It has been two years one month and 23 days since the administration of the University of Guelph banned me from accessing my office and laboratory.
- B. Bridle -
How can anyone believe what a health regulatory agency says about COVID-19 when they apparently cannot do math right? Numbers matter because data are used to inform policies that affect people.
A couple of days ago I had a great discussion with integrity journalist Glen Jung from Bright Light News. He brought my attention to some very odd Canadian statistics related to COVID-19. They suggest that Canada experienced a miracle around Christmas last year.
Canada’s COVID-19 Death Statistics
Health Canada publishes data about COVID-19 here. It includes a graph showing cases of COVID-19 that resulted in death, with age and “gender” (they may have meant ‘biological sex’) overlaid on it. Here is the current graph…
…although it is not readily stated, the data are cumulative, meaning the numbers have been added up since the first case of COVID-19 was identified in Canada in January 2020. Most people are used to seeing death statistics reported on an annual basis, so some may consider this a method to exaggerate the perceived harm.
These data don’t reveal the fact that COVID-19 has become less lethal over time. This would be apparent if deaths were shown within each year (i.e., 2020 versus 2021 versus 2022 versus deaths to date in 2023).
Nor does this graph reveal that the majority of deaths occurred in people with frail health. People who died often had three or more additional serious chronic illnesses, and these were often associated with immunosuppression, which would make anyone susceptible to potentially serious illness from any infectious disease.
One thing this graph shows is that after accumulating death statistics over a period of 3.75 years, COVID-19 was no more lethal than several other common causes of death, including things like traffic accidents (that could be reduced to zero with a permanent stay-at-home order if everyone genuinely cared about saving every possible life at the expense of individual quality of life). I encourage people to look up other death statistics and then multiply the annual number by 3.75 to do a fair comparison to these. And for any healthy individual, especially those under retirement age, death due to COVID-19 is even less of a concern than a number of other ailments that were largely neglected over the past three years. Remarkably, healthy children are at about as much risk of dying from a lightning strike in Canada as they are from COVID-19 (yes, Canada publishes national statistics about lightning strike-related health outcomes).
Further, these data do not parse out deaths “due to COVID-19”, which were conflated with deaths “with COVID-19”, which meant the cause was something else and the person had a positive PCR test result (which may or may not mean they had COVID-19; a person must be sick to be diagnosed with a disease).
As an aside, the government has conflated biological sex with gender terminology in this graph, but that is just a minor irritation; but it does contradict its own training program in this area.
The Most Important Statistic
Most importantly, I want to bring your attention to one statistic, which is the total number of COVID-19-associated deaths. As you can see in the figure title, that number is “35,086” (it is circled in red).
Why Does This Matter?
Well, let me show you something very odd. Here is the same graph based on cumulative data up to December 23, 2022…
…do see the number in the figure title? The total number of “COVID-19 cases deceased in Canada” was apparently 46,029!
With the ongoing public messaging that COVID-19 remains a lethal menace and the passage of eight-and-a-half months, how did the total number of deaths of Canadians DECREASE by 10,943 ?!?
When, Exactly, Did the Resurrections Occur?
I looked into this and found that this reversal of death occurred between December 23, 2022 and January 9, 2023, and then the number has slowly risen since then. Here is the graph from January 9, 2023…
…the number of “COVID-19 cases deceased in Canada” was only 34,236.
Summarizing the Canadian Resurrection Miracle
Between December 23, 2022 and January 9, 2023, which is a span of 17 days, the number of Canadians that died changed by -11,793. Or, put another way, 11,793 Canadians that were dead due to COVID-19 just prior to last Christmas were alive a short time later.
Implications of the Canadian Resurrection Miracle
I know that the harms of COVID-19 have been overestimated due to nontransparent manipulations of data. Regulatory agencies should be compelled to present any data in a fully transparent matter, including providing raw data and clear descriptions of the methods used to acquire the data, analyze them, and present them. This is particularly important when they are using data as a rationale for implementation of life-changing policies. Health regulatory agencies should also be compelled to overlay these data with things like the number and types of co-morbidities (other illnesses) and COVID-19 ‘vaccination’ status, among others.
The timing of this numerical change in deaths of Canadians is particularly odd. It occurred over a time period in which government officials had statutory holidays (as did most Canadians). I would love to know who changed the number and why. Would it be yet another claim of ‘correcting an error that was found’? If so, why do these ‘corrections’ always seem to swing in favour of showing that COVID-19 was less dangerous AFTER removing draconian mandates.
When a government’s health agency publishes statistics that are nonsensical, one must question the conclusions they have drawn from their data. Canada’s Christmas miracle suggests that epidemiological models that were published, and those used to dictate life-altering policies, should be revised. I am assuming the resurrection of 11,793 Canadians, which represents 26% of all Canadians that had died “due to COVID-19” would cause these models to yield much less frightening results. The expression ‘garbage in, garbage out’ comes to mind.
The resurrection of 11,793 people is beyond Biblical proportions. One would think this should be worthy of celebration. Yet, I never heard a peep about this from my government-funded media. Why wouldn’t Health Canada have shared this amazing news?!?
I am thinking that schools in Canada might want to refocus on ensuring that our next generations of public health scientists have a thorough grasp of basic mathematics.
In the meantime, other countries should contact Health Canada to inquire how they might be able to resurrect one-quarter of their residents that had deaths associated with COVID-19.