Are the COVID-19 injections causing the excessive 2021 adverse event reporting into VAERS?
UPDATE: I added a few AEs (Death, Thrombotic events, Spontaneous abortions, Vagus nerve AEs).
What do you think?
N.B. The 2021 data is only in the context of the COVID-19 Moderna, Pfizer and Janssen-related reports filed to VAERS. The other products that caused these particular AEs during 2021 were not even counted here.
I will be updating this post. I update my posts often so maybe try clicking again!
A reader pointed in my mis-spelling of ‘Guillain-Barré’, but you know what? I’m going to leave it as ‘Guillaine-Barre’. You know why.
Some good this way comes
for all the careful planning a mistake was made
2 hr ago
The Good:
I have just looked at Dr. Tess Lawrie substack post. What wonderful news she writes, a non partisan trustworthy source of health information is being organized. No need to explain why this is critical.
Recently the Canadian FLCCC has announced the intention to make a separate VAERS reporting separate from the CDC/FDA corporate brand. The new system is to be called CAERS. Thank you very much.
I suggest they put up a funding page, I will happily donate to both
As I have said in an earlier post on substack I believe the VAERS system is to be dismantled by Pharma so as to not be used against the corporate interest in the next crisis. That crisis being manufactured or real.
Now where was the mistake: The opponents to quality medicine based in science miscalculated the quality of some of our scientist doctors researchers. Additionally they miscalculated the strength/quality of the human species. That may seem a strong statement believe me it is not. Look at what we have achieved. Every person that stood up, every person that posted a thought, every person that would not accept tyranny played a part. Every one of our heros, the incorruptible Doctors, Scientists, Researchers (I capitalize you because you deserve to be capitalized, you know who you are) gave us the strength and ammunition to play our part. I realize I have said all this before in other postings but believe me it needs to be megaphoned from every rooftop every bell needs to be rung because there was a cost to those actions. Discord in families, dismissal from careers, professional delisting(?) One of the worst costs will be the long term discord with society.
The worse cost is the needless deaths. Most of which were suffered alone without family love in our senior wharehousing facilities. In Canada we use a for profit model in senior care.
These actions were not cheap a price was paid.
Now where was the mistake: They moved out of sequence and exposed their hand to early. Now a significant portion of the population realizes the media is absolutely corrupted so much so in fact it is hard to watch at times knowing these once trusted persons betrayed us, the ones the are tasked to protect by unbiased information reporting. Again I wrote about this in other substack posting but!.
Now were was the mistake: Our medical system has been exposed as broken/corrupt. Because they didn’t have complete control of the information there was dissenting opinion from qualified persons. The information exposed a system that has been purchased by profit driven interests, completely upending the true calling of medicine/research. Do you wonder why the world is being asked to pay to inject poorer countries with a product that doesn’t work and is less effective than medicines they already have in many cases, its not altruism its profit.
Now were was the mistake: Governments around the world exposed what they are willing to do to their own citizens to satisfy the corporate profit motive. Australia to Canada to certain countries in Europe. Unbelievable oppression over dis-proven methodologies. As they say in England “in for a penny in for a pound” Enforce passports when the $40 per shot miracle drug doesn’t sterilize the virus, that is foolish.
Canada, our great Leader invoking the War Measures Act by another name. True the army was not called in to oppress the people participating in lawful but contrary demonstration but that was by the grace of good convoy leadership not governmental leadership. I will not forgive Trudeau, Freeland, Singh for betraying Canada over an issue that was proven of no benefit other that driving profit out of the Canadian tax coffers into the corporate coffers. Of course the politicians payoff comes once they are out of office(again sorry for repeating myself I realize I have written about this in other postings)
Yes I am Canadian, but this is worldwide.
I could go on but I will save that for other postings.
A new day is a comin’ some good this way comes.
2021 year of Death by Vaccine.. Thank you Jessica, for showing the true dimensions of this complete and utter manmade disaster.. time for Nuremberg Trials part 2 .. midterm elections coming up and anyone who voted for vaccine mandates, the shut down, or accepts $$ from Big Pharma needs to get kicked out of office..