There are 25,754 adverse event reports in VAERS for babies aged 0-2 (this includes all vaccines and the COVID-19 products combined) for 2020/2021.
Just so that you know... psst. Pass it on.
I just don’t know quite what to say about this. Perhaps what I would like to ask is this: who are the pediatricians and mothers of these infants and why are they injecting them with these products? This must be due to passage from breast milk, right? I will have to check this. I know that there are only 27 babies associated with the MedDRA code AE “Exposure via breast milk” in the context of the COVID-19 injectable products and all other vaccines in the Domestic data set, and there are 54 from the Foreign data set. So only 81 exposures to breast milk out of 25,754 (0.3%). This means that these babies were injected, unless the exposure was just simply not reported. These are the ‘safe’ products on the childhood vaccination regimen? Really? There are currently (as of December 31, 2021) N = 25,754 adverse event reports in VAERS in the Domestic and Foreign data sets for babies aged 0-2. If we use the Under Reporting Factor of 41, this becomes 1,055,914. That’s a big number.
I decided to look into this because I did a podcast with James, Mathew and Geert last night (January 3rd, 2021) and I stated that there are hundreds of reports for babies in VAERS and wondered out loud how that could be. So I checked the exact number today among all vaccines for the most recent VAERS data download.
Fact #1: Did you know that 99.4% of the bloody reports are ‘hidden’ in the Foreign data set?
When the Domestic and Foreign data reports for 0-2 year olds from VAERS are plotted against the difference in the time between the injections and the onset of the adverse events (AEs), we see that a little more 50% are made immediately and 70% are made within 24 hours.
There are many different types of adverse events made for babies aged 0-2. These adverse events include the following in order of descending frequency. 613 of these babies died from various vaccines/products in 2020/2021. Listed below are the top adverse event reports for SYMPTOM1 column only. There are 5 SYMPTOM columns.
What of the COVID-19 products?
If we put a filter on the product manufacturer for COVID-19, the N decreases significantly to N = 244. The distribution of the events can be seen in the figure below.
Fact #2: 5 babies have died in temporal proximity of the COVID-19 products - 4 in association with Pfizer and 1 in association with Moderna.
958443 (within 2 days - Pfizer)
1166062 (within 1 day - Pfizer)
1261766 (within 2 days - Moderna)
1659812 (within 0 days- Pfizer)
1720648 (within 7 days - Pfizer)
We can also assess the percentage of adverse events reported within close temporal proximity to the injection date.
I wanted to simply document this today. I have no message.
“who are the mothers of these infants and why are they injecting them with these products?”
Wait, what?! These infants are really being directly injected? This whole time, I thought the horrific infant injuries/deaths were due to the mother being injected either during pregnancy or while breast-feeding.
I didn’t even think it was legal to inject that age bracket! Is there a way to tease out the data to see which babies were injected versus adjacent?
On a less morose note, I am hoping your audience will join me in recommending Dr. Robert Malone as their next writer-in-residence via this form:
I wrote the following note to my support guy this morning and encourage everyone to add their voices so we create a groundswell they won’t be able to ignore:
Email text below:
[Something] just came up in the comments at another Substacker's post, and I am hoping you can help me get this request to the right person.
Appointing a BigPharma propagandist like Eric Topol as writer-in-residence sent up HUGE red flags for a lot of Substackers who are fighting to present peer-reviewed science, expose MSM disinformation campaigns, and fight the increasingly totalitarian measures being implemented around the world. When Substack made that announcement, *thousands* of people registered their complaints in the comments, but the comments were then turned off and those voices censored. Topol did not permit comments on future posts and refused to debate any issues when challenged by credible scientists. This was a huge blow to the credibility of Substack and its commitment to free speech.
To restore some of that credibility and prove its dedication to free speech and open debate, I highly and emphatically recommend Substack appoint Dr. Robert Malone as its writer-in-residence ASAP. It would be a win-win from every conceivable angle. Substack would be restoring some degree of its tarnished reputation while simultaneously riding the tidal wave of traffic flowing in following Dr. Malone's titanic Joe Rogan appearance, which reached 50 million viewers and has been bringing in a flood of new readers. This, combined with a large portion of the half a million Twitter users who came to Substack after Dr. Malone was cancelled means he has been responsible for bringing potentially millions of new users to your platform. Appointing him writer-in-residence not only demonstrates Substack's integrity but also would encourage even more readers to join Substack as his popularity continues to skyrocket.
The tides are turning toward truth as the BigPharma-funded narrative is disintegrating daily, so Substack would be wise to plant its flag on Team Truth/Reality/Freedom before the full range of MSM-propagated lies and the psychopathic criminality of its BigPharma puppeteers become evident to the public, which is imminent in the wake of the one-two punch of Dr. Peter McCullough + Dr. Malone on Joe Rogan combined with RFK Jr.'s #1 bestselling The Real Anthony Fauci (which I highly recommend you read if you aren't already aware of the four decades' worth of irrefutably documented corruption; torture and murder of both orphans and beagles in agonizing medical experiments; and cataclysmic conflicts of interest caused by regulatory capture).
All that to say this is the moment for Substack to stand up for freedom, truth, and humanity, and I can think of no better person to signal that stance than Dr. Robert Malone (who will be the next subject featured in my new Profiles in Courage series, BTW).
Thank you for bearing with my diatribe, and I eagerly await a response regarding this request.
I heard back from my support guy right away:
“Your feedback is very much appreciated! We're grateful you care enough to write to us with this request. I've passed this along to our community team.”
My experience as a family physician was that when the Hepatitis B vaccine was started to be given to newborns before they left the hospital, parents who had previously been on board with the AAP recommended vaccine schedule, started having second thoughts about the entire program. Hepatitis B is transmitted by direct sexual contact or by contaminated blood (needles), and all pregnant women are routinely tested for Hep B virus during their pregnancies. Then there was the issue of thimerosal (mercury) being added to numerous childhood vaccines as a preservative, resulting in toxic accumulations of mercury in the brains of infants after multiple vaccinations. The "vaccine court" established by the 1986 law that protected pharmaceutical companies from liability for childhood vaccines, has paid out over $4 billion in children's injury claims, while making it very difficult for a claim to be approved.