Mark Steyn did a good episode recently that you can watch here. In this episode, he covers the leading cause of death in Alberta, Canada. I had to check this out. I headed over to to see if I could download the data and plot it for myself. I could, and sure enough, Mark was correct.

The number one cause of death listed in Alberta for 2021 was “Other ill-defined and unknown causes of mortality”. Not malignant neoplasms, not heart disease, not COVID-19: some ‘unknown’ cause. What do you think Canadians? Do you believe that the uh-anti-uh-Fringe-uh-minority-guy-uh, uh-pushing experimental injections into every uh-Canadian soul should look into those shots being the etiological agents? Should I also say it in French to appear intelligent? Croyez-vous que les euh-anti-euh-Fringe-euh-minority-guy-euh, euh-poussant des injections expérimentales dans chaque âme euh-canadienne devraient examiner ces injections comme étant les agents étiologiques? Duh.
A few more tidbits:
There was no category entitled “Other ill-defined and unknown causes of mortality” previous to 2019.
The number 1 cause of death up until 2021 was ischemic heart disease and organic dementia (for the past 20 years).
The top 10 ranked leading causes of death in 2021 in Alberta show that Organic dementia has been ousted for this mystery death syndrome and that our mystery cause of death outranks it substantially: there is a 57% increase in death reports from mystery plate cause of death.
The following bar plot reveals #1 ranked cause of death for the past 20 years in Alberta, prior to the shots.

And this bar plot shows what killed Albertans by rank other than the ‘mystery platter’ in 2021.

Hey. Doesn’t this show that the ‘Other ill-defined and unknown causes of mortality’ death toll is 72.4% above the ‘COVID-19, virus identified’ death toll? Hmm. Funny that.
Let’s make a wild and caaarrrazy assumption that the ‘safe and effective’ COVID-19 shots are this so-called ‘Other-etc-he-who-shall-not-be named’ cause of death, then doesn’t this mean that almost twice as many deaths (1.7X) were attributed to the shots than to COVID-19 in Alberta in 2021? By the way, there’s also that #10 ranked cause of death called ‘Accidental poisoning by and exposure to drugs and other biological substances’ category. I wonder how many of those belong in #1.
Food for thought and neighbors. Spread the word.
“Other ill-defined and unknown causes of mortality” would be better-phrased as:
“Known cause of mortality that no one can understand because their salaries depend on it” as per Upton Sinclair’s gem:
“It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends on his not understanding it.”
Don't ruin it... lemme guess... is it.... global warming :P?