I'm intrigued by an ancient text from Israel. The Torah, Book One, Chapter One, Verse 7, speaks of an arch G_d built, that is a dome, which we call The Sky. Greek translators confused matters by calling this arch a "firmament", but there is nothing firm about this atmospheric arch. In a circle about 90 degrees from the angle of a line from Earth's surface to the Sun, we observe polarized light. Honeybees have two large compound eyes for short range observation and collision avoidance, and between them in a triangle, 3 single-pixel eyes sensitive to polarized light. Bees are able to range 5 kilometers from their hive in search of food, then perform a 180-degree turn and return near enough their hive to locate it by smell.

So it seems this dome of Sky has some properties to refract, polarize, and scatter light, making it a construct but not constructed of a conventional solid substance. Shut off the bright light, and of course, the scattered blue light and the polarized light ring disappear until morning.

These phenomena of photons traveling in condensed swarms also seem to happen in stimulated emission. Masers and lasers deliver radiant energy in a coherent form, much like the longer-wave radiant energy launched by a broadcasting antenna. I've yet to hear a truly convincing explanation of any kind of photon swarm nor of stimulated emission itself, and take the Empiricist approach of observing what is, accepting its reality, then explaining it after we understand it in detail. So I can accept that in a chilly seaside Newfoundland shed, Guglielmo Marconi heard noise pulses in his headphones, from a wireless telegraph operator tapping a key in Scotland, and proved that coherent radiant energy can carry information. And I can accept that an OC-192 fiber link likewise moves information with coherent radiation but a lot faster than a human telegrapher could. I've yet to see a convincing explanation why either works, but will be greatly pleased if someone achieves that feat.

Meanwhile back to the puzzle of using radiant energy to explore ailing folks' innards without using a carving knife to perform exploratory surgery. That was common practice a mere century ago and today sounds so barbaric!

Thanks much for the thought provoking discussion.

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Photons penetrate human flesh.

As a child I noticed that in a darkened room, if you put a flashlight in your mouth and switch it on and look in a mirror, your cheeks will glow red - the longer wavelength.

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I used to think they weren't poisoning our food to make us sick..."𝐛𝐮𝐭" this changed everything.... https://t.co/4NWnqxRjgM

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I did that too and light game out both my ears. I drew a different conclusion.

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What was your conclusion ?

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That until Science can come up with a better excuse for how the universe was created other than it spontaneously decided to burst forth itself from absolute nothingness, that all of it is very seriously suspect.

And that since light escaped out of both my ears, I was entirely open minded.

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According to the big bang theory, the universe began as a point source of energy 13.8 billion years ago. Since then it has been expanding in size, but its rate of expansion is now slowing due to the effects of gravity as indicated by the red shift or Doppler effect. My opinion for what it is worth, is that the expansion will eventually come to an end and the universe will begin to contract. As it contracts, it will heat up and all the solid matter in suns will be transformed once again to concentrations of pure energy, forming a new singularity from which a new universe will be born.

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I’ve just been translating Genesis 1 for a song lately and wanted to make the translation simple enough to sing. I believe it is possible that רָקִיעַ֒ raqiya the word usually translated “firmament” (which separates the waters above from the waters below) could be rendered “expanse” or at a stretch (pun intended) “space” - and there is H₂O apparently in abundance the early universe - they recently detected water in galaxy SPT0311-58 which is 12.88 billion light years away and so is apparently very early in the picture…

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H2O is abundant. Much of the celestial H2O crystallized out as ice. Comets appear to be mostly ice, as a luminous cloud of water vapor forms a tail behind any comet that approaches the Sun. The Greeks and their Septuagint translation seem to have fixated upon the sky as a hard roof, rather than a radiation shield that guards us from UV-A radiation. (Since stars run on hydrogen fusion, and some of that hydrogen is in the form of water before becoming ionized plasma in stars, the atmosphere is in a sense shielding us from harmful radiation out of that part of "the waters above" that fell in the Sun and is fusing to helium). Again, it's not firm, but the sky is not imaginary. We all see this big blue dome overhead.

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Hydrogen and helium consisting of protons and electrons were formed as atoms almost immediately after the big bang 13.8 billion years ago. All the other 2% of elements in the periodic table were formed by fusion reactions in stars - concentrations of hydrogen helium gas, that were compressed by gravity to heat them up sufficiently for this to occur with attendant loss of mass and electromagnetic radiation as per E=m.c squared

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My brain hurts. Again. Trying to understand Quantum anything does that to me - except Quantum time - then my brain explodes!

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it's a normal response. :)

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ditto - am glad that Jess had a meaningful chat with GROK

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Try this: photons are quanta of electromagnetic radiation.

Thus light can be considered both as a beam of radiation or photon particles.

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Just an hour before I read this I was inspired to begin a spiritual practice daily whereby I make a sacred offering of all of my worldly concerns, anxieties, etc., to the sacred fire that lives in the heart. I can make it cool by having a camp fire with Maha Agni (fire element) internally. Maha Agni is the ultimate cleanser.

By doing so, I was told by the higher ups (spiritual world) I would cleanse my energy field by burning through those negative signatures, and thusly draw through the quantum field better outcomes based on a new light signature.

This would not have happened if I didn’t have a crappy day and then couldn’t sleep well, and now I am more enlightened about a solution. And an hour later I read this. Cool.

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very cool!

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Possibly this article is readable to perhaps 0.0000037% of the audience.

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A bit higher for Jessica's audience I think😉

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agreed. it's a special bunch :)

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Yeah, but the quantum challenged/curious need love too!

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Undeniably so!

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Thanks Jessica. Dr Joe Dispenza's books 'Becoming Supernatural' (2017) and 'You Are The Placebo' (2014) explain aspects of this very accessibly and meaningfully, in terms of how we all (and everything) are 'one' with the quantum field, or universal consciousness, or multiverse.

At a practical human level it's how energy-healing works, and how Joe Dispenza's energy-healing retreats have been curing 'incurable' diseases in people for at least 10 years - all very robustly evidenced.

It's how Wim Hof is able to use (and teach) his breathwork and cold-water therapy techniques to achieve feats of human performance and healing that defy conventional scientific explanation.

Tachyons are not hypothetical (particles that move faster than light); they are a very real phenomenon (IMHO and experience). 'Thoughts become things'.

Everything is permanently connected. Hence manifesting. Hence murmurations of starlings. Hence 'Remote Viewing'. And shamanic healing.

We are frequencies and vibrations, (energy, waves, or aether) far more than we are particles (physical matter).

Energy becomes matter when observed. Erwin Schrödinger. Bohm. The 'Double-Slit Experiments'.

I'm not a scientist or physicist; I'm a very simple man who's experienced suicidal disintegration and a 'spiritual rebirth'. It's a soul thing. Zen.

I'm not conventionally religious; instead I believe that NDEs (Near Death Experiences) in which people see/feel the intense bright light, and then are 'reborn', are evidence of higher forces than we are equipped to understand and explain; and yet we can 'channel' these energies - as in reiki, or placebo/nocebo.

Just thoughts, in case any resonate.

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The human body is light. Trapped, or frozen, but light.

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Sometimes I use a rock of rose quartz charged in the sun for healing. The science of why it helps eludes me but I figure what the hay, if it's working why not. It's a tip of an iceberg what we know vs what we haven't discovered yet. I'm sure they classify a lot of it.

Gravity is actually a warped time field. Matter is a zero-time bubble made up of high energy rainbows that fold around themselves. The interplay when you add a whole universe looks like chaos but there's a lot of islands of stability. It's all been around for a long time. We're made of stardust. I'm sure life would tap into a lot of these phenomenon. Of course from the rainbow's perspective we just got here.

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Time does not exist, it is always the moment of now.

Clocks do not measure time, but merely mimic the movement of objects in space. For example, the speed of rotation of the earth relative to the sun, we call a day or 24 hours.

The English ask "what time is it?" but the Spanish say "Que Hora es ? " or what is the hour? that is scientifically more accurate.

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Dearest Jessica, thank you for getting us out of the boredom of penicillin and aspirin. I remember Sheldrake's morphogenetic fields, I remember that acupuncture channels are not a philosophical convention but can be tested with simple sensors that you can find on amazon. I also remember the much forgotten and reviled Reich with his orgones (OR and DOR) of which, he himself and with wonder, observed the anti-entropy behavior, which is then the problem (entropy) that you complain about in your investigation. I'm glad that, in addition to swimming day and night in numbers and evil deepstate officials, you're left with the amazement of the true scientist who wonders in the face of great mysteries. And not only that it finds a way to put a carcinogenic gene (sv40) inside a "vaccine" to turn it into a biological weapon. And even the reverse engineering work is not so exciting! The evil creates the shit and the good must find out where it is hidden. But it's always shit.

I recommend Reich's "Assassination of Christ" and maybe to be more attentive and constant to your dream world and to do regular meditations.... so you don't need grok.... a big hug and may the angels protect you!

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i know right!

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I love all that thank you. Yes Rupert Sheldrake, and his son.

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This is way over my head but you are a clear and intriguing explainer. I am going to absorb what I can. It is fun being introduced to an entirely new phenomenon/ invention.

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Perhaps you'd like to deconstruct DNA testing on appellate defense attorney Andrea Burkhard's blog yesterday.

I thought that was incomprehensible, but you got that beat, three ways to heaven. Or something like that.

We need you there, yesterday!

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That would be Burkhart.

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The torus shape is quite interesting and is found at all scales up to the magnetic field of galaxies. An interesting occurrence that puzzles me is the 22 letters of the Hebrew language fit on and form a torus. You can explore that on Grok if you wish.

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That is why donuts are so popular with a cup of coffee :-)

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You are entering in to the Lumina natureae - the spontaneous light that comes from the spirit in nature.

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This is a lot to digest at what should still be 6am, and especially given that I’m not naturally scientifically tuned. So I skimmed for now, and my take is that you’re interested in proving or at least learning about the field of consciousness. I comment because I enter from the esoteric side, and through meditative spaces and development, it IS possible to experience oneself as light. It’s not just some “light and love” thing that gets tossed around in faux spirituality. Here too, you just need the right tools.

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You and Spartacus need to talk

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Of couse, we humans all have exquisite light pocessing equipment built to our very beings, our biological systems unsurpassed and if only the quantum physicists would try to meet the light halfway 😇🤝

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I often wonder how our bio molecular systems utilise/are affected by quantum effects.

I'm no wiser - but then again no-one is, especially our wonderful molecular genetic engineers.

My guess is that they have no clue as to how , nor particularly any wish to know the effects their products have on our poorly understood (and even worse, misunderstood) immune systems.

Many thanks for this wonderful article - very thought provoking...not that I understood a lot of it!

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