Sleep and vaccine responses
Patented device to increase vaccine uptake by exploiting chronobiology
If your goal is to improve vaccine response, then do one thing: PROMOTE HEALTH! But this is not about that, is it?

Go here (I think there’s a reason there’s no audible sound in this company’s promotional video), hold Alice’s hand, and fall down the rabbit’s hole. It’s a long drop.
The reason I am writing this into a Substack is because I honestly don’t know what I am looking at. Someone put something in my email inbox regarding a patent a while back (like, last August (2022)). I have been staying away from patent subject matter, simply because I have no bandwidth for it or background on it. But in my attempt to find what this person was pointing me to, I found something else that made my skin crawl. I honestly don’t know what to make of this, so I have decided that I will just post an ordered sequence of screenshots of the patent for you guys. The device was patented on August 16th, 2022, the same day I discovered it.
Sounds… creepy? Let’s give this idea a chance though. Maybe it’s a good idea?
They define a problem here that they call “coronasomnia” which is an inability to sleep due to stress from anticipation of getting the COVID-19 injections and /or adverse events that interrupt sleep that occur afterwards. I can think of a beautiful solution to this problem. It has something to do with not getting the bloody injection.
Subsequently, they are claiming/blaming that ‘insufficient responses to the ‘vaccines’’ are due to these sleep disturbances. Bad humans, you’re messing up their program with all your stress about getting injected with experimental products that have nothing to do with reducing your chances of succumbing to COVID-19 and/or reduction of symptoms when you do. Maybe they should just use that tagline that I love so much when I am nervous about something: JUST RELAX. That always works, doesn’t it?
They prefer non-invasive, non-electrical stimulation of ‘subjects’. Prefer. I see.
Wait. Visual stimulation using bulky, uncomfortable, expensive or exotic equipment? You mean like this?
Innate stimulus, eh? Isn’t that just another way of describing the effects of implants?
Home, eh? How on Earth would they accomplish getting this kind of technology in people’s homes? I mean, that would be as ridiculous as thinking you could get an AI into everyone’s homes that could tell them whether or not it’s raining in Spain right now.
Didn’t I read somewhere that people were saying that they were able to detect injected human beings by MAC address? This is a very strange coincidence.
So NOW they’re concerned about induced immune suppression. I wonder if buddy had a peek at the adverse event data, peer-reviewed papers or case studies indicating that the COVID injections CAUSE immune suppression? I am up to 100 references located on Pubmed indicating immunological problems post-injection for a chapter I am writing in an upcoming book. By the way.
So the brilliant idea here is to put us in an altered state of consciousness and then drug us? Can I pick the tunes and the drugs? No? I see.
Oh, so they plan on keepin’ on keepin’ on, after the injection has been injected because… COVID? Oh I see, you need to know where my body is moving in 3D space because… You know what? This sounds like what I would do if I was collecting data to design a new and realistic video game. Why do these people need to know how and where and why our bodies are moving through 3-space?
Oh right, this is about improving ‘vaccine response’. Roiiiigggghhhhtttttt. Tttt.
Oh dear.
The reason I decided to post this after such a long time is because I believe that we really need to maintain control (as much as we can) of not only our bodies and brains, but our minds or consciousnesses. I know this sounds a bit sci-fi but the fact that there are people filing and publishing patents and even starting companies - and likely have been for quite some time - which includes patenting technologies with the goal to exploit the human being(’s immune system) whilst sleeping, disturbs me to no end. The reason it disturbs me is due to the signs of centralized dictatorship-style ‘governance’ all around us for the past few years. The desire to control the many is clear.
To be clear and as I understand them, patents are basically just ideas that have been filed and published (in some cases), that are owned by specific people for a certain amount of time, and by no means indicate that the idea has been, or ever will be realized. I imagine the patent list of ideas never realized is very long due to a plethora of reasons. But, the fact that this one specifically links to this coronavirus debacle, makes me think that not only might these people realize these ideas in real time, but would likely get heavily funded to do so. Just say the words ‘coronavirus’ or ‘cancer’ and watch the money flow!
Many people, billions in fact, in the context the coronavirus experiment, simply said ‘I want to do the right thing’ and subsequently willingly locked themselves up, gagged themselves, injected themselves repeatedly with as yet experimental products, and signed up for digital paper use for the mere glimmer of being ‘set-free’ ‘one day’. The problem with this (criminal debacle) is that ‘the right thing’ was NOT right at all. It was a bastardization of ‘right’ - an imposterization - to usher in a predatory distortion of the truth aimed to take advantage of a basic human desire to do good. It was an exceedingly predatory and telling experiment and the data continues to roll in.
The fact that there are ‘powers that be’ that desire to control the human species is not new. But the technologies currently available to induce control, are. And, if I may, it seems to me that communal apathy has reached a new high within certain urban settings. From observation, the majority of people I see nowadays are more concerned with scrolling through a device than taking a moment to smile at the person sitting across from them, or walking past them. I don’t necessarily assign blame, per se, to this learned behavior, but it needs to be acknowledged. I think it’s leading us away from what we fundamentally are.
The disconnection between humans, and between humans and mother Earth and the entirety of her ecosystem, concerns me deeply. We have indeed been preyed upon for the past 3 years. Forced isolation imposed in militant ways by military forces, in many countries (why?), forced sterilization of environment, removal of necessary immune stimulation for months at a time, installation of technologies and devices that most people are subjected to daily, with no knowledge of potential disruptions to sleep patterns, concentration or basic human physiology.
Sometimes I wonder if there are any ‘healthy’ people left in urban environments or if we’re all just walking tumor environments.
My point here is that since billions of people were so easily lullabied into a hypnosis-like state - suggestible, maleable, impressionable - then it isn’t hard for me to imagine it happening again. And perhaps the next time, the outcome won’t be ‘as good’. Imagine if the ‘powers that be’ aren’t satisfied with controlling us in the waking world. What would happen if they found a way to prey on us in our sleep? Or even to induce altered states of consciousness to make us even more suggestible?
That’s what the patented device above is designed to do: to improve the efficiency of an injected product by exploiting the immune system state during the sleep cycle. Again, if this technology is being developed, or succeeds to be developed, what will it be used for? And will anyone be told that it is being used?
Based on the lack of mere possibility (let alone actual) of informed consent in the latest ‘human experiment’ that we’ve been subjected to, I highly doubt that the centralized governing forces would ask for our permission to use any kind of new technology on us. Why would they? We might, perish the thought, tell them: go to hell and to take their dream software with them. But they know what’s best for us, right?
I dare say, they rarely do ask for permission and I also dare say, that besides the known atrocious experiments done to human beings without their knowledge or consent over the decades, many, many more have been undertaken and many, many more are currently being done without our knowledge and therefore, of course, without our consent. Think of our soldiers. Those innocent souls told that their college tuition will be paid for and that they’ll be heroes for defending their nation. The only problem is, it does so appear that they’re not defending the nation; they’re defending an outdated degenerate agenda upheld by a bunch of old money war-mongers, and the bad news is that our soldiers have to be fully injected to do so. Again, predation. It’s all BS. Wars are BS. But I digress.
The thing is this. If an enormous amount of damage is done in the meantime, then the ability to do anything to fight back will be admonished. How convenient. You see the problem? Think of it this way. If you destroy the ability of an army to fight as an organized group, then you needn’t launch a single missile. ‘They’ will have been destroyed from the inside. In addition, on the subject of apathy of the masses, without the will to live and the desire for sovereignty, there is no life. I think the ‘powers that be’ know this very well and I think their tactical war guns have turned toward the people. I really do.
People who cherish freedom, truth and sovereignty are enemies of dictators, liars and degenerate regimes. I believe that while we are still able to fight, we must. For sovereignty - not just as individuals - but as nations. Our differences - all of our differences, must be honored and celebrated, not by using virtue signaling woke BS, but by preserving borders, languages, songs… culture itself.
It occurred to me yesterday (although my partner says I should be writing science fiction novels with my ideas) that perhaps it is not we, as humans, who seem to be living a movie. Perhaps, in fact, the movie is living in all of us. In any case, one needs to ask, are we writing the scripts based on imagination or based on reality? Do awesome ideas invent the future or were they already there? Most good science fiction films actually provide good survival ideas, if you care to look! But I am not endeavoring on my new career as a science fiction writer just yet.
Pertaining to exploitation of chronobiology and vaccine response optimization, that would be a clear: “Lay off my brainwaves, crazy person”, from me. And furthermore, if we all get body snatched in our dreams, we’re done. Not sure how else to say it. Stay ‘awake’? Freddy Kreuger would not approve.
Did you guys know that this is Robert Englund who played Willie on V?
...not a Canadian I feel more proud of than you Dr. Rose....keep informing us, and letting us know what the Evil ones are up to.....I feel the same as you..."keep your dirty little hands off of my brainwaves."...perhaps they need to concentrate more on finding out where theirs have disappeared to.
"It occurred to me yesterday (although my partner says I should be writing science fiction novels with my ideas) that perhaps it is not we, as humans, who seem to be living a movie. Perhaps, in fact, the movie is living in all of us. In any case, one needs to ask, are we writing the scripts based on imagination or based on reality? Do awesome ideas invent the future or were they already there? Most good science fiction films actually provide good survival ideas, if you care to look! But I am not endeavoring on my new career as a science fiction writer just yet."
Exactly this. The Movie is buried deep within us, within what Jung termed the Collective Unconscious, and it is common to all human beings on the planet. It is a living breathing thing which animates us all in our every day lives, though few barely perceive it. The entire human race is intimately connected via this vast reservoir which has evolved along with the species. It literally defines us as human beings. Thus far, it has been unassailable by the 'powers that be' but they are working on that, attempting now to control our dream-like sleep state, where the connection with the Collective Unconscious is most powerfully manifested. If they can manage to hack the collective subconscious strata of the human species, then they can destroy us totally. The good news is that the very thing which they seek to control has anticipated them by a mile. That's why you're writing stuff like this, online, for thousands to see and understand. It's why so many other people are doing the same. It's why the human race Great Awakening is reaching critical mass, which is as much an inner wakening as it is outer. We all know about waking people up by informing their conscious awareness of exactly what's going on, but simultaneously, and perhaps far more importantly, the collective human spirit is stirring within each and every one of us and it is way more powerful than anything which the globalist elite can throw at us (thus far).
It just occurred to me that perhaps the globalist elite are part of The Movie themselves and they are attempting to hack it from within, which is kind of amusing, when you think about it.