put her on. All I know is that she wanted off that thing. They told me not unless her O2 level came up and she could could breath on her own. It wasn’t quite Covid lock family out of the hospital time yet. So I never left her side…..until…..They agreed to keep trying to let her suck in her own air. Two attemps failed…..I begged…..of course she was sedated and they expected her to die and never breathe on her own again. I got to the heart of one more respiratory therapist…..the doctor who barely ever looked at her was somewhat at odds with my pleading to say the least. I knew his ego reputation well from many previous office visits.

He was outside in the hall staring at his computer while I coached my Mom as they reduced the IV sedation……”BREATHE Mom……breathe….

You can do it…..suck like it’s a straw…..suck in that milk shake…..I am here…..you are doing it…..(I am pleading the doctor never comes in….

The whole ward could hear me)…..She’s on the edge of sucking air on her own…..let her do it I say…..she’s doing it …..like this first gasp at birth…….she was coming back…..). Finally the tube is out…..She was starving, and scared to near death…..She needed to get the FUCK out of there….So the best thing to do……compliment the doctor……give him credit……She’s still alive…..thank you so much for allowing her to try to breath again….(Mother MUFFER)…..She went home a couple day’s later…..against their advice…..Lived another month with damaged lungs and all the hospice medazolam meds needed.

She was my kick off to learning what was to come…..If only I had been more experienced. To this day I want the hospital records….did they give her Remdesivir? Thank God she died at home. I would have been raging if unable to be by her side. A few months later in the same town her sister died, scared to death in the hospital, a stomach problem…..kids not allowed, until later the moment of death…..after I call 1000 miles away……again pleading. If the janitor can be there, why not her 50 year old children…..put a hazmat suit on them…..BOGUS

BULLISH from the beginning. Accomplices to MURDER. God help us all…..I now know how deep this goes and for how long…..Hang on for your dear lives and all you love…..This iatrogenic war has far to go.

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Tragic. You have the heart of a warrior.

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"The majority of the deaths attributed to covid19 are the result of altered & lethal medical procedures in hospitals, care homes and the community. I mean murder and manslaughter."

I don't have a degree in anything, only anecdotal information.



Absolutely CORRECT Dr. Yeadon.

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That’s how I, as a layman, have come to understand it too, and I’m glad you spelled it out so succinctly. Basically, the symptoms are the mechanisms for transmission, so if a person isn’t coughing, for example, then they aren’t transmitting it. If the viral load isn’t substantial enough to make that person sick (symptoms) then they don’t have the ability to make anyone else sick, either. Frankly, I’ve been shocked about one thing in particular this whole time, ever since covid was announced as a pandemic--ppl don’t know the difference between SARS COV2 and Covid 19. They don’t understand how a person can be PCR positive for a virus, but not be sick with a disease. Of course I know this conflation is intentional by the media and politicians, but I can’t name one person I was able to explain this to and them say “oh, that makes sense”. Not one.

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I don't know... I was taught that the prodromal stage (before full blown symptoms) was perhaps the most contagious stage. But whatever this thing was, it was definitely a thing. Never have I known so many people to lose their sense of taste and smell. In fact, prior to this I knew zero.

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I too remember being told that, but I recall challenging it & the lecturer had no explanation and agreed that the official story seemed illogical.

Probably, everyone has been told the same lies about transmission.

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I was told that because it takes time for the body to mount a full defense, (supposedly 24 to 48 hrs for most) and it is the battle of the defense that causes symptoms, therefore a body could be spreading said pathogen without knowing it. A lot of assumptions may be in that thinking but I can't argue either way, not having delved into it. I do wonder what they would say about the coughs that go on for months... is it just a hyper cough reflex or is one still transmitting? I certainly wouldn't ask any "expert" that question or they might require daily "testing" and masking forever!

These are evil people all down the line and health is just one of their means to subjugate, harm and destroy us. I believe that truly is their intention and next up will be financial/asset confiscation - and very soon at that. Being in suboptimal health kinda takes the fight out of you so I expect there will be less resistance to their wiles and more will agree to CBDC/ID social credit nonsense out of desperation. God still reigns but going to be some tough times ahead. Time to keep calm and carry on ;)

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Amen. It is poison through the shots. And the masks (which reduce the immune function so you get sick more readily). And the 'swabs' (who knows what they put on the swabs up near the cribriform plate right next to the Blood Brain Barrier? AAMF thats the punishment used on Egyptians slaves. Gotta ask yourself why, don't you? And the stuff in the jabs? What's that witches brew doing to you? VAIDS - Luc Montaigne nailed it in one. He knew. Many doctors have done pre blood and post blood work. They see it. clear cut AIDs. And the drugs given (run death is near, REALLY?) And the ventilators. And yes, it is depop. And other reasons, CONTROL. The technology is gene tranference and gene manipulation. And so many are willing to line up and be 'an experimental guinea pig'. That's what amazes me. Like the sense of self preservation is completely lacking. And then they go and give it to the children. That is what makes me cry hardest.

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Yes a scratchy throat can be a cold virus your body fights and destroys and you never realized you had that virus. Your amazing immunre system did its job. You infected no one. If you cant be made sick that virus isnt going to make anyome else an you stopped it dead in its tracks. Unlike the lies of the vaccine where they said it would do that when it wasnt doing that. It was causing spread and sickness and giving people the very sickness they said it would prevent. It also gave blood clots myocarditis cardiac arrest anaphalaxis thrombocytopenia guillaine barre transverse myelitis and so on.

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Yes murder and manslaughter. The documents prove thry used midazalom and denied antibiotics. They killed using ventilators that they knew from original SARS and H1N1 do not use it. It kills. Any smart doctor wont recommend a product or procedure that has a death rate of 90% unless your out of all options. They had options. They chose not to use that. Induced comas and vents leading to another type of pneumonia for someone suffering pneumonia. Crazy.

In Germany the wuhan china lady who had asymptomatic spread to others. Well they lied. She had symptoms and took medication before they liedc and use her to up the fear get social distancing masks lockdowns.

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There’s definitely a depopulation plan.

I’ve led R&D in big pharma and biotech for over 30y.

That has required “rational drug design” for all of that time. Using that knowledge & those skills, I can view the injections from the standpoint of their inventors.

I find at least four obvious & deliberate design decisions, which render the injections intentionally harmful.

Armed with the “success” they’re had with “mRNA-based products”, it’s been announced that many manufacturing facilities are being built, all over the world.

These are going to end up in people’s arms & a fraction of these people will be injured, maimed or killed.

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I enjoyed watching your discussion with Steve Kirsch of on VRSF last evening.

I really worry what these jabs will mean for long term, probably life long, injury disability and reproductive dysfunction for the coming generations.

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Sep 1, 2023·edited Sep 11, 2023Liked by Jessica Rose

I’m not of the opinion that “every jabbed person is going to die as a result”. I’m afraid it is possible & we don’t know what they’ve been given. However, erratic manufacturing makes it likely that large numbers of people have been administered materials that are merely junk from badly operating production lines. I pray for that outcome.

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I recall that Luc Montagnier said that most of the jabbed would be dead in 5 years, and Sucharit Bhakdi said, "If you get this shot you will go to your doom." And they said this in the fall of 2020, before the rollout. We must pray that many were given a placebo to fool people into believing the jabs were safe. 16 of my classmates have died since the rollout. My best friend died suddenly 5 months after getting jabbed, and he was in perfect health. About half my dead classmates died from strokes and the other half from cancer.

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Sep 3, 2023·edited Sep 3, 2023


One could assume that half the jabbed got the real McCoy, so those are the most likely to meet the Montagnier deadline. (Prof. Bhakdi may have made his remark in reference to both the physical and spiritual states.)

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This is awful. Where do u live that so many of your class mates died. This is a tragedy. Why isnt it in the news. Certainly 16 kids dying would make the news and investigators trying to connect the dots.

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Mark how old are were these people? So sorry for your loss😔

I’ve listened to these all these scientists as well from the get go! I remember hearing their statements….

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"I pray for that outcome."

Me too.

99% of my immediate family, including my only child, a son, and extended family, are victims of government (through MSM) propaganda.

Since the roll-out of these injections in late December, 2020, 3 deaths.

1 suffered terribly: medical malpractice, sepsis, which finally culminated in his deliberate euthanasia (murder) via "comfort drugs". Within 22 minutes of administration.

2 others simply died suddenly, "in their sleep".

No autopsies.

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That is terrible! and, an all too common story.

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So very sorry 😢

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Yes great comment and we hope all our loved ones wont be harmed. We want to stop the continued boosting and keep the unvaccinated safe bybkeeping it out of their bodies

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So incompetence and sloppy work will actually save some people. Nice.

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I worry about that, too.

The truth is, we don’t really know what’s in them. We know (1) what we’ve been told and (2) very limited findings from some independent analyses of residues from spent vials.

To the first part, as we’re being lied to on all sides, I’m uninclined to believe them. To the second, since we’ve strong evidence of extraordinary degrees of variation in responses to these injections, the only reasonable deduction is that there’s unprecedentedly poor control of drug substance & drug product.

This isn’t a surprise pharmaceutical manufacturing experts like Hedley Rees. It if his experience that tells us a minimum of four years is needed to develop methods of manufacture in order to yield high volumes of reproducible quality.

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The rushed manufacture of these injections appear to be a "throw it up against the wall and see what sticks" approach. It looks like elements of the "vaccine -not a vaccine" come from many sources and put together in many facilities. That may be good for assembling automobiles, but rushed vaccines without proper clinical testing? = not so much. That is presupposing they were sincerely trying to create something to prevent covid, which everything points to not being the case, or they would have stopped the jabs as soon as the excessive adverse events, injuries, and deaths showed up.

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"Armed with the “success” they’re had with “mRNA-based products”, it’s been announced that many manufacturing facilities are being built, all over the world."

True story, in Canada at any rate.


That WEF puppet must GO.

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And in the UK at the Oxford University bio-tech science park at Harwell, Oxfordshire.

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Actuary’s have figured it out but voice nothing

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Some did, like in Germany.

Immediately penalized.

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As for how many will be injured, the USAF whistleblower Lt Col Theresa Long has dug into the D Med database again: I believe there are about 40k pilots in the US military, and serious adverse events are running - for 2022 - at 4,000 per annum v. 200 or so 5 yr average. Death, permanent injury and temporary serious injury.

And of course, the next iterations of this mRNA junk may be even more toxic. The new factories show just what their intentions are.....

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Only a fraction? So its Russian Roulette every single time?

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I think so, otherwise people will realise they’re being executed.

Media can spin a yarn about a more lethal variant, so rush for your jabs

Lo & behold, more deaths than previously, still blamed on the non existent virus.

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Steps leading to 4th industrial revolution using artificial intelligence for world dominance and the MRNA is the platform to do that. They .can put microchips in vials of vaccine and that microchip can track you. Connect you your bodyn to a computer screen to control. We had 3 industrial revolutions, We had evil genocides and we dont learn lessons and hold all the evil to account. Crazy fools called humans wno allow the evil to control and amass fortunes while abusing us.

If I tell you its all true about your body connected to a computer screen and you scoff at it then you havent learned a lesson on the nazi genocide of evil. Thanks Dr Yeadon. You understand whats at play.

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After researching yes there is a plan and it’s been planned for decades.

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Low birthrate, higher rates of miscarriages and stillbirths? Just coincidence right?

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Satanists are not rational.

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Sep 1, 2023·edited Sep 1, 2023

Genesis 3:1a ¶ Now the serpent was more subtil than any beast of the field which the LORD God had made.

Subtil -Root Word (Etymology): Pass. part. of עָרַם (H6191)

TWOT Reference: 1698c

Outline of Biblical Usage:

subtle, shrewd, crafty, sly, sensible


shrewd, sensible, prudent

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There is evidence of years of planning, but they still have you programmed to believe this is all just negligence.

They win.

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Henry Kissinger stated depopulation through vaccination. Fact checker try to cover it up by lying. Who benefis from it you say? Get rid of the elderly and save on pensions. Get rid of the sick with co morbidities and the obese who tax the healthcare or will as they get oldet. In order to gain world control especially on the free western world they need to experiment with their AI on an unsuspecting population because its the AI that will gain them the conttol they seek. Deaths will happen like in any experiment. They love that. If you took the vaccines you were coerced and easily manipulated Weaklings. Not a good trait but does help when vying for world dominance. How can you get a microchip in people which is the step to surveillance 24 7. ? They can be put in the vials of vaccines. Use fear to get vaccine uptake. Incompetence and stupidity is definitely needed as they use these clowns to put their plan in action. It all makes sense if you are aware of the AI technology they possess.

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I don’t find this article helpful. Surely pneumonia is a result of an infection, not a cause. It is therefore the egg rather than the chicken. As for VAP, isn’t it a case of the ventilators failing to save some people with pneumonia rather than causing their deaths? I think the scientific community is suffering from an inability to think logically and it clearly has ITEC - Inability To Effectively Communicate.

I lost faith in the medical profession years ago. I have known for 50 years that it takes decades to develop safe and effective vaccines. Forty three years ago my then wife nearly died from bacterial meningitis. As she slipped away and turned gray the doctors in Emergency were convinced she had some sort of untreatable virus. They failed to read the lab report which indicated she likely had a bacterial infection. She was close to death when a nurse took advantage of a shift change and ran to get a young doctor who knew enough to read the chart. He administered an antibiotic IV and saved her life. She was pink within an hour.

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1. The injections aren’t similar in any way whatsoever to prior vaccines. Nothing at all about the safety and effectiveness of old vaccines has any bearing on whether the covid injections are safe and / or effective. The only things that make them seem similar is the adoption of the name, “vaccine” and that they’re injected, ostensibly to stimulate immunity.

This new to market technology, gene-based injections, are by far the most reckless and dangerous interventions in the modern history of medicine.

Along with another person, a medical doctor specialising in immunology and public health, I authorised an open letter to one of the largest medicines regulator, before any had emergency use authorization, listing the toxicities we showed were intrinsic to the very design. Within a few weeks, VAERS & innumerable anecdotes showed that our concerns were appropriate.

To mechanical ventilation. It is never appropriate to sedate, intubate and ventilate patients with an unobstructed airway & an intact chest wall. This because they can breathe in & out perfectly well without experiencing exhaustion from the work of breathing. Instead they should have been given an oxygen mask if they were desaturated, plus a caring attitude. Starting antibiotics prophylactically would also often have been appropriate.

Mechanical ventilation can be lifesaving in a limited set of circumstances, flu-like illnesses not being one of them. Where used unnecessary, mechanical ventilation is highly dangerous and when used en masse in panicked conditions, inexperienced staff ended up overseeing such patients. I predicted most would die & that’s exactly what happened.

So why did doctors do this? They were told to do it & they were lied to. They were told that experience in Wuhan showed that the sooner patients “testing positive for covid” were ventilated, the better their chances. That was yet another lie.

I could go on. Without a shadow of doubt, the world has been flipped on its head & all the prior beliefs & certainties have been swept away.

I am, for my sins, the most senior former big pharma or biotech executive speaking out in the world today. This isn’t in the slightest enjoyable. I was like you, a believer in the order of things right up to early 2020.

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I know, and fully respect your knowledge and experience in these matters.

Your first WARNING video, filmed in your garage, was spread far and wide by me, early days.

Alas: zero feedback.

To this day. 😢

You did your very best, from the outset, to educate and to save humanity from this madness. 💖


I believe that many of us congregated here, who've communed together and passed along vital information for years, have done our very best. To save our families.

In my case: it has been to no avail.

I am persona non grata these days, live pretty much as a hermit. Rarely engage, person to person. Too debilitating.

I still persist in paying data forward, virtually. (Zero feedback from family.)

Thank you again for having been such a loud voice in the wilderness Dr. Yeadon. Yours was one of the FIRST I heard back then, and it resonated.

Your background, your credentials, and most importantly your Pfizer CV, instantly made me able to trust my own instincts. That voice in my head, and that feeling in my gut, which told me:

"This is a SCAM. Don't fall for it."

I've tried like hell to warn others, well armed with every bit of good data I've come across, since mid March of 2020.

Btw: I was NEVER afraid of "C19". I was afraid of "the vaccine".

I crunched the actual numbers of deaths, in the presence of my family, in late January of 2021.

This was after we'd received word of a sudden and unexpected death in the family. My elderly aunt had been locked down in a nursing home in northern Italy since the 3rd week of February, 2020.

I am absolutely certain that she was injected there, and that she died as a result of lockdown and injections.

They killed quite a few "useless eaters" in 2020, 2021 & 2022. The deaths in my family were not the result of "the deadly corona virus" though.

My dead aunt, as well as another aunt who suffered a broken bone after passing out and falling at her kitchen table, and who was subsequently moved into the care of a "casa di riposo" where she "died in her sleep" within 2 months, had both caught, and SURVIVED, the corona virus, in 2020...

Bottom line: You were, and are, quite correct Dr. Yeadon. They were culled.

(I was right too. God forbid I ever mention it... My people get so upset.)

So: Now what??

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Thank you.

I wish I knew what is best to do. Speaking directly to people is, in general, unsuccessful.

If a person starts asking questions, they can readily be helped.

So logically, finding ways to cause them to no longer find the official narrative satisfactory ought to work.

How best to accomplish that, I don’t know.

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Well I don't know either but I appreciate your response.


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Surely you wife's case confirms that it was primarily bacterial infection and the viral diagnosis was unevidenced. This is no different from a positive covid PCR test (unevidenced) accompanied by an untested for bacterial infection. In the 2nd case covid gets the blame and in your wife's case, had she passed away, it would have been the mystery virus. In both cases it was bacterial. So, my interpretation is that your case, as described, supports my hypothesis.

We can argue about chickens and eggs but the medical establishment simply assume secondary bacterial infection with little evidential support and deny the possibility of different ways in which they can coinfect and whether coinfection matters. It could be primary, secondary or in parallel. Who knows? And this despite billions of research funds.

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I would be very skeptical about any so-called benefit from a vaccine. The trials are so biased to outright bogus. and generally deceptively conducted. If the pneumococcal is anything like the favorite 'placebo' kill-shot meningococcal vaccine I think it would be very unwise to advocate its use. One would be much better off to simply take health promoting nutrition that is alkaline producing in the lymph and blood. That is all that ever really promotes health and overcomes toxicities and inflammation. It appears to me that the reason why ivermectin and HCQ work as well as they do is because of the alkaline chemistry aspect.

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Ah but was it a vaccine?

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I was feeling really stunned as I read this article. I am a 79 yr old female and a retired RN. In early 2021 when the vaccines were rolling out I had my every 6 month checkup and decided to take the pneumonia vaccine. The main reason is that I did not want to take Covid 19 shot and I had read that a person shouldn’t take a Covid shot if they had recently taken another vaccine. Of course I was told that this would not protect me from Covid but I took it anyway. Well, I know this is only “anecdotal” but as far as I know I have never had Covid or even a “cold” these last few years.

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I had to have Rabies series (the full Monty yes, all 5) for bat exposure. That was Nov 2020. I never got to my knowledge, Covid. Had a bad infection in April 2021 after traveling to Fla to visit parents who had been jabbed as much of the plane had. Tested spit test, no Covid. likely an syntactical respiratory virus. I took the Covid IVM etc protocol JIC that I had on hand. Shortened illness but I still had to wait 10 days to go back to work. :) To date? No illness. And oh, yes, every 2 weeks to 4 weeks a little IVM plus daily D3, K1/2, quercetin, black seed oil and other supplements. EDTA added now for metal detox and a little borax water for the 'nano tech'... need some nattokinase or something too. Using Wobenzyme right now and it works well. But, I've been round the sick, didn't get sick. Been round the vaxxed and DID feel BAD. They definitely are shedding something I don't like.

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All vaccines are bioweapons. All of them.

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The pneumonia shot was the last vaccine I will ever take. About 4 years ago I think. Interesting thoughts, Jessica. Keep us abreast of this if possible.

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I have had 1 maybe 2 flu shots ever. No covid shots of course.

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In 20 (10?) years, when the global population is at 4 billion and headed lower, we will have our answer.

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I can’t remember where I got this information, it’s been years ago, but I had read that researchers studied preserved lung tissue of Spanish Flu victims and never found flu, but they did find bacterial pneumonia. So I’ve posed the question about covid 19 being the same, and was mercilessly ridiculed for it (my social media presence is small, but it was still pretty awful, LOL). I’ll have to see if I can find that information again, but as you all can imagine, things like that have been buried so it can be a little difficult to locate. But I do believe there’s validity to the hypothesis that covid 19 is actually bacterial pneumonia, especially when you factor in masking day in day out, as well as trauma to the lungs caused by medical interventions.

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Isn’t this ironic. I don’t think this is where I originally saw this, but seeing that the NIH published this story I almost want to laugh. If it wasn’t so disgusting I might.


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They won’t prescribe antibiotics for viral infections, but if it’s a bacteria that’s actually doing the most damage, and they refused to administer any as an early treatment in covid, then they essentially let ppl die.

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Yes, that’s a great summary. It’s a lot of information, but you articulated it well. At this point, I can’t understand how anyone doesn’t take this as an intentional mass killing. I know most ppl don’t want to say that bc it’s so inflammatory, but I can’t believe anyone would make this many mistakes, and then refuse to correct course at any point along the way. If these were “mistakes”, wouldn’t they have corrected? That’s what I keep saying to ppl and they still think im crazy, LOL. Thank you for the comment, that’s my takeaway on what she’s saying too!

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Sep 1, 2023·edited Sep 1, 2023

What works for pneumonia is high dose vitamin c intravenous.

See how it brings you back from the dead:


This is why you never heard about it:



1. How vitamin c and zinc together are way more effective than ivermectin.

2. How to take high dose oral vitamin c.

3. High dose vitamin c to repair damage to the endothelium caused by the jab.

and much more:


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Iremember you did show by stats that covid was about pneumonia and nothing else..why no other drug was allowed is because the jab was made to contain so many handy nanotechs, some hiv, some erring dnas to cause cancer and that graffen to make everyone dirigeable in the near future. And above all, those spikes and lipids will cause lots of various kinds of fertility problems in order to reach the phantomised depopulation by 86%. The whole plan set in order...Referring to Myhalcea time is short for humanity to survive this attack so we all need to shape up...

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RunDeathIsNear = Remdesivir

Ooooh. that was good!

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My father was killed by a pneumococcal vaccine.

His GP was not aware of official advice not to give it to anyone his age or with declining kidney function.

He suffered excruciating back pain same night.

Hospital emergency department refused to admit the jab was responsible.

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Sorry to hear that. You try to make their end with dignity and love, then the iatrogenic mishap ruins it totally. Ususally does,...too much medication, no awareness or independence. Its worth looking into places where you can go at your own time on your own terms. Not nursing homes after (the COVID scam) 🙄 . We have to take their strengths with us.

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Why? This is the most important question. WHY do they want EVERY man woman and child vaccinated with this EVIL poison? They are connecting everyone to the “cloud” . The nanotechnology is REAL and EVERYONE better start focusing on this. The UNITED STATES DOD has VERY EVIL weapons that ARE ALL CONNECTED!EVERY CELL TOWER IS A WEAPON!! Please for the love of God do your research on this. God Bless you all.

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