It seems some data are needed before reaching clear conclusions: the number of people in each vaccine status week after week. (We're having this debate in France over and over, but unfortunately, such data as those which were provided thanks to FOIA in Nova Scotia, or which used to be spontaneously provided in Island, Scotland or Ontario, do not exist in France. Not reliable ones, at least.)

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i do not have those data... if you get them, pass the on. i'll do the rest.

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Agree. Had the same thought before reading your insightful comment. Seems to me, the Y axis should be "the percentage of actual cases" for each of the lines, and that the "Y axis" result then compared to the vaccination percentages for the general population. (If the two numbers then match, then we have no correlation.

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This is the reason I find figures like these frustrating, because I *know* that if and when I forward this kind of information to a vaccine enthusiast, the first response I'll get will be, "Of course there are more vaxed people in the hospital, because there are more vaxed people in the population!"

Which is not an innumerate objection.

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it is of utmost value to remember that the uninjected versus injected numbers are very valuable. we know that ~80% of people in N.S. are injected with 2 shots.

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But not with 3 shots? If that's the case, it does appear that the third shot is likely to land you in the hospital.

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I was just going to say the same thing. It’s clear Jessica’s subscribers are a numerate lot. 👍

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Relevant is this recent video interview between Mikki Willis and Mattias Desmet:

👀 Plandemic - Mass Formation: https://plandemicseries.com/massformation/ (7 min)

And, of course, I wonder what the “NUMBERS” would have been if all those dead-from-COVID had received SAFE and EFFECTIVE early treatment.

Dr. Peter McCullough said 85% could have been saved with early treatment (https://palaceintrigueblog.com/2021/12/15/dr-peter-mccullough-85-of-covid-deaths-couldve-been-prevented-with-early-treatment/).

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This is the elephant in the room. Early treatment.

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🐘 indeed!

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Jun 25, 2022
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From the overview of the book at Barnes & Noble: "He cautions against the dangers of our current societal landscape, media consumption, and reliance on manipulative technologies and then offers simple solutions—both individual and collective—to prevent the willing sacrifice of our freedoms."

This is what I want to know ~ what are the solutions?


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The video offered some solutions, mainly stay non-violent and keep talking. https://plandemicseries.com/massformation/

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I did watch and saw that, but I'm wanting more!

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I hope there is more! But I’m doing my best with the tools provided :-)

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Jun 27, 2022
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Thank you. I'm loathe to invest time in watching a long video if I'm not sure I'll hear any new information.

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Jun 27, 2022
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Is Mass Formation the same as "brainwashed", just at a grander scale?

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Jun 27, 2022
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"The genocide started in medical centers."

Sounds familiar. Thanks for your valuable comments ~ I think I'll have to get Desmet's book!

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b4 the jabs were rolled out Seneff & Nigh published a report on the jabs and all of the research, I took 3 days to read it and worked at understanding all of the research. My bottom line take away was the more of the jabs you received the higher the likelihood that you were going to have an adverse reaction leading to death.

everything they said was a negative possibility has come to pass, there were no positives that I could find in any of the research.

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Sherry Tenpenny, Christiane Northrop, Judy Mikovit, Joe Mercola, Sucharit Bhakdi, Bobby kennedy, Geert VB, Larry Palewski, Del Bigtree, Dolores Cahill, Mike Adams, and others also warned us how dangerous these jabs would be months before they came out. Mikovit said it has been known for 40 years how toxic spike proteins are. So why would 4 big drug companies want to inject us with billions of spike proteins or turn our own cells into spike producing factories unless they meant to harm us? As Mike Yeadon says, you have to conclude malfeasance. This is the biggest crime in history and the media and government are gaslighting us.

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It IS interesting, however, that actually receiving ONE dose(only) appears to have the optimum outcome related to death over the entire timeline. Thoughts on that?

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Still not worth it! Remember, early treatment, which was denied/forbidden, would have minimized the whole "pandemic".

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By Spring 2020 I procured a large supply of the hcq/azithromycin/zinc therapy to hold for family and friends. It was clear by then that Fauci had nefarious intentions.

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I was clueless with false belief my government was not lying about 90% efficacy.

Can you recall what in particular clued you in so early? I did NOT see the signals.

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Like you, I'm a mechanical engineer with many years of experience. For me it was the first Covid Task Force press conference. After graphs were shown projecting 2 million dead over the next few months, Trump mentioned that hydroxychloroquine held promise. I was already aware of the success Dr. Didier Raoult was having with the hcq/zinc therapy at his clinic in Marseille...800-900 patients to that date, IIRC. Fauci immediately interjected falsely characterizing Dr. Raoult's documented success with the hcq combo therapy as "anecdotal". Fauci was the designated "technical lead" on finding solutions to hopefully prevent as many of the projected 2 million deaths as possible. It was Fauci's job to take the lead in identifying potential solutions...it was way too early to discard any potential solutions. What Fauci should have said was something like this "We are aware of Dr. Raoult's promising results with hcq. We are sending a team of experts to Marseille tonight to conduct a thorough audit of his work and observe patients being treated in his clinic. We will report back daily on our progress." I have many years experience as "technical lead" on complex engineering projects. First, we identify, scope and cost out multiple technically feasible alternatives. Only later do we begin the process of down-selection to the final alternative. Fauci jumped the gun and threw all of those projected 2 million people under the bus. The only solution Fauci put on the table was untested non-existent vaccines. If Fauci was a complete greenhorn, perhaps I'd have viewed it as a mistake. But given his vast experience and position, it appeared to be malfeasance. I remember calling Fauci "you lying bastard" the moment he called the hcq therapy "anecdotal".

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Yes! That tipped me off also. I remember because I looked up "anecdotal." I didn't know what it meant. It means unproven. And, remember Fauci said that we would need a "gold standard trial" before it could be recommended. So, I expected him to say that they would be starting a trail ASAP. No, no mention of a trial....still waiting for that trial. That tipped me off that his priority was not to save lives!!

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There were several clinical trials with hcq subsequent to then. A number of the trials were fraudulent, up to and including administering FATAL doses of hcq (2500 mg/day of hcq!!) to hopeful but obviously unsuspecting trial participants. Until recently, I was aware of three fraudulent clinical trials. RFK Jr's book "The Real Anthony Fauci" reports there were twenty (20) fraudulent clinical trials (!!) designed to discredit the hcq combo therapy. That's as far as I got reading the book. I'm too disgusted to read further. These people are all psychopaths who will not hesitate to murder as many innocents as it takes in pursuit of their agenda.

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YES, agree, but it IS an interesting anomaly, possibly a signal from which to learn. Having had both jabs. . . it is what it is.

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I'm not sure you can tell much from that anomaly without knowing more information about everyone who died: ages, comorbidities, original virus or variant, etc. What we do know is that the more you jab, the more you damage your immune system.

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You don't know what the pre-injection immune status was. From "Diamond Princess" outcomes, possibly as many as 80% of the people already had some immunity. There was an article which looked at outcomes after injection, and previously immune and one Vaxx shot did quite well.

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Agreed. There is a lot we don't know, but we do know natural immunity is superior. And new infections are to be expected because the virus is being pressured (or helped) to mutate. That is why the forbidden early treatments are so important.

The following study is probably what you saw or was the basis for the article you read. The results support the conclusion that "Vaccination enhances protection of those with a prior infection." IMHO, it is just another pro-vax "study" meant to overcome hesitancy and improve uptake. So, yes, if you don't believe in early treatment and believe that vaxxing is the only solution, hybrid immunity looks good.


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Thanks. That is more recent than the one I had in mind, possibly the Israeli study from last fall.

Note that they still fudge the result by waiting 2 weeks after injection to start counting and declare efficacy.

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Not a scientist myself, this conversation between professionals is fascinating, even the obtuse (for me) references.

Worth considering are long-term effects, still completely unknown. Many refer to it as a ticking time bomb, and I still subscribe to that theory.

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Yes, in fact I ignored that important point in my comment indicating "optimum" since I restricted my internal context to just those charts. Add that in and optimum jumps to NO jabs pretty quickly.

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I agree which actually makes me question weather the end goal was as nefarious as previously thought. If they were smart (and really wanted to kill/harm more people in toto) they would have just made it a one and done plan. I’m just guessing but I think a lot more folks would have been willing to get just one shot vs multiple shots and it would have taken a lot longer for all the damage to pan out, thereby more folks “on the fence” getting the shot. By being greedy (since $ seems to be the root of much evil) they have accelerated the damage to the point we are now.

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Simply piling up Smaugian quantities of treasure seems consistent with normal human behavior. Depopulation seems a credible motivation only for a villain in a superhero costume drama.

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One person I know had bruise-like purple areas on her arms post-inject. Many were strangely rectangular-- about 2 in x 1 in. like the pink pencil eraser format in random patterns mixed with more bruise-like purple blotches scattered around.

She's been on heavy duty SSRI drugs for years and did not want to talk about the patterns when I tried to, especially since I had warned her about the shots.

Can't imagine this being true, really, but suspect that she, as a mental patient on 6 daily prescriptions already, might be a test case for some new tech.

Her family likes her better on "meds", btw, as she's more controllable. They say less trouble. They have their own problems. My soul weeps.

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I noticed as well, but thinking maybe due to a very small proportion receiving only one dose and these are case counts - if you bought in, then you'd get both doses unless you had a serious AE or some kind of eye-opening experience between the two doses.

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yep, makes sense. It is still an odd thing that one dose, regardless how few did this-- appeared(?) more effective than zero even. It would be interesting to see the details on 20 or 30 of these to get some anecdotal trend of commonality. Of course, I am sure the scientists in charge have already done this. . . right.

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I noticed that too, both in terms of cases and deaths (not so much hospitalizations). It would slightly suggest that a one and done plan may have had some tremendous outcomes albeit with a still unacceptable level of SAE’s. It seems that in terms of efficacy their end point was damage, damage, damage. Not lets help people get and stay well. That is what those outcomes say to ME.

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One of my takeaways from the movie _Fargo_ is that as bad as it is to be victimized by a criminal, it can be *much* worse if the criminal is also an incompetent moron.

I think the pandemic-response operation was hatched so as to gain huge piles of wealth by fraudulently posing as bringers of health, with essentially zero concern about who might be harmed or damaged in the process, as long as the victims couldn't do anything about it. Modern propaganda techniques would co-opt the co-optable, who would stymie or immobilize anyone who saw through the BS.

Yeah, so, millions of people got sick and died. Life in Davos goes on.

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Fargo. Burying the loot in a snowbank with a window scraper marker. That desperate faith. Thanks for the reminder. The stone-faced delivery of "Is that your accomplice in the chipper-shredder?" somehow seems relevant also. Protect the narrative at all cost.

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Fargo is one of my favs don't cha know. Unfortunately the level of incompetence only applies to those who are mid-to low-level accomplices (e.g. doctors, nurses, pharmacists etc who mindlessly obey their betters) and maybe to the mouthpieces chosen to spew the facts 'mam. Those in the know (Fauci, Gates etc-BMGF was at one time the foundation for population control) have had it in mind to be rid of the unwashed masses for decades now and there are some in power who have been at it for half a century or more. The reasons for their actions are Legion.

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If my limited experience with psychopaths is anything to go by, I would hesitate to overestimate their strength. Their arrogance gives them a sense of their own invincibility leading them to make mistakes...really stupid mistakes that are obvious to anyone else but themselves. They grossly underestimate their adversaries ability to see through their lies. They don't care what you think. Fauci has quite possibly convinced himself that nobody has caught on to him yet.

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"Fauci has quite possibly convinced himself that nobody has caught on to him yet."

Or nobody who matters.

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Fauci's "I am science" remark was oh-so Louis 14, the Sun King, circa 1655 when the divine right of kings was a thing. L'etat, c'est moi! I am the nation! We should be laughing. If it didn't hurt so much.

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If that's true, if they're that powerful, then I guess we're fucked, right? Unless we arrange to get washed, whatever that would mean.

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I shudder to think. Somehow I think it involves selling your soul. I don’t think we are fucked, but we will be required to do some work that’s for sure. And being unjabbed or willing to do the work to repair your body from the jab if that is possible. Those with critical thinking skills or an innate ability to smell bullshit when its in the room are at a definite advantage. And we are trying to surround ourselves with people like Dr Rose etc.

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I wonder if having had a bad experience with the Kool Kids faction in one's peer group at an impressionable age might make a person less likely to find comfort among people who all nod their heads in the same direction.

Maybe a certain fraction of contrary, abrasive buzzkillers is essential to the survival of our species.

I've had occasion lately to recall Utah Phillips's definition of an anarchist as "a man who doesn't need a policeman to tell him what to do."

Adrian Belew repeats himself when under stress. Apparently, I digress. Be well.

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It really does seem that we are at that level of action and consequences. We only need the right person investigating the malfeasance. 😂😂😂

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These clot shots are 95% effective of curing overpopulation, which was always their purpose.

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OK. Question for you Mark. Is it true that the Bill/Melinda Foundation was originally the Gates Foundation for Population Control? There was a meme to that effect, but it might have been a joke.

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I do not know, but Bill and his father have been worried about overpopulation for decades.

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Is it possible to tell if the "zero dose" group includes or excludes the 2 week period after the first dose?

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Clearly that data should be available for proper analysis. Just because it's too soon for the desired effect to kick in doesn't mean it's too soon for undesired effects.

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It's not a coincidence that the CDC suspended its publication of US all-cause mortality data on June 3. It had been low up until then, but I suspect it was starting to spike so they stopped publishing it. https://data.cdc.gov/NCHS/Provisional-COVID-19-Death-Counts-by-Week-Ending-D/r8kw-7aab/data

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That's not all-cause, that's COVID-19. And it looks to me like it stops in November of 2021.

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The data should be presented with the per capita numbers for each cohort. Last October, the NS govt bragged that 85% were "fully vaccinated".

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Keep charging, sister!

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Is it possible to normalize this data to #/100,000 (or something similar)? It seems we'd expect higher raw count numbers in the vaxxed, since they are the much larger proportion of the population overall (but noting that the number with >2 doses is declining/additional dose, so the boosters look particularly ominous in these graphs).

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Is it possible to tell if the "zero dose" group includes or excludes the 2 week period after the first dose?

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But how do we get this information out with the media stonewalling?

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By leaving links to info (like Jessica's) in other comment sections, believe it or not. I tend to just scroll through the drivel looking for people sharing something besides their own opinion, thoughts, or feelings. Links in comments sections are underrated, I suspect.

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In the Soviet Union, copying machines were used after hours to duplicate forbidden content for distribution to the system's heretics. With the Internet Panopticon having spun up pretty robustly, it's probably harder now.

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Posters and stickers are the way to go methinks. There's too much online and too easy for it to be censored

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I really like the methinks campaign idea. On gas pumps and in public washrooms and wherever they go. If the message makes sense, it has power.

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The same criteria that you use to say some 0-dosers are actually (spike-transfection delayed)-1-dosers should also be used to count 1-, 2-, 3-dosers.

Or with a larger population base, the people in the two week injection incubation period could be tracked separately, to tease out the AEs, ADEs, and immune-suppressed.

Maybe Prof.Norman Fenton and colleagues (of which it would appear you are one), who did a mathy paper on this sort of systematic miscategorization could help figure out what the likely effects on the interpretation would be. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/358979921_Official_mortality_data_for_England_reveal_systematic_undercounting_of_deaths_occurring_within_first_two_weeks_of_Covid-19_vaccination

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Excellent work. Thank you

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I think there is another issue here (and it's been there from the start). Anyone who is vaccinated is likely to, perhaps quite frequently, present themselves for Covid tests. Further, those without any jabs (I hypothesize) are far, far less likely to present themselves for any tests.

To put it another way, those who are likely to get jabbed are also, in my opinion, likely to test frequently and therefore have a better chance to be associated with the negative results in these charts.

Or, perhaps, more tests equals more exposure to health care "professionals" who may (or may not) be more likely to have Covid (see: https://lwgat.blogspot.com/2020/05/coronavirus-georgias-early-reopening.html).

So "vaccination" consequences are probably being amplified (or to me less likely attenuated) by the circle of { sniffle | cough | ... | no reason whatsoever } -> test. If people weren't running to the doctor/tester constantly the results would be different.

I guess in general without totally random "testing" applied across a population by a known set of "testers" that are themselves unbiased in terms of process or the infection being tested for its hard to know for sure what is being shown with this data.

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According to Walgreens data plenty of unjabbed are getting tested, yet are least likely to be infected. https://www.theblaze.com/op-ed/horowitz-walgreens-recorded-who-tested-positive-for-covid-and-the-results-might-surprise-you

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I think there is also an unvaccinated untested cohort as well that don’t show up at Walgreens. I personally know many people in this category and a common trait is to avoid testing at pretty much all costs.

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Yeah that’s definitely a factor that obscures the data to some extent. Although there have been many examples of vaccinated and boosted people testing positive multiple times. Jen Psaki, Stephen Colbert, Jimmy Kimmel, Gavin Newsom, Xavier Becerra, Maxine Waters have all tested positive twice within months. I know those are just anecdotes, but damn the anecdotes are piling up rapidly. It seems like Dr Geert Vanden Bossche’s warning is slowly coming true. The vaccines train your immune system to recognize the original Wuhan spike protein, creating a vulnerability to reinfection. So far these people are getting mild infections, but that could just be due to the omicron sub variants being mild anyway. These people could be more vulnerable if more dangerous variants emerge. We’ll just have to wait and see. Hopefully the worst of covid is behind us.

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Makes my head spin!

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